🤣 Yes!! I can totally see that!
Marinette talking abt kissing Adrien to Zoé in Adoration and she’s like ‘I can’t even kiss him I need to do that first- you could help me!!!’ And I know Zoé gay ass immediately went ‘um…. You Want To Practice Kissing ME ??????’
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Request for @lucy-shining-star
The original request was for Mateo looking longingly at Gabe while Elena looks at Naomi, then the two sharing a knowing look. I had to put a bit of a spin on it, because it wouldn't turn out right no matter what I did, hope that's ok 😅
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Love this ship!!
The days Zoe loved Marinette
In "Adoration", Zoe reveals to Marinette she had been secretly in love with her since the day they met. Marinette might have felt surprised to learn that she was the ninth grader Zoe was in love with all along, but it wasn’t long before Marinette's moment of surprise quickly turned to realization as she thought back to the time they shared together and realized it was obvious from the start that Zoe was in love with her, it’s just that no one thought to take notice.
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Aside from Andre, no one else knew Zoe was in love with Marinette, but looking back, a lot of things that happened around Zoe in past episodes, make a lot more sense now.
Zoe met Marinette the day she arrived to Paris in "Sole Crusher," and at the time, no one knew who she was, making it all the more pleasant for Zoe as it was a brief window of opportunity to show her real personality, before having to hide it to fit the standards of the Bourgeois. Meeting Marinette was a complete contrast to what Zoe normally experienced, but was overall a moment Zoe felt she could genuinely just talk to someone without fearing the consequences that would come from allowing herself to be vulnerable enough to act more like herself.
Obviously Chloe did not hesitate to judge Zoe the moment they met, even threatening to send her back to New York if she didn't fit the family standards, while Audrey in turn saw nothing wrong in Chloe's methods and was more than willing to agree with Chloe for the same reasons. But with Marinette, everything was different. Marinette didn't judge Zoe, she looked at her with honest eyes and noticed she had her unique qualities, but also her share of struggles, all things Chloe and Audrey were quick to reject and ignore, from the unique shoes on her feet, to the way she hinted about her life in New York being anything but happy. Marinette listened to Zoe, she wanted to understand her, and despite not knowing much about her, there she was ready and willing to not only gift Zoe pastries as a way of welcoming her to Paris, but to also ensure the two of them would keep in touch by exchanging numbers.
Marinette gave Zoe her number on a box of macaroons, but it was her heart felt attempts to keep Zoe's number as close to her as possible, on the palm of her hand, that truly made Zoe realize Marinette was a kind and considerate person who wanted to befriend her, rather than expect her to be a certain way in order to obtain that friendship. But in actuality, this little moment always had more to it than the start of a friendship, it was the start of something more. Not long after Zoe wrote her phone number on Marinette's palm, Zoe BLUSHES, hinting she was not only falling for Marinette the moment they met, but that this new love she felt would grow the more Marinette reached out to her and saw through her attempts to fit in with her family, understanding there was something holding het back from being who she truly wanted to be.
(In "Sole Crusher", Zoe blushed at Marinette, revealing the beginning of her love towards Marinette.)
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(In Sole Crusher, after Zoe arrived at the Collège Françoise Dupont and felt compelled to insult Marinette to please Chloe, it was Marinette, the one girl who actually got to know her, who understood something was wrong and who was unwilling to push her away without hearing her out.)
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 Although Zoe believed she had no other choice but to accept the same fate Andre had, as he too accepted long ago that he would need to abandon his dreams and much of who he was so he could shape himself to fit the standards of the Bourgeois family, it was Marinette who once again tried to reach out to her and told her what she was too afraid to tell herself, that no matter the consequences she feared, she always had a choice to just be herself.
