ladyduellist · 16 hours
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I have a proposal towards the bg3 fandom:
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ladyduellist · 20 hours
WIP whenever
very late getting around to this, but...! i've been working on a little oneshot featuring my tav ysera, who i haven't written much for at all so this is v. exciting for me. anyways, on with the WIP, and thanks as always to the wonderful @verbenaa for the tag! 💕
And Astarion? He's certainly a problem Ysera can no longer ignore.  Astarion was by no means her first, but that's precisely what makes her infatuation with him that much worse. A stolen glance across the campfire, the deft dance of his fingertips as he effortlessly picks a lock, the way the tips of his ears turn pink after he's had a particularly filling meal – all of it makes Ysera's stomach knot and her heart flutter as if she's no more than a blushing maiden. He's dangerous. That much is certain. She's long since forgotten the others, half a dozen men and women whose names weren't worth remembering by sunrise. But she can't escape Astarion any more than she can escape the tadpole wriggling inside her brain. Ysera's seen it most often when Astarion is shamelessly flirting with her – the sorrow in his expression, brief glimpses that slip through the mask he's so carefully constructed for himself. The smiles that don't quite reach his eyes. He's broken, too. A kindred spirit. And like a ship tossed about upon the open sea, she seems all but set to dash herself upon the shore.
i think i already tagged everyone in something else earlier this week, so i'll skip any additional tags this time around, but as always if anyone has anything to share i'd love to see what you're working on too! 😊
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ladyduellist · 22 hours
I think I just wrote 3 of the best paragraphs I’ve ever written. Can’t wait to share Chapter 18! I know I’ve been slogging on this one, but I have been chipping away at it! Half of it is done. ❤️
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ladyduellist · 2 days
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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ladyduellist · 2 days
reblog and put in the tags the name of your signature perfume/cologne
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ladyduellist · 2 days
Astarion canonically smells like bergamot, rosemary, and brandy ... perhaps with the faintest trace of fresh blood behind it.
What about the others?
Shadowheart: Orchids, jasmine, amber, camphor
Gale: Lavender, citrus, and ozone
Lae'zel: Leather, musk, and linseed oil (from treating her swords)
Wyll: Wine, wood, pepper, and a faint whiff of Avernus
Karlach: Engine friction, tobacco, sweat
Halsin: Tree bark, moss, and petrichor
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ladyduellist · 3 days
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ladyduellist · 3 days
This is a post about being our own worst critics blah blah blah because that’s been my vibe today concerning artistic measures.
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ladyduellist · 3 days
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uhhhhh idk somethin somethin wine or blood
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ladyduellist · 3 days
Painted my favorite gnome & a bonus version with blushing + shiny eyes (and head lol) because I was feeling silly and self-indulgent ♡ Progress pics under the cut, this was a real exercise in trusting the process.
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ladyduellist · 4 days
WIP Wednesday
So I'm cooking...
“Can you be quiet, old bear?” Astarion hissed. “Or do you want her to come downstairs and investigate the noise?” 
“You know she’s not ready for that,” Halsin whispered. “But you like the idea, don’t you? Getting to show off in front of her again with me.” 
“You’re never going to forgive me for throwing you, are you?” Astarion sat up to pull his shirt off. 
Anyone want to share their WIPs? No pressure tags @ladyduellist @verbenaa @bhaalsdeepbat @kalmiaphlox @preciouslittlebhaalbae @xxnashiraxx @bbyfacedx @pinkberrytea @roguishcat @elinorbard
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ladyduellist · 4 days
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Maybe tonight I'll rest in peace.
I could watch and listen to that alindraws animation for hours on end.
Couldn't resist doing a 3D render inspired by it.
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ladyduellist · 5 days
Epistles of Saints & Sinners
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Chapter Summary:
The group meets Lady Esther and Astarion notices something new about Tav.
Story Summary:
When Astarion meets the humble bard, Tav, he soon finds out he's the only one between them that knows they are bound as soulmates through their marks. Deciding it's more trouble than its worth, he refuses to tell her along the course of their journey across Faerûn.
But, unbeknownst to him and their companions, Tav is harboring a gruesome secret that she only thought was nothing more than a traumatized period in her life.
As they both come to face to face with their pasts and presents, will they choose to move forward or let it consume them?
Healing isn’t linear—after all.
