kiwikyuu · 3 years
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oikawa tooru for @kyaa-a ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
and then oikawa accidentally knocks you up and takeru is just like
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
IT WAS ALWAYS THERE — oikawa tooru x f!reader
your friends always said that you’d never have to worry about seeing oikawa again. if only you knew how wrong they would be—and not just a minor wrong. the ‘I just got paired up with my ex-boyfriend for our class final project’ kind of wrong. 
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pairing: oikawa tooru x f!reader
genre: exes to lovers au, college au | angst, fluff 
warnings: aged up characters, mentions of insecurities, Oikawa’s nephew makes an appearance, recreational alcohol consumption, headcanon that Oikawa gets drunk very easily, drunken confessions, misunderstandings, hurt/comfort 
word count: 12k
fic title: it was always there by ky akasha
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As soon as your professor announces that the final project will be a partner assignment, your heart sinks in time with the shuffle of students around and about you—a noise that echoes in the big university lecture hall. Just the fact that you’re sitting in this giant classroom with over 200 students had been more than enough initial reassurance that there would be no peer interactions required in order to pass the class. 
It seems, however, as though those assumptions had been wrong. 
Keep reading
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
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happy pride month from the schweiden adlers!!
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
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He jumpu!!
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
:0 your sleeping on the couch thing was so nice!! If it’s not too much, could you do something similar with Atsumu, Oikawa, and Bokuto?
sleeping on the couch after an argument part two
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feat. Atsumu, Oikawa, Bokuto
♡ warning: hurt/comfort
♡ a/n: ahhh I'm glad you liked it hehe
♡ part one, part three, part four, part five
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arguments with Atsumu are the worst sometimes because he just expects you to see things from his point of view??
and when you pointed this out to him, he was not happy to hear that
so instead of acknowledging it, he changed the subject
"Let’s just go to bed, I have an early practice tomorrow” he says, making his way to your bedroom first
and of course you’re livid because he just chose to hold off on the argument
like heck you’d sleep in the same room as him
you lay down on the couch, curling up and draping the throw blanket over you
a few moments after closing your eyes, you sense a looming presence
fluttering your eyes open, you see Atsumu hovering above you, still looking annoyed
“What the heck do ya think yer doing?” he asks, and scoops you from the couch and towards your room
“Put me down ‘Tsumu!” you’re doing your best to thrash around in his arms, but his grip on you is too strong
“Yer acting really petty- sleeping on the couch is a tad dramatic don’t ya think?” he says, setting you down on your side of the bed before heading to his side
“I’m not! I’m seriously upset with you and I don’t want to sleep in the same bed as you Atsumu!”
you watch the panic set into Atsumu’s eyes when he realized that yes, you were 100% serious
instantly wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest
“please don’t say that Y/n. you didn’t mean that did you? I’m really sorry I know I’m a selfish idiot”
to him, hearing those words from you stung him. the fact that you were so fed up with your boyfriend that you couldn’t stand to even sleep near him made him worried that you were slowly starting to stop loving him
the tone in his voice is enough to calm you down
“no I don’t mean it.. I’m sorry too, I’m just tired and wasn’t thinking.” you reply, stroking his hair. and he starts to calm down too
you feel Atsumu nod his head
“okay, well let’s get proper rest and talk about this in the morning rationally” he says, kissing your forehead
“I thought you had an early practice”
“that can wait, you’re more important” he mumbles, hugging you closer to him and slowly drifting to sleep
arguments with Oikawa can get stressful
because it’s clear he knows what the issue is- but sometimes his pride just gets in the way of admitting his wrongs
during your latest argument, he accidentally snaps at you for being too much and how he already knows what you told him
he calms down for a bit, but doesn’t realize how his words stung you
“let’s just go to bed” he sighs and makes way towards your bedroom
you’re honestly really hurt, and it feels just wrong to go to bed during this entire debacle, so instead you lay down on the couch to sleep
the argument itself was extremely tiring for you, so you’re able to fall asleep in no time at all