After Zoe was akumatized into Sole Crusher, Shadowmoth pointed out that Zoe was weakening the more she listened to Marinette's words, and of course she did, this one girl(Marinette) whom she had fallen in love with, knew exactly how she was feeling, how frustrated she was to have to hide herself from others and constantly put on a show to pretend her life was fine. And of course Marinette understood how Zoe felt as well as the life Zoe was living, because she too was living that very struggle everyday of her life as Ladybug, and had already known all too well what it was like to have to live a life where she was controlled and judged by Chloe, who expected her to fit the role she had made for her.
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(Back in "Heart Hunter", Marinette opened up about her frustrations, one of which was being unable to just be herself, of always having to pretend she was fine for fear of the consequences.)
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 Marinette didn't want Zoe to live with the same lonely struggle she had, to constantly hide from others, which is why she was so determined to reach Zoe/Sole Crusher and tell her she didn't have to hide her true self while in Paris.
Marinette did say there would always be someone there to help Zoe up when she is down, if she took that chance to open up to people who actually cared about others, and at the very least, Zoe could place her faith in knowing that someone like Marinette, who never gave up on trying to reach out to her, really would always be there for her, and she was, from the very moment they met.
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At the end of "Sole Crusher'', when Zoe shared the macaroons Marinette gifted her with everyone at Anarka's boat, who welcomed her with open arms, there was a subtle moment where Zoe's eye's remained focused on Marinette, that look was not just out of friendship, it was out of love for the girl who gave her the life she never thought she could have.
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We even see Nino pointing to a rainbow on the title screen as Zoe happily stood beside him, a hint that Zoe was LGBTQ+. Zoe loved Marinette the day they met, but there was just one problem, it was entirely one sided as Marinette was already in love with Adrien.
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Back in "Transmission", when Zoe found out that Marinette was struggling with her love life, she did not hesitate to reach out to her to help. Of course, the situation surrounding Marinette and Adrien's love life was no easy matter to sort through and understand on account of their secret lives as heroes, but out of everyone in their social circle, it was Zoe who said she knew perfectly well just how complicated love can be. She knew because she was secretly facing a complicated love of her own, towards Marinette, that entire time.
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And sure, Zoe still had her issues with her family to sort through, but it was precisely her love for Marinette that eventually helped her find the courage she always had to stand up to all of them, and learn to not let their threats continue to control her.
To be the one whom her family mistreated was one thing, but to watch her family mistreat the girl she loved was not something she could bare to stand and watch, which is why in "Deflagration", Zoe took any fear and doubt she had over facing Chloe, and threw it straight out the window, refusing to stand by any longer as Chloe attempted to humiliate Marinette during her special lunch with Adrien. Chloe's threats might have proven effective in the past to make Zoe grovel for forgiveness, but in that moment, Zoe could care less, she’d rather get sent back to New York than have to stand by and watch the girl she loved cry.
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(In Transmission", Zoe found the courage to stand up to Chloe for Marinette's sake, and even though she quickly realized she may have to face severe consequences for it later, to see Marinette smile happily at her, thanking her for what she did, made it feel it was all worth while if it meant she helped the girl she loved.)
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As tough as it must have been watching Marinette fall head over heels for Adrien, even helping in any plans to help her get closer to him, the one thing Zoe had that likely eased her heartache, was knowing that Marinette was still part of her life and had found happiness with someone who loved her just as much as she did.
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In "Adoration", Zoe saw picture after picture of Adrien that Marinette owned, she saw Marinette's constant flustering and embarrassment towards him, her little sketches, her writings and talks about what their future together would be like, Zoe watched it all, and even though she knew every action and every word that came out of Marinette was for someone else, Zoe never reacted negatively towards it, instead, she smiled, smiled at how all those things made Marinette happy and larger than life. At the end of "Adoration", Zoe said she felt there was no point in telling Marinette she loved her if she was already in love with someone else, that doing so would only change, or even ruin, things between them, but thankfully, Marinette thought otherwise
In many ways, Marinette knew the kind of heartache Zoe felt, because she faced the same thing in the season 3 finale, when she tried to give up on telling Adrien she loved him and instead watched him drift towards Kagami, someone she thought Adrien loved and would love him just as much as she did in return.
