kimpossible87 9 months
Y'all....cw is giving an extended cut of riverdale finale on the app according to Twitter. What about ND????
#I demand it
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kimpossible87 9 months
I just hate that it's over 鉂わ笍
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kimpossible87 10 months
Throwback to one week ago when I was just young and naiive apparently....
But also there's no way that Nace accidentally murdering someone would erase the love they feel for each other so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's not it
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kimpossible87 10 months
This is the same coat she's wearing in 4x12 so I'm choosing to hope this means that parts of 4x12 were really some weird dream.
#seriously though, I'm not ok
#send help
#today was our 2nd day back to teaching and the thing that got me through the day was knowing ND was new tonight
#now I regret everything
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this scene of nancy waking up (with ace鈥檚 coat under her head which is super very important *to me*) still hasn鈥檛 happened.
so there鈥檚 a chance that she either goes into another memory weave (to talk to nashua) or remembers another sin being erased?
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kimpossible87 10 months
Alright here we go...I need to break down my feelings on this.
*1st...Do I think that the writers are abandoning the nace ship? No. I do believe they'll end up together but it's the storyline presented in this episode that now taints that for me
*yes, I know Nancy did what she did out of love. It's the same reason she gave the road back the list to save ace's life in season 2, the same reason she denied her feelings for him in the S3 finale. She makes a lot of bold choices to protect Ace.
*then there's the fact that the only reason he was on that boat to begin with was bc she told his dad yes when they body swapped and she gave him a deadly curse jar to drop in the ocean to boot
*while Ace is living through this hellish nightmare, the rest of the Drew Crew were building heartfelt memories in honor of Nancy's mom. Seriously, hate this for him.
*so Nancy leaning on Ace in these ways but kind of not always being present for his needs is a pattern that I needed to see them break. But they didn't, they repeated it. That doesn't make their big love seem as real, true, or sincere
*this means that the convo on the phone from 4x08 was an altered memory, which means even with a fake remembered heartfelt convo like that, Ace didn't invite Nancy to Seder and they were cold as ice to each other.
*Ace had an impossible choice, to save his Dad or Alice. There wasn't much he could do in that scenario obviously but the whole scene felt weirdly off and not surprisingly, difficult to watch
*so... while I can believe that a final twist is possible, if it doesn't somehow remedy the fact that Ace was put in that situation because of Nancy and then the memory of it was erased by Nancy without his consent, and all the ramifications that brings....I'm not sure I'll feel great about it
Now... some random other thoughts I have..
*I don't think that Tristan's curse is actually broken, it was way too easy
*they should've done an 18-episode order for the final season minimum, it's not fair that the storyline had to be truncated into 13 episodes and we've missed so many opportunities for extended scenes
*really though, what could the big final twist be? Is this all still one big crazy vision from Temperance and were all still at the Vale in real time?? Or maybe the memory Nancy and Ace witnessed still wasn't really accurate?
All I know is I really hope next week leaves a much better taste in my mouth and warmth in my heart 鉂わ笍
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kimpossible87 10 months
Thank you, ND writers, for ruining my evening.
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kimpossible87 10 months
Spoilers ahead...
Seriously I can't even. Nancy made him drop that curse jar to begin with then she took away his choice after all of.... that??? How the actual F are they supposed to be together in a healthy, organic way after that?!
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kimpossible87 10 months
No no no no no. I freaking hate this storyline. WTF????
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kimpossible87 10 months
I don't love that Ace seems like he's about to do something desperate to stop ghost girl from moving on.
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kimpossible87 10 months
Ooohhhh those burns from each of them. Loved it a little lol
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kimpossible87 10 months
Ugh they're setting up the end of the series with this selling the claw crap and I can't like it
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kimpossible87 10 months
Ok so after rewatching 4x08 again with my kiddo, I have a few new observations that may be tied into current theories. Firstly, I noticed two different ladies from this episode that look similar to the girl in the fire clip from 4x11.
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Ignore the bad pics. If I had to pick one of these girls, I'd probably say the maitre d from the club looks the most like the person in the fire. It makes sense that she would possibly be in the wrong place at the right time to die by Callie's hand since she works at the club, if we subscribe to the theory that Callie or one of her goons started that fire to protect her sin eating operation after following Ace or Nancy.
