kebababab · 10 years
[laughs at that] Of course I am. 'M mostly human ain't I? Hehe. [wraps an arm around him] It's been a small while since we've been alone like this, huh?
[ turns to him, shaking his head and smiling a little ] I just came to watch the beach. [ it’s dark out in the beach, but the part where he is is still illuminated, and there are...
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kebababab · 10 years
At this point, even if his latte was terrible, the brunet had decided that he would come back solely to see Gilbert. Sure, they hadn't talked very much or really even know each other, but Gilbert seem interesting so
"Maybe," Sadik responded with a smile stretching across his face and sat the cup down. Moving to take out his wallet, he sifted through it to collect the correct change. Once he had what he needed, he handed over the desired amount. "Thanks again." Grabbing his cup, the Turk made his way towards one of the armchairs sitting towards what looked to be the center of the room and yawned lightly as he set the cup on a small table.
Opening his bag, he took out a book and set that on the armchair before zipping it up and resting the bag near the chair. Taking up his book once, he deposited himself in the chair and grabbed his cup to take a quick sip. When it was set down for the second time, he opened his book to where he had left off and continued reading.
Coffee Stop - fadedironcross & kebababab
Gilbert took every new customer almost as a challenge. Creating loyal customers was, of course, always the goal, as they tended to come back often and boost sales. And, in turn, they’d leave Gilbert more tip money. And for some reason he wanted to see this one come back. It didn’t hurt that he wasn’t bad looking. Far from it, in fact.
It took a moment to recover from having been so flustered. He made a mental note to erase the message as soon as this customer left and had disappeared from sight. And the next time he wrote a silly message on that chalkboard, it would have to be a joke, maybe something coffee-related if he could find it — certainly not any more quips about his personal life, no matter how badly he wanted to go on a date again.
"Well, you never know," he answered with a shrug, making a last-minute decision to say something a little on the bold side. "Maybe he already has." He tried to maintain his composure once he recalled that he hadn’t yet had the man pay for his drink. "Oh yeah, that’ll be three euro twenty-five."
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kebababab · 10 years
Okay I'm gonna try hard to do all replies here.
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kebababab · 10 years
[brows knit together in confusion, BUT GEEZ COLD FACE]
I haven't given ya tha cold shoulder lately.
You know what else is cold?
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kebababab · 10 years
I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything today; I just don't feel good.
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kebababab · 10 years
[arches a brow at him]
[puts his cold, cold hands on ur face]
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kebababab · 10 years
Oh. Well, now ya've got company. [he'll just take a seat next to him] [close but not too close, but man it's been a while since he's been around Rafael, hasn't it?]
[yawns out loud, watching him]
Any particularly reason yer up this late?
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kebababab · 10 years
[there's goosebumps on his arms now BUT]
[messes up his hair]
Yer hands are cold.
[puts his cold, cold hands on ur face]
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kebababab · 10 years
[yawns out loud, watching him]
Any particularly reason yer up this late?
[ it’s late at night but he’s literally still outside ] [ wow sucker ]
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kebababab · 10 years
[snoring obnoxiously loud on the couch, dangerously close to falling off, but really, only children sleep sprawled out with limbs every which way]
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kebababab · 10 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
he’s the kind of guy who has 356286 selfies on his phone
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kebababab · 10 years
Okay so you guys may have noticed I gave out replies on my Germany! I did. I'm also completely caught up and once I am, I'll do replies on here!
I'm leaving in roughly 50 minutes though so yeah. I will be back later!
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kebababab · 10 years
Ok time for sleep again
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kebababab · 10 years
Watching the dog as it came inside, Sadik couldn't help but wonder as to what it's name was and what type of breed it was for the few briefest moments before turning his attention back to Ludwig. "Oh, I see. Well, alright, I'll definetely hafta keep that in mind. Who's tha new dog though?" His curiosity would probably settle once he learned the new dog's name.
Sadik waited, not minding at all if Ludwig needed to gather his thoughts, but blinked at the noise he heard, spring green eyes swiveling in the direction of the second dog who was currently looking to get inside it seemed. Though when the blond moved to speak again, Sadik’s gaze returned to him, looking interested and focused. “Hmm… Okay—that’s easy enough ta remember. Ya have several dogs though—did they get used ta each other quickly or were there some problems?”
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kebababab · 10 years
I gotta give one reply at least to one person and that will be that for hte night
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kebababab · 10 years
Okay so I'm just gonna lurk
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kebababab · 10 years
[brightens, looking curious]
What? [smiles]
Ah, okay, I thought so.
I’ll snoop around yer apartment an’ see if I can get ya somethin’ ya don’t already have.
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