kikisfuneralservice · 6 months
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Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey Talk Fellow Travelers Sex Scenes
I knew Jonny was a brilliant actor, trusted him implicitly. We made a deal from the get-go that we were going to look out for each other in all of the scenes. What was amazing was watching him bring the work to set every day and then just letting it all happen on camera for the first time, and letting these characters be vulnerable with each other on camera for the first time, and trying not to overthink it or talk about it too much, but hopefully presenting it in a way that it would be alive while the cameras were rolling.
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kikisfuneralservice · 6 months
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kikisfuneralservice · 7 months
this ruined me
I played charades with SHINee!
I’m sorry this is so long!!! I wanted to be very detailed!
Brooke (@brookelyns12), Heather, and I went to the SHINee fan meet in Chicago tonight! We were among the 20 ladies picked to go up on stage and play charades with SHINee! So, here’s how the evening went for me.
So first, I have to say how we were picked. When we first got into the venue, my friend stopped a guy (Eddie, he was super nice and amazing), and asked where our seats were and he said “Oh, they’re over there. Do you want to go on stage and play a game with SHINee?” and we went “uh… yes. That would be good.” So he told us that after they sang “Hello” we needed to go to the side door and meet him and was it okay that we were going to miss the Q&A part and we were like “yeah that’s fine.”
So, we find out seats and I literally had to breathe into a bag to calm down. We made friends with some girls sitting by us and one girl near us could scream so loudly that it hurt, so I’m really glad that I brought ear plugs. Also, the music was super loud and hurt, too, so another reason I was glad.
So, they came out and sang “Everybody” 0.0 and then they introduced themselves and only Onew bowed because I think he forgot (I don’t know, but i loved it!) and they introduced themselves in english. And when Jjong did, a fan boy shouted “I LOVE YOU!” and Jjong smiled and said “I love you, too” in english! and Minho kept saying “Chi-town” instead of Chicago and I saw him tear up during them introducing themselves because of how loud we all were for them. Key said they were so blown away by us and the love they had already received and he wanted to know where we get out shirts and CDs (merchandise, basically) because he knows they don’t have a store in the U.S. I don’t know if they found out (the MC said something about Ebay, but I don’t personally tend to use Ebay, I typically use kpoptown and cdjapan).
Then they went off stage to change and the MC talked to us. He joked that we would cheer for anything he said and then said “I had eggs for breakfast!” and we cheered really loudly and he laughed. Then SHINee came back out and they played the fan video for them. And Jjong cried and so many people had amazing videos and OMG THEY INCLUDED MINE!!!  In the video I had hearts over my head and told them how proud we all are of them and how much we love them and just want them to be happy and Onew did wavy hands at the screen during my video and I FREAKED OUT and fell down into my seat and sobbed for a few seconds. Then after the fan videos, they sang “Hello” and it was so good! 
When the song ended, we ran out and met the other girls who were doing the game, too. Eddie told us to put our bags down in the waiting room and then we lined up in a backstage hall and they separated us into 5 teams of 4 people. There were only 3 of us, so we had another girl added to our team.  She told us she came to the fan meet because her sister wanted to for her birthday and that she was turning 14 today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMAZING GIRL!!!) I’m so excited and happy for her that she got to do this on her birthday!
Then, they had us go out on stage and line up and SHINee each drew a ball with a number on it and that number told them which team they got. We were team 1 and Onew got us (he gave the ball with the number on it to the other girl in our group and she was so excited)! Jjong got team 2, Key got team 3, Minho got team 4, and Taemin got team 5. Then they tried to tell us how to play the game and it was loud and confusing and I looked at the girl and said “I don’t know what we’re doing?” and Onew leaned over and said “Me either.” And then I figured out it was charades and I leaned over to him and said “Okay, so you’re supposed to act out the word on the paper and we have to guess.” and he said “Only me?” and looked so adorably perplexed and I said “I don’t know. Maybe.” That was right.