Secondly, my 10-year-old son actually recognized a relic briefly shown on screen in the black door room in this episode. He said he had seen it in an earlier episode with Ryan, 5x05.
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I did not take much notice of the relic that Ryan tries to trade to Red from that episode, but he's right, it does look a lot like the object shown in 4x08 on a table. That relic was a divining rod, which is apparently used to find metal or water buried underground and is sometimes associated with witchcraft and the supernatural.
Lastly, I paid closer attention to the sin eater book this time and noticed two things. One, it mentions the mother of all monsters, which if I had to guess, probably refers to the angel statue head of the governance. I also have agree with the theory that this could then also be the ghost girl attached to Ace.
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Two, Ace takes the book from Nick near the end of this scene and studies it. This makes it very plausible that he does, in fact, have a revelation about the sin eater, black door, mother of all monsters, or something, later on in the evening, and then calls to Nancy and asks her to go confess some specific sin.
I do believe that most of what were shown at the end of 4x08 is real. If there are any scenes shown that are actually altered memories, then my guess is that starts with Ace's phone call. He appears to be in the parking lot of the claw or club, so either that call happened differently then what we see or something happens with him directly afterward.
Ahh so many thoughts and theories to think about!
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kimpossible87 10 months
Rewatching season 4 while my oldest kiddo gets caught up and I just noticed Ace's drawing of the sin eater 馃槀. I'm sure this was already shared but somehow I missed it the first time around and now I can't stop laughing.
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kimpossible87 10 months
#yup, this
But also there's no way that Nace accidentally murdering someone would erase the love they feel for each other so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's not it
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kimpossible87 10 months
Spolier Alert
I do not think that Nancy and Ace somehow killed ghost girl or anyone else for that matter, here's why:
1. The time between the phone call and the confession was a pretty short window for them to meet up and somehow commit manslaughter then head over to the yacht club to forget the sin
2. If they had accidentally killed someone, they wouldn't erase the sin. Are you kidding me? These two would've gone straight to HBPD.
3. Based on their individual characters and systems of belief, the only reason Nancy's using the black door is to save someone's life or end Ace's pain
4. If this girl's death is tied in at all, it would be because of them attempting a curse break which then somehow affected her in a separate location. But again, if they knew about that, they wouldn't erase that memory, they'd turn themselves in. If they erased a memory after this scenario it would more likely be a last ditch attempt to save Ace's life because they triggered the curse accidentally
5. This girl is enthralled with Ace but seems to strongly dislike Nancy. Seems to me like she would not like either of them if they were both responsible for her death
6. Maybe Nancy did witness this girl's death on the way to confess a sin and then forgot as a result of the erased sin, but I don't think either of them caused it
*final thought: ghost girl seriously gives me the heeby jeebies. Maybe that's bc I don't want Ace to like her but she feels duplicit and shady to me
EDITED to Add: it makes total since that this is the conclusion Nancy would come to though since she has no recollection of her cursed love with Ace
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kimpossible87 10 months
Episode 11 Initial Thoughts in real time...I missed the whole first 5 minutes....
*ew the way Ace is pouring out his heart to this ghost girl kind of gives me the creeps lol
*love Ace and his Dad
*I knew Callie Farquar was likely involved in the town coverup, feels good to get one right every once in awhile lol
*girl Shelby ain't playing around
*I know she's currently in mortal danger and all that but I hate that Nancy and Ryan aren't at Ace's Seder
*haha Carson and his comments about Jean's feet. She's def prego
*yep even creepier when he admits that he has feelings for a ghost, things are so so off in Horseshoe Bay right now. Aghhhh just show me the confessed sin haha
*Tristan the note thing is just old and used up now, although it's prob actually a trap
*wow Tristan so sexy lol
*Seriously this ghost gives me the absolute creeps, and wtf now she can touch him?!
*George and Nick still love each other
*I love Ryan and Nancy so so much
*ahhhh she confessed right after the phone call, obviously not that she killed anybody but something something about their curse!!!! But they won't get those memories back until finale huh? Ugghhh I cannot take another episode of them acting like this
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kimpossible87 10 months
Ugh I missed the first 5 minutes due to a crappy digital antenna signal.
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