kikxnow · 8 days
Adil Khan Swimming Pool in Peshawar Raises Concerns Over Water Quality and Athlete Training
PESHAWAR  - Questions are being raised regarding the hygiene and management of the Adil Khan Swimming Pool located within the Peshawar Sports Complex. Sources within the sports directorate allege that the pool's water hasn't undergone a thorough cleaning for over three weeks, raising concerns about potential health risks for swimmers.
Despite a recent extension of operational hours from 9 am to 9 pm, including Sundays, the pool's cleaning routine appears to have been neglected.  While chlorine is reportedly being added daily, a comprehensive cleaning with appropriate chemicals is said to be overdue.
The lack of proper cleaning and the absence of mandatory medical certificates for swimmers have sparked worries about hygiene standards.  The recent rise in scabies cases in Peshawar further amplifies public anxieties.
The recent decision by the provincial sports directorate to designate training hours for athletes from 8 pm to 10 pm has also drawn criticism.  This schedule reportedly clashes with school timings and delays the essential cleaning process.
Athletes, particularly students, are reportedly facing difficulties attending training sessions due to the new schedule.  This issue comes amidst concerns about swimmer safety, especially following a recent drowning incident at the same pool.
The situation at the Adil Khan Swimming Pool necessitates immediate action from the authorities.  Prioritizing thorough cleaning procedures and ensuring proper hygiene standards must be paramount.  Additionally, a review of the designated training schedule to accommodate both athlete needs and cleaning requirements is recommended.
#kikxnow #digitalcreator #sportnews #swimming #pool #sportnews #Sunday
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kikxnow · 18 days
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM's Award Stirs Controversy: One Player Honored, Teammate Overlooked
Pakistani hockey player Sufyan from Bannu received a two million rupee award from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister for his performance in the recent Azlan Shah Hockey Championship. However, the decision has sparked controversy as his teammate, Zakaria Hayat from Mardan, who also hails from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and played a key role in the same championship, was not awarded anything.
Sports circles have expressed concern about this alleged favoritism, highlighting the importance of the Provincial Sports Directorate providing the Chief Minister with complete information on all players representing the province in the national team. This, they believe, would ensure fair recognition and prevent discrimination.
While acknowledging the Chief Minister's support for hockey players, critics point out the disheartening exclusion of Zakaria Hayat. They urge the Chief Minister to address this issue and ensure equal recognition for all deserving players.
#KPKHockeyAward #KPKHockeyAward #EqualityInSports #EqualityInSports  #PakistanHockey #AzlanShahCup #Bannu  #Mardan
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kikxnow · 18 days
Adil Khan Swimming Pool Extends Hours to 9 PM for Public Convenience!
Great news for swimmers in Peshawar! Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's sports advisor, Adil Khan, directed the Adil Khan swimming pool to extend its operating hours from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm to better serve the public during the hot summer months.
This extended schedule will allow more people to enjoy the pool and stay cool. The advisor also emphasized the importance of addressing the concerns of the pool's employees, many of whom are daily wage earners facing financial difficulties.
Let's hope these extended hours and improved working conditions for staff make the Adil Khan swimming pool a vibrant community hub this summer!
#KPKSwimming #SummerFun #PublicService #PeshawarLife #SupportLocal #BeatTheHea
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kikxnow · 19 days
Archery Target Repeatedly Vandalized at Provincial Sports Directorate in Peshawar
Despite Cameras and Security, Unknown Individuals Break Target for the Fifth Time
Peshawar ,  Unknown individuals have vandalized the archery target located at the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Sports Directorate in Peshawar for the fifth time. This act of vandalism raises concerns about security measures at the sports complex, especially considering the presence of cameras and security personnel.
Archery players arrived for training yesterday to discover the broken target. They reported the incident to the Peshawar Sports Complex administrator, Jafar Shah. This is the fifth time the target has been broken, causing financial losses of Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 each time.
Sara Khan, Secretary of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Archery Association, expressed disappointment. She revealed that previous instructions to install barbed wire around the target area, issued by both the association and the Directorate General, were not implemented.
Sources allege that most cameras at the complex are malfunctioning. These cameras, reportedly installed six months ago upon request from Gulberg Police Station for security reasons, are said to be of substandard quality. Some sources speculate that this might be a ploy to justify purchasing new cameras.
This repeated vandalism highlights the need for stricter security measures and proper maintenance of equipment at the Provincial Sports Directorate.
#kpksports #archery
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kikxnow · 20 days
Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium Goal Posts in Disrepair Despite Recent PSB Construction
Peshawar's iconic Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium is plagued by issues once again. Just a year after its reconstruction by the Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) Islamabad at a cost exceeding twelve crore rupees, the wooden goal posts are already in a state of disrepair.
