ketsuekki · 3 years
→ Greek Mythology AU: War Nymph Minami!
Begat from from the womb of Aphrodite, the seed of a soldier, and the blood of Ares, Minami, the younger of a pair of twins, was born in abnormal circumstances and became an abnormality herself. Closer to divinity than others on account of having two godly parents, yet restrained by her mortal heritage, she was more akin to a nymph than the likes of Aeneas and Achilles. She was the embodiment of (the fear of) poisons and weaponised fire. As such, although still vulnerable to normal wounds, she would never age or succumb to illness so long as her domain remained strong. As a result of being their incarnate, her very blood itself was poisonous, as well as flammable upon will; with the invention and consequent fear of Greek fire, her blood mimicked its trait of being inextinguishable by water. The deadly nature of her blood was, in itself, was a bastardisation of how ichor was made toxic to mortals through the consumption of ambrosia.
Her twin sister, Kiseki, was violated and murdered by Hephaestus, her mother’s husband, as punishment for Aphrodite’s unfaithfulness. Minami turned lead and mercury poisonous in retribution, permanently tormenting his patronage of smiths, craftsmen, metalworking, and stonemasonry with morbi metallici. She takes every opportunity to spite him.
Her human father died while she was an infant, and she gives no particular thought to him, having being raised by various nymphs and members of her mother’s retinue instead. On the other hand, she greatly adores Aphrodite and her lord father Ares, often accompanying him into battle alongside Deimos and Phobos, of whom she is well beloved and often courted by. She takes her divine parents’ sides in all matters where her support can be given, and defends their honour zealously; once, she went so far as to terrorise an entire city-state through routine poisoning of their wells, pipes, lakes, animals and even the local ecosystem with her blood, all due to the proclamation their Queen was more beautiful than Aphrodite, only ceasing once the Queen was publicly maimed.
Minami seeds violence wherever she travels in order to nurture her influence; partly out of sheer sadism and delight in warfare, partly to strengthen her powers. Having seen how easily her older sister was overcome and slain, knowing that she most likely will never be granted immortality, she greatly fears being subjugated in the same manner, and so seeks to make herself a more formidable foe. The only way to do this is through making her mortal kin more and more afraid of poisons and fire. She also uses the incredible beauty inherited from Aphrodite to her advantage, charming many women and men alike.
Percy Jackson AU: 
As time progressed, her dominion expanded into the fear of chemical weapons and bombs. Her blood remains poisonous, and is capable of being exploded in addition to ignited. She had a rather large hand in escalating the the Cold War. 
She is now capable of vitakinesis; she can heal minor injuries (although they leave scars), and regenerate small amounts of flesh, such as fingers. Doing so requires energy, leaving her as vulnerable as a normal human while tired. She possesses many abilities of both her divine parents’ demigod children, but is not usually said to be a true demigod herself, although, even now, her classification remains a matter of debate; she is considered a minor goddess or a daimon to most.
Minami has many lavish apartments in many cities, which she prefers over her residence in Olympus as they’re more convenient, seeing how often she travels on errands for her godly parents or to stir up trouble. She can often be found indulging in food tourism, operas, poison taste testing, or attending live demolitions.
She still despises Hephaestus for what he did to her sister, and goes out of her way to flaunt her parentage and disrupt his plans.
She has / is dating the twins Deimos and Phobos, but only in bursts; not even the gods of fear and terror can hope to keep her in place for long. Seeing as she both needs to earn her immortality and enjoy her possibly limited life, Minami runs from one interest to the next, with little care for what destruction or longing lovers she leaves behind. She always makes up for her absences the next time, though.
She cares very little for her half-siblings; if neither of her parents ask it of her, she’s not motivated to get involved with any of them, and will not even vouch for them if she doesn’t find it entertaining. 
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ketsuekki · 3 years
[    PSA    ]   i have changed my moniker from three → moka !
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ketsuekki · 3 years
i made a separate blog for minami’s game of thrones au because i’m insane apparently. anyways, which username is better   :   @/lannnisport   vs   @/lannistermutt   ?
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ketsuekki · 3 years
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Hihi! I am now taking emergency commissions. Please see the above images for my prices and general info! My email is [email protected]. Feel free to message me with any queries.
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ketsuekki · 3 years
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Sorry for the inactivity recently! I’ve been busy preparing for university, and actually moved in yesterday! Can’t say on how active I will be from this point on, either, but I’m going to try my best to balance everything!
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ketsuekki · 3 years
pspspsp @ mutuals' empathetic muses... if you want them to feel bad for an enemy, let their guard down and then promptly get hurt? hit me up 😏 minami's been practicing her acting.
