klo00 · 8 years
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klo00 · 9 years
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Patrice then said the only thing she could think of was Eric and Dylan were teased in the bowling class because they bowled “weird.” I asked her to tell me what was weird about it. She said Eric bowled like he was doing a forward pass of a basketball or you would [throw?] a medicine ball. Dylan would bowl as if he was throwing a softball. He would bring the ball all the way over his head. She said the team they were on was a weird team. 
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klo00 · 9 years
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Tough Guise: Violence, Media & The Crisis in Masculinity
with Ed. M, Ph.D Jackson Katz
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klo00 · 9 years
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klo00 · 9 years
id never hurt an animal but id murder the whole human race
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klo00 · 9 years
What were some of the things written on eric and dylan's crosses?
Dylan’s:“How can anyone forgive you?”“Through Jesus Christ, That’s how!“May God have mercy on your soul”“Sorry we all failed you”“Forgive but never forget!!!!”“No one is to blame”“Hate breeds hate”“Flowers for your family”“Murdering (or Evil) bastard”“Jesus will forgive”“Jesus loved you”“Why?”There was also a sign posted on the front that said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do ~ Jesus” More is written below, but I can’t see it.
Eric’s: “How can we ever forgive you?”
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klo00 · 9 years
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One of the last entries Dylan wrote in his Journal before the shootings at Columbine.
Below you can read what is written. Misspellings and other errors have been left as is.
Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17
Leave, set car bombs.
Drive to clemete Park. Gearup.
Get back by 11:15
Park cars. set car bombs for 11:18
get out, go to outside hill, wait.
When first bombs go off, attack.
have fun!
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klo00 · 9 years
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Modern Marvel Dylan Klebold
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(11K documents)
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(O Magazine)
If you take Tom and Sue back to their prelapsarian memories, ease creeps into their voices. “Dylan was a marvel,” Tom recalled of his son’s early childhood. “Completely self-motivated. Curious.” Every year on Dylan’s birthday, Tom goes up to the place where the two used to hike and takes a Dr. Pepper, because Dylan loved Dr. Pepper, and the stuffed koala that was Dylan’s childhood favorite. The Klebold’s needed 3 years to clean out Dylan’s room and to remake it into the pleasant guest room in which I slept on my visits. Sue said, “He was a wonderful, marvelous, pretty-close-to-perfect child. He made you feel like a great parent, because he did everything right. Dylan had this incredible sense of organization, and structure, and all this executive functioning.” At 3, he could already count to 110 and would use refrigerator magnets to make equations. He entered preschool a year early, earned top grades, and was accepted to the gifted-children program. “When he was very young, he would dump five or six puzzles into a pile, so he would have the thrill of working on them all at the same time. He liked mazes; he liked word searches. He played chess with Tom. He was just a delight.” Sue looked at me sideways, then said quietly, “You can’t imagine how long it’s been since I had a chance to brag about my son.” Later she said, “He was very malleable; you’d reason with him and say, ‘This is why I think you should do something,’ and you could almost always persuade him to change his mind. Which I used to see as a strength, from the perspective of a parent. But I see now that it might have been a terrible detriment.”
(Far From the Tree)
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klo00 · 9 years
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Facts about Dylan Bennet Klebold (I meant to do this awhile back. It was also requested by an anon.)
Dylan was born September 11, 1981 in Lakewood, Colorado.
Dylan was 6 ft. 2.5 in. tall.
He was born to Thomas Klebold and Susan (Yassenoff) Klebold. He was the younger brother of Bryon Klebold
Mr. Klebold was 52, Mrs. Klebold was 50, and Byron was 21 at the time the shooting occured.
Dylan attended Normandy Elementary School in 1st and 2nd grade.
He transferred to Governors Ranch Elementary School where he was part of a gifted program called CHIPS. CHIPS stood for challenging high intellectual potential students.
Dylan’s parents told investigators they believed Dylans transition from elementary school to Ken Caryl Middle school had been difficult because he was so quiet and shy. Changing from elementary school to high school is often difficult, so his parents weren’t overly concerned.
In earlier school years, Dylan played T-ball, baseball, and soccer.
He was in Cub Scouts with Brooks Brown. He had known Brown since the first grade.
Dylan met Eric Harris while attending Ken Caryl Middle in the 7th or 8th grade.
Dylan eventually introduced Brooks Brown and Nate Dykman to Eric Harris. All of the boys became good friends.
In 1995, all the boys moved up to Columbine when they went to the 9th grade. The school had just undergone a 15 million dollar makeover.
Dylans participated in school play productions as a light and sound coordinator, video productions, and the CHS Rebel’s news network.