Chapter 17: Poison
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Word count: 5.7k
Pairing: Astarion x female bard Tav
CW: Language, Violence, Act 1 Spoilers
♫ Traveling under the sunless sea,We were both trying to breathe,Tied with an invisible thread.
When colors seem less monochrome,And the soul doesn’t want to roam,Emotions felt with everything unsaid.
Little by little it starts,Devotion of a once vacant heart,The dawn’s shard’s bringing light.
Moments of sweetness and inner strife,Holding on to each other like a knife,So that our tale will be worth the fight. ♫
— Tavelle Swiftchoir, a song entitled ‘Genesis’
“Do you trust it?”
“The dream guardian. Do you trust it?” Gale persisted, biting softly into an impeccably made cheese sandwich.
Shaking herself from focusing on the shoddy stitchwork in her lap, Tav amusedly spied a couple breadcrumbs becoming lost in his unkempt beard “No? Hells, I don’t know. It certainly told us a convincing tale. What about you?”
“I typically like to err on the side of caution, but I’m in agreement with you: it did tell us a convincing tale. The fact that it conveyed nearly the same story to us through our dreamstate, makes me think we are its only hope,” he pointed out, brushing away flakes of bread from his robes. “But, this could be yet another trick. Let us carry on and see what comes of this protector of ours for the present.”
The bard took a deep breath, carefully mulling over their current state of affairs. “At any rate, we do have the creature to thank for us all still being alive.”
Around them, a chilled breeze in the late afternoon warned of the beginning transition into sunset. The day had been wrought with conversations surrounding the group’s mutual restlessness about where the lines of reality and dreams blurred pertaining to the abnormal guardian angel inside the prism, yet, there was no hesitance in expressing their watchfulness about Dreamy.
Dreamy’s narrative certainly seemed believable enough, but Tav was concerned that it appeared to each of them in a different form—craftily tailored in the guise of familiarity, blindsiding them to gain their trust. Yet, not a single one of her companions opted to reveal who’s shape it took on, as if they, too, had been unsettled by the imitator’s projected image.
And honestly? She probably understood the need to conceal such unbosomings better than anyone, given the shapeshifting protector’s introduction in Algos’s body. There was very little doubt that her companions would be understanding about why she murdered her husband, but what they didn’t know—what she hid—was that she would one day face extreme public scorn in the pillory, before having her neck kiss the bladed edge of a guillotine for misdeeds far graver than Algos’s demise.
They can’t know. They can’t find out. It would put them all in danger.
It terrified Tav, the knowing that time was running low before everyone discovered her real identity. That a condemned woman as she was on the path to possibly become a hero—unexpectedly following in her mother’s footsteps—except her accused transgressions would see her dead before the first opus honoring her deeds was composed. But she had, in some sense, accepted that she would offer herself up to Faêrun’s judgment when the bell tolled for her fate, taking as much as she gave to the world by balladeering her final mortal liturgy, while still protecting those in need to the very end.
The wizard took another large chomp into his snack while he plopped down onto the crate, moaning in culinary bliss. “‘av, ‘o yoo wa’t ‘um? I’s ree’y goo’!” He excitedly said pointing at the sandwich with his mouth full.
“I’m sure it does taste good—judging by how loudly you’re chewing—but I’ll pass this time, Gale. Thank you,” she hastily replied, growing more frustrated with the lapse of her sewing needle determined to create a crooked line.
“Ah,” he hissed out, swallowing chunks of Waterdhavian down his hatch. “Honestly, all that’s missing is a bottle of Athkatlan clarry wine.”
“Bollocks! I can’t deal with this right now,” she huffed out, tossing the tailoring kit and torn shirt aside.
Gale turned to her, a fair amount of worry dimming his bark colored eyes. “Want to talk about it?”
How could she ever possibly explain everything to him? Whenever she began to dwell, she could feel herself packed to the brim, ready to burst through those seams at any moment. The tadpoles. Algos. Their journey. The dream guardian. Whatever the fuck her involvement continued to be with Astarion. Tav had taken on so much in such a short period, that she was wound like a rubber band ball about to unsnap.
The bard lifted her knees to rest the side of her face against them. Her hair unplaited, captured the last chirps from the evening songbirds upon each strand blown in the wind. “I’m not even sure where to start.”
“The beginning may be as good a place as any. After what you did for me—standing for my honor against the others concerning the Netherese orb—listening is the least I can do for our troubled leader.”
