kingslicks ¡ 2 years
“Maybe it’s just like, a slow news day or something?” Savannah shrugged her shoulders as she looked over at Silas. If the pap ever got pics of her extremely drunk at the club, her parents would probably lecture her for the next year. That’s why she was always careful not to get too wild while going out to the clubs. “Wait, what? Am I hearing this right? You’re having a baby?” The blonde can’t help but shout in pure shock. 
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“or people are obsessed with me.” silas smirked, putting his phone back in his pocket. it definitely wasn’t the craziest thing he’d ever trended for, so, for now at least, he could rest easy. “uh... i mean, i’m not, but... yeah. my girl is.” technically, he wasn’t so sure if she was actually his girl at the moment - it tended to change practically on a week-to-week basis, but in his mind, she was always going to be his girl. especially now that they were having a kid together. “she’s a couple months. you didn’t see our insta posts?” 
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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she laughed at his reaction to her comment. “i’m kind of sick of cameras, so i’m all for, like, a house party. maybe we should do it at mine though, i don’t want to interrupt your baby mama’s beauty sleep.” lana said, and she was completely honest. sometimes she thought that maybe she was more excited than silas about his baby. the actress took a sip of the soda she’d gotten from one of the waiters and sighed. “but, like, only if you invite hot guys.”
“you don’t gotta worry about that.” silas reassured lana, as he glanced around the room for the nearest exit. “we don’t live together.” his attention, however, was brought back to his friend upon hearing her stipulation for attending the party at his place. “what? i’m not hot enough for you?” 
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
“Is it bad I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that it’s not going to be something good?” Savannah replies honestly, biting down on her bottom lip that she had just reglossed. “Have you said or done anything that would make people talk?” The blonde loved attention probably just as much as Silas, but she only preferred the kind that was positive in nature. “Maybe someone took an embarrassing picture of you and turned it into a meme?”
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“nah, just... realistic.” silas scrunched up his nose as he shrugged, tapping his finger on the screen to click on the topic. “oh. it’s just pap pics of me leaving the club drunk the other night. how is that even news? not like it’s the first time that’s happened.” it was, however, the first time it had happened since the announcement of his father-to-be status had become public - something the comments were making clear to point out. “people already think i’m a shitty dad, and this kid isn’t even born yet, what the fuck?” 
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
silas leaned in, glancing at fiore’s phone with interest, though it faded when he saw what was on the screen. it wasn’t exactly worth the excitement coming from the other man, in his opinion. “do you even have a cat? ‘cause, i mean, i don’t know much about the little dudes, but i’m pretty sure they’d fucking hate that. i know i would, if i were one. they’ve got claws for a reason, man. don’t... restrict them.” 
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location: anywhere that makes sense idea: fiore is drunk and just being annoying as fuck let’s be real
fiore giggles like a school girl. “no fucking way!” he exclaims, already drunk, scrolling through his phone with a stupid, ridiculous smile on his face. he couldn’t believe he found an actual website that sold cat mittens ( even though it really isn’t that big of a deal ). but of course, a sober fiore thinks it’s the cutest thing ever, so a drunk fiore? he’s beyond ecstatic, making conversation about it with this poor bystander, or more like just rambling to them about absolute bullshit. “there’s this website that sells cat mittens! oh my god! i just ordered ten different colors!” did they even care? would he be this talkative if he wasn’t drunk? probably  not. “look, this one has little panda’s on it!” he drunkenly shows them his phone screen, adding it to his cart. why was he even so excited about this? maybe he just needs a distraction. he’s such a cat person, and honestly, the situation may even be considered cute, if he wasn’t normally such an asshole.
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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“hi, king !” she squealed when silas hurried over to her, hugging him as he kissed each of her cheeks, and ignoring all the flashes going off around them – she’d gotten good at it. “i mean, you could always dip a tampon in vodka, babes.” she whispered, though it was hard to tell if she was joking. “we should leave early, though, go somewhere that’s less… you know. pr positive.” from the way she said it, you’d think ‘pr positive’ was an insult, though it was ironic considering she had a pretty good reputation. 
“dip a-” silas squinted, not entirely sure whether or not she was joking. sure, it was something he’d heard before, but... no one actually did that. ...right? “we could head back to my place - throw a real party. i can get a good crowd in like, a half hour.” if there was one thing silas knew, it was how to have a good time. “...or i know this place a few blocks away, but... it’s not as private. at my place, we can do whatever we want, you know? no paps.” 
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
“lana, baby!” silas’ hurried over to greet his friend, giving each of her cheeks a quick kiss hello, though that was mostly just an excuse to whisper to her without looking totally suspicious. “save me. i’m bored out of my fucking mind. if i’d known this was a dry event, i wouldn’t have come.” sure, it was for charity, but since when did that mean no alcohol was allowed? a terrible idea, in his opinion. after all, the drunker he was, the more generous he tended to become. @lanadear​
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
"oh, shit, look, i’m trending.” silas held out his phone to show savannah his twitter app, pointing out the trending topics, particularly to where his name was listed. “should we place bets on what it is i supposedly did this time?” @opulentsavannah​
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
“hey, i’ve gotta question for ya.” silas’ breath was hot against val’s ear as he spoke, letting out a laugh that showed just how intoxicated he’d gotten at this point in the night - if his wandering hands as he pulled val in to dance hadn’t done the trick for him. “you’re like... into dads, right? that’s one of your things?” he played with the buttons on val’s shirt, looking back at him earnestly, as if he was asking him a deep, complex question. “are you like... more into me, now? or is that not even possible?” in his mind, val was probably already so turned on by him all the time, that there was simply no room for growth. @bruutals​
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
( arón piper / he/him / cis man / scott disick )  silas kingston was just spotted by paparazzi riding around in a phantom extended rolls royce. the twenty four year old has made quite a name for themselves, as the latest tmz article has stated that he accidentally knocked up his on-again/off-again ex-girlfriend, but we have yet to see if that’s true or not. the tabloids say they tend to be egocentric, but the fans claim they are also loyal. when i think of them, i think of ruining family dinner with an inappropriate joke, leaking his own nudes out of boredom, & mistaking “you’re lucky you’re pretty” as a compliment. they’re usually seen walking the streets of los angeles with custom gucci slides with the words king and slick bedazzled on the top of each shoe, and the soundtrack to their life would probably be power by kanye west. 
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full name: silas miles kingston 
nicknames: si, king slick
age & birthday: 24, april 12th
sign: aries
gender & pronouns: cis man, he/him 
orientation: bisexual 
occupation: television personality/influencer 
despite having a loud personality since childhood, reality television wasn’t something silas ever planned to become a part of. when his girlfriend and her family got their own show, however, he was dragged along for the ride without much hesitation. no one expected the show to blow up the way it did, but the family members are now household names - including silas. though he’s technically not an official family member, he soon became a fan favorite, which led to producers giving him arguably more than his fair share of screen time. ...and now that his girlfriend is pregnant with his child, it sure looks like he won’t be going away anytime soon. 
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
wait are we really taking life serious
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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kingslicks ¡ 2 years
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