but Oikawa’s still awake in bed, just scrolling through his phone waiting for you to come in
after sometime of mindlessly going through social media, it finally hits him that he’s been waiting for a considerable amount of time
his first thought is that you were still riled up and just didn’t want to go to sleep right at this moment, so he heads out to the living room to get you to go to bed
"Y/n-chan, c’mon time to go to sleep. You can’t just stay up that’s not good ..” he stops talking the moment he sees you fast asleep on the couch
and now he’s freaking out. it’s not that you didn’t want to sleep- it’s that you didn’t want to sleep with him
which says a lot about how you currently feel about him and your argument
he panics and rushes over to the couch to wake you up
“I- wha? What do you want Tooru?” you groan, keeping your eyes shut
“I’m sorry!” he says, throwing his arms around you
“...what?” you’re starting to wake up more, but you definitely heard him apologize
“I said I’m sorry. I don’t want to argue anymore if it means you refusing to sleep in the same bed as me” you’re now fully awake and look at your boyfriend, and you can see the alarm in his expression
he’s just too scared to lose you, and he’s afraid that if hets you sleep on the couch just this once, then things will go downhill from there
but that’s a discussion for another day
you look at your boyfriend and you can tell how sincere he’s being with his apology, so you lift your arms up
and he carries you back to bed 
“..we still have to talk about it in the morning you know” you mumble
“mhmm” he hums before pulling you closer to him
he doesn’t care about that all too much because he knows you two will be alright in the morning
arguments with Bokuto were uncommon, but when they did occur it was a big deal
and tonight was no exception
the two of you weren’t listening to one another and it felt like you both were talking to a brick wall- it was terribly annoying to deal with and you knew it was going nowhere
"C'mon Kou, let's head to bed- we can talk more in the morning" you sigh, and without a word, the two of you start preparing for bed
while you're brushing your teeth, you start thinking about how you really don't feel as if it's right to be in bed with your boyfriend
the argument was kind of your fault, wasn't it? you started to feel extremely guilty for your actions- and thus you made the decision to sleep on the couch
perhaps sleeping separately would help the both of you clear your minds more
when you finish up your nightly routine, you peek your head into the bedroom, you saw Bokuto fast asleep
you made your way to the closet to grab a spare blanket and head towards the couch
you were extremely exhausted so it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep too
but Bokuto woke up probably an hour after he had fallen asleep, and of course he noticed that you weren’t next to him
his first thought was that you went to get water, so he decided to stroll into the kitchen to grab some for himself
but when he entered the living room and saw you sleeping on the couch, he was extremely confused, like have you been sleeping there the entire time?
he walks up to the couch and frowns, feeling especially guilty that you had chosen to slept on the couch
brushes some of your hair out of your face and cups half of your face
he sees you smile a bit in your sleep upon feeling his touch and there’s a wave of relief in him
like heck he was going to let you sleep alone now
when you wake up hours later, you notice that you’re no longer sleeping on the couch- but instead on Bokuto who is the one on the couch
your head is rested on his chest, and while the movement of his chest rising and falling brings great comfort- you’re honestly confused as to how this happened
apparently Bokuto tried to squeeze into laying down on the couch with you, and while the both of you technically did fit, it wasn’t the most ideal way to sleep
so he just kind scooted you on top of him, and you slept peacefully on him, hugging him like a giant teddy bear in the process
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
thank you for the tag! lots of love to you hehe
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realistically -> i've only really had crushes on "nice" guys who are gamers whether it be val, lol, csgo. so i feel like kenma would be a realistic choice. he was also like my first haik crush lmao
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unrealistically/ideally -> i think i just like guys who are going to break my heart like i want an asshole boyfriend. plz that's so embarrassing but suna seems like right up my alley of bad boy/asshole/heartbreaker.
tags: honestly i really don't have moots so this is open to anyone and everyone lol
tag game
Show 1. the fictional character you could see yourself realistically getting along with in a relationship and 2. show the fictional character you unrealistically would want to get in a relationship with but know it wouldn’t end well. 