Tav seriously pondered over his words. “You don’t owe me anything. None of you do. Being here is sufficient.”
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Is it? Sufficient—I mean.”
“What are you implying?” She asked with a hint of unease in her soft pitch.
Gale raised his head to peer out towards Wyll and Shadowheart preparing the evening campfire. “You know, when I locked myself up in my tower for that fretful year, I had nobody except for Tara,” he proceeded with his thoughts. “One full year waffling in my depression and consuming whatever magical items I could, to stabilize this infestation in my chest. One full year of never reaching out to another to relinquish some of my misery, convincing myself it was my own burden to bear. Maybe I could have blamed some of my pridefulness on my lack of seeking another’s sympathy, but I will say, after I was captured by the mind flayers and settled with you all, I realized just how starved I was to share my struggles with those that would have my best interest in heart.”
As she listened to the wizard’s voice attempting to lull her into a vulnerable place, Tav began to trace all their companion’s names in elvish Espruar letterings into the dirt. With each elegant curve she made, her index finger either thickened or thinned its script. She wondered if amongst her digit’s fluidity imprinting these names into the ground, which of them—if any—could lay their hands over her metaphorically slumped body in an act to invoke a holy dove for her healing. Yet, her impulse to safeguard what was still left within her reverberating heart took precedence, leaving her with bouts of emptiness where trusted connections should form.
Astarion had been right all along: nothing was holding her hostage except herself.
“What I’m trying to say is that perhaps it’s not me you wish to unload any of this haul of yours onto, but I have little doubt that a single one of us would turn you away if you wished to do so,” Gale ended, fixing his gaze on her.
Tav froze her mindless scribbles in the middle of drawing Astarion’s name. She lifted her head to gently grin at him. “You are singing to the bard here, Gale,” she replied, laughing at her own corny joke. “But know that it is never something to take personally. Maybe after I’ve found time to think more clearly I can try? Would that suffice?”
He patted her on the back, grunting a noise resembling a throaty “yes.”
Familiar post-mortem gouge,
A skewer through her vitals.
Rearing bestial head,
With another cycle.
Scraping and howling,
Blow down the bricks to her castle walls.
From high above the turrets,
Tearfully shoot the animal until it falls.
And then mourn its lifeless shape,
For the offense of trying to see inside.
“Ahem,” an unreserved voice cleared itself, announcing himself specifically to the bard.
Leisurely strolling by with his impossibly straight nose pointing down into a book, Astarion sank in his cheeks to follow up his known presence with a “tsk.” His loose curls relaxed along the nape of his neck as his chin tucked a little further into his chest.
Gale sat up straight in his seat, running a hand through his brown hair to find relief from the assaulting tresses tickling his face. “How many times has he passed by us now?”
“Three. He’s pouting and hoping I’ll change the terms of my arrangement with him,” Tav responded, sighing.
“Arrangement? As in feeding or…um…something…well,” the wizard inquired, shooting her an embarrassed glance.
Her lower lip hung open, the sound of a forced dry chuckle leaving her diaphragm. “Are you asking about my sex life, Gale?”
“WAIT, I ONLY MEANT—” Gale held up his hands, face turning every shade of a ripened tomato one could imagine. 
She casually covered her mouth, hiding her giggles. Gale reminded her of sweetened jam spread upon a biscuit: reliable, easily abashed, and sweet at the same time. 
“Do I simply not exist?” the vampire sneered, keeping his garnet view studying the pages in his book. “You do realize I’m able to hear the two of you gossiping hens from here, don’t you?” 
“Hello again, Astarion,” Gale called out. “You’re sounding rather optimistic tonight. Is there anything we can do for you?”
“Oh Gale, you really need to stop flirting with me—I’m not interested,” the vampire scowled, turning a page in his book.
He’s more agitated than usual, Tav reflected. And his skin…is it possible for him to be any paler? Unless he hasn’t—damnit!
Tav jumped to her feet, giving the ties on her stays a quick glance over to check for their support. “When’s the last time you fed?” she asked aloud.
Astarion lifted his head to peer over at her. “Does it matter? I think you’ve made it perfectly clear where you stand on that particular concern.”
Gale nervously lurched his nutty eyes between the two ex lovers seemingly deciding it was better to stay clammed up on the subject by the way he pursed his lips together.