Yeah, Marinette's situation with Adrien wound up working out as she realized he always loved her, but had she been in the same position Zoe was in, then she would have wanted to take the chance to tell the person she loved how she felt if they were willing to give her that chance, to finally have that weight lifted from her shoulders and allow her to move on with her life, and that is exactly what she gave Zoe, a chance in knowing the person she loved would be willing to listen to her confession.
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At the end of "Adoration", Marinette gave Zoe the chance to speak her feelings, and despite Zoe's fears over what could have changed between them as friends in the process, thankfully, nothing did. If anything, the only change that did occur between them, was added respect towards one another in knowing they had both grown as people. Marinette never made any elaborate plans when she thought Zoe was in love with Adrien, and Zoe never broke the boundaries of their friendship to try and make Marinette fall in love with her. The two of them never lost sight of each other and accepted they both needed to be considerate of one another and be clear on how they felt. Marinette couldn’t reciprocate Zoe’s feelings, but this didn’t change the fact that she still loved her just as much as any other good person in her life, she loved everything Zoe did to make her feel better and appreciated everything Zoe did to look out for her in her most dire of times, such as when Chloe blamed her for stealing. Instead of ignoring Zoe’s confession, Marinette chose to acknowledge Zoe's feelings, giving her a proper rejection.
(Despite not feeling romantically drawn to Zoe, Marinette was still flattered by someone as wonderful as Zoe would fall in love with her.)
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Zoe was always aware her love towards Marinette was entirely one sided, and even though she knew a romantic future with Marinette would never be possible, to know that Marinette valued her so much and thought so highly of her, meant more to her than anything, giving her the peace she never knew she wanted, and the confidence she needed to keep being that amazing girl Marinette said anyone would be honored to be loved by.
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Author Notes: This was a looong chapter to write, so it might take a while to get the next chanter out. Lmk what you think!!
Chapter 4
A Helpful Hand (part 2)
In the morning Naomi woke up bright and early. She raced to the digging site and started working with Professor Mendoza. When Naomi heard Esteban call her late, she took that as her queue to surprise everyone.
“Good morning, team. I got here early to take a look around.” Naomi was proud of the fact that she proved Esteban wrong. When she looked at Elena she was glad she slid down the ladder quickly. The only thing she could think of…was the way Elena’s outfit looked beautiful, or maybe it was the fact that Elena always looked amazing in whatever she wore. Naomi didn’t know where that thought came from. She hadn’t even stepped on the floor yet, when she got lost in the way the flowers in Elena’s hair and top, complimented each other. Seeing Elena with her hair in a neat bun made Naomi’s heart quicken, she had to remind herself that Elena was straight and they were both just friends. Naomi also Definitely, totally, absolutely… did NOT have a crush on Elena because that would be absurd…
Naomi decided to distract herself by asking professor Mendoza a question.
“So what's the deal with this crystal wall?”
“Ah, you have a good eye.” Elena heard professor Mendoza’s statement and agreed! She’d been watching Naomi recently and the girl was great at noticing little details. Before Elena had climbed down the ladder she thought she saw Naomi blush at her, but Naomi slid down the ladder before she could process what she saw. It was probably just her mind hoping for something that would never happen… flashback
“Hey Gabe!” Elena greeted cheerfully.
“What’s up princess? Do you need help with anything?” Gabe responded smiling charmingly and puffing his chest out. “Gabe you already know I only like girls,” Elena laughed at his antics, Gabe knew that Elena was gay, but he still liked to mock the other guys who would try to make a move on her. Elena didn’t see Naomi watching above them. Gabe had seen Naomi there, then he heard footsteps run away and looked at the upstairs balcony. “Who was that?” Elena asked. “Uhh… I think that was Naomi…” Gabe answered confused as to why she ran away. “Oh.” Elena said sadly. Elena didn’t think Naomi was homophobic, after all the girl had clearly shown support for the community by flying a rainbow flag during pride month, but maybe she was just felt uncomfortable knowing Elena was gay. Elena decided not to bring it up to Naomi. She noticed that every time lgbtq came up in conversation Naomi would get nervous and make an excuse to leave the room. End of flashback
Unbeknownst to Elena, Naomi always made an excuse to leave the room because she didn’t want to be caught staring at Elena. It was honestly embarrassing that every time the topic came up she couldn’t help, but think of Elena. Her stomach would do flips and her heart would beat against her ribcage making her feel like she was going to explode.
