kluseczki · 10 months
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She's such a pretty puppy!
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kluseczki · 10 months
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Bitey Face
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kluseczki · 10 months
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I adore this baby shark.
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kluseczki · 10 months
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Sir. That's so cute. Wtf.
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kluseczki · 10 months
I had no idea that “ear cropping discourse” was a thing but considering this website turns everything into discourse I guess I’m not surprised
Side A: cropping and docking is cruel mutilation and inherently abuse always and it should be outlawed and anyone with a cropped or docked dog should be assaulted or at minimum loudly berated
Side B: traditionally cropped and docked breeds should ALWAYS be cropped and docked because otherwise they will LOSE what makes them that breed and won't be the same breed anymore
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kluseczki · 11 months
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Themiscyra's Your Fate Is Sealed - 'Kismet' - the Valhalla litter pink collar girl. Posted with the owner's permission.
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kluseczki · 11 months
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kluseczki · 11 months
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It's a good thing we were going for a swim, because these dogs are not made for the heat.
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kluseczki · 11 months
Fun times with black and tan dogs
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kluseczki · 11 months
transmisogyny = intersection of transphobia and misogyny.
transphobia towards trans men assuming they're women = transphobia. the misogyny is due to transphobia. it is just transphobia. you want to be oppressed so bad
This makes absolutely no sense lmao. If transphobia towards trans men is also the intersection of transphobia and misogyny than transphobia towards trans men would be transmisogyny but it’s not, because transmisogyny refers to transphobia and misogyny aimed at trans women. Hence why transphobia + misogyny towards trans men is called Transandrophobia. The misogyny isn’t “due to transphobia”, the misogyny is entwined with the transphobia. They are tied together.
“You want to be oppressed so bad”…. Anon… do you think transmasc people are not oppressed? Do you think trans men are not oppressed? What??????
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kluseczki · 11 months
haven’t unpacked our curtains yet lol
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kluseczki · 11 months
Actually I take it back I consider it a moral failing if you don't like chihuahuas.
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kluseczki · 11 months
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I graduated high school in 99.
There was a student at our school named Wayne.
Wayne was gay. It was obvious. He was unable to stay in the closet even if he wanted to. To make matters worse, he was also Black. From a bullying standpoint, that was not a great combo. Both Black and white students made fun of him relentlessly. He was ostracized from the only community that may have given him protection. Only us theater kids stuck up for him, but not to significant effect.
Wayne was bullied so much that at one point he finally snapped and attacked his bullies with a lunch tray. I was actually seated in perfect line of sight and just sat there chewing my soggy fries in stunned silence. It didn't even seem real as I was witnessing it. The image of him wailing on his main bully as the food on his tray flew off is permanently logged into my long term memory.
The bully he attacked had blood all over his face and went straight to the nurse. Other than superficial cuts, he was not injured.
Before the attack, Wayne went to teachers for help. He went to guidance counselors for help. He went to the principals for help.
He did all of the things you were supposed to do. No one helped him. They wagged a finger at the bullies and warned them to stop.
Wayne's lunch tray melee was the only thing that worked. His bullies stayed far away from him. But a week later Wayne was expelled and the bullies were given no punishment.
So... no.
No one in my school talked about being trans.
Because the only way to survive being openly queer was to bash people with a lunch tray.
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kluseczki · 11 months
I'm not calling for action or anything I just think it's real Inch Resting that people are celebrating the second season of Good Omens during a strike (in which a boycott has not officially been called) and yet were screaming for a boycott of a different Amazon property (while there was NOT a strike) for the simple reason of "Amazon bad" and "it's different than the original" and let me tell you how unbelievably frustrating watching this in real time is.
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kluseczki · 11 months
Antitransmasculine backlash bc some coffee company had a transmasc character in an ad.
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There’s far more than this but it’s all variations of the same antitransmasc bullshit that we see from irreversible damage and ROGD shit.
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kluseczki · 11 months
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kluseczki · 11 months
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How it started.
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How it's going.
Four years after we finally put faces to the names we'd known online since Nadia was a wee baby and Creed just a strapling himself, @themiscyradobermans and I are now part of a legacy together. And we've even roped in a couple friends we've made along the way 😉
Similarly, only a little while after the first photo was taken @elvenferretots and I began talking to each other in earnest, resulting in what is now a minimum of once-weekly hours-long phone call long distance friendship, and we finally also met in person to pick up our sibling puppies during the second photo.
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