Slowly approaching, she nipped at the inside of her cheek, ruminating on her last interaction with Astarion during their spar. Did he believe she was trying to punish him with the boundaries she set? Of course she was undeniably irate over how he treated their riptided companionship, but she refused to be held responsible in any way for his starvation. Why he chose to put this on her with his fickle stubbornness, eluded her. 
“You need blood,” she composedly pressed, stuffing her hands into her pant pockets. “This isn’t healthy, especially with us facing the gith tomorrow.”
Astarion waved her off disdainfully. “Sorry darling, but I think my palette is evolving to a taste that’s less…stale.”
“So, you would rather hold out for a different ‘thinking creature’ than the woman standing in front of you still offering her neck?” Tav frowned, knitting her brow. “I’m not going to chase after you about this.”
“Don’t mislead yourself.” He gently closed the book, skimming a hand over the front cover before fully regarding her. “We both already know that you have quite the tendency in refusing to give up on anything.”
“And you’ve taken advantage of that knowledge, haven’t you?” she retorted.
Astarion took a few steps closer to her, tilting his head to the side. “Haven’t I? Don’t you mean, haven’t we? I’m not the only one that’s pursued a special interest amongst the two of us.”
The bard glared at him, narrowing her eyes. “Y-you think I used you only for intimacy?” she choked out, fighting back the watery spouts in the nooks of her eyes. “...Astarion, that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
“Again, don’t mislead yourself. Everybody wants something from someone else,” the pale elf goaded through an exhaled breath. 
A dull ache unspun in her chest as it began to propagate from the words of Astarion’s morose piano sonata he unexpectedly disclosed to her. Her previous fears had come true: he honestly thought she was using him for little more than sensual rendezvouses. 
“I want to talk more in depth about this,” Tav murmured, staring at the tome in his hands. Was it just her imagination or was it lightly trembling?
“And I want to leave,” Astarion shot back, abruptly turning away from her, unwilling to share any further exchanges. “I bid goodnight to everyone not named Gale.”
“Yes, well, please do let us know how we can inconvenience you yet again on your fourth stroll around here!” the wizard shouted as Astarion roamed away towards a set of ruins overlooking the mountainous valley.
Tav started to sluggishly pace, thoughts scattered as she ran the risks of martyring her self appointed walls over and over again. Usually, she would pay no heed to his sarcasm—which was half of his personality—but the steady quakes jumbling his grip around the book, nettled its way beneath the five million nerve endings of her skin. What was he hiding? 
“Tavelle,” Gale said unevenly. “Are you okay?”
An idea struck her. Impulsive and dangerous. She laughed at herself for the mere consideration of it and furthermore, at Astarion’s prediction of her defiance to throw in the towel. He surely must’ve laced his fangs with poison with the way he continued to seep into her veins.
Wiggling a dagger out from its sheath tied to her belt, she placed the sharp blade against her right forearm. “Gale, do you think you could find me an empty bottle?”
He gawked at her. “Let me jot down that bloodletting is an active interest of yours. Whatever are you doing?”
“If Astarion continues to be stubborn in his feedings, I’ll just have to concede to a different way in helping him. He’s not the only one that can tempt another,” she half-simpered, discerning on the proper area to slice. 
Mouth agape, pupils larger than copper coins, Gale ran off to retrieve her request with his robes swishing fastidiously behind him. Almost instantaneously, he returned stumbling over his feet with an empty bottle, clean bandages, and a quartered-filled healing potion.
“Here, this should do. The healing potion should stop most of your bleeding, but not right away—hence the dressings.”
“Greatly appreciated,” Tav beamed. “Actually, this may go better if you could hold the bottle for me. If I die, lie to Shadowheart and tell her I forced you to help with a charm spell before she resurrects me.”
Gale silently assented, standing close enough to hold the container under her arm. “I realize this may be none of my business, but why even bother? I know you care about the man, but is he really worth continuing to sacrifice your own health for? You and I have had this disagreement before and I can’t help but think it’s best to still leave him be. Nobody wants to see you hurt; we need you just as much as you need us.”
The bard grit her teeth together, slowly cutting through several blood vessels in her arm. As her crimson dripped in hurried rivulets, she positioned the wound over the glass.
“I can’t do that to him,” Tav weighed in, starting to feel lightheaded. “Much like I said I wouldn’t abandon you, I won’t abandon him either. He needs to be given a chance to live again so he can see what a good life can offer him. I don’t think he understands what that means and, gods help me, I’m determined to at least help push him in the right direction if it’s within my ability.”