Elena arrived down the ladder right as she heard Naomi speak.
“Should we see what's behind it?”
Ah, first things first.
“Carefully chip away a small section so we can examine it.” Professor Mendoza answered
“Right. Good idea.” Naomi agreed
“And I'll start translating these glyphs.” Professor Mendoza walked off.
“You see, Miss Turner, glyphs are pictures that they used instead of words.” Esteban mansplained.
“I know what glyphs are, thanks.” She said confidently aimed at Esteban.
“So what do you want us to do, Naomi?” Elena put her hand on Naomi’s shoulder and leaned between the two.
Naomi turned looking at Elena’s eyes and quickly glancing at her lips. Before Elena could notice what happened, Naomi spoke up.
“Maybe you and Esteban can gather up all the relics.
You see, relics are what we call old stuff.” Naomi didn’t actually want to poke at Esteban that time, but she needed something to distract her from the close proximity of Elena’s face and her own face.
“Okay. Sounds like a plan.” Elena responded, hoping that would be the last of the two arguing.
A few minute later Professor Mendoza found something.
“This is a very rare glyph.
I've only seen it a few times before.
Aha! It's a duende.”
A what? Everyone thought. It must’ve show on their faces that they didn’t know what the professor was talking about.
“Duendes are mischievous elves from another realm, or so the legend goes.
It is said that three duende brothers came to Avalor many years ago causing mayhem wherever they went.
Finally, a wizard caught the duende brothers, and locked them in three separate chambers to keep them apart.”
After professor Mendoza’s speech Naomi kept chipping away at the wall bit by bit.
“No, no, no. You are doing it all wrong.
It will take us a year to get through the wall if you go that slowly” Esteban complained.
“You heard what Professor Mendoza said.” Naomi tried to reason with him.
“Yes, but I took an archaeology class as part of my royal training.
So if you want to see what's behind that wall any time soon, you'll hand over your pick.” Esteban replied arrogantly.
Naomi scoffed at him, but ended up letting him take the pickaxe.
“Fine. Here.” She said rolling her eyes
“Now, watch and learn.” Esteban hit the wall as hard as he could making it crack like a mirror.
Giggling could be heard behind the glass.
It was Professor Mendoza that realized what was happening after a green creature leapt at them.
“It's a duende. This must be one of the chambers.”
The duende grabbed the professor’s book and ran out of the pit and into the street.
“We have to catch him before he frees his brothers.
The other two chambers are right here in Avalor City.
My atlas! Don't let him get away!” Professor Mendoza yelled in a panic.
“He can use my atlas to find his brothers.
We have to stop him or... [crashing could be heard outside] he'll cause chaos all over the kingdom, come on!”
Naomi was headed to the ladder when she spotted something.
“Hey, look at these golden glyphs. I think—“
“Now is not the time to look at pictures.
We have a crisis on our hands, thanks to you.” Esteban interrupted.
“Me!? You were the one who broke the wall.” Naomi retorted
“Ah, but you are the one in charge, are you not?
Naomi looked downcasts.
Do not worry, Miss Turner.
As I said yesterday, I will clean up your mess.”
Don't worry, Elena. I'll make sure we catch that duende.
Elena looked back at Naomi with a determined face. She believed Naomi’s words.
When they arrived at the park they could see the pyramid in the distance.
In front of them three kids were play soccer.
Esteban tried to boss the duende around, but the duende hit him with soccer balls, making him land flat on his back.