This rapid deterioration raises serious concerns about the construction quality.  The PSB's Deputy Director, Shahid Islam, had visited Peshawar to address these concerns, but there have been no further updates or actions taken.
The state of the stadium is a slap in the face to Peshawar's passionate hockey community and hinders the development of the sport in the region.
#FixLalaAyubStadium #PSBAccountability #SupportPeshawarHockey
Let's hold the PSB accountable and ensure our sporting infrastructure is built to last!
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kikxnow · 21 days
Unpaid Coaches and Daily Wagers in Limbo as New Fiscal Year Approaches in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Unresolved Salary Issue for Coaches and Daily Wagers at Provincial Sports Directorate
Hundreds of coaches and daily wage employees who were laid off by the Provincial Sports Directorate a year ago remain in limbo as the new fiscal year approaches. Despite promises from the Chief Minister and approval of a new project (PC1), they haven't received their outstanding salaries or guarantees of future employment.
Hundreds of coaches and daily wage employees were dismissed in June 2023.
The Chief Minister kp announced salary disbursement in June 2023, but it hasn't materialized.
PC1 approval for the new fiscal year offers hope, but its impact might be felt only in 2024-25.
Many employees haven't received salaries for months, causing hardships.
Uncertain Future for Affected Staff
The situation has caused mental stress for the coaches, while daily wage employees face financial difficulties. Some employees received partial payments before Ramadan, but under strict secrecy. The remaining employees were told to expect salaries after Eid-ul-Fitr, which haven't arrived.
Sources within the Sports Directorate suggest the PC1 approval might benefit coaches and daily wage employees in the next financial year (2024-25). However, this leaves them in a precarious situation for the current year.
#KPKSportsMess #KPKSportsMess #UnpaidSalaries #SportsDirectorateCrisis #KhyberPakhtunkhwa #PakistanSports
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kikxnow · 21 days
Peshawar Dominates Inter-District Hockey Tournament with Decisive Victory!
Peshawar ,  In a thrilling showcase of skill and determination, the Peshawar hockey team emerged victorious at the Inter-District Hockey Tournament held at the Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium. Peshawar clinched the championship trophy with a resounding win against FATA, dominating the scoreboard with an impressive nine goals!
Leading the charge, Samir scored four goals, while Umar and Salman each added two more. Salim contributed one goal to Peshawar's total. FATA's Samiullah and Shehzad managed to score one goal each in a valiant but ultimately unsuccessful effort.
Ex IGP and Chairman of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hockey Association, Saeed Khan, attended as the Chief Guest, along with other Provincial Hockey Association officials, interacting with the teams and celebrating the players' achievements. Muhammad Waqas served as the tournament director, with Qaiser Wadud and Farman officiating the match.
The winners and runners-up received trophies and medals, while the Charsadda team was awarded the "Best Game" trophy. Recognition shields were also presented to key officials, marking a memorable tournament.
Peshawar's remarkable performance has solidified their position as the undisputed inter-district hockey champions!
Peshawar Dominates Inter-District Hockey Tournament with Decisive Victory!
#FATAOnTheDefense #PeshawarHockeyChampions #HockeyHeroes #SportsVictory #GameOn
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kikxnow · 22 days
Driver Discrepancies Plague Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate
A recently released seniority list for drivers in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate exposes concerning irregularities. While Muhammad Ilyas leads the list with 38 total drivers, only nine are assigned to the DG Sports office.
Driver Shortage: The Directorate appears to face a significant driver shortage, with some positions filled by non-drivers like gardeners (Malis) and Class IV employees.
Personal Driver Usage: Some officers reportedly employ personal drivers whose salaries are paid by the government, raising concerns about resource misuse.
Salary Discrepancies: The report suggests drivers working for officers in other departments receive salaries from the Sports Directorate, potentially indicating payroll irregularities.
These findings raise serious questions about transparency and accountability within the Directorate. The shortage of qualified drivers and the alleged use of government funds for personal drivers suggest mismanagement.
Further investigation is necessary to determine the extent of these practices and ensure proper resource allocation within the Sports Directorate.
#kpk #corruption #sports #mismanagement #transparency #accountability #driverdiscrepancies  #kpk #corruption #sports
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kikxnow · 23 days
Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium in Peshawar: Substandard Construction Crumbles After One Year
Peshawar's iconic Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium is facing a major crisis. Just one year after its completion, reports of substandard construction are coming to light. The playing surface is uneven, water fountains are malfunctioning, and even the wooden goalposts are damaged.
Despite these issues, the Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) and the Provincial Sports Directorate remain silent on the matter.