A sympathetic expression washed over his face as he held tighter onto the small container while it filled with her blood. “I didn’t before, but I think I slightly understand now why you protect him—us—as you do. You’re too good for this world and I pray Astarion sees what your compassion is capable of doing.”
“Well, I don’t know about that,“ she timidly blushed, resheathing the blade while she scrambled to unravel the bandages to tie around the gash. “Mayhaps I am being preposterous, but I want to believe Astarion has something good inside him that’s been suppressed in growth for 200 years just so he could survive. Would it be so terrible of me to help him search for that?”
“Terrible? No. A damned lunatic? Yes.”
Rosymorn Monastery Trail was a location that appeared suspended in time. Vast jagged mountainous rocks reaching high into the heavens above. Overgrown trees refused mercy to the ridges they shoved their roots into, leaving behind a surreal sight to behold. Built alongside the trail were shrines and statues dedicated to the dawn god Lathander—some in literal ruins, others standing proud. All forgotten, left to nature’s decay.
The dusk showed the first presentations of celestial bodies over the breathtaking scenery, dimly twinkling as they labored to shine brightest through refracted streams of light. They reminded Tav of the vampire she was on foot to visit, peacocking his demeanor as if he wanted to be noticed while a preferred distance remained a tumultuous comfort.
In her hand, she clenched the bottle of her prepared blood, wondering how Astarion would receive the expiatory truce. Gale’s woes weren’t without merit about the spawn’s needs extending beyond her remediable efforts, but her memories of the past decade were a potent drug denying her withdrawal from him. She had been alone. Frightened. Traversing the lands with no support. Her name: a stain on her people and her family’s triumphs. Because of this, Tav vowed to herself and the incorporeal buzzards circling overhead waiting for her collapse, that nobody else she knew would have to face their suffering alone as she had.
Yet, she knew the tiniest granule of real unfettered hope could change everything for Astarion. 
Hope. A word Algos used to berate her for even suggesting the power it could wield, contrarily believing fear held more dominance. A decade later, she could sometimes still hear his voice in leftover thoughts germane to him. Though, she was confused as to why her recent trances were constantly enthralled by him, hounding her into turbulent—sometimes insomniac—nights. Could it be her mind trying to warn her of the similarities between Algos and Astarion? Both had exhibited behaviors of egotism, manipulation, cruelty, and concerns that were border lined obsessive with outward appearances. Comparative personality quirks, yes, but didn’t they hold their differences?  
Astarion was the only one between the two men that had treated her as an actual human being despite his historical flaws. He respected her autonomy, although he loved to disagree with her. When she announced her boundaries, he didn’t barge through them to try and control her. Most of all, he never took anything from her unless she first offered. To Astarion, perhaps these actions meant naught to him other than some part of his personal compass he routinely enacted. Whereas for Tav, these were exhibitions of consideration for her well-being that he may never understand what they truly meant to her.
Still, the songstress couldn’t shake the parallels betwixt them. 
Maybe she really was a lunatic caught within her own patterns, blinded by her feelings. Maybe she was some idiot who couldn't help but to throw herself into another man’s haunted house. Or maybe her muddled head was overthinking too many disorderly thoughts that she failed to notice her arrival at the wrecked archway attached to what was left of an abandoned sanctuary.
Shivers prickled down her spine while she briskly searched the area for any evidence that the spawn was closeby. “Astarion, are you here?”
Over crumbling and desolate blanched stones, she anchoraged herself with the foundation of her lower body. The bard’s eartips perked up, attuning to the awakening eve’s sonances. Save for the mating cricket chirps, it was pleasantly silent. She walked through the open arch, peering out towards the empty cliff behind the building.
“‘Starion?” Tav whispered.
“Ah, and thus does the bouquet arrive to offer unto me chastisements for biting words,” a nasally voice odically narrated on the other side of a neglected wall holding the arches afloat.
“Oh my gods!” she yelped out in surprise, nearly dropping the vessel of her sanguine fluid.
He was leaning back casually against the ruinous wall with his eyes peacefully shut, letting her ogle bluish thin capillaries webbing his lids. The black and plum coat he often wore was unbuckled, opened wide, revealing a plunging neckline above his usual ruffly shirt underneath. And, oh, did the moonlight ever decide to accentuate the forbidden dips of his collarbone and pointed jawline right when her gaze fluidly crossed his path.