Elena and Naomi raced past Esteban’s body hoping to catch up to the duende before it could make it to the pyramid.
“We must hurry. Follow me, around the pond.” Esteban shouted after getting back up.
“No, wait. There's a quicker way.” Naomi insisted
“A rowboat? Are you serious?” Esteban said in disbelief.
“I live at a harbor. I know how to row fast.” Naomi said proudly.
“She's in charge.” Elena reminded Esteban.
“Wow, you do row fast.” Professor Mendoza said once they got to the other side of the lake. Elena was thinking the same thing. She could tell Naomi’s arms were ripped. When Naomi was rowing she was so focused that she didn’t see Elena stare at her from behind, and she didn’t see the blush that was rising on Elena’s face.
“Ooh, this could come in handy.” Naomi grabbed a net from the boat.
“As could this.” Esteban added, but he clearly didn’t see their concerned faces when he grabbed the crow bar and swung it around.
“Rest assured, everyone, I will apprehend the duende.” Said Esteban confidently.
“Wait. We should make a plan.” Naomi reasoned.
“No, we do not have time. He could release his brother any minute.” Esteban proceeded to run in the direction of the pyramid without waiting for the others.
“Esteban, stop. Esteban.” Naomi tried to get him to turn back around.
“Get away from that pyramid, duende, and give me back the atlas.” Esteban clearly didn’t learn from the soccer ball incident and the duende decided to chuck the atlas at him. He dropped the crow bar on his foot as the duende used the crow bar to open the pyramid.
“I, uh, retrieved your book.” Esteban has the nerve to at least look sheepish. Everyone glared at him when they realized he helped the Dundee get into the pyramid.
The group ran into the pyramid through the now open door.
“I'll get him.” Naomi’s aid raising the net to throw it.
“No, let me.” Esteban replied grabbing the other end trying to take it from Naomi’s hands.
Elena watch all of this unfold and decided to grab the two duendes before it was too late.
Unfortunately the two brothers escaped her grasp and tripped her along with Professor Mendoza.
“As I said before, Naomi should never have been put in charge.” Esteban brought up again.
“What are you talking about?
I told you we needed a plan, and you didn't listen.” Naomi defended herself angry at the way Esteban kept blaming it all on her.
“She's right, and the duende used your iron rod to get in here.” Elena sided with Naomi.
After making sure everyone was okay they were about to set off to find the second chamber, when Naomi saw something strange.
“Hey, you guys should really take a look at these glyphs.”
“Ay no, again with the pictures.” Esteban said exasperated
“What is it?” Elena said worried.
“I saw the same thing in the last duende chamber.
Whatever it says was important enough to etch in solid gold.” Naomi replied. Elena was impressed by Naomi’s attention to detail. She hadn’t realized how valuable gold would’ve been back then.
“You're right. It's a warning.
It says the three duendes are gatekeepers, each one bearing a magic gem.
When all three gems are put together, they form a key that will unlock a tunnel to the duende world, allowing hundreds, no, wait, thousand of duendes to enter Avalor.” Professor Mendoza said shocked.
They aren't just a nuisance, they want to invade Avalor, and we've given them a head start.
Well done, Miss Turner.” Esteban said mockingly while clapping slowly.
“We can still stop them.
They haven't freed the third duende yet.” Naomi said desperately hoping that she hadn’t just doomed the whole kingdom to chaos…
To be continued…
Authors Notes: There weren’t many Elena and Naomi interactions in this one, but I tried to make it as gay as possible.
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Yes!! Miss them SO much 😭
I don't lie, sometimes I think of avalance and what a healthy wlw I lost
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The way Naomi is looking at Elena In this scene!!! Ahhh!! 🥹
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naomi bi and elena lesbian so true!!
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Author Notes: I decided to split this episode up into more than one chapter.
