kringellegaard · 2 years
Minecraft Builds See Redstone used by YouTubers to Build MS Paint
Minecraft builds have hit a new high as Redstone - which has been used to create the Ghostbusters theme, a playable version of Dance Dance Revolution, and even real-world Redstone devices - has now been manipulated by YouTubers to create an actual version of MS Paint, inside the multiplayer building game.
Microsoft Paint, sometimes referred to as "that program we used to study IT lessons but couldn’t access the internet" It has seen numerous improvements in the last few years. Remaking the current version would be a huge undertaking even for the skilled Redstoners of YouTube and, instead MattBatWings, MattBatWings, and Sloimay have focused on the old version and have used it as the basis for an extremely detailed and cool project that is definitely on our list of best Minecraft builds.
MattBatWings demonstrates the entire process of creating. The creation of MS Paint isn't something that they or Sloimay really plan however, they decide to cobble(stone) together when they're selected to be part of an online video for Sipover, the YouTuber who puts the two Minecraft Redstone pros against a group of ordinary people.
The features MattBatWings and Sloimay decide to implement are the brush tool, line tool, circle and square tool, and a sprite tool. It's all very simple, but you need to be aware that all of it is not native to Minecraft, and they have to develop not only each of these features using Redstone programming as well as the screen itself. This is a great example of the creativity that Minecraft builders can bring to the table, with MattBatWings explaining each feature in detail. Minecraft Servers
In other Minecraft news In this article, you'll find everything you must know about Minecraft Mangrove trees. And if you want to make a change from Minecraft You could play one of our lists of the top building games. You could also pair with one of our best multiplayer games, and attempt to create a fantastic recreation project of your own. Minesweeper in GTA, anyone?
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