Realistically: Kiyoshi Teppei (Kuroko no basket) 
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Unrealistically: Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) 
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no pressure tags: @healpeony @odmlevis @weepinglevi @glittrkink @welcometotheclubhoe @peachy-momos @lostoctaviaaugusta @pricetagofficial @eremiie​ 
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
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you turn your head, realizing after a second that they were calling out to you and to no one else. if atsumu was here, maybe you’d hesitate on turning since it was his last name too, but today, you’re alone, so that makes you the sole miya to talk to.
you blink, “yeah?”
and you see a guy from one of your classes earlier this afternoon, standing in front of you, with a polite smile that’s welcoming enough to not seem so awkward.
“hi,” he tells you, a quick greeting with a polite smile flashing your way, and he says, “you dropped this in class earlier.”
and with ease, he pulls out your lunch card that’s coated in a thin line of plastic out from his bag pocket, handing it to you with a casual shrug.
“oh,” you blink, bashful that you never even realized it’s gone missing, and your face flushes, “thank you - god, this is so stupid of me.”
and he smiles, “not a big deal.”
it’s the afternoon now, the school day just ended and you’re currently waiting for atsumu - your husband - to come pick you up.
“so uh, do you live near here?” the guy from your class asks, and you hate that you forgot his name, but you’re too shy to ask for it now.
you bite your cheek, “not really, but i’m waiting for someone to pick me up.”
speak of the devil.
you turn to see atsumu running towards you, him still obviously in his volleyball clothes that you wonder if his day just ended for him too.
he pulls you in for a hug the second he reaches you, one that you’re happy to return, and it feels like the world stops turning if you don’t miss him for even just a day.
he’s out of breath, “sorry i’m late, practice ran kinda long and — oh uh.”
and atsumu notices that you aren’t alone, and he’s unsure as to what to feel about that.
his eyes narrow a tad bit the second he realizes that another guy is standing so close to you, standing way too awfully close for his liking.
atsumu miya doesn’t get jealous very often, and he’s not admitting that he’s jealous of this random guy you’re with, but he’s missed you all day, and he really just wanted to be alone with you right now.
so he throws an arm over your shoulder, a glint in his eye as he pulls you close, and his tone drips with venom, “who’s the scrub?”
you nudge his side.
and your classmate raises a brow, offering him a polite smile, “we share a class together.”
atsumu nods, giving out a silent ‘ah’, and he lets you go for a quick second to lend your classmate a handshake.
“name’s miya atsumu, nice to meet ya.” he tells him, though it’s pretty evident that he’s not all that thrilled with the way he’s mood drops.
“miya?” your classmate looks at you, his brows raised, and he asks, “is he your brother?”
atsumu keeps an uninterested look, his eyebrow slightly raised, and he corrects, with a tone you don’t miss, “husband.”
your face flushes.
your classmate blinks, “oh, congratulations?”
“thanks.” your husband replies, keeping his voice clipped.
and your classmate looks at you, “you two make a good couple.”
and atsumu answers, “we know.”
“right.” your classmate scratches his cheek, thin ice breaking under his feet, and for his sake, you wish that he’d just go and say goodbye already.
now you really needed to learn his name.
he looks at you, an apologetic look one last time before he keeps a polite smile. “well, i’m just gonna go — see you in class.”
and he’s off, gone before you could even say goodbye (or properly ask for his name).
you look at atsumu, “you scared him.”
he rolls his eyes, “he was flirting with you.”
so you hit his arm lightly, “i don’t even know his name.”
and he tells you, grinning, “it better stay that way too.”
the two of you make your way back to where he parked his car, hand in hand, and you know better than to decline when he insists on taking your books from your grasp.
it’s only been a few months since you and atsumu got married - just young kids playing dress up, signing contracts, and spitting vows - and he’ll tell you that it’s going well, and you’ll tell him that you have no regrets.
he doesn’t have much to offer you — just his name, his pride, and a small, sunburnt heart that’s learned to grow fond of your voice — so he hopes you don’t mind when he gets jealous too easily and overly protective of you.
“you know he called me miya, right?” you tell him, smiling as the two of you walk.
and atsumu grins, “ya getting used to it yet?”
“turns out i’m a natural at responding to it,” you titter, enjoying the bounce that comes along your shoulders as you say, and you nudge atsumu on the side, “watch out, i might just be the better miya after all.”