Taemin’s team went first. Their category was school and they got 12 correct. He was so cute and silly acting out the things and he was super impressed when his team guessed some of the words. Onew laughed at the faces Taemin was making. Also, Onew realized that it was really hard to hear the girls’ guesses, so he went over and held a microphone up for them. He did it for Minho’s team, too. Minho’s team was next and their category was occupations and they got 9 correct. The first one was firefighter and it was so cute how he pretended to have a hose and AAHHHHHHH! Key’s category was instruments and they got 10 correct. Minho and Taemin stood behind him and tried to distract the girls and it was hilarious. Onew and I kept leaning forward trying to see the card to see what the words were. When we weren’t sure what xylophone was, he went over and looked at it and then came back and said “oh! It’s xylophone!” and he said it in the cutest voice! Then came Jjong’s turn and his category was movies and they got 10 right. And he totally cheated. He just started saying famous lines from the movies and it was hilarious. Also, Onew has apparently never seen Avatar because Jjong didn’t know how to do that one and they had to pass and Onew went and looked at it and came back with this confused look on his face. 
Then it was our turn. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! We got animals and we got 9 correct. I told Onew not to worry too much because I know he’s a amazing actor and we can do this! Key held the microphone for us. Onew had 3 boxes to choose from and so he walked over and had me choose which box to do. He opened it so cutely (just kept tossing it all adorably and aggressively on the ground). When we were getting ready to guess, Key held the microphone up to me and I said “Do you believe we can do this?” and he said “I don’t know.” and I said “Do it. Believe in us!” Then we were about to start and I went to give Onew a high five and he wiped his hand on his pants first and then gave me one and then the went down our line and gave the whole team one! I can’t remember all the animals we went through (I do remember my friend took forever to get giraffe, but please forgive her. She’s a new SHAWOL!), but Onew did so well! I ended up being last and the word was tiger and so Onew roared and pretend to bat things with his hands, so I started guessing big cats, but I guess I spoke too quickly and quietly because I said “lion? tiger? cat? uhh…” and he kept doing it and Key said “It’s a big cat” and so I was guessing leopard and mountain lion and Key said “Keep going. It’s like that.” and so I went back to lion and Onew ended up saying “No, lion.” and then time ran out. They told me it was tiger and Key said “Yeah. Tiger. Tiger. Tiger.” and I said “I said tiger.” and he said “but you didn’t get it.” and I did this little jump at him (Okay, it looks kinda aggressive in the video, but I wasn’t that close to him and he’s really tall and I think I just startled him because I’m really small and have literally no stage fright) and said “I said tiger!” and Onew came over and said “She said tiger!” into his mic and Key said “I’m not the judge.” So I went over to the MC and said “I said tiger!” and Onew ran over and yelled into the mic “SHE SAID TIGER!!” and the MC pretend to call security. So I walked away because I didn’t really care, but if our team lost, then Onew would have to do punishment and I didn’t want that! Then the MC said “that’s one aggressive girl!” and I walked back over to him and put my hands on his arms and said “It’s really okay, because it’s really loud in here and you just didn’t hear me. It’s okay.” and he said “Yeah, it is really loud. Okay.”
So we walked back to our spots and Onew came over to me and said “The next one was jelly fish. What? How?” and then he and my friend tried to figure out how to do jelly fish for a second and he laughed. Then they announced that Taemin won and he did this adorable proud spin! Jjong was really proud of his team and he gave them all a big hug! Not to be shown up, Onew pulled us all in his team in to a big hug and he hugged us so tightly and warmly. They decided that Minho and Onew lost and they let us leave the stage. We walked off and went back to Eddie and got our stuff and went to our seats. I found out that between me leaving stage and me getting to my seat, the MC announced that I actually had said tiger and that Onew shouldn’t get punished, but they still did it anyway. You should know that my friends and I basically made friends with any staff member that walked past us. We kept asking Eddie if he needed anything because we were so grateful and he thought it was really sweet and told us to find him after the show, but we couldn’t because venue staff ushered us out (which is understandable, but it was sad that we didn’t get to hang with our new friend.) I also want to say about this that I genuinely wanted to hang out with EDDIE because he seemed really cool and friendly and wasn’t trying to use him as a way to get any private one-on-one time with any of SHINee. Someone suggested that to me later and I got mad. SHINee are busy and need their personal time and I SERIOUSLY do not want to interrupt that at all. I got to see them and that is genuinely enough for me. 