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ketsuekki · 3 years
another meme inspired by devotedecay’s format !     tw  for  violence, blood, mature themes. send  in  one  of  these  for  my  muse’s  reaction  to  … (  add  ❝  reverse  ❞   if  you’d  like  to  see  how  my  muse  would  preform  the  action  !  )
[ deck ]   your muse decking mine in the face.
[ punch ]   your muse punching mine anywhere / or specify.
[ pin ]   your muse forcibly pinning my muse beneath them.
[ straddle ]   your muse forcing mine to the ground and straddling them.
[ scratch ]   your muse raking mine with their nails / claws.
[ bite ]   your muse biting mine.
[ turn ]   your muse rolling from beneath to atop my muse.
[ wall ]   your muse pinning mine against a wall.
[ snarl ]   your muse snarling / growling at mine.
[ curse ]   your muse cursing at / cursing mine out.
[ tug ]   your muse gripping mine’s hair.
[ kick ]   your muse kicking mine anywhere / or specify.
[ point + gun ]   your muse holding mine at gun point.
[ point + knife ]   your muse holding mine at knife point.
[ mock ]   your muse mocking mine.
[ sweep ]   your muse knocking mine off their feet.
[ grab ]   your muse grabbing mine forcibly.
[ shoot ]   your muse shooting my muse anywhere / or specify.
[ stab ]   your muse stabbing my muse anywhere / or specify.
[ break ]   your muse breaking any of mine’s bones / or specify.
[ strangle ]   your muse choking mine out.
[ shove ]   your muse shoving mine forcibly.
[ bruise ]   your muse making mine bruise.
[ under ]   your muse shoving mine underwater.
[ attempt ]   your muse attempting to kill mine.
[ bare ]   your muse baring their teeth at mine.
[ threaten ]   your muse threatening mine.
[ spit ]   your muse making mine spit blood.
[ bleed ]   your muse making mine bleed.
[ burn ]   your muse burning mine.
[ corner ]   your muse cornering mine.
[ throat ]   your muse wrapping a hand around mine’s throat.
[ challenge ]   your muse challenging mine.
[ cut ]   your muse cutting mine.
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ketsuekki · 3 years
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013. Have they ever been bullied or teased?   ———   @taishaa​.
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Yes, for a short while in Minami’s early childhood. She was the easiest target; overly quiet with a stammer, a limited vocabulary, the worst at academics, smaller than the rest, and visibly neglected. The bullying consisted of things such as rock throwing and verbal abuse, among other things. Their environment was one that fostered violence. 
It lasted all of two weeks before the class learnt their lesson and the smart ones kept away, seeing as Minami retaliated the moment she felt threatened    ———   and she was always worse. Even pulling her hair was an offence that guaranteed you a stab wound with whatever kiddy scissors she could get her hands on.
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ketsuekki · 3 years
100 Random Character Development Questions
001. When is their birthday? 002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday? 003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? 004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? 005. Are they in good health? 006. What sense do they most rely on? 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? 008. What is their favorite fairy tale? 009. Do they believe in happy endings? 010. Do they believe in love at first sight? 011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? 012. What makes your character embarrassed? 013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? 014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. 015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? 016. What is their choice of weapon? 017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? 018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? 019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? 020. What are their hobbies? 021. How do they display affection? 022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? 023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? 024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? 025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? 026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? 027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? 028. What makes them laugh out loud? 029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? 030. Do they believe in the afterlife? 031. Are they superstitious about anything? 032. Does your character believe in ghosts? 033. Do they keep their promises? 034. What’s their view of lying? 035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? 036. How honorable is your character? 037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? 038. What bad habits do they have? 039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? 040. What is their obsession? 041. Are they comfortable with technology? 042. What is their greatest achievement? 043. What will they stand up for? 044. What disgusts them? 045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? 046. How do they handle getting sick? 047. What was the last medical problem your character had? 048. Do they have any allergies? 049. How does your character feel about growing old? 050. How does your character feel about their own mortality? 051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? 052. What is your character’s worst flaw? 053. What is your character’s greatest strength? 054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? 055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? 056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? 057. Has your character ever killed anyone? 058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? 059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? 060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? 061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? 062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? 063. How well does your character handle difficult people? 064. In what ways does your character annoy others? 065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? 066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? 067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? 068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? 069. What about your character is heroic? 070. What about your character is cowardly? 071. How kind is your character? 072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) 073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) 074. What is your character’s favorite game? 075. Is your character ticklish? 076. How do they express anger? 077. How often do they cry? Over what? 078. How emotionally stable is your character? 079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? 080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? 081. Is your character religious? 082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? 083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? 084. Describe your character in one word. 085. Describe your character in three words. 086. How would your character describe themself in one word? 087. How would your character describe themself in three words? 088. Is your character quiet or loud? 089. How vocally expressive is your character? 090. How bodily expressive is your character? 091. What type of music does your character like? 092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? 093. What is your character’s goal in life? 094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. 095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. 096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? 097. How well do they adapt to change? 098. Does your character like animals? 099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? 100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about?