“you?” he scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest, and he jokes, “the better miya?”
and you nod, “the better freaking miya.”
atsumu smiles, fully agreeing, and there’s no better opportunity to pull you into a mid afternoon kiss.
it’s nothing special, just a quick deep kiss that’s done enough times to be called casual, but important enough to never lose an ounce of affection.
atsumu offered you his name, and you accepted it, and you offer him your time, and there’s nothing more he’d want.
he smiles against your kiss, “yer the better miya.”
and you say, grinning, “samu told me that too.”
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
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you and atsumu, even only after three months of marriage, have fallen into a pretty tightly knit morning routine.
with your early classes and his early trainings, it’s only expected that the two of you learn how to coexist better in the mornings — but atsumu is atsumu, and he’s never really been eager to wake up so early.
it’s 6:30 in the morning, the alarm clock rings.
atsumu tosses over, taking the pillow from under his head and throwing it at the source of the sound, and with a strained irritated voice, he groans, “clock.”
“stupid stupid clock.” he mutters, his eyebrows furrowing, and his arm immediately takes you in by the waist, pushing you to his chest, and you’re awaken just as much as he is.
the comforters are kicked to the edge of the bed, your pillow on the floor with your shirts and shorts, and you groan at atsumu’s sudden pull.
you yawn, “don’t insult the clock.”
you stay still against atsumu’s chest, his arm tightly keeping you close to him, and you take one more second or two to rid yourself of the remaining sleep in your system.
it’s time to get up.
“tsumu.” you call out.
but he keeps his eyes closed, “five more minutes.”
it’s 6:34 now, an hour away from your respective call times, and even you can admit that it’s still too early to even be thinking of leaving the bed.
atsumu’s hands trail on your back, calming strokes underneath his fingertips, your warm skin on his — and he feels exactly like what mornings should feel.
you take this opportunity to bring your hand up to his face; his nose is red - probably from the cold - and his hair is tousled and knotted.
you kiss him on the lips, a gentle peck, with his eyes closed and all, and your heart flutters when you see him bite back a smile as soon as you pull away.
you tease, “oh, you’re awake now.”
and he opens his eyes, “you’re annoying.”
and he pulls you into a deeper kiss, one that has you smiling and laughing, but still breathless and panting all at once.
he pulls away just to kiss you back and repeat.
it’s only six in the morning, and this is a very nice way of waking up. skin on skin, clothes on the floor, and atsumu’s cologne from yesterday.
“maybe we can stay in bed today.” he tells you, grinning as he peppers the rest of your face with butterfly kisses.
and you shake your head, “after you insulted my clock? not gonna happen.”
so he kisses you again, “i promise i won’t be mean to the clock anymore if we stay in bed.”
it’s 6:45, you and atsumu tread down the lengthy flat to sit at the bright and comfy dining set just by the kitchen, a pot of coffee brewed by your side, and two mugs that are immaturely cheesy adorning the table.
atsumu looks at you, peering over his coffee, “is that my shirt?”
and you reply, “no.” knowing fully well that it is his.
(but to your defense, you just put on whatever was closest to you on the bedroom floor, so how could you have known that it wasn’t really yours?)
(you would’ve still worn it even if you did know it was his though.)
his coffee mug in his hands, he points out, “it says miya on the back.”
and you give him a charming smile, “well, my last name is miya too.”
and atsumu gives you a smile, “damn right.”
he takes another drink from his cup, and he tilts his head, “are you wearing my shorts?”
it’s 7:00 now, atsumu is still latched around your back, his arms relentlessly tight around your waist as he peppers the rest of your neck and shoulders with a myriad of kisses.
you stand in front of a stove, an apron thrown over one of his shirts, and two mugs of coffee sits on the very counter behind you.
he tells you, “go easy on the salt.” peeking over your cooking.
and you reply, “cook your own eggs, asshat.”
the morning will come to an end soon, he’d have to drive you to school and walk you to class before going to his volleyball trainings himself.
but right now, the two of you enjoy the quiet of the kitchen, rings and names being shared anong with laughter and kisses.
and atsumu’s not a morning person, but he’d gladly wake up early just to do this everyday with you.