After the game, we went back to our seats and they did the punishment game for Onew and Minho. They had to act out how they’d act if their girlfriend was mad at them. They looked embarrassed, but did it so cutely! Onew pretended his girlfriend slapped him and then they talked it out and made up and it was so cute! Sassy Key called out saying that Onew’s acting was bad. Then Minho had to do it and he made Onew pretend to be his girlfriend and proceeded to try to jump all over Onew and kiss his face and when Onew pushed him away, he did major aegyo and you could see Onew fighting a smiling but holding it together well. It was so cute! After that they sang another song (was it Replay? I can’t remember) and then they went backstage to change again. They played a behind the scenes video of the making of View and it was precious!!!! I’ve seen it before, but still! “Carrot no no!” Then SHINee came back on and sang View! and then they sang Sherlock (? honestly I’m having a super hard time remember what they sang after I got back to my seat). They ended and said goodbye and Key promised to come back again because of how impressed they were and how great we were and he was the last off stage (Minho was second to last and did his thing where he walks to every edge of the stage and waves at EVERYBODY) and kept talking to us in English about how they ARE going to come back!
When we left the venue, we found a group of 3 women outside just sitting and crying. So we went over and gave them tissues and consoled them and they told us that they were just so happy. They had been fans since SHINee debuted and they were older fans (about 30 years old, I think, probably a little less) and they had never imagined that they would get this opportunity. If SHINee had done this ANYWHERE else in the states, they wouldn’t have gotten to go, so this was huge for them! I actually videoed them telling us some of this. I am going to post it later, because THAT is the kind of thing SHINee needs to see. They need to see that they have fans in the states that have been around since the beginning and are so proud of them! I know not everyone has been a fan that long, myself included, but I need them to know that they are SO loved!
So, this is what it’s like to see SHINee up close in the flesh. Taemin is a literal fairy, but, at the same time hilarious, sexy, sweet, clever, and gorgeous! Minho could be carved from marble and I would see no difference. He has so much love for us in his heart! He’s so happy and sees how amazing his life is! Some idols don’t see, but he sees! Jonghyun… wow! You’ve seen pictures of him, but they do NO justice for him! He is probably the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, and I didn’t even get to get that close to him. He’s so happy and clever and funny! One of the movies he had to do was Jurassic Park (Onew laughed really hard at that!) and so he just pointed at his face and then did t-rex arms! I laughed so hard! Dino!!!! He was also very loving with his team and gave them hugs and hand shakes! He’s also nowhere near as short as people make him out to be! I would look quite small compared to him! and HIS HAIR WAS THIS SO BEAUTIFUL LIGHT PINK AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! Key can’t be real. His skin is flawless. His voice is sassy yet deep. He’s dark chocolate! His eyes are so intense (yes he had contacts in, but the point is, he was making intense eye contact with me). He’s tall and thin and if he couldn’t sing he’d be a model in a second! When you stand next to him, you can just FEEL him. His aura is huge and intense, but delicious. And Onew… How do I talk about this boy? How do I portray how sweet he was? How every time we looked at him he would look right back into our eyes. How he tried so hard to understand the things we were saying and respond well to them. How his tan skin glows  and his eyes light up when he smiles at you! His smile is sunshine and his laugh is a choir of angels! His hands are so much smaller than I expected, but not in a bad way (definitely bigger than mine!). He gave us all the attention that we needed to know that we were important to him and what we had to say was important. He was so comfortable and observant. And you should know, during our group hug, I had my arm wrapped around his back and my head against his chest and his back and chest are so wide and firm and strong feeling! Like, you can feel how stable he is physically. Like leaning against a warm, comforting… wall, I guess. And he smelled AMAZING (especially considering him being under the lights and sweating and stuff). He didn’t smell like any particular smell. He smelled clean and… safe. He smelled like home. I never want to forget how he made me feel! He made me feel so important and needed and loved. 