Even during construction, concerns were raised about the project. Ms. Rasheed Ghaznavi, the former director of the provincial sports directorate, flagged the non-standard construction materials. However, her warnings were overlooked.
The contract was awarded to a Canadian-born doctor who completed the project in record time – one year instead of the planned six months. However, speed came at the cost of quality. The provincial hockey association pointed out the uneven turf and substandard goalpost nets.
The Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium was built with public money, a staggering Rs 12 crore. Yet, due to substandard construction, the facility is already deteriorating. The silence from the PSB and the Provincial Sports Directorate raises serious questions about accountability and mismanagement.
This situation demands immediate action. A thorough investigation is needed to identify those responsible for the substandard construction. Public funds cannot be wasted with impunity. The stadium needs repairs to ensure it can be used by athletes for years to come.
#PeshawarHockey #CorruptionWatch #HoldThemAccountable
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kikxnow · 24 days
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Under-23 Sports Competitions Face Funding Hurdles
Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province is gearing up to host under-23 sports competitions in the last week of May. However, the initiative faces a major hurdle: lack of funding. The provincial sports directorate has allocated a mere one lakh rupees (approximately $600 USD) for trials across twenty games, with only five thousand rupees allocated per game.
This meager allocation raises concerns about the feasibility of conducting proper trials. Some sports associations have expressed difficulty covering expenses on their own, especially considering the directorate hasn't provided grants or aid for the past three years.
The situation is further complicated by the silence of some district sports officers on the issue.
These competitions hold significance as they mark the return of sporting events at the under-23 level after a hiatus of over two decades. The initiative is being held under the directive of the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
#KPKUnder23Games #SportsFundingCrisis #TrialsInDoubt #PakistanSports
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kikxnow · 25 days
Journalist Musratullah Jan and Sports Directorate Target of Hacking and Data Leak
Unknown individuals uploaded sexual images and internal data of the Provincial Sports Directorate to the website kikxnow.com. The website also contained information about important personnel in various sports facilities.
Journalist Musratullah Jan, who is trained in mobile journalism, discovered his photos and data on the website. He, along with the Sports Directorate, filed a complaint with the FIA Cybercrimes department. The Peshawar Press Club is also investigating the matter.
Sources from the Sports Directorate believe insiders are involved as the leaked data was only accessible to a select few. The website has since been taken down.
Sports Directorate officials suspect the website was hacked, but some believe insiders uploaded the data due to their access to the internet and the Directorate's website.
The FIA is investigating to identify the culprit who purchased the domain and uploaded the data. Additionally, the Sports Directorate is looking into previous Right to Information applications submitted under false pretenses.
#kikxnow #cybercrime #FIA #investigation #peshawarpressclub
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kikxnow · 25 days
Baizai Tribe Demands Government Attention for Rehabilitation after War
Peshawar, Pakistan - The Baizai people, residing near the Pak-Afghan border, have come together to demand government action to address the issues they face. A Jirga, a traditional tribal assembly, was held in Peshawar with 30 members participating. The leaders discussed the problems plaguing their community, including:
Lack of government attention: The Jirga expressed disappointment that the Baizai tribe, affected by wartime devastation, has been neglected by the government.
Displacement and destruction: The resettlement of displaced Baizai people and the reconstruction of their war-torn infrastructure, including houses, schools, and healthcare centers, have not been addressed.
Educational opportunities: The Jirga called for a more accessible admission system for Baizai students in cadet colleges.
The Jirga members, led by malik nadir Baizai, vowed to raise their voices on these issues at every platform, including meetings with national and provincial assembly members. They will also reach out to the district administration and deputy commissioner to seek solutions.
This news highlights the plight of the Baizai tribe and their struggle for reconstruction and equal opportunities.
# Baizai #education #tribal #pakistan #peshawar #kpk #kp
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kikxnow · 25 days
Young Spinner Muhammad Jawad Selected for Peshawar U-19 Team
Peshawar - Rising star Muhammad Jawad has been selected for the Peshawar U-19 cricket team! The talented spin bowler, who hails from Peshawar and has been honing his skills at the Muazullah Khan Cricket Academy within the Peshawar Sports Complex, has impressed selectors with his abilities.
This is a well-deserved achievement for Jawad, and cricket fans in Peshawar are excited to see him contribute to the team's success.