Chapter 3
A Helpful Hand (part 1)
“Naomi!” Elena shouted with a bright smile. We have an emergency Grand Council meeting. The jaquins found buried treasure!” When Naomi turned towards Elena her dad could see that all of her attention was now focused on Elena. Naomi looked fondly towards her, after all they had gone on some pretty wild adventures recently. Like saving the village from the exploding mountain volcano. Flashing back she could recall how she didn’t want to vote against Elena, but was pressured to by Esteban. The thing she remembers the most however was how later she got to work with Elena to fix the disaster.
When they arrived at the site the rest of the grand council had already arrived. “Professor Mendoza is working on the site right now” Esteban stated. As if hearing her name Professor Mendoza leapt out of the pit. “It's an ancient Maruvian chamber, the likes of which I've never seen” she said her voice filled with excitement. “Really? That is so cool.” Naomi’s face lit up
“It is not cool if you're trying to get to the Via Mercado. This is a busy street. I recommend we remove anything valuable and repair the road immediately.” Esteban noted, annoyed. “Do you expect us to stop everything and dig up an old ruin in the middle of the city?”
Professor Mendoza argued with Esteban about history they could discover in this ruin. Naomi finally had enough do their bickering and voiced her opinion. “If we can discover something new about our past, it's worth the traffic jam.”
“Miss Turner, you are hardly qualified to decide such matters.” Esteban turned towards her. “She's on the Grand Council just like you.” Elena’s grandfather stated.
“But she's not just like me, or the rest of us.
You are not a royal.
You know nothing about governing a kingdom.
You have no degrees, no accomplishments….
Until Elena put you on the council, you were merely a girl from the port.” Esteban stated cruelly.
Elena’s face shifted angrily to hurt after hearing Esteban say that to Naomi. Less than a second later she was beside Naomi with her hand on her shoulder in support.
“Esteban! Naomi is perfectly qualified to be on the council. Offended that Esteban attacked her best friend.
In fact, not only are we going to explore the ruin, but I'm putting Naomi in charge of the dig.” Elena said proudly. Wrapping her arm around Naomi’s right shoulder, after pointing at Esteban.
Naomi was shocked, when Elena said that. She had felt embarrassed when Esteban pointed out how different she was from everyone else. Her heart beat soared to new heights, when Elena came to her defense. She smiled smugly at Esteban as she felt Elena’s eyes meet hers. Having Elena’s arm around her shoulder gave her confidence and reminded her that, even if no one else believed; she knew Elena believed in her.
Later in the carriage ride back, Naomi started to doubt herself again. Elena could see this, but she wasn’t sure how to build Naomi’s confidence. She noticed that the girl was more confident with Elena around though. “Don't worry about Esteban. Elena said trying to cheer Naomi up. I'll come to the dig, too, if it'll make you feel better. Elena pit her hand on Naomi knee and tried to look her in the eyes. What is it?” She moved to sit next to Naomi, putting her hand on her right shoulder in support. Naomi noticed recently that she and Elena were usually in close proximity or physically touching in some way. It was probably due to the fact that they almost died quite a few times, since they met.
“All that stuff Esteban said about me not belonging on the Grand Council... what if he's right?” Naomi said insecurely. She didn’t voice it, but she was also think about the fact that everyone else on the council was straight, it wasn’t a bad thing, but it did make her feel more isolated. She had hoped that Elena was gay, but…. One day she saw Gabe flirted with her and Naomi ran away before she could see Elena’s reaction. Even if Elena wasn’t straight, there was NO WAY she would ever have feelings for Naomi. Naomi was just a regular citizen, and Elena was THE crowned princess. Plus, she didn’t even have a crush on Elena. Naomi tried to convince herself. Little did she know, that she would find out soon that her feeling for Elena were far more than platonic.
Author Notes: To be continued….
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YESS!! I ate this up!!! I loved the “IM COMIN’ HOME BAE!!!” At the end!! I feel like Elena would absolutely sign a kiss to every letter after this!
Heres a sequel of my last fic. Enjoy Elenaomi Hive 🙏🙏🙏.
