kurehayuu · 4 years
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Listening Practice II
안녕하세요 = Hello
오늘 = Today
참 = Really, Very
춥다 = To be cold
따뜻하다 = To be warm
날씨 = Weather
아파트 = Apartment
어젯밤 = Last Night
갑자기 = Suddenly
비 = Rain
오다 = To come
난방 = Heating (System)
안 = Not
되다 = To function, work
굉장히 = Very, extremely
어머 = Oh my (Exclamation)
그래요 = Is that so?
고생 = Hardship
이번 = This, this time
주말 = Weekend
좋다 = To be good
참 = By the way
잠실 운동장 = Jamsil Stadium
야구 = Baseball
시합 = Match, game
있다 = To be, to exist
같이 = Together
가다 = To go
그러다 = Do so, say so
두껍다 = To be thick, heavy
옷 = Clothes
입다 = To wear
지난 번 = Last time
야구장 = Baseball stadium
가다 = To go
때 = When...
바람 = Wind
불다 = To blow
혼나다 = To have a hard time
-지(요)? = Question ending
-던 = Retrospective. Looking back on something
-아 / 어서 = Because of...
-이 / 가 = Subject marking particle
-은 / 는 = Topic marking particle
-을 / 를 = Object marking particle
부터 / 까지 = To / From
-어 / 아지다 = To become, get to be
-ㄴ / 은 = Noun modifier
-(으)ㄴ 다음에 / 후에 = After doing (something)
-잖아요 = “You know...” (assuming agreement)
-ㄴ / 은 / 는데 = [In this case] Explaing background information
-겠다 = [In this case] Supposition, conjecture
-네(요) = Expressing surprise
-(으)면 좋겠다 = Expressing the speakers wish
-ㄹ / 을까(요) = “Shall we, should we...”
This conversation is from the ‘Integrated Korean - Intermediate 1’ textbook which I highly recommend. I will put the English translation in the comments of this post.
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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Oh my gosh, look at these baby animals
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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While millions of people are staying home to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Scribd is making our digital library of ebooks and audiobooks free for everyone: scribd.com/readfree 
🤩T A G G I N G E V E R Y O N E🤩  
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kurehayuu · 4 years
・It’s OK. = 大丈夫 ・I’m good. = 大丈夫 ・That’s fine. = 大丈夫 ・I’m all right. = 大丈夫 ・Don’t worry. = 大丈夫 ・No problem . = 大丈夫 ・No thank you. = 大丈夫 外国の方からすればどの「大丈夫」か分からなくて、全然大丈夫じゃなさそう。
・すみません=Sorry. ・すみません=Thanks. ・いいよ=That’s good. ・いいよ=No thanks.
・ヤバい=Very bad. ・ヤバい=Very good.
・押すなよ=Don’t push me. ・押すなよ=Push me.
・もう嫌い=I hate you. ・もう嫌い=I love you.
・Cute = ヤバい ・Crazy = ヤバい ・So cool= ヤバい ・Terrible = ヤバい ・Too bad = ヤバい ・Beautiful = ヤバい ・Awesome = ヤバい ・Dangerous= ヤバい ・Taste good = ヤバい ・So touching = ヤバい
( かおり🌐 Wanderism さんのツイート )
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kurehayuu · 4 years
53/100 japanese vocabulary
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Winter, again ☆ また冬 (ふゆ)
厳冬 げんとう  severe winter
大寒 だいかん extreme cold
寒中 かんちゅう mid-winter, cold season
冬至 とうじ winter solstice
冷気 れいき cold, chill, cold weather
寒雨 かんう cold winter rain
寒雲 かんうん clouds in midwinter, cold winter clouds
寒気 かんき cold chill, the shivers
寒月 かんげつ wintry moon, a winter month
寒暑 かんしょ cold and hot, winter and summer
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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Little detail in this show that I love #274905: Jerry reminding Diana to keep faking her twisted ankle
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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Anne With An E Season 3 Callbacks/Parallels
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kurehayuu · 4 years
ANNE WITH AN E  is a period drama that:
is written and produced by women
deals with topics such as feminism and human rights 
deals with topics such as Canadian residential schools, slavery and racism
has LGTBQ characters (and one of them is this amazing old lady who is literally the richest and coolest person there)
has many amazing, badass ladies of all ages
has male characters showing emotions and compassion and calls out toxic masculinity 
has healthy teen romance
is about teenagers that are played by ACTUAL teenagers
has amazing complex adult characters who also grow and develop
teaches the importance of love, family, friendship, education…
sends many important messages
doesn’t sexualize teenagers
makes you laugh, makes you smile, makes you cry, makes you… you know feel things
brings hope, joy and is just really heartwarming 
makes you want to be a better person
has a beautiful, breathtaking cinematography
has super-talented cast (young actors as well as the older ones)
and is just absolutely amazing tv series that deserves its full story to be told
PLEASE, HELP US SAVE IT. The vision for the show is 5 seasons, but Netflix and CBC decided to cancel it after season 3. Anne got the boy (and it’s beautiful) but her journey on which she achieves all her dreams (academic, career..) only begins and her story deserves to be told. Not to mention other amazing characters whose stories are nowhere near the end. 
