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and in the last piece I wanted to have a way of obscuring the face but leaving it recognizable, so I used an image of the 10 commandments.
in the second piece I wanted to have a way of obscuring the face but leaving it recognizable, so I used an image of Michelangelo's hands.
and in the last piece played off the second, feeling like there's needed to be more happening with the bottom half of the piece.
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This is the finished painting from semester two, I feel looking at it as if there is still just something missing and I have exhausted anyway of pushing it with traditional physical means so I am going to scan this piece and test out different outcomes in photoshop.
(acrylic paint, watercolour, pencil, chalk pastel, oil pastel, ink)
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Artist Lecture, Tai Shani
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Tai Shani is a British artist. Shani uses performance, film, photography, sculptural installations and experimental texts to explore forgotten histories and stories.
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François Boucher (1741-1770)
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Criticality 2, Surrealism and the power of the subconscious
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Francesca Woodman, Eel series 1977-8
deep layer of human mind where memory and our most basic insticnts lived- unconcious mind
objects not normally associated with eachother together
biographical methodology; focus on the biography of the artidt and how the works reflects the artists personal history or personality
psychoanalytival theory; sinply put, psychonanlysis is the method of anaylising physic or emotional phoenomena. psychoanalysis has been used at a various times to address the subject matter or content of individual artworks; the relationship of artworks to the artist; the relationship of the viewer to the piece and the nature of creativeity itself.
Reception theory argues that the viewer actively completes the work of art. Gombrich described this as 'the beholders share' - the viewer brings their own stock of images and experiences when they view the artwork.
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Leonardo Da Vinci, The Virgin and Child with St.Anne 1500-1513, oil on poplar, Louvre Paris
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James Durden, Summer in Cumberland, 1925, oil on canvas, Manchester Art Gallery
some of the shared preoccupations: issues of memory, experiences of loss, mental growth and creativity; life facts linked with the passage of time: childhood, youth, maturity and old age.
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De Chirico, The Uncertainty of the Poet, 1913, Oil on canvas, Tate
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41/42 & 42/42 - end of posted work
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these last two images are of the morning of our last group meeting, I wanted to it to be a reflection of my feeling at the moment which was pure relief. I also wanted to have this to be contrast to the highly edited and staged pieces and scenarios that I have set my other work.
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38/42 & 39/42 & 40/42
A series of work inspired by the fact that the eye make-up from the photoshoot I did ended up looking up like an oil spill, in certain lighting.
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36/42 & 37/42
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Artist lecture, Kevin Hunt
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this work was inspired by Pidgin Doll/ Joshua David McKenney, an artist and doll maker.
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McKenney fired his first porcelain doll in 2012. Pidgin has since evolved into a luxury fashion doll with an international fanbase. She is a full time job for the artist, who sculpts, paints, styles, and photographs each doll.
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Dame Laura Knight (1877-1970), Marsh Mallows, oil on canvas, 76.8 x 64.1 cm. In a private collection.
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Agnes Cecile
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32/42 & 33/42 &34/42
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a bullet point pen
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Iconography is the use of symbols and imagery to portray a subject, movement or ideal. It can also be the use of certain symbols that have a generalized meaning to convey to specific genres such as religious iconography, iconography in art and iconography in film and television.
The phrase religious iconography refers to the use of imagery to realize religious concepts and ideals or to depict religious events. Individual pieces of religious art can be referred to as icons. Additionally, certain images are used within artwork related to religion to convey specific or symbolic meaning.
The Virgin Mary is most often shown wearing a flowing blue robe. This is symbolic of heaven and her spirituality. The purity of the Virgin Mary is shown with lilies in a vase and a bowl or urn of water.
The cross has been a religious icon since the second century and represents Christianity. A crucifix, which is a cross with Jesus on it, represents Catholicism. Other Christian faiths do not depict Jesus on the cross in their iconography.
Many churches have stained glass windows that use visual images to tell stories related to their faith. In Catholic churches, these windows often feature iconography depicting the stations of the cross.
The Holy Spirit is often shown as a dove. This comes from the story of Christ's baptism when the Holy Spirit came from heaven like a dove. It is also used to represent an individual's soul.
Jesus Christ is sometimes represented with a fish symbol, which comes from the Greek word ichthus. A lamb is sometimes used to convey the symbolism of Jesus and/or his love. This is related to the fact that he is referred to as the lamb of God.
Religious figures such as gods, saints, prophets, and martyrs are often immortalized in statues, which become icons to those who follow the faith with which they are associated.
Divine beings are often depicted in human form in religious iconography, whereas demons or even spirits are portrayed as menacing animals.
Images of books and tablets are used to reflect the word of God in religious iconography.
In faiths that subscribe to the Old Testament, apples are symbolic in religious iconography. They symbolize both original sin and temptation offered by Satan.
A halo, which is a circle of light surrounding a person, is widely used in religious paintings to denote a holy person or saint. Asian religious art uses flames, called mandorla, around the body or head.
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