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Elenaomi fans, get ready!! This next chapter is going to take a while. There are SO many Elena and Naomi moments to analyze. Here is a sneak peak of the episode I’m covering. 👀 I might break it into two or three chapters, we will see.
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Elena is that one friend who’d REFUSE to let you split the pole when walkin next to her, like she’ll drag your ass BY YOUR HAIR so yall dont split poles 🙏🙏🗣️🗣️🗣️
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I loved this show!!
Series finale ending!
Thank you for watching the show, y'all! Have an enhappifying day!
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every song is a ship song if you’re in too deep
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We need a sequel, or another story of them finally sharing a brain cell and realizing they are in love.
eat up Elenaomi hive. Its time I post content once again.
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AHHH!! I LOVED your fic. It was SO Sweet!! And the “Kiss me before you go”!! My heart leapt for joy at that. I would Love to read more of your Elenaomi weiting!! Thank you! For this food!!
eat up Elenaomi hive. Its time I post content once again.
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Author Notes: Lmk what you think of this chapter!!
Chapter 2
The First Day
The next day a carriage arrived for her to go to the palace. Two hours later Elena still hadn’t shown up to start the meeting. “Uhhgggg…. Where is the princes” Esteban complained? Naomi was wondering the same thing, when Elena arrived suddenly. Naomi’s breath caught in her chest, luckily no one noticed because they were all to distracted by Esteban banging the gavel. The princess was in a the same clothes she wore yesterday, but to Naomi she still looked breathtaking. Naomi was dragged out her thoughts when the meeting started.
Naomi was walking down the stairs when Elena grabbed her arm and dragged her into a closet. Under different circumstances this would’ve made Naomi laugh from the irony, but at that moment she was just trying not to panic. Naomi had been out of the closet for a long time now; and Avalor embraced being queer, even when Shariki was ruling there was no homophobia to be found in Avalor. The crown has always supported queer people, but Naomi had no idea what Elena’s stance was on the matter.
Naomi didn’t understand why she was hiding herself from Elena, but something about the princess made her stomach twist and turn; or were those butterflies, she could never tell. Naomi blushed profusely, but covered it up with her confusion. “Naomi I need you to give me your clothes” Elena said in a panicked voice. “ExC-uUse Me!??” Naomi said her voice cracking. “We need to switch clothes so I can help my sister with her invention” Elena explained. Naomi could tell that Elena had no idea why Naomi had reacted the way she did. Nevertheless, Naomi turned around and undressed. Elena chalked up Naomi’s strange response to this situation being crazy, and the quickness with which she had surprised Naomi.
Naomi didn’t dare look back at Elena for fear that she would be found out. Why am I so nervous around her? She thought. She never had this problem back at the port. Elena didn’t know why Naomi turned around, but Elena decided to copy her just in case Naomi wanted privacy. When Elena finished undressing she took her clothes and tossed them to Naomi with her eyes closed. Unfortunately, since she had her eyes closed the clothes hit Naomi right on the head. “Oof!” Naomi felt the clothes hit her head. “Sorry!” Elena replied cringing. Elena didn’t know why she wanted Naomi to like her, but there was something at pulled Elena towards Naomi. An unknown force that made her smile when the other girl was around. When she first met Naomi she thought the girl was intimidating and confident, not to mention pretty. The way her eyes looked like the ocean on the calm day, when the light hit her eyes made her brain short-circuit. Elena tried to forget the uneasy feeling she had in her gut while changing with Naomi, but for some reason she couldn’t stop thinking about her.
After they switched clothes the first time Naomi thought that would be it, but she was wrong. If Naomi had a nickel for every time she changed clothes with Elena she would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice. The first time was coincidence, but the second was just as abrupt as the first…before her thoughts could drift the doors burst open with a bang! Elena’s grandmother started at them. Naomi’s first thought was yell we weren’t doing anything, even though it was clear all they had been doing was switching clothes. In the end, Naomi didn’t have to switch clothes with an Elena for a third time.
Authors Notes: I didn’t know how to end this chapter, so I’m leaving it at that.
