This weeks module was challenging.
It brought up subjects that are not comfortable to talk about, they’re not easy to talk about, but they need to be talked about.  
The Black Lives Matter movement is, for some, a very touchy subject.  Every time that it’s brought up there always has to be someone screaming “All lives matter”. And yes, they do, but black lives are the ones being slain right now, they are the ones that we need to stand up for.  The comedian in the YouTube video in this weeks readings hit the nail on the head with his analogy about the house fire.  In it he said it was like calling the fire department for your house being on fire, them trying to put it out, and your neighbor scream but ‘all houses matter’.  Yes, but mine is on fire right now and needs the attention.  All lives matter, but black lives need the attention brought to them!
It needs to be said as well that the #metoo movement isn’t over just because Harvey Weinstein has been convicted of his crimes.  That movement, like BLM, will be forever on going until there isn’t any sexual assault or harassment. An article that we read called for men to be held accountable by their peers, and that is a great idea, but until all men get on the same page that’s not going to happen.  Now is the time for all humans to start watching out for each other, movement or not.
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Many companies have taken to social media in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.  It’s amazing to see, in this dumpster fire of a world, people supporting people.
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Black Lives Matter Protests Around the World
This video, though short, is very powerful.  It does a tremendous job in showing, at least in 2020, the impact of police brutality on the African American community and the outpouring of support.  I was glad to see in the marches allies of every race.
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"It finishes with a line that we frequently use when we train men on healthy, respectful manhood: 'Most men are not abusive. But they are far too often silent about the abuse committed by other men. Their silence is as much of the problem as the abuse.' "
Ted Bunch,  Call To Men co-founder as quoted by LaMotte, S. (2017, November 9). How #metoo Could Change From Social Campaign to Social Change. CNN https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/30/health/metoo-legacy/index.html
As a woman, it really pains me that we have to rely this heavily on men to stop harassment/abuse, but it’s the only way.  Mr. Bunch is absolutely correct in saying that silence is a huge problem. It is and it will be until men start standing up to each other and saying something.
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RBG meant a lot of things to a lot of people, not just the women that she stood for.  I really enjoyed this blurb about her and the athletes that she inspired. May her memory be a blessing.
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