labryinthines-blog · 6 years
imessage ✉ open !
charlotte: guess what bitches i'm baaaaack
charlotte: i hope you all missed me
charlotte: visiting my grandparents in florida was literally beyond boring
eden: hey captain.
eden: i totally 100% missed you from the bottom of my heart.
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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saskia thankfully had some free time to be in the library, she was on the hunt for quite a few different books for british literature class. the library was always peaceful which the blonde enjoyed despite having such a wild personality. walking along the isle of books quietly, the loud voice had caused her to jump but it was familiar. when the feminine voice spoke a second time, saskia followed it to the source. “eden? what are you doing back here? hiding out?”
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     at the sight of one of her roommates, eden shuffled some papers on the tape in front of her and took her feet off of the chair opposite of her. she wasn’t super close with anyone at montpelier, but her roommates were the closest thing she’d have to friends. ‘ i’m always hiding out, saskia. ’ she replied playfully, raising her eyebrows teasingly. ‘ what’re you doing? also hiding out? ’ her eyes fell to the books in her hands and her left eyebrow raised curiously. ‘ or are you actually doing work? ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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‘ i’m drawing blanks - i would say be upfront with ‘em but i’m guessing it’s not an option. why don’t you want to go? ‘
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     ‘ have you ever been to key west? ’ meredith scoffed. ‘ okay, it’s not the worst place on earth, but it’s tiring after ten years of the same tradition. ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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grinning wickedly and standing behind meredith, blue leaned down to match her height as he began peppering kisses along her neck. ‘ i can think of one reason … ’
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a sly smile crossed meredith’s lips, her eyes shutting softly at the feel of kisses on her neck. she sighed happily, but shook her head slightly. ‘ you’re a pretty good reason. ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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although he tried to keep the place regulated, the library more often than not was at full capacity. nate couldn’t stand it. he hated when others crowded the space, and found their incessant whispering monotonous. in desperate times such as these, and seeing that nate spent the least amount of time in his dorm as humanly possible, he took his books and tried to retreat to the quietest corner of the library. as he was prepared to claim his spot, he was stopped in his tracks by a face he didn’t recognise. had he met them ? probably, but nate didn’t care enough to remember. ‘ … you’re in my spot. ’
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     her eyes glared at the intruder to her little slice of loneliness, her eyebrows drawing together in a frown. ‘ don’t see your name anywhere on it. ’ she replied, feigning a smile at him. this could very well have been his spot, or his normal spot anyway – eden wouldn’t know. she didn’t usually go to the library, studying wasn’t something she did or had to do so the library was one place she rarely went to. ‘ if you wanted it, you should’ve arrived earlier. ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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there was a soft clatter of books hitting the floor from behind the otherwise lonesome shelves, a tiny groan following suit. nia wasn’t expecting someone else to be at the library during class hours, yet there she was, peeping through the empty spots between the books in hopes of finding the person who had spooked the living daylights out of her. upon spotting a girl she’d seen only a couple of times in class, she picked up the last fallen book and walked out of the tiny hall. “ dude, you’re alive? ” there was a soft hum in her voice as she looked at the girl with a slightly tilted head. “ lunch was like.. twenty minutes ago. i think you missed your big break. ”
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     eden’s eyes traveled up from her phone to natalia, a wry smile crossing her lips. her fingers clicked the off button, turning her screen black and she dropped it on the table in front of her. she brought her arms up to stretch dramatically and rolled her eyes playfully at the other girl. ‘ am i alive? or did i disappear like hallie? maybe you’re just seeing an illusion or a ghost. ’ she joked. it was in poor taste to joke around about the disappearance of a fellow classmate, but eden didn’t care. she didn’t care about hallie, she didn’t care about the police – in eden’s world, the only person that mattered was eden.
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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“ tell them you’re busy writing up your college entry essay. or that you’re busy studying for your psat or act. that should definitely get them off your back. ”
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     ‘ you are so smart – i literally haven’t even thought of either of those. as soon as i mention college, they’ll get off my back. ’ 
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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     – class was in session and students were chasing down textbook answers in the library, but eden was hidden away in a corner behind rows of bookshelves, tapping away at a dimmed phone. she, quite honestly, hadn’t been to class in the past week ( what faking mono can do ) and didn’t plan on returning. her parents paid enough money to montpelier to excuse her activities anyway. ‘ ugh, when’s break? ’ she said just loud enough to break the silence of the hidden corner. ‘ i’m so tired of this place. ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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    ‘ quick, give me an excuse to text my parents on why we shouldn’t go to key west for thanksgiving. ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
–– BLUE !