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Author Notes: PSA: I have no idea what fishing is actually like, I just write for the plot aka “Elenaomi” . Since there are so few fanfics of Elenaomi I’m making my own, but only available on Tumblr.
Chapter 1
The Boat
Looking out at the sea Naomi spied a net the crew forgot to haul up. After securing the net, fish tumbled onto the deck. The next day Naomi set out again with her crew until the sun set. Sailing was easy for Naomi, but it got lonely sometimes. All day she would hear the crew talk about their spouses and parters; and families back at shore. Don’t get her wrong, having her Dad to sail back to every day helped, but she waned to go on grand adventures and see the world!! And maybe… one day settle down; have a family someday.
What she didn’t know was that her future wife would come barging into her life in the form of the royal princess. Naomi started her day as she usually would. Eating breakfast, changing into work clothes, and helping to prepare the ship. As the squeaking wheels of the yet to be delivered fish rolled down the pier she heard two locals talking about the boats that kept disappearing; likely someone was stealing them, but no one had seen anything yet. The royal guard had found nothing for days on end… , but there was nothing that could be done.
Spotting the huge dark brown sign “Trading post of Avalor” Naomi walked in. “Same order today Naomi?” the owner said. “Yes, of course” Naomi replied her lips upturned slightly. “Have you heard about the third new ship that was stolen in last 24 hours?” Jamie said with worried tone. “What!? How!? Naomi stuttered, “I need to let my father know right away!!” She sprinted out the back door and up the stair.
“Dad, another ship’s gone missing” Naomi said, breathless from running all the way there. “I’m with the princess, Naomi.” Her father scolded her. The princess? Naomi thought, what is she doing out here in the port? Her train of thought abruptly stopped when she saw the princess’s eyes. Amber brown eyes like the color of a ship that had been freshly painted. She didn’t realize how beautiful the princess was until that moment, but that was to be expected, she was a princess after-all she reasoned. After helping Elena save the boat and her sister, and the daring adventure of riding a jaquin, she was exhausted. She wanted to sleep, but the royal crowing of princess Elena was that night and her father would expect her to be there with him, along with many other guests.
Naomi arrived at the ball in a purple and pink dress. She had trouble picking the right out fit because she wanted to look stunning for the ceremony. “Hey! Naomi nice to see you here! Mateo greeted cheerily. Hi, I didn’t know wizards were invited to these kinds of things.” Naomi jumped! She wasn’t ready for the laughter behind her back. “I’m glad I put you on the grand council! At least now I have someone to balance out Esteban’s humor” Elena said sarcastically with a smirk. Naomi felt her heartbeat speed up at the compliment and her face flush a light red. Naomi was about to thank the crowned princess for the compliment, when it was announced that the palace was closing down for the night.
No one noticed Naomi’s reaction to the compliment, except her father watching with a keen eye and serious expression. “Naomi what do think about the crowned princess” Nomi’s father said with a neutral voice. “Dad, She has a name you know”, Naomi said teasingly. “I think Elena will bring a new age of peace a prosperity to Avalor, with the right people by her side” she said thoughtfully. That was all her father needed to hear, to see that Naomi had built a strong friendship with the princess. It seemed like Naomi did not realize the strong feelings she had for the princess, and only time would tell whether or not it would bloom into something more, he thought to himself smiling. “Well, Elena is young and has much to learn, but I’m sure with your guidance she will make a great Queen”, Naomi’s father replied smiling.
Laying in bed that night, Naomi couldn’t stop thinking of the grand adventure she had and how she felt excited to start her new job as part of the grand council. She still felt nervous about work with the princess, but maybe that was because of how beautiful she is; Naomi thought casually.
Author Notes:
Let me know how I did with the first chapter. I don’t know when I’ll finish the second one because school is really busy for me rn.
Comments are really appreciated! Sorry for any mistakes in my writing, I’m seriously the worst writer you’ll ever read. (Feel free to repost, with credit to me of course.)
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