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
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Kings of the Court
Bye it's comms week hehe
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
How clearly does the point need to be made that "police officer" is just a fucking job, one with minimal training and minimal monitoring. It is NOT some kind of promise of honesty, truth, or heroism. It is a bunch of assistant managers with extremely powerful weapons. IF you can understand "pedophiles choose to be priests and teachers so they can get to children", IF you understand "arsonists choose to be firefighters so they can be present at their own crimes" - then you can ALSO understand "people who are bigoted, violent, and power-hungry choose to be cops for the opportunities the job presents" and you can ALSO understand "any occupational culture that chooses fraternity over justice - and the allowance of violence in the name of a unified front - is therefore siding with their worst representatives"
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
eHm can you pls write some fluffy iwaizumi mini hcs?
can i ever,,, ugh yes 
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↬ when the two of you first started dating, iwaizumi didn’t kiss you for a very long time. at first it seemed like he was just hesitant, or being respectful, trying to let you set the pace for intimacy instead. he admitted later to you, though, that he hadn’t had his first kiss yet, and it wasn’t that he wasn’t sure about sharing it with you, it was more that he was so sure that he wanted you to be his first that he couldn’t afford any mess up. he was shy. to his relief, you didn’t rush him at all, and instead found different ways to show your affection to him. 
↬ which leads to my point of iwaizumi adoring cheek kisses. for a good couple of months, you still hadn’t shared your first kiss, so you resorted to similar displays of affection, like cheek kisses. he found himself so comfortable with the feel of you reaching up, leaning on his shoulder with both hands as you press a kiss to his cheek. it’s his favorite public display of affection. because of its significance (in relation to your respect towards him, and the fact that you’d gone out of your way to find different ways to show your affection), cheek kisses hold a special place in his heart. nothing makes his heart beat as fast as when you grab his jaw in a fit of happiness and press a long, wet kiss on his cheek. against all odds, it makes him smile a smile unlike any other, and the blush that taints his cheeks and spreads along his nose and to the tips of his ears is a gift on its own. 
↬ wait that reminds me!! iwaizumi cannot lie, like whatsoever. if it’s very, very necessary, like to protect his friends or to cover for them or to protect a surprise planned, then maybe. but otherwise, he’s very obvious. now it’s more obvious to people closer to him than others, because if you focus enough, his ears tend to twitch a little when he’s lying, and it’s literally the cutest thing ever. because he’ll have this very serious face on, trying to spew out a lie, and then his ears twitch and he’s done for. 
↬ iwaizumi is a really good gift giver, because no one pays attention the way he does. and even if he barely knows anything about the person, he somehow can pick out something they like very well. his gifts tend to be more sentimental, and when it comes to receiving, he’s so bad at — saying thank you? at receiving them? he just gets all red and fidgety and starts saying things like, “you really shouldn’t have,” and, “why would you spend your money on me?” please someone sugar mama/daddy him.
↬ it doesn’t matter if you can drive or not, iwaizumi will never ever let you. he insists on driving, no matter how tired he is. he always plays your favorite music, and he talks to you the whole ride. like he loves to have you leaning close to him on your elbow, chin tucked in your palm, and the two of you are just chatting. 
↬ which leads me to this: iwaizumi loves your voice. he can hear you talk for hours, genuinely. maybe it stems from the fact that he prefers to listen, but really, you can find him at any point in time, at any hour of the day, listening to you speak. he loves to come home to you and listen to you tell him about your day as you two eat, or calling you in the middle of the day just to check in on each other, or having you send him voice notes instead of text messages, or videos instead of pictures. he just loves to hear you, in general. it genuinely elicits this really warm feeling in his chest that he can never get enough of. 
↬ if you wear makeup often, iwaizumi loves to take it off for you. he spends a lot of time watching you when you’re both doing your nightly routines, so at some point, he just asks if he can do it for you instead. he wants to practice, he says, so that one day you can leave it completely up to him. he finds it so intimate, the vulnerability and trust of it all. he’s seen you without makeup, of course, and he thinks you’re really beautiful with and without it, but there’s nothing purer to his heart than the trust you put in him to let him take your makeup off for you. he’s really gentle at first, because there’s this irrational fear that he’s gonna hurt you somehow. if you wear fake lashes, he literally winces as he takes them off it’s adorable. but after he’s wiped it all off, and grabs a damp towel to wash off the excess and the residue, he just leans over and presses a kiss to the tip of your nose or to your lips and smiles softly. 