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ketsuekki · 3 years
what colour would you call minami's hair?
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ketsuekki · 3 years
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she’s more than mommy to me! she’s like... she’s like grandma!
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ketsuekki · 3 years
these violent delights, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from these violent delights by chloe gong.
are you trying to pick a fight?
can’t start the show without me.
you know me: running around, living life, committing arson.
misfortunes tend to come all at once.
you’re not stupid, so stop acting like it.
we’ve done all we can.
i see eyes, but i see no brain.
i deserve at least a little chuckle, come on.
you really don’t know me anymore.
let’s try again, like civilized people.
careful. don’t trip.
do you have somewhere better to be?
i hate those who harm the people i love.
you used to be so rude.
why do you keep giving me that face?
are we having a party i wasn’t invited to?
if you would be so kind, get out of my face.
have you not been sleeping?
there’s no harm in listening.
i’d rather be callous than weak.
i’m made of the places i’ve been.
too many kind hearts turn cold every day.
i’m worried. can you blame me?
loyalty is a fickle and ever-changing thing.
really? you climbed my house?
i don’t need you educating me.
you’re on the wrong path, and you know it.
you finished the whole bottle already?
i’ve been sleeping, just not well.
we do not have the luxury of mercy.
we used to be a team.
none of it was real.
should i have blindfolded you?
you’re allergic to lonesomeness.
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ketsuekki · 3 years
in most verses, minami is wealthy and spends on whatever she finds amusing with little care; clothes, food, apartments, it doesn’t matter, even if they end up being used once or less (although the homes do come in handy for work). she places no emotional value to objects, so she gets rid of these as easily as she does people. 
she has trashed entire wardrobes on a whim and gone on extended shopping sprees more times than she can count. and why shouldn’t she? getting paid ludicrous amounts is one of the benefits of being the best at your job. minami’s clientele are usually stupid rich (or hope to be with her use) themselves, and as a few of them enjoy saying: there’s no price too high for a guarantee. 
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ketsuekki · 3 years
added  a  teenage  subverse  for  bnha  minami  .    she  is  going  to  terrorise  ...    many  people  .
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ketsuekki · 3 years
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❝   what would you be, if you could be anything?   ❞     ———   @fireblight​.
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Karin’s saintly touch may have worked wonders opening others for dissection, but Minami is not another    ———   she is the Other. Her pages were not as easy to discern, more bleeding ink and missing chapters than the potboiler novels found in most. It is almost comedic to behold; seeing such a generic, inviting piece of conversational bait turned to mush between her grinding teeth. A childish sensitivity aroused by a childish sentiment.
What would you be, if you could be anything? Within those words, the implication   :   you are not welcome here   /   you are weak   /   and you can not get what you want, not unless you are blessed.
Minami was a perfect shinobi; there was no role in the world for her but here, no place she fit so well as the Akatsuki’s repertoire. It was obvious. Why would the girl dare ask otherwise if not for the sake of contempt? Did she think her unfitting? Did she think her forced into this sheath, as if she was a breed of coward so spineless she would allow her lessers to command her? Did she think her helpless enough to not leave if she desired?    ———   A sigh, coloured by exhaustion.
God, I hate teenagers. They always treat missions like sleepovers.
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❝   Right now? Your murderer. Ha ha ha. Now piss off. I’m not a babysitter for you Taka fucks.   ❞
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ketsuekki · 3 years
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❛  i left something upstairs for you, baby.  ❜ :)    ———   @xfthemist​.
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With those words comes a vestigial understanding, coaxed out like a leech turned homemaker. There is the itch of remembrance; punchlines from whatever late night television she tuned out during sleep, the echo of her own mocking imitations, turning from faint to sour with every moment that passed. Minami did not enjoy being ridiculed. Never had a slight   (   her critics would insert a perceived there, but she knew     ———   she always knew!     ———   ridicule when she fucking saw it   )   in her life gone unpunished, and that was exactly what the huntress intended. 
I see what you’re doing, bitch, she thought, real funny.
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❝   For little old me? Oh! I hope it’s a head, stuck on a stick and everything! But you should know   ———   if it's my landlord up there, all you’ve done is save me rent.   ❞
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ketsuekki · 3 years
green is the fucking colour of all time
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