Tav’s view dropped away, cheeks reddened as if she had caught him in an intimate moment. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over vampires' corpselike stillness,” she noted with a jittery chuckle, coming down from her adrenaline spike.
The vampire’s right eye opened, appraising her gestures as he inhaled heavily through his nostrils. “Are you wounded? You smell like you’ve been doused in your own blood.”
“Something like that,” she confirmed, lifting up the bottle and confidently pushing it in his direction.
“A potion? Darling, you shouldn’t have! How did you know this is what I’ve always wanted?” Astarion mocked in annoyance, pushing off the wall to grip the bottom of the glass.
Tav shook her head. “Not a potion. Open it.”
He skeptically gaped at her as he popped the cork out. A single sniff into the dense bottled air, bathed his expression in euphoric and ravenous delight. The tips of his fangs glistened with a string of saliva connecting one of them to his tongue when his mouth fell open. Low groans, short and reverberating, slipped out, leaving the woman’s heart fluttering.
Seconds passed before he spoke, his accent thickly laced with hunger. “What did you do?” He mumbled, bringing his sight to level with hers.
Tav removed her hand from the object, allowing its heft to nest in his grasp. “The day after you told me you were a vampire, we made an agreement for you to drink my blood as needed. I mean to uphold what I promised to you regardless of what’s going on between us.”
“Where?” he breathed out.
“Where what?”
“Where did you cut yourself open?”
She held up her forearm, swathed in fresh bandage strips. “It doesn’t hurt much; I drank half of a healing potion to stop the bleeding. I wanted to catch up with you before it chilled, but I will go see Shadowheart later on to close it properly.”
Astarion narrowly squinted at her arm, then back to her shy simper.
“Don’t do this again. Not for me; not for anyone. If I need your blood, I’ll feed from you when the others are around—per your suggestion,” he firmly stated, frowning.
Like a hallucinogenic taking effect, there was a waxing vagrancy in his eyes. Tav assumed some recollections of his chronological life, where the electric wirings in his brain became polluted, had swam through his cerebral nerves.
This was not the reaction she had anticipated. Tinges of guilt cratered themselves in her stomach, like bombs being dropped onto the ground. Amid their last tiff, Astarion had been absolutely resilient—dubious even—when Tav proposed a new feeding arrangement due to his disassociating incidents. Why did he suddenly change his mind?
She resisted sinking her teeth into her lip. “Have I upset you? I’m sorry if—”
He combed his thieving fingers through his fluffed coif, ending with a sigh. “You haven’t upset me, songbird.”
Tav clasped her hands together, avoiding his unreadable guise. “Okay, good. That's good."
Loud barking at the camp’s site saved her from the awkward silence they were wallowing inside. Someone shrieked—possibly Wyll—at Scratch for stealing their underclothes off the temporary clothesline they erected. The distracted bard merrily puffed away a chuckle, imagining the feisty dog darting through their tents with a pair of shorts in his muzzle.
As she directed her attention back towards Astarion, swift torrents from her bottled crimson cascaded into his gullet as he swallowed. Her lips were consumed with a warm smile as she watched visible glowing pinks tint his pallored skin from her blood filling his body. Engrossed by the sight of him, Tav allowed a single memory of teeth marks and tongue frisks branding her. She introspectively touched the side of her neck, finding that she missed the two punctures that had mended.
But then her yearning was replaced with antipathy aimed at herself, remembering how mortified she felt when he inferred she was only using him for sex. 
Astarion wiped his mouth, gingerly swiping up blood droplets. “Something wrong?”
Tav swallowed the constricting ball in her throat. “What you said prior, it isn’t true.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific than that.”
“That’s not why—you know I didn’t sleep with you because I only wanted sex, right?” she replied.
“Are you actually sullen over that? I only said it to make a point, not to have another one of our famous parleys,” he threw out. “In fact, I’ve already forgotten most of what I told you.”
Her vision roamed to his fingers tightly wrapped around the bottle, thinking back to those faint tremors from earlier. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Pretend that you’re unbothered by things when they do bother you. I would never be upset with you for expressing your wants, needs, or opinions.”
Seconds flew by without any movement from Astarion. She observed as his pupils dilated and undilated, battling through miles of his ageless carnage until he finally blinked at her.
He raised the blood-filled container to his mouth, muffling behind the glass. “I highly doubt you’re done prattling on, so do hurry along.”