↬ iwaizumi is a sucker for the little domestic moments the two of you share. it literally might be his favorite thing ever. like the two of you washing the dishes together, you’re cleaning and he’s drying? or doing the laundry together? or cleaning up your messy room together, and each of you grab the ends of the blanket and lift it up to spread it over the mattress neatly? or grocery shopping together, with him trying to ignore the incredibly unhealthy choices you’ve decided to toss into the shopping cart? or him passing by your work as he comes home from his to take the two of you together? or renovating your home together, and you’re covered in paint and dust? or ordering breakfast as you lay in bed because you’re too lazy, and then eating said breakfast still in bed because you’re still lazy? or the way you walk into the bathroom while he showers to wash your face and brush your teeth and the two of you just talk? or the random pictures you send him throughout the day, maybe of a weird cloud or a pretty sunset, with a little smiley face after? or the way his family loves you, so much? the way his mother personally texts you to check in on you, to tell you to come over, to just catch up? because you’re a part of the family now? 
in conclusion, hajime wants to marry you. 
↬ he loves building things for you. like iwaizumi loves the way you just hand him the instruction manual exasperated, and he just sighs with a grin and sits by you. he’s so good at it too! and he always does it shirtless too. it’s mostly for your viewing pleasure :) 
↬ when you two go on vacation, iwaizumi’s  always setting rules like “we need to be up by 7 am to enjoy the day” and sets alarms and all, but sleeps through all of them. you end up the only one awake. he’s just on vacation mode <//3 
↬ always puts your phone in the charger if you forget before you sleep. 
↬ iwaizumi becomes cuddlier after he falls asleep. like he lets you cuddle up to him as you’re both falling asleep, but when you wake up before him, you literally won’t be able to get up, because he’s going to be half on top of you. and if you try to wake him up, he just sticks more to you. it’s so endearing, really it is, because he looks so adorable with his cheek squished to your chest like that, and his mouth slightly parted. not when it’s a battle between you and your bladder though </3
↬ loves wearing your thighs as ear muffs. like iwaizumi adores just having you lay there, and him coming around to lay between your legs, slinging them over his shoulders and locking your ankles. can literally lay there for hours. 
↬ if you ask for socks because your feet are cold, he’ll give you his. don’t ask him why he just does. 
↬ loves to hug you after a very long day. like he just groups you in his arms and holds you there as you go, “long day?” and he replies, “yeah.” then he asks, “long day?” and you go, “yeah.” and the two of you just stand there for a while, before he kisses the top of your head and leads the two of you to get into comfier clothes. 
↬ he prefers showering with you over baths, just cause he likes to get on his knees as you’re scrubbing at his hair and kissing your tummy. he doesn’t know why he loves it as much but he does, especially the way you laugh after. it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love baths as well, especially if he’s extremely tired. there is the issue of convincing him to get out, but just drain the water and watch the goosebumps raid his skin and he’ll leave. 
↬ loves it when you sit on his lap when you’re in public, especially in gatherings with a lot of his friends. he doesn’t do it out of possessiveness or jealousy, he just likes it when you’re so open and comfortable about everyone knowing you’re with him, as his partner and significant other. nothing having to do with insecurity either. he just loves it. loves the way you lean into him, and the way your waist feels against his hand, and the way you talk in slightly hushed tones to each other. 
↬ basically, when iwaizumi loves, he loves with his entire heart <3 
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this literally made my entire day, i loved writing these so much. iwa has such a special place in my heart i love him so much <333 also i hope everyone enjoys these as well; love you all, mwah <333 
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
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kuroo’s phone got stolen.
and you absolutely blame him for it for carelessly leaving it around unguarded all the time.
but now, not only did kuroo have to get a new phone but he also had to reset and redo all his passwords and security to make sure that none of his personal files got stolen — and gosh, was that the most troubling part.
