kkoots · 2 years
Welcome to the United States of America where if you want to be safe from guns you die if you want to get a safe abortion you die if you're gay you die if you're black you die if you're a woman you die if you're disabled you die if you're a kid you die if you're a POC you die if you're trans you die and no one will do anything about it because some stupid cuntrags that are two steps away from tripping on a staircase and dying cling to some dipshit beliefs from over 6 decades ago and decide to make it everyone's problem
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kkoots · 2 years
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a dark day... the onion went off
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kkoots · 2 years
I am 48 and I sometimes wish I grew up now. There is so much less shame.
This is your daily reminder to not be ashamed of making your life easy for yourself.
Cut your food into small pieces, make the font size 30 on your e book, use straws to drink, get a pen that’s comfortable to hold, take more naps, walk slowly, eat another cookie, buy velcro shoes, re-watch the part you couldn’t understand the first time, write things on your hands so you don’t forget it… whatever you want and/or need
Don’t let anyone tell you how you should be doing things. We don’t need to prove each other anything
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kkoots · 2 years
Please dont forget addicts when youre advocating for people with highly stigmatized mental illnesses. Addiction is a disorder and it deserves just as much visibility, acceptance and support as any other stigmatized mental illness.
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kkoots · 2 years
Truly easy peasy. #somepeopleresentboundaries
“but what if my friend gets offended and hates me and refuses to speak to me after i set a boundary” easy peasy! that is not your friend. hope this helps
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kkoots · 3 years
I am still haunted by this case, even after almost 3 yrs. It is so tragic. Well he wanted a new life...he git it. D-bag
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The Father Who Killed His Family
On 13th August 2018, Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife Shanann (34) and his two daughters, Bella (4) and Celeste (3). It emerged that Watts had been having an affair with a colleague, and Shanann had allegedly retaliated by saying their marriage was over and Watts would not see his children. After it was noticed that the family were nowhere to be found, Watts initially claimed that he had returned home to find his wife’s wedding ring on the kitchen counter alongside a note to say she had left him. After this version of events was discounted, Watts claimed that his wife had murdered their two children in a vengeful rage after finding out he was having an affair, and he had murdered her in relation. However, this story was also not sustainable. In an interview with Watts after he was arrested and charged, he spoke of how his wife did not put up a struggle as he strangled her to death, and believes she was praying during her last moments. After she was dead, Watts put his wife’s body into a truck and drove with his two young daughters to a secluded area near to his workplace. Once there, he dragged Shanann’s body into a shallow grave and then returned to the car to smother Celeste to death. After Bella watched her younger sister die, she asked her father if the same thing was going to happen to her. Watts then turned on her also, as she screamed and pleaded “Daddy, no!” When reflecting on the murders during the interview, Chris Watts claims he is haunted by his eldest daughter’s cries every day. The bodies of the young girls were pushed inside a small hatch in an oil tank and concealed there, until investigators found a tuft of blonde hair snagged on the hatch opening.  Chris Watts was convicted and received multiple life sentences in November 2018, including for the lost life of his unborn child. He is allegedly confined to his cell for 23 hours every day, and has little access to anything but a bible. Despite the isolation, Watts apparently receives a lot of mail from female admirers due to his looks. One woman even wrote that she “doesn’t mind” that he killed his entire family.
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kkoots · 3 years
The events that unfolded over the past 24 hours in Atlanta were not isolated incidents. Hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased nearly 150% in the US in the last year. 
Last June, in the wake up of yet another uprising in hate crimes committed by white supremacists, we released the following statement:
White supremacists, Nazis, and other purveyors of hate can fully fuck off. They are not welcome here.
These words are as true today as they were then. We stand with the Asian American community. If you see hate speech on Tumblr, please report it. That shit is not tolerated here. 
To help the survivors and families of yesterday’s hate crimes, please consider donating to a nonprofit like the Atlanta branch of Asian Americans Advancing Justice if you can. If you can’t, consider spreading the word. We’ll list more resources and reblogs over on @action as we find them.
As always, please make sure you are taking care of yourself as well. If you’re struggling for any reason, please reach out to any of the free and confidential counseling services listed here.
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kkoots · 4 years
Too real
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kkoots · 4 years
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#baby doesn’t want to be away from his daddy
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kkoots · 4 years
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the fallen boy stood up.
The Rise Of Ben Solo.
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kkoots · 4 years
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Lo so, siete a bocca aperta. L’opera è di Darian Rodriguez Mederos, classe 1992, artista cubano di cui sentiremo parlare ancora.
via Jacopo Veneziani 
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kkoots · 4 years
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Happy New Year!
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kkoots · 4 years
So. Darn. Cute
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kkoots · 4 years
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Guess he finally found out.
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kkoots · 4 years
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kkoots · 5 years
Wishing everyone a happy turkey day!!
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kkoots · 5 years
I’ve spent the past months reflecting on how easy it seems to be for people to not only become desensitized to cruelty, but also become willing participants in it. There were a lot of people tried for war crimes at the end of WWII and while it might feel natural to write them all off as Hannibal Lecter-style sickos, reality paints a different picture.
The vast majority of Nazis were just…regular. They weren’t people who had resumes full of operating gas chambers, performing gruesome medical experiments, and overseeing slave labor and just got lucky that Hitler created lots of job openings in their fields of expertise. A cursory glance into their backgrounds indicates they were architects, lawyers, painters, chemists, cooks, teachers, farmers, car salesmen, hairdressers, pastors, economists, airline pilots, and housewives. They were your next door neighbors, math tutors, and bus drivers.
They had families. A lot of them probably had good senses of humor, played sports, and loved the arts. They probably read their kids bedtime stories, went to church, had beloved pets. Regular. People.
So did 1930s Germany have an uncommon amount of depraved psychopaths, or it was full of average people who became capable of shocking depravity after years of exposure to hyper nationalist, pro-Aryan propaganda that slowly desensitized them to the humanity of anyone considered not German enough? Or is there a difference? Would it even matter if there was? 
I think about this almost every day now in our current political climate. Every time someone cheers when Donald Trump talks about shooting migrants or rolls their eyes whenever someone protests the current child separation policy, I picture these people who went from being just regular to earning nicknames like The Hyena of Auschwitz or The Butcher of Prague.
Pretending they were always monsters is dangerous because it keeps us from recognizing the real potential this kind of thing could ever happen again. It keeps us from periodically examining our own hearts and asking if we ourselves could ever be capable of such atrocities under the right set of circumstances. The truth is, most of these people would have never been categorized as monsters…until they were. 
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