kenanpages · 1 month
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Ingenious is his middle name.
Kenan had just finished uploading his recent cover for his TikTok. Been a while since he uploaded his cover of Hollywood or K-Pop artists songs. This time, he covered the recent pop hit of Ariana Grande, 'we can't be friends'. He listened to that album many times, and decided to cover to showcase his own talent, why not?
As he layed down on his chair, he remembers something. "I needed to be more active and more ambitious than this, am I?" Suddenly, he remembers something that he thinks would be entertaining and funny. He scrolled down through his gallery, and came across and Idea after seeing a clip of Rihanna at The SuperBowl Halftime a while ago. So he get up, and start to take his equipment, throw his warm clothes at himself even though it's Spring now.
"Let's get schwifty."
For a few hours or so, he filmed everything he needed. Actually, he planned to be filming it alone, but it's kind of difficult. So he asked his fellow friends to help, Eric and Jacob, which makes things easier. And thanks to their help, he could start editing the video before the day became late.
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Kenan diligently sitting in front of his computer, trying hard to edit the video to became a masterpiece. It's not a song cover, not a DIY or a typical TikTok video you usually saw on your FYP. So he, trying his best to show how great he was to his followers and of course, The BigBoss.
After some time squinting his eyes, hurting his back because of sitting, the video finally finished. A smile and small laugh seen on his face. He opens up his TikTok again, and although his account already filled with compliments and likes, why not add another one?
With expectations, he uploaded the video he just made. Adding some hashtags, and also tagging Rihanna, just to add the fun. And now, why don't we watch his self-claimed TikTok of Kenan Mallory now?
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