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the talk of the future had always been a sore spot for meredith and blue. it hardly ever came up, if ever, and both always tried to sweep that conversation away as soon as they could. but the more time they spent together, blue wanted to know these things about meredith. he wasn’t as scared to learn. “stress may be unavoidable, especially when you’re a fucking genius like yourself,” blue murmured softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and tucking her in tighter to him. “it’ll suck less when you have a plan. and i know you’ll get into wherever you wanna go.”
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     his words warm her up, starting at her fast-thumping heart and spreading through her body. she leaned into him more, bringing up a hand to cover her face in – well, stress. she wished she could’ve just stayed in that moment, laid up next to blue – maybe talking about something other than the future – and enjoying his presence. she craved him all the time, no matter what the situation was, she wanted him to experience everything with her. ‘ i’m hardly a genius. ’ she mumbled, knowing that if she were a genius, she wouldn’t be so scared of everything. ‘ what about you? where do you wanna go? ’ she was scared for the answer, but she wanted to know. she was so curious, even if it wasn’t good for her.
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
–– THEO !
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“well, it sucks nonetheless,” theo shrugs, watching the girl untape her ankles as he shifts the ice bags on his legs. “i’ll be sad too,” he frowns, biting his lip. “one, dalton will totally kick our asses, and two, i know there’ll be college scouts there and if i miss out on that i’ll never forgive myself.”
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     she wads up the tape into a ball, tossing it into the nearest trash-can ( mentally yelling ‘kobe!’ as it flew in ). ‘ hey, don’t worry about it. ’ she tries to reassure the other athlete. ‘ scouts are constantly at montpelier and dalton sucks. they can’t succeed if the crowd’s talking shit all game. ’ she jokes.
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
 –– LIBBY !
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Libby chuckled softly, shaking her head at the girls words. She realized the mouth full of legal terminology probably sounded a bit strange given the context, however, she spent a great deal of time in some sort of political legislature book, and it occasionally took over in her daily vocabulary. “Don’t be, I’m just a fucking nerd,” she reassured the grin, leaning back a bit. Her brows raised at the name of both schools, both equally impressive, both two completely different vibes. “I’m going to guess, your dream school and academic scholarship is at USC, but Stanford seems like the more logical option on paper?” she guessed.
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     an easy laugh fell from meredith’s lips, the nervousness dancing around in her stomach dissipating with each word libby said. it was good to have someone to talk about this stuff with, her parents wouldn’t have gotten it for sure. they’d tell her to pick stanford, it was the better school anyway. ‘ i love nerds. ’ she playfully teases. ‘ they’re my people. ’ she sighs and looks up, sighing at the next sentence libby states. she was right on the money – southern california was the place she’d loved since her first visit in seventh grade, stanford was the place that would open more doors. ‘ yeah – you’re completely right. ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
–– CLEO !
“What if you got exposed? Wouldn’t you want us to rally behind you and care?”
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     ‘ oh, boohoo. if i get exposed, i know i can count on exactly none of you. ’ her harsh words are accompanied by a smile and she looks cleo in the eyes. ‘ but fine, i’ll rally behind charlotte. ’
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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      while sneaking off of campus, you find yet another crumpled piece of paper by the trunk of an old tree. you pick it up, swearing that if it’s another student’s schedule, you’ll write a formal complaint about the disrespect to mother nature. when you uncrumple it, you start drafting a letter.
period 01 [ 0800 – 0915 ] – geometry & trigonometry with professor ali period 02 [ 0920 – 1035 ] – italian iii with signorina rossi period 03 [ 1055 – 1210 ] – american lit with ms. adkins period 04 [ 1310 – 1425 ] – philosophy with dr. jensen period 05 [ 1430 – 1545 ] – physics with mr. rojas
    and then you chuck it into eden king’s open window and hit her on her head with it.
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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     down a dimly lit dormitory hallway, you find a crumpled up sheet of paper. bending down to pick it up ( because littering is bad ), you open it up and read it, discovering a student schedule that belongs to senior meredith barnes ( who, honestly, is a bitch for littering ).
period 01 [ 0800 – 0915 ] – latin iv with ms. stokes period 02 [ 0920 – 1035 ] – british literature with mr. malone period 03 [ 1055 – 1210 ] – calculus period 04 [ 1310 – 1425 ] – us government & politics with dr. stokes period 05 [ 1430 – 1545 ] – free period
     and then you throw it away into a trash can because you’re a good human being.
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
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  tag dump !
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labryinthines-blog · 6 years
–– CLEO !
“I think a few of us from the team, not freshmen, should get together and rally behind Charlotte. She didn’t deserve to be exposed like that. That’s just rude and hateful.”
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     ‘ mm, if i’m really being honest – i don’t care all that much. ’ eden shrugs nonchalantly, like someone’s life didn’t just fall apart. ‘ i mean, poor her, i get it – let’s rally behind her and make her some cookies or something. ’
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