You can should must and will respect and fear Corinna, formula 1s beleaguered matriarch.
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It has been almost a year since I made this point. I am due to graduate soon. This was posted at an all time low for me (both in grades, mental health etc).
I am doing so much better. I have a loving, supportive group of friends, my family relationships are so much better, my grades are really fucking bomb.
It has been worth it. But it took you realizing you are not defined by your academic accomplishments to get to this point.
question to the overlords of lawblr @lawschoolruinedme and @angrybabylawyer:
is it worth it in the end? 
thanks babes. 
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im existing in a weird moment in time rn
im supposed to sign up for my bachelor thesis tonight
but i have no classes left in my home uni before i move
then classes only start up march 1st
so im existing in this weird time frame of having 16 days to get my life together and move my ass across europe
and somehow am now incredibly bored
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I am drunk, deaf and 2 kg heavier
Dutch New year done well i believe
Happy New year
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In other news im behind on revising, texting my ex and watching german soap operas
Happy holidays x
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Sooooooo....are we all collectively ignoring jean alesi getting arrested? And "his son" having helped him throw fireworks at his brother in laws office?
Bc ill do so gladly
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eyo @theizzyryder
this my early christmas present
may your hyperventilation be swift and gorgeous
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A little message to 1L me (no one here cares its fine)
Remember how scared you were? How bad school was going in 1L and 2L?
Well surprise. You are a 3L now and have just passed two of your hardest finals in your entire degree with excellent (8/10, 7.4/10) grades.
Congrats. I am so proud of you.
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For the record: this is not to shame anyone. I modded multiple servers. I am very happy to now be busy with MUN, being in the process of publishing my first research paper, moving in two months and graduating this year
no hate all love xoxo
It is honestly iconic how you go from modding a server and being on discord pretty much 24/7, to becoming actually busy in real life and opening discord maybe once every week to just look at the chaos
Dont know which one i prefer, will report back when i do
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It is honestly iconic how you go from modding a server and being on discord pretty much 24/7, to becoming actually busy in real life and opening discord maybe once every week to just look at the chaos
Dont know which one i prefer, will report back when i do
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I signed a contract as a 1L to legally hand over mine
Im graduating this year. Havent seen it since
How much do people lose of their moral compass after three years of law school ? Asking for a friend.
Hello Friend have you seen the name of my blog
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it is in fact finals week
it is thursday, finals last until next friday (nov. 5)
so far i have:
- cried twice
- slept about a cumulative 14 hours over three days - taken one final
- ate about my weight in shitty sweets
- drank about 7 cups of tea a day -- resulting in the fact that at least i am hydrated bc i peed a lot
- did two MUN sessions
- was asked to be on the MUN board -- have my interview on saturday
- had to hand in forms for Vienna
- had a mental breakdown (but no crying) over the fact that my midterm is in person
- midterm is tomorrow
in conclusion: i am in fact doing fanfuckingtastic. i have had happy moments in between as well aint nobody coming for my mental health.
law school is and always will be hard. that is the outcome of this i think?
okay gbye!
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Hope you're doing okay Rose!!! Thanks for making the server a safe space even if we can get a little out of hand sometimes lol
this came completely out of nowhere, but thank you to the person who sent this i appreciate u <3
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yes hello i am in fact still alive
in case anyone here was wondering (mostly @theizzyryder)
yes. i am in fact. still here.
i am studying for finals, working and doing MUN. (also running a discord server with @emmastudies and @miidgefly -- come join us!)
law school is very fucking hard atm -- procedural courses are kicking my ass
however, pls send me asks. i thrive on attention.
ps: to the bot that sent porn into my ask box -- i admire your courage.
k bye
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I have had 2 16hr days in a row
It is 9am
I am at the gym for a yoga class
Why? Bc i dont know where my own boundaries lie
Law school dudes, its amazeballs
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almost birthday twins!
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