Stream Anne With An E on Netflix, and make sure to stream season 3 that will be available on January 3! Spread this message and  fall in love with this outstanding show.  
(and if you’re really just not interested, could you at least stream few episodes on background. it would help us a lot)
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kurehayuu · 4 years
ソ or ン and other similar katakana
***I spelled vertical wrong for all of these because I’m dumb, sorry about that!!
ソ and ン
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ツ and シ
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ア and マ
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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432K notes · View notes
kurehayuu · 4 years
Japanese Vocabulary 28/427
🌸 野営 (やえい) - camping; campground; making camp 🌸 茸 (きのこ) - mushroom (using written using kana alone) 🌸 葡萄 (ぶどう) - grape; grapevine 🌸 団栗 (どんぐり) - acorn 🌸 箸 (はし) - chopsticks 🌸 歯科医院 (しかいいん) - dental clinic; dental surgery 🌸 口ひげ (くちひげ) - mustache 🌸 梟 (ふくろう) - owl 🌸 覇王樹 (さぼてん) - cactus (usually written using kana alone) 🌸 警察署 (けいさつしょ) - police station
Notes: 野宿 (のじゅく) - sleeping outdoors; sleeping out in the open air; camping キャンピング - camping 幕営 (ばくえい) - camp; camping オートキャンプ - motor home camping; caravanning​ キャンプ場 (キャンプじょう) - campground; campsite キャンプ地 (キャンプち) - campground; campsite
マッシュルーム - mushroom 椎茸 (しいたけ) - shiitake mushroom 松茸 (まつたけ) - matsutake mushroom キノコ狩り (キノコがり) - mushroom gathering 菌輪 (きんりん) - fairy ring; mushroom ring
グレープ - grape ぶどう色 (ぶどういろ) - dark purple; grape (color) ぶどう狩り (ぶどうがり) - grape picking ぶどう果汁 (ぶどうかじゅう) - grape juice
どんぐりの背比べ (どんぐりのせいくらべ) - having no outstanding characteristics; all seeming about the same; bragging competition concerning matters of little importance; pissing contest; height comparison among acorns​
割り箸 (わりばし) - dispensable chopsticks; throwaway chopsticks お手許 (おてもと) - chopsticks (often written on the paper wrapper) ​Usually written using only kana 太箸 (ふとばし) - festive chopsticks; thick round chopsticks used on festive occasions 真魚箸 (まなばし) - type of long chopsticks used in the preparation of fish; type of long chopsticks used to hold the fish in carving knife ceremony せせり箸 (せせりばし) - poking one’s food around using one’s chopsticks; playing with one’s food with one’s chopsticks (a breach of etiquette) 菜箸 (さいばし) - long chopsticks (for cooking, serving, etc) 取り箸 (とりばし) - chopsticks used to move food from a serving dish to one’s own dish​ 箸渡し (はしわたし) - passing a bone fragment from one pair of chopsticks to another while placing the remains of the deceased in a funerary urn; two people picking up the same bone fragment with chopsticks at the same time 箸渡し (はしわたし) - passing food from one pair of chopsticks to another (a breach of etiquette); two people picking up the same piece of food with chopsticks at the same time​ 立て箸 (たてばし) - sticking chopsticks upright into a bowl of rice (a breach of etiquette)​ 拝み箸 (おがみばし) - clasping chopsticks between one’s hands as in a gesture of prayer (a breach of etiquette) 移り箸 (うつりばし) - using one’s chopsticks to jump from side dish to side dish without pausing to eat rice in between (a breach of etiquette)​ 横箸 (よこばし) - joining both chopsticks together and using them as a spoon (breach of chopstick etiquette)​ 探り箸 (さぐりばし) - using one’s chopsticks to find a food one likes by rummaging in one’s dish, pot, etc. (a breach of etiquette) 惑い箸 (まどいばし) -  hovering one’s chopsticks back and forth over side dishes, when trying to choose which one to take (a breach of etiquette)​ 握り箸 (にぎりばし) -  grasping one’s chopsticks the same way one might hold a walking stick (a breach of etiquette)​ 迷い箸 (まよいばし) -  hovering one’s chopsticks back and forth over side dishes, when trying to choose which one to take (a breach of etiquette)​ 叩き箸 (たたきばし) - ringing one’s chopsticks against a dish (in order to request seconds, etc.) (a breach of etiquette)​ 銜え箸 (くわえばし) - holding