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kikisfuneralservice · 11 months
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- anne <3
TAGLIST: @keyloml, @taeminscheesetouch, @dayskz, @taeminscult1, @taeminspussylips 
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kikisfuneralservice · 11 months
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new chapter of shine up! yep—i’m still going! 
here on ao3!
- anne <3
TAGLIST: @keyloml, @taeminscheesetouch, @dayskz, @taeminscult1, @taeminspussylips 
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kikisfuneralservice · 11 months
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NEW CHAP OF SHINE IS UP! on wattpad or over HERE on ao3!
- anne
TAGLIST: @keyloml, @taeminscheesetouch​, @dayskz, @taeminscult1, @taeminspussylips
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kikisfuneralservice · 11 months
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kikisfuneralservice · 11 months
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hi all! if you are wondering, i am now taking tips! please feel free to show your support if you’d like me to keep writing! thanks!
- anne <3
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new soau chapter! find on wattpad or ao3! LET’S GO 25 CHAPTERS!!!
- anne <3
TAGLIST: @keyloml, @taeminscheesetouch, @dayskz, @taeminscult1, @taeminspussylips
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they’re so cute………. i cant do this……….
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hey... how y’all doin... 
I’M SO SORRY THAT I HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATING...... i lost track of time recently, and... i forgot to write omg. please enjoy this next chapter of shine on wattpad or here on ao3. I AM PLANNING ON STARTING A NEW OS SOON. PINKY PROMISE. ILY ALL.
- anne <3
TAGLIST: @keyloml​, @taeminscheesetouch, @dayskz, @taeminscult1, @taeminspussylips 
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shinee: the feeling
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hi i’m kumi, my brother and his friends are off to twitter, leaving me all alone…
i’d like to read more of your stories! i hope you’re doing well!
hi kumi. i’m really sorry your friends left, and that i’ve been MIA as well on here! i hope you continue to support me as i continue to write for you all. let me know if you’d like to join my taglist.
- anne <3
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would love a soft dom taemin oneshot 🫶 preferably with him being a bit of a tease hehe thank uuu
hi anon! so sorry i haven’t been on tumblr at all lately :( i haven’t been writing at all recently and honestly i just haven’t gotten around to it, and i’m really sorry… :(
i’m still working on the next chapter of SHINE, but i will ONE HUNDRED percent start working on this. i need to write more taemin i really do LMAO. your wish is my command, dear. stay tuned.
- anne <3
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In case anyone isn’t caught up, here’s a rundown of what has happened with the SHINee Fanmeet fiasco:
SM announced the fanmeet would be held in Kintex, a notoriously bad venue about 1.5 hours from most places in Seoul. Fans complained, but hoped the layout would make it work out, although many considered just watching the beyond live since they knew the views might not be very good (edit to add clarification: Kintex is like exhibition halls with walls that can be removed to make the rooms bigger and the freedom to build the seating/stage layout differently for each event since it’s essentially just a very long empty room)
SM originally made the Korean ticketing announcement with a line included stating that there would be a beyond live, but shawols noticed at some point that this line was removed, bringing doubt that there would actually be a live stream
Shortly after that was noticed, SM dropped the seating layout and it was terrible. It would take place in one long, flat room with no elevated seating and a pillar in the middle of it. If you were about halfway back, you wouldn’t be able to see anything past the heads in front of you or the pillar. Additionally, this wasn’t a venue made for music events, so even the audio wouldn’t be good near the back
With the line about the beyond live removed from the announcement and the seating chart being worse than we imagined, it added to the upset as it felt as though SM knew the venue/views would be terrible and fans would prefer to watch a livestream, so they removed that option, making fans feel like they had no choice but to pay ~$100 for a ticket where they couldn’t see or even hear the boys. Also, SM dropped the seating chart right before a sort of half-holiday weekend in Korea (Labor Day) so it seemed even more sketch, like they knew fans would complain so they made the announcement at a time when they wouldn’t have to deal with it over the extended weekend.