“Right.” She studied him under gossamer lashes as he ingested another red mouthful, unsurprised by his deflection. “Us being intimate came as a bit of a surprise to me. You see, you were also my first—“
“What?!” he coughed up after gulping a huge liquidy glob.
“In a decade!” Tav giggled, obliviously fixing her bangs. “I’m sorry! I meant that you were the first man I’ve slept with since my ex.”
“Bloody hells! Had I a functional heart, I think it would have seized just now.”
It wasn’t that she hadn’t been propositioned during her ten year drought. On the contrary, plenty of men—sometimes women—pledged marriages, endless wealth, distinguished titles, even rare treasures, to have her in their company since her last relationship flatlined. Compelling words they undulated into the flue of her ear about tasting her skin until she would give her heart to them. Oaths were recited about helping her to become the most famous bard in Toril, like enticing wildfires from treacherous tongues.
But, none of it mattered. Tav already knew she couldn’t trust them. They never offered her what she wanted—what she needed. Never bothering to unfasten even a fraction of her armor to see what was moored underneath. All her fragility and sorrow waiting to be exposed like a creature sliced open upon a taxidermist’s table.
Until she met Astarion and he saw right through the remnants she tried to mask.
Astarion swigged the rest of the bottle’s contents, releasing a pleased keen. “Call me a scamp all you want, but if you had asked me to deflower you, I would have at least treated you to a romantic dinner of half-eaten apples and stale bread beforehand,” he teased, spryly reaching out to brush the back of his knuckles along her jaw.
She playfully pushed his furled fingers away. “Knave!”
“Oh, forgive me. Would you have preferred tenderized lamb shank and white wine?” he taunted, examining his spread fingers out in front of him. “Our options are clearly limited to a more—bleh—provincial lifestyle.”
Laughing, she lightly thudded her back against the wall, pulling fountains of hair over her shoulder. Astarion mirrored the elf, resting his body next to hers, shoulders inches apart. Their breaths tapered into steady and mellow flows, each trying to match the other.
“So, was your ex love your first?” he curiously asked after a time, wiggling his brows.
“No, thank the gods,” Tav informed. “Aah, my first was a young elven man. A sailor visiting his family in Highmoon. It happened so fast, I barely remember anything from it aside from the—ahem—initial pain. He was sweet and a gentleman, so I suppose it could have been worse.”
“Tsk. Had it been me, I would have taken my time with you.”
She blushed, crossing her foot one over the other nervously. “What about you? Who was your first?”
Astarion’s face tensed. “I can’t remember,” he said softly.
The songstress looked at the ground somberly, saddened he may never regain the memories Cazador took from him.
The spawn shifted, placing a loose fist under his chin in thought. “Ten years without so much as a single caress, huh? No wonder you were so…,” he trailed off.
“So, what?”
“Oghma’s right nut! I should’ve taken that one to my grave,” she lamented, florid embarrassment heating tender skin down the length of her ear from pointed tip to lobe.
Astarion laughed at her, showing his upper row of teeth. He rotated his head, focusing on her with roguish eyes aglow. “If you would like to do the honors of fluffing my ego, why choose me to be your first after all that time?”
Under the cosmos, they connected by flesh. Lonely wanderers: drifting, searching, waiting to be free. Under the cosmos, they did part. Runaways still enslaved by scars of old stones.
Though she discovered through their brief reverie that they may not have been meant for each other, the bard confessed she had wished for more with Astarion. Yes, she had every justifiable reason to abhor the man—especially with how he had caused her immense sorrow—but Tav could not forget how he made her feel that her heart could stir once more, even if he didn't feel the same.
There lay something bittersweet in that insight as she clung so tightly to her whirl-winded emotions. The former lovers were both guilty of different failings and with everything they had already been through, Tav knew death's hand could claim their lives at any moment with no pardons for final contritions, unless they meant to absolve their mistakes. Which begged the question: would they be able to give themselves over to forgiveness and acceptance in order to move forward?
She gazed up at the stars, focusing on a smaller troupe overhanging them as she gathered the courage to bare a part of herself to him. “Do you remember when I said we needed to get to know each other better before we had sex?” 
Astarion gradually nodded, quelling his expanding lungs. “Yes.”
