kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
worlds tallest vampire
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
I love the Winnie the Pooh newspaper comics. Everyone’s such a dick to eachother, it’s so out of character. Is it simply called “Winnie the Pooh”? I never bothered to read the title, I just call it “It’s Always Sunny in the Hundred Acre Woods”
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
Fanfic: Because it ain’t gonna happen in real life, so why not dream?
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
Rule one of fandom: there are some things that only exist for us.
Don’t send actors fics
Don’t give them explicit art ever
Don’t tag them in rpf questions or theories
Don’t try to bring them into fandom drama of any kind
Don’t hold them responsible for what the producers and writers decide
They’re still people.  They have private lives, which do not include fandom.
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
Men are so obsessed with the continuation of our species. They’re always going on about birthrates and who would ‘need’ to do what with whom if there were only like 12 ppl left on earth and for some unknown reason we needed to rectify that ‘problem’. Let me tell u, lads: no lady needs to do anything with anyone even if the entire human race depends upon it. If we die out then we die. That’s life, sweaty. No ladies are responsible for ensuring your ugly asses are still a thing in the year 3017
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
the idea that people nowadays are more sensitive and easy to offend than they were in the past is such horseshit. people used to throw hands if you stepped on their shadow and calling a person a coward was legally justifiable grounds for them to challenge you to a duel with pistols.
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
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Texts (In order):
“just because they look cishet does not mean they are, stop trying to gatekeep the community it makes you look ignorant”
“some trans/nb people like things associated with their birth gender and it doesn’t diminish their identity stop being a dick”
“being part of an oppressed group does not give you right to be an unreasonable dick”
“bi men exist”
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
i’ll never forget when i worked as a monster at a haunted theme park last year, and like 10 different people called me “adorable” and “aw you’re too cute to be scary!” (someone even had the audacity to pat me on the head)
listen here i might be 5 foot 3 inches tall and look like a 12 year old but i have a gallon of blood on my face and i’m shrieking at you like a demon straight from the pit of hell AND YOU CALLING ME CUTE HURTS MY FEELINGS OKAY IM SUPPOSED TO BE SCARY
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
imagine we make contact with an alien species that’s like, vastly technologically superior, they could fucking kill us in a single shot if they really wanted to
and this species has never eaten salad before. and we show them salad and they eat it and they’re like holy living fuck this is tasty. and suddenly they’re offering us huge houses with all kind of advanced technological shit and incredible medical care and all the amenities and everything, with the only condition that we keep making salad for them.
and like, salad isn’t even hard to make. grab some plants, dump em in a bowl. it doesn’t have to be fancy salad, they’ll fall all over themselves for the most mediocre salad in the world. we can make so much salad that we’re practically drowning in it, even if we eat some of the salad ourselves. and in exchange we’re protected from danger, we have great living conditions, it’s basically paradise compared to life on earth
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
fashion designers put a halo and wings on a model and call it an ‘angel’ look. where are the wheels within wheels? the multitudes of staring, glowing eyes? the trumpets of rapture? the bloodied swords? where is the fire, the incomprehensibility? the ear-shattering “do not be afraid” that makes the audience fear god and have prophetic visions? extremely unsexy of the fashion industry to not realise what the viewer really wants
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
Ah yes, The Phantom of the Opera - the musical about the French man who’s deformed and tries to find true love. Not to be confused with Beauty and the Beast - the musical about the French man who’s deformed and tries to find true love. Or The Hunchback of Notre Dame - the musical about the French man who’s deformed and tries to find true lo-hey wait a minute!
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
When white teachers call colonizers “explorers” to make them seem like brave people with an adventurous curiosity instead of genocidal, european supremacist bastards who wanted to exchange blood for money.
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kowalaecstaty-blog ¡ 5 years
Just a heads up right now: on the day when Trump dies, I’m going to be extremely tasteless about it. It’s going to get ugly. You are going to see a side of me I am not proud of. I don’t want any call-outs in my inbox, I’m stating right now that lines will be crossed.
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