“so what’s your new password?” you ask kuroo from afar, his new phone placed comfortably on the palm of your hand.
you usually knew of all this information already, but with the recent change of everything, you never got the chance to ask for it again.
kuroo perks up, his head peeking from the kitchen’s island counter, and he holds out his free hand.
he calls out to you, “give it here, let me open it.”
and you stay still on your spot on the sofa, telling him, “it’s fine, just shout it out.”
“yeah, but if you give it to me, i can just use my fingerprint.” he replies, the sound of clanking dishes being washed continuing as he speaks.
kuroo tells you, “it’s less work.”
your eyebrows furrow.
you tell him, “then you’d have to hand it back to me either way — it’s equal amount of work.”
your mouth borders on a frown as you stare at kuroo’s lock screen, his wallpaper being a picture of you two together taken a few month’s ago at kenma’s apartment, and you wonder if there’s a reason why he’s just not telling you his new password.
the sound of dishes being washed stops, and kuroo wipes his hands on the sides of his shirt, and he walks over to you in the living room.
“give me my phone.” he says to you, hand out and grinning.
and you shake your head, “why won’t you tell me your new password?”
you know you sound insane right now — but this has never been an issue before, in fact, he’s always been the one person to tell you all this before you even asked for it, so why was he making such a big deal out of it now?
he laughs, shaking his head, “there’s no reason.”
“then tell me your password.” you reply, crossing your arms over your chest.
and kuroo takes another second just grinning at you, his laughter trimmed with a spot of nervousness, and he ends up just shaking his head.
he tells you, a simple, “no.”
and you were curious about it before, but now you’re just worried that he really is trying to hide something from you.
“if you don’t tell me, i’ll think you’re hiding something.” you tell him, still keeping his phone out of his reach.
and the worry in your chest lightens when all kuroo does is laugh.
he tells you, “i’d rather have you think that than actually know what my password is.”
you scoff at him, laughing, “you’re crazy, you know that?”
and he gives you a look — his eyes slightly widening as you cross your arms, and he smiles, bigger this time as you keep his phone tucked under your elbow, and he still hates that he got a new phone, but he particularly loves having this conversation.
kuroo leans down on the head of the sofa, lifting your chin to meet his as he pulls you into a deep kiss, and when you aren’t focused, his free hand snakes his phone away from your grasp.
you push him off, faking a gasp as you laugh, and you tell him you hate him, and he replies with an i love you too.
you smile, and you joke, “don’t you trust me anymore?”
he rolls his eyes, knowing full well that you’re kidding, and kuroo kisses you again.
this time he pulls away, gentle, and he hands you back his phone, telling you, “it’s your birthday.”
and it clicks — why he’s been holding off with just telling you about it, and you realize that he must’ve been shy.
so you smile, “you put in my birthday as your password?”
kuroo rolls his eyes, but he nods anyways.
“you’re so lame.” you tell him, laughing, but you still feel your heart come up your throat as he groans.
“oh i take it back,” he yells, laughing as he makes his way back to the kitchen to finish the dishes left on the sink, and he jokes, “i’m actually cheating on you.”
you yell back, words lined with laughter, and you tell him, “i know you love me.”
and kuroo just says nothing, heart in his throat, but he laughs, because you and him both know that it’s true.
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
update on that update : midterms are still kicking my ass so i might have to delay it another week rip </3
update : probably will post the rest of my 500 followers event next week because midterms are kicking my ass rip
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
sakusa calling you a ‘bug’ ironically especially since he knows you know he hates bugs. the name stuck and now he regularly says that you’re “as cute as a bug’s ear” and calls you “my bug” out of love <3
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
update : probably will post the rest of my 500 followers event next week because midterms are kicking my ass rip
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
why are hockey brawls so fucking attractive like i just saw a vid of someone body checking the other team’s goalie and the goalie’s team RUSHED that dude and slammed him so hard they sent him to god with same day shipping
now all i can think of is oikawa being that goalie and iwa/mattsun/makki throwing their gloves off and rdy to kill someone on the ice
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