Dylan helped out Rachel Scott when performing “Watch the Lamb.” When the music messed up, Dylan was able to provide a backup tape so the show could continue.
He was also a computer assistant at school and helped maintain the school computer server.
Dylan often played fantasy baseball. Other players said they heard him talking about the plays that would go on the week of 4-20. He had gave no hint he wouldn’t be around after that Tuesday.
Dylans locker was #837
He drove a black 1982 BMW.
Dylans parents claimed they had no idea there was anything wrong with him. Years later, Dylan’s parents admitted to looking over the facts of how unhappy he really was. They said they had not seen clues that were there the whole time.
Dylan had planned on going to the Universty of Arizona and studying computer science. On March 25, 1999 the whole family drove to Arizona to pick his dorm room.
Columbine had their prom on 4/17/199. Dylan went with his friend Robyn K. Anderson. Dylan and Robyn went to the event as friends and NOT love interested. It was reported by Nake Dykman there was no indication about what was to come and the night went “perfect.”
Robyn Anderson had been a “middleman” who had helped Eric and Dylan purchase the guns used in the shooting.
It was reported that Eric Harris had a strong influence on Dylan.
Others who knew Dylan described him as “painfully shy,” but not quick to anger. The memories of his shy manner were not reported by those who knew him best in the months before the shooting. He and Eric had got into trouble many times while working together at Blackjack Pizza. Dylan was once written up for bringing a pipebomb to work. He quit shortly after, but was rehired when Blackjack needed Employees.
After Nate Dykman had witnessed Dylan making a purchase behind Blackjack pizza, Dylan admitted to him he had bought a gun.
Weeks before the shooting, Dylan had wrote a graphically violent school report. The teacher refused to grade the paper until she talked to him about it. The teacher told his parents about the report. Eric’s explaination was “it’s just writing.” His explanation was accepted easily by his parents.
Dylans parents fully cooperated with the police following the shooting. At first they refused to release Dylans autopsy. It has been released since.
Other evidence confiscated by police includes 5 tapes the teens recorded in the basement of Eric’s home. In the video, we can see Dylan is no follower to Eric and clearly wants to hurt people on his own desire. He and Eric both rant about the “stuck up bitches” they go school with. They refer to two by name: Rachel and Jen.
There was controversy over Dylans death as he had shot himself in the left temple. At first, it was believed Dylan was right hand. Therefore, he would have shot himself in the right temple. Later it was confirmed by Dylans family he was left handed. As we see in the videos, Dylan does shoot the gun with his left hand.
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klo00 · 9 years
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One of the last entries Dylan wrote in his Journal before the shootings at Columbine.
Below you can read what is written. Misspellings and other errors have been left as is.
Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17
Leave, set car bombs.
Drive to clemete Park. Gearup.
Get back by 11:15
Park cars. set car bombs for 11:18
get out, go to outside hill, wait.
When first bombs go off, attack.
have fun!
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klo00 · 9 years
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Patrick Ireland- boy shot twice in the head and once in the foot- looks trough window of Columbine high school, seeking help
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klo00 · 9 years
It’s a weird feeling knowing you’re going to be dead in two and a half weeks.
Eric Harris, before the Columbine shooting. (via gotkillerquotes)
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klo00 · 9 years
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klo00 · 9 years
I never got the chance to meet Dylan but did have two pre-Columbine conversations with his father, Tom, in which he asked me (after he learned of my developmental psychology background) to tell him how it is possible to have two sons, one with whom he had a difficult relationship and the other whom he considered to be a ‘perfect child’. Guess which one committed mass murder? You guessed it: The perfect child.
Stephen Greenspan, Ph.D. (via acolumbineblog)
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klo00 · 9 years
Audio of Eric and Dylan laughing/shouting at Valeen Schnurr after killing Lauren Townsend in the library on 4/20/99
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klo00 · 9 years
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YAAAAS. Thank you. 
Save us. Save everyone. Make a fucking book about columbine and tell people the truth!!!
*hairflips* Mama Dragon reporting for saviour duty! *salutes*
One day. One day you’ll see a weird-ass book that’s part shooter manifesto rollercoaster and part education on the subject and you will know that Columbine Redux has landed. I have a working title for this baby and more than an inkling of what I will write – that fact alone speaks volumes about how serious I am about this wish of mine to one day write that book in earnest. ;)
But, first, let me get to the Evidence Project and streamline the case somewhat?
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klo00 · 9 years
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Eric & Dylan + Foreshadowing
They talk about how they want movies to be made about their story. Eric says he wants the film to have “a lot of foreshadowing and dramatic irony” – The Basement Tapes, March 15th, 1999
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