king-smythe · 7 years
Cause a Scene Like You’re Supposed To || Self-Para
Who: Sebastian Smythe and Michael Smythe
Where: The Smythe Penthouse, 1030 Fifth Avenue, New York City
When: November 28, 2017
What: Sebastian comes home drunk, but rather than being able to sneak in as usual, his father is waiting for him.
Warnings: Some strong language and drunkenness.
Sebastian stumbled into his parents’ Fifth Avenue apartment somewhere after three am. This wasn’t really out of the ordinary. In fact, it was slightly earlier than Sebastian usually came home on Saturday nights. Something about tonight felt different. The alcohol didn’t flow as easily, the party drugs he’d gotten from Puckerman weren’t as strong. He didn’t know what it was, so he just headed home.
What was different, though, was that there was a light on. Usually, Sebastian came home to a dark apartment, his parents having long gone to bed. That was usually for the best, Sebastian could better handle being yelled at once he’d had time to rest. Tonight, though, he was greeted by Michael Smythe sitting at the kitchen table, a glass of whiskey and a stack of papers in front of him.
“You know, I never realized just how late you came home, Sebastian,” he said.
Sebastian gave his father one of his classic smirks and dropped down in the chair across from him. “Of course you didn’t. I’ve gotten good at sneaking in,” he said, his words slurring slightly. “Can I go to bed? You and mom can yell at me in the morning, hm?”
Michael just raised a brow at his son. “I feel like ‘yelling at you,’ as you call it, has lost its effect,” he told him. “You’re going to have to grow up soon, Sebastian. Not only is this partying not good for you, but it doesn’t reflect well on you, or this family.”
Sebastian just laughed. “I don’t actually give a shit about how it ‘reflects’ on anyone, but thanks for your concern,” he said.
Michael stared at his son for a long moment before sliding the papers over to him. “These are college applications. You will have them filled out by the end of the week. You have had everything handed to you, you could at least show a bit of respect for the family that gave that to you. And you will stop with the partying, or else you will find yourself cut off, Sebastian Smythe. We’ll talk about this in the morning,” he said before disappearing into the master bedroom.
Sebastian cast a cursory glance at the papers and walked to his room. The last thing he wanted to think about right now was the responsibilities that were awaiting him at the end of the school year. Though, to be fair, he never wanted to think about that. That was half the reason for the partying and the lost weekends with his friends. When Sebastian really let himself think about the future, it was like a weight pressing on his chest. It wasn’t what he wanted. He’d never paused to think about what he actually wanted, but it wasn’t spending his life behind a desk negotiating hotel expansions.
Luckily for now there was St. Jude’s, and Sebastian’s friends, and the lavish parties they threw. Sebastian liked the attention and the status it gave him. He was good at being the king of St. Jude’s. He didn’t have to think of it, he just was. And more than anything, it gave him a welcome distraction from the reality of his life. He tried not to care what his parents thought of him, what anyone thought of him. Most of the time he didn’t. He was Sebastian Smythe. People should care about what he thought of them. But, as with everyone, there were always moments of doubt. Luckily those doubts always vanished around the same time the hangovers did. Someday they would catch up to him, but today was not that day.
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king-smythe · 7 years
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Therapy // All time low
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king-smythe · 7 years
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