#PeshawarCricket #RisingStar #U19Cricket #MuazullahKhanAcademy #SpinBowling #PakistanCricket
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kikxnow · 26 days
PSB Muhibullah Khan Squash Complex Peshawar is nurturing the future champions of squash. Shahzad Muhab
PESHAWAR: PSB Coaching Center Peshawar Academy, situated at the Muhibullah Squash Complex, stands as a beacon for nurturing the future champions of squash. Under the diligent guidance of Pakistan Sports Board coach Shahzad Muhib, the academy has been instrumental in honing talent at the grassroots level, marking significant strides in its mission. With a fervent dedication to developing skilled players, the academy boasts an impressive enrollment of 50 to 60 youths, all driven by a passion for the sport. These budding athletes, mentored by seasoned coaches, not only excel nationally but also leave a mark on the international stage, bringing pride to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Pakistan. Shahzad Muhib, in his address to the media, underscored the academy's commitment to gender equality, ensuring both boys and girls receive equal opportunities for training and competition. Led by the expertise of former world squash champion Muhibullah and renowned coach Parvez Ali, alongside the nurturing guidance of Coach Adil Khan, the academy imparts a diverse range of experiences to its students, fostering their growth and skill development. The relentless efforts of the academy have yielded promising results, evidenced by the emergence of talents like Junior World Champion Hamza Khan and National Squash Champion Ibrahim Muhib, among others. With rising stars such as Yahya Khan, Riyan Zaman, Fawad Khan, Noorzaman, and Abdullah Zaman, the future of squash in Peshawar appears bright. As the academy continues its unwavering pursuit of talent development, it remains poised to reclaim its esteemed position in the global squash arena, buoyed by the determination of its players and coaches alike.
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kikxnow · 27 days
KP U-23 Games Under Fire: Transparency and Selection Process Scrutinized
Peshawar, Pakistan - The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate's plan to organize U-23 regional sports competitions has come under fire from various sports associations in the province. These associations have raised concerns about transparency, selection processes, and the overall focus of the event.
The primary criticism centers on a perceived lack of transparency. Associations claim they were not consulted in the planning stages and are unaware of the criteria used to select the specific sports included in the competitions. They question whether these choices align with Olympic standards or represent arbitrary decisions.
Concerns have also been raised regarding the potential favoritism towards established athletes. Associations suspect these competitions might benefit players who have participated in previous events, hindering the development of new talent.
Some associations allege that previous sporting events conducted by the Directorate involved external contractors and potential financial irregularities. They claim millions of rupees allocated for sports development may have been misappropriated.
The associations believe the Directorate should prioritize promoting sports at the nursery level, where a strong foundation for future athletes can be built. Focusing solely on U-23 competitions, they argue, neglects this crucial stage of development.
Adding to the confusion, the secretary of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Olympic Association reportedly found his name included in the list of organizing committee members. However, he claims to have no knowledge of his involvement or being consulted regarding the selection of sports.
These accusations cast a shadow over the upcoming U-23 games. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate must address these concerns and ensure transparency in future endeavors. Increased collaboration with sports associations is crucial to ensure that such events genuinely promote and develop sporting talent in the province.
#KPKGames and #U23Sports #kpk #kp #sportnews #mojo #mojosports #pakistan #kpsports
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kikxnow · 28 days
Peshawar Dominates Inter-Regional Hockey Championship, Defeats Charsadda 10-0
Peshawar put on a commanding performance at the Inter-Regional Hockey Championship, defeating the Charsadda team 10-0 at the Lala Ayub Hockey Stadium.
The Peshawar players dominated the game from the start, with Sameer opening the scoring followed by a goal from Salman. Saleem then took control, netting two goals in quick succession. The scoring spree continued with Salahuddin, Imad, and Tawheed adding their names to the scoresheet.
Peshawar wasn't done yet, with Saleem and Sameer each grabbing another goal in the closing moments of the match to seal the emphatic victory. Charsadda struggled to find any momentum throughout the game, failing to convert any of their scoring opportunities.
This win showcases Peshawar's strength in hockey and will undoubtedly boost their confidence as the Inter-Regional Championship continues.
#PeshawarWins #KPKHockey
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kikxnow · 28 days
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Host U-23 Regional Sports Competitions After Hiatus
Peshawar, Pakistan - The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate announced plans to revive regional sports competitions for U-23 athletes after a break of approximately one and a half years. The announcement follows directives from the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Details regarding the U-23 competitions, including the specific timeline, are yet to be revealed.
In the interim, the Directorate is conducting separate Men's and Women's sports competitions across various locations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These ongoing competitions feature nine different sports for women and will see participation from 770 athletes.
The Men's competitions will likely mirror the Women's events with the addition of throwball, bringing the total number of participating athletes to an estimated 1078. Specific details regarding the Men's competitions will be announced closer to the U-23 games.
This revival of sporting events is a welcome sign for athletes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, providing them with a platform to compete and showcase their talents. Sports enthusiasts can stay tuned for further announcements regarding the upcoming U-23 regional competitions.
#KPKGames and #U23Sports #kpk #kp #sportnews #mojo #mojosports #pakistan #kpsports
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