kiminonawalove · 2 years
i just want to say thank you for all of your hard work on this blog! i've been working on a fanfic for another series based on this movie and there were things i wasnt quite sure of, but your posts really helped me understand nuances and insights i wouldnt have understood otherwise. i hope you're doing well and thank you again!
Thank you. It’s been a while since I posted but I am delighted people still enjoy those posts I did. And I am also delighted it helps your fanfic. Cheers. :)
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kiminonawalove · 5 years
No, seriously...
3 YEARS on and guess what?
I’m welling up and get serious chills. Look at the reaction of the hosts... look at their reaction...
THAT my friends is the power of that film. Utterly amazing.
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Weathering With You/Your Name interview from 6/30/2019: That’s Kamishiraishi Mone (Miyamizu Mitsuha) and Kamiki Ryonusuke (Tachinaba Taki) re-enacting the most pivotal and unforgettable scene from the entire movie. Three years later, it’s still a movie that remains loved by Japan that the voice actors are still being interviewed about it as they also talk about the upcoming Shinkai movie that’s coming out in less than two weeks. 
And three years later, I’m still a damn wreck. 
Kamishiraishi Mone destroyed me. She was actually holding back tears while watching that scene and speaking those unforgettable words from her character. I also love how the interviewers and Kotaro Daigo (”Weathering With You”/Morishima Hodaka) were also tearing up while watching them both… god, the impact of this movie will never cease to amaze me.
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kiminonawalove · 5 years
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The Missing Sections (part 5)
End Sequence Intro...
Just before the final section, that amazing ending, there was a part where Mitsuha is on the phone to her sister... nice additional details and illustrates her longing right up to the second she glances out of the window...
The rest is history.
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kiminonawalove · 5 years
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The Missing Sections (part 4)
And now it fits.
Seya and Tesshi finish their dinner date with Mitsuha, and later are chatting about her and themselves in the cafe... which is where the movie kicks in (only originally because they mention Mitusha and you would wonder why Taki didn’t approach them, Shinkai has Miki tap on the glass...)
(Side note: the place in the book/movie where Taki overheard them is the same place you see Mitusha-as-Taki share a coffee/chat to Miki earlier in the film)
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kiminonawalove · 5 years
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The Missing Sections (part 3)
This would have been SO cool to see in the movie!
So Mitusha meets up with Tesshi and Saya right and she takes them to a great place to eat... which is?
Garden of Words.
Yep. While her memories are gone she emotions are still in working. The trio have dinner, and I love the fact that for reasons she cannot fathom... Mitusha’s left flustered by being served by a waiter from there.
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kiminonawalove · 5 years
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The Missing Sections (part 2)
So what did Mitusha DO after the comet strike?
A three page account of her going to Tokyo, which includes the excitement she STILL gets from getting calls from unknown numbers... and her meeting up with old friends.
Includes some excellent banter...
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kiminonawalove · 5 years
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The Missing Sections (part 1)
Alright, we know Shinkai has always said he was a bit unhappy with Kimi no na wa insofar as he had to cut sections of his original story due to time/budget reasons.
It’s not too bad as the movie is awesome right? But what kind of obsessive fans would we be if we didn’t wonder just what WAS cut?
Luckily, Shinkai used the whole script in the light novel, andddd well, I’m gonna include ‘em here.
This part?
Towards the end. Mitusa in Tokyo. In the movie we just see her wake up. Here we see as she leaves her apartment- her remembering the comet strike and her emotions just afterwards... interesting to see the helicopter we saw in the film having landed. Instant evacuation it seems...
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kiminonawalove · 5 years
Any fan of Shinkai just needs to stop whatever the hell they were doing and just press play.
Just. Press. Play.
(Oh yeah. Hi. Been away. Have come back. And am now hyped about the new Shinkai movie. But so as you know? The above is both trailer AND retrospective. And this is why I need to lie down for a bit).
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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Kimi no na wa I've used tumblr for years. Like so many it's kinda scary. Many accounts. Mostly as a distraction from stuff. Just over a year ago I started this account. Mostly because I was all swoon over 'Your Name'. I posted it because I felt the movie was different. Sure it was anime and I love anime. But it was also a great film. One that actually moved me. Made me think. It was actual art. I wanted to talk about that. So I did. And over 6,000 people followed me because of that. Like I know it's not even tumblr famous figures but I never had 6,000 followers for anything. I've had pesky health issues of late. Ones that have seen me unable to go online. I've faced dark times. Times when I've been actually scared. I still am afraid. But I remain optimistic. Where tumblr has been great it's because it's been a distraction. It has lifted my heart and made me laugh. It has allowed me not feel isolated, but part of a larger group of 6,000 people who share a similar love of his mad brilliant film. You have been awesome. And I don't even know your name. But that's the whole point isn't it? (Grins) Do something for me will ya? Go tell the people you love that you love them. Go push your awesome selves to do amazing things. And always love unconditionally and with all your heart. Oh and watch Kimi no na wa again. Because it's so damn good. Enough nonsense. Thanks. Again there may be a break coming up from my good self. I'll be OK. Just... 'busy'. Getting better. All my love, Kiminonawalove xxx
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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Your Name (2016)
Kimi no na wa. (original title)
Director & DoP - Makoto Shinkai, Art Direction - Akiko Majima, Takumi Tanji & Tasuku Watanabe
“Musubi is the old way of calling the local guardian god. This word has profound meaning. Typing thread is Musubi. Connecting people is Musubi. The flow of time is Musubi. These are all the god’s power. So the braided cords that we make are the god’s art and represent the flow of time itself. They converge and take shape. They twist, tangle, sometimes unravel, break, and then connect again. Musubi - knotting. That’s time.”
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
The wonderfully shy and brilliant Lefty Hand Cream and her moving cover of Radwimps... Just perfect.
(Full Covered by コバソロ & Lefty Hand Cream)
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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Explanations... Hey folks. Not gone. Just been trying to recover from stuff. Thank you for your continued support. You guys rock. I'm adding a new tag #your name explanations I'm gonna go back and tag ALL the posts which explain back story/hidden meaning/depth in this films so it's easy to find for those looking for answers. More posts due soon.
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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Glance... (Again, it's the attention to detail in the background characters that stagger me...)
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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Abyss... (Just love the perspective in this shot...)
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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Lost... (Adult Taki still drawn to the past...)
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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Distance... (Miki and Taki catch up on old times...)
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kiminonawalove · 6 years
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The past is behind you... (In this case? Literally.)
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