“I said that because I wanted to learn more about you as a person. You are attractive. You are a fantastic lover. But, that’s not all you are and if I ever made you somehow believe that wasn’t true, then I wholeheartedly apologize.” Twisting her neck, Tav swept her overcast dewy-filled eyes up the scope of his neck, directly meeting his widened ruby stare. “You’ve hurt me, Astarion. Badly. Some of the trust I extended to you has been broken and I’m admittedly struggling with that. But I can’t help but feel like maybe you’ve harmed yourself too.”
“How so?” he inquired, leaning away from her.
Before she could dab them away, a few tears sprung free from their usual nooks. She placed a flimsy hand in the middle of her chest, above her aching heart. “Pushing yourself to have sex with someone when your heart doesn’t truly desire it, is wrong. It’s a complete violation to your body and soul.”
The weary creases between his brows deepened as he evaded her eye contact by squeezing his eyes shut as if he were in pain. He was deathly quiet, drooping his shoulders so he appeared vaguely hunched over. Perfect white waves subtly moving along with the clouds above being the only indication that he hadn’t left for the land of the damned.
“Please say something,” she weakly begged.
“I certainly wasn’t expecting us to be acknowledging our sins in the god’s acres, but what do you want me to do?” he hissed, opening his eyes to glare at her.
“This isn’t only about what I want, it’s about what we want. About what you want,” Tav intently replied.
Astarion flaccidly touched his forehead as if to nurse an oncoming migraine. Mouth opened, he audibly exhaled mid chafing laugh. Whatever vagrant demons were crusading inside his head, he seemed to be frantically fighting against, gauging by the rapid shifting in his sight.
Worried she had crossed a line, the bard waited patiently for the darkness blotting out his thoughts to disperse. Periodically, his chest would inhale, presumably using the scents around them to hook him away from the undertow.
After a couple of minutes had passed, Tav reached out to graze his arm with a feathery touch. “If you’re unsure, maybe we can start by actually trying to be friends this time? No sex. No forcing yourself. Just looking out for each other and maybe a fist pound or pat on the back here and there,” she suggested, unearthing a compassionate smile. “And if you discover I’m not your cup of blood, then that’s perfectly fine. We can get on without being anything other than occasional allies.”
The vampire peeked at her through his fingers. “Gods, am I ever glad you didn’t decide to try taking up being a comedian as a profession,” he retorted, lips curling impishly. “But a fist pound? Really, darling, how pitifully atrocious! Sometimes I forget you’re a country bumpkin from the Dales.”
Tav simpered stupidly at him, laying her index finger against his lips to quiet him. “Could we sit here in silence for a little while and watch the stars?”
Astarion nodded, depositing a faint smile she couldn’t see, into the heavens above.
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ladyduellist · 5 days
REPOSTED. I hope you all enjoy the extra dialogue! Thanks for checking it out.
I will be reposting chapter 17 tonight of Epistles.
What I did was I split chapter 16 up. I took the latter half of that and added it all to chapter 17. The original content posted in chapter 17, will be added to chapter 18 instead. I hope these changes make sense and I apologize for any confusion, but I did this entirely for flow purposes.
Anyways, there is added dialogue and exposition so it may be worth it to check it out if you’re interested!
I will do a reblog on that specific chapter when it’s ready. Thank you for understanding my chaotic progress when it comes to changes.
Oh and chapter 18 should be released next week! It’s been a while since Astarion has drank from my Tav’s neck, so let’s see how that goes. ;)
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ladyduellist · 5 days
I will be reposting chapter 17 tonight of Epistles.
What I did was I split chapter 16 up. I took the latter half of that and added it all to chapter 17. The original content posted in chapter 17, will be added to chapter 18 instead. I hope these changes make sense and I apologize for any confusion, but I did this entirely for flow purposes.
Anyways, there is added dialogue and exposition so it may be worth it to check it out if you’re interested!
I will do a reblog on that specific chapter when it’s ready. Thank you for understanding my chaotic progress when it comes to changes.
Oh and chapter 18 should be released next week! It’s been a while since Astarion has drank from my Tav’s neck, so let’s see how that goes. ;)
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ladyduellist · 5 days
i think it shld be more widespread for ppl to read aloud to each other as a means of spending time together. like even just a bunch of adults sitting together reading wikipedia articles or something
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ladyduellist · 5 days
Thank for so very much for the 100 follows! I feel incredibly blessed to be here and sharing my little writing space with you all, as well as, the friendships that have been created. Many fist bumps to you all!
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