SM also included a little notice saying that some seats would have limited views but there would be no refunds if that were the case, so choose your seat wisely. Except they didn’t even confirm where the restricted view seats were, leaving the responsibility entirely up to the fans with no offer to refund
On top of it all, shawols have felt for years that shinee gets treated badly by their company, and shawols by extension. There are many instances of shinee goods being more expensive or not as good of quality, and a lot of shawols felt walked all over because it was like the company knew we would just pay for anything they gave us without complaint, like bad merch or an awful venue. But not this time, this was the last straw.
Kwols immediately rallied together to protest the seating layout and venue choice. By the same night, a list of demands were made (apology from SM directly, direct confirmation of beyond live, venue change or at least a seating change layout). An anonymous shawol even donated $1000 for the rental of protest trucks to be placed outside of the SM building. If the demands were not met, most shawols agreed to boycott the live performance
SM released a statement confirming there would be a beyond live, but they weren’t going to change anything about the live performance. They claimed that they originally had a venue that could hold 5000 people (which was insulting on its own) but that reservation fell through, so they went with kintex. They said there would be a screen on the back of the pillar, so fans in the back would be watching the entire thing on a screen since it would be impossible to see the stage from any point beyond the pillar, and the members would go around in carts for people in the back to see them (which, keep in mind, usually only happens for one or two songs out of the entire event). And they’d look into potentially making inclined seating, but no guarantee. Keep in mind, it is possible in this venue to design the stage/seating layout in any way the organizer wants, but they kept the bad layout they originally made.
This only made fans angrier. It felt like they were using the members as an excuse (citing the members schedules even though we know the members cleared most of their schedules specifically for the anniversary) and underestimating shawols by going for a 5k capacity venue at first, and then refusing to make any kind of change that would actually better the situation, not even a seating layout change, nor lowered prices for those in the back. Plus, fans themselves found other venues that are available for the same day. It gave the impression that SM didn’t have a plan B in case their first choice failed, so they just went with the quickest, easiest, and cheapest option. Even though they could have started planning this months ago since the anniversary is a fixed date :/
Fans doubled down on the boycott. This time, if SM didn’t change the venue entirely, shawols agreed to not only boycott ticketing for the in-person event, but also the beyond live and the merch. Hearing from the kwol side of things, there were a few that didn’t want to boycott, but the overwhelming majority would boycott. Plus oversees shawols agreeing to boycott the beyond live meant this would be a global boycott that would mean major revenue losses for SM.
This even reached major news outlets and multiple articles were made. The members didn’t say anything about it, but on ticketing day around noon, Onew responded to a comment on his Instagram post acknowledging the situation and stating that he and the members were talking to the company to find the best possible solution.
Finally, only 4 hours before the fanclub pre-sale was supposed to begin, SM announced that ticketing would be postponed while they look for a new venue. We did it!
There’s more information, but that’s the gist. I hope everyone understands, no one really wanted to boycott. Of course we all wanted to see SHINee and support them for their anniversary, but shawols didn’t want to give SM the impression that this kind of organization or treatment of SHINee or the fans was okay. If we all just bit our tongues and bought tickets, what would stop SM from doing something just as bad for the next SHINee event? Or even another group? We made our voices heard and it worked! Now we’re just waiting for the new ticketing date/venue to be announced. Happy SHINee month!
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