kolmikalson · 3 days
are they...yknow...(always nearly dying in front of each other in increasingly homoerotic ways)
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kolmikalson · 10 days
sorry he bit you. It’s his coping mechanism
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kolmikalson · 1 month
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You’re looking very dapper this evening, Kol.
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kolmikalson · 1 month
vampires have been drinking human blood for centuries they don't give a fuck about guys on eight different antidepressants. they were sucking on asbestos factory workers
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kolmikalson · 2 months
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#i think about this scene every day
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES S03E18 The Murder of One
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kolmikalson · 2 months
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kolmikalson · 2 months
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GLEE moments that had me screaming
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kolmikalson · 2 months
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kolmikalson · 2 months
what the fuck did you expect me to feel when you gripped the back of my head like that and sank your fangs into my neck? Indifference? Disgust? NOT sheer adoration? be serious.
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kolmikalson · 3 months
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THE CROW (2024) dir. Rupert Sanders
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kolmikalson · 3 months
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911 (2018—) | 3.03: 'The Searchers' Lucifer (2016—2021) | 4.07: 'Devil is As Devil Does'
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kolmikalson · 3 months
"Ah, Marcellus, forever the irritant," Kol scoffed, having expected the confrontation sooner or later. The threat held no weight, not when he'd watched Marcel grow up. Kol knew exactly who he was, and how he'd been raised. No amount of time would change that. The only differentiating factor, which was upsettingly important, was exactly what Marcel had threatened him for. Davina. An alarmingly powerful young witch, able to harness the ancient magic Kol could teach her. He needed her on his side. Which, consequently, meant he needed Marcel too. But Kol had already spent his time considering it, trying to assess the situation from a distance. Luckily for him, through Davina, he'd learned that Marcel had cut all ties with Klaus. The hybrid's once son now hated him too. It was the perfect opportunity to form an alliance. The three of them together had all the resources, and motivation, they needed to finally put Klaus down.
"A lot's changed since you and I last crossed paths. Surely you've noticed that family you speak of aren't in the picture. Not even Rebekah. There's good reason for that." He avoided mentioning Finnick, not wanting to endanger his brother, or showcase his weaknesses. But the reason was still there, the promise Kol had made to protect him. "Now, I'd be happy to leave Davina be. But my question to you, Marcel, is what you plan to do when Niklaus inevitably comes to town to collect the fruit of his baby mother's womb?"
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"Y'know, Kol, I've been trying to avoid you, as a little sign of gratitude for helping save Davina's life. Even after that little murder spree sprint you pulled last year, I kept my distance. But that doesn't mean I haven't noticed. The way you're sneaking around, having her run errands for you. She's not your witch for hire, and she doesn't owe you a damn thing. So whatever it is you're doing, whatever your plan is, you keep her out of it. You, your toxic family, you don't go anywhere near my daughter. If she so much as catches a cold as a result of something you've done, I'll kill you myself, I don't care who -- or what you are."
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kolmikalson · 3 months
free my man. He did all of that and will continue to do even worse, probably
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kolmikalson · 3 months
going for the throat (LOVINGLY)
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kolmikalson · 3 months
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kolmikalson · 3 months
"The town's magical defences are failing," Kol began, restlessly tapping his fingers on the table in front of him. He'd always had a great knowledge of magic, of the complications and counteractions, but as a non-user himself, he'd had to recruit Davina to confirm his suspicions. They'd travelled along the border earlier that afternoon, Kol guiding her on what spells to cast, and it hadn't taken long to highlight the weaknesses. Too much had changed, since the initial set up, too many supernatural beings had made their way into Alexandria. Magic always found a way to balance itself, and after the continuous string of new rebels passing through the doors, he'd decided it best to investigate. Kol was disgruntled, but not surprised, to find himself right. "The concealment charms won't hold for much longer. There's too much presence here, too much entry and exit. Too many people like me." One Original was hard enough to conceal, but two? Partnered with a true alpha, a banshee, an ever-growing list of non-humans; they didn't stand a chance. They needed ancient magic, and as powerful as he was, Kol didn't believe Magnus could secure them alone. "If Richard's group are to believed, there are beings out there that pose a threat to all of us. Not to mention the fact that are we harbouring the mother of Niklaus' child. And we have countless loose ends when it comes to the Capitol, and Coin ---" He spat, glancing down. "We need to fix this. I won't have my family at risk. We either find a way to reinforce the magic, or we leave."
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kolmikalson · 3 months
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