one’s chopsticks in one’s mouth (a breach of etiquette)​ 渡し箸 (わたしばし) - resting one’s chopsticks across the top of one’s bowl (a breach of etiquette)​ 匕箸 (ひちょ) - spoon and chopsticks 渡り箸 (わたばし) - using one’s chopsticks to jump from side dish to side dish without pausing to eat rice in between (a breach of etiquette)​ 舐り箸 (ねぶばし) - licking one’s chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)​ 違い箸 (ちがいばし) - using two different chopsticks together (a breach of etiquette)​ 逆さ箸 (さかさばし) - taking food with one’s chopsticks upside down (a breach of etiquette)​ 空箸 (そらばし) -  touching a food with one’s chopsticks, then removing them without taking it (a breach of etiquette)​ 拾い箸 (ひろいばし) - passing food from one person’s chopsticks to another’s (a breach of etiquette)​ 涙箸 (なみだばし) - dripping liquid (soup, sauce, etc.) from the tips of one’s chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)​ 寄せ箸(よせばし) -  drawing a dish towards oneself using one’s chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)​ 箸袋 (はしぶくろ) - chopstick envelope; chopstick wrapper; paper envelope in which chopsticks are presented 揃え箸 (そろえばし) - aligning one’s chopsticks by tapping them on the table, a dish, etc. (a breach of etiquette)​ 相挟み (あいばさみ) - multiple people holding the same item with their chopsticks; ​passing something from chopstick to chopstick​ 箸紙 (はしがみ) - chopstick paper wrapper; paper sheath for chopsticks​ 指し箸 (さしばし) - pointing towards somebody or something with one’s chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)​ 直箸 (じかばし) - taking food directly from a communal dish with one’s own chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)​ 撥ね箸 (はねばし) - pushing away food one does not want to eat with one’s chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)​ 膳越し (ぜんごし) - rudely reaching over one’s serving tray to grab food behind it with one’s chopsticks​ 箸を取る (はしをとる) - to take up one’s chopsticks (to begin a meal); to start to eat; to eat​ 持ち方 (もちかた) - way one holds (one’s writing brush); how to hold (chopsticks) 鼻ひげ (はなひげ) - (colloquialism) mustache 鬚髯 (しゅぜん) - mustache and beard カイゼル髭 (カイゼルひげ) - handlebar mustache アウル - owl
カクタス - cactus
交番 (こうばん) - police box; small neighborhood police station
Corrections and more information are welcomed and encouraged.  (ღˇᴗˇ)。o
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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Bioluminescence series by Rob Rey
(Rob Rey’s Tumblr)
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kurehayuu · 4 years
As someone who hates wrapping presents, I found this really helpful
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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This is really interesting. Wow.
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kurehayuu · 4 years
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文字 ・もじ - Letter, Character, Script
字 ・じ - A letter, Character 
漢字 ・かんじ - Chinese character 
平仮名 ・ひらがな - Hiragana
片仮名 ・カタカナ - Katakana
数字 ・すうじ - Numbers
アルファベット - Alphabet
ローマ字 - Roman characters
外国語 ・がいこくご - Foreign Language
日本語 ・にほんご  - Japanese
英語 ・えいご - English
中国語 ・ちゅうごくご - Chinese
ドイツ語 ・どいつご - German
スペイン語 ・すぺいんご - Spanish
フランス語 ・ふらんすご - French
韓国語 ・かんこくご - Korean
嬉しい ・うれしい - Happy
楽しい ・たのしい - Fun
悲しい ・かなしい - Sad
寂しい・淋しい・ さびしい - Lonely
寂しい・淋しい ・さみしい - Sad, Lonely
怖い・恐い ・こわい - Scary
言う ・いう - To say 
話す ・はなす - To speak
語る ・かたる - To tell 
書く ・かく - To write 
読む ・よむ - To read 
泣く ・なく - To cry
笑う ・わらう - To laugh 
怒る ・おこる - To be angry 
褒める ・ほめる - To encourage 
叱る ・しかる - To scold
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kurehayuu · 4 years
Japanese lesson 50
Today's theme is "I'm into〜".
(きょうのてーまは にはまっている にむちゅう です)
1. I'm into Jazz.
2. I'm into yoga.
3.I'm into cooking.
 (りょうりに むちゅうです)
4. I'm not into soccer.
(さっかーには きょうみがない)
5. I'm not into fishing.
 (つりには きょうみがない)
You should use it!
See you again!!
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