lakin-sturniolo ¡ 1 month
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SYNOPSIS: What happens when Matts best friend has been in love with him for years but still cannot tell him and excepts, he loves another? This is exactly what Y/N is going through when Matt asks her how to get his ex-back, but is he truly trying to get his ex-back or is that what Y/N just believes?
I sit here almost everyday of my life wishing I was sitting here as Matts girlfriend and not just as the boy’s best friend. Moving to California with them was an easy decision considering I would follow Matt anywhere since we have been attached at the hip for almost 16 years now. That of course changed a little when his Ex Elise came into the picture. Nick would bug me days on end about confessing to Matt seeing how badly it hurt me, but I just kept claiming it was strange just not being around Matt constantly and that any feelings they thought I had for him were false. Sighing, I grabbed my headphones putting them on and turning my music on since the boys would be back from filming soon. I hobbled up into Chris’s room looking for a hoodie before he got back and noticed I had one of his on.
I stopped wearing Matts when he started to let Elise wear them and thought it was only common decency not to wear someone else’s boyfriend’s hoodies. I also started to stay with Chris and Nick in their rooms when I stayed over. Loving Matt was easy, but trying to stop was harder. I knew a certain question was going to pop up when he got back, and I was not ready for it. I had heard him discussing it with Nick and Chris, but he would not do anything severe unless he had my opinion, my opinion on how to get Elise back. How to get the girl by Taylor Swift started playing in my headphones as the boys started up the stairs.
Stand there like a ghost
Shaking come the rain
“How did recording go?” I stood up from the couch to grab a towel considering the boys were drenched from the rain. “It went good, though I am exhausted, and I am going to take a shower real fast.” Chris took off down the other flight of stairs leading to his room. I handed Nick and Matt a towel each as Matt walked to the kitchen. “Hey Nick, can I talk to you real fast?” He slowly nodded his head squinting his eyes at me. I nodded, pausing my music, and walking upstairs with him. “What’s up? Is everything okay?” I patted his bed beside me hinting for him to sit down. “I um, I need to tell someone this and I feel like it
needs to be you. When I go back downstairs and Matt asks me how to get her back, I will be leaving. Not you as a friend but California, as a place. I believe I need physical space from him to be able to get over him, and I cannot do that in such a small area. So, moving across the US is what I feel will be best for me.” I could feel the tears slowly sliding down my face. Nick just sat there staring at me, I could see the tears pooling in his eyes. “Its that bad huh?” I just nodded before sobbing into my best friend’s arms. He knew how bad it had gotten but remembered that I would just simply deny it.
A knock erupted our hug as I turned away from the door as it opened. “Oh Y/N what’s wrong kid?” I turned to see Chris shutting the door behind him and walking up to me. “She is going to be leaving. Back to Boston for a while, um, it is worse than we originally thought Chris and she just needs a break away from any reminder right now.” I could feel Chris’s arms wrapped around me tightly before he sighed and pulled me to face him. “I think what I came to tell you is what you are hiding from.” I nodded, wiping my eyes before taking a deep breath and opening the door up. I stood there looking down the stairs. “HEY THAT IS MY HOODIE!” I quickly shut the door, bounding down the stairs now into the set of arms I so wished I could say were mine.
“Hey, I need to talk to you.” I just nodded at him while he grabbed my hand leading me to his room. Could he confess he loves me? Yes, but will he confess he loves me and not her? NO. I sat on his bed fidgeting while he paced in front of me. “I need your help on what I need to say to Elise.” I nodded before taking a deep breath. “Say that yo-
Say it’s been a long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want
My music started playing again in my ear as I accidentally hit it fidgeting I guess. “Say it has been a long few months and that you were to afraid to tell her what you wanted.” He stood there looking down at me before speaking. “And that is how it works? That is how you get the girl?”
And that’s how it works
That’s how you get the girl
And then you say
I want you for worse or for better
I would wait forever and ever
Broke your heart, I’ll put it back together
I would wait forever and ever
“Um yeah just say, I want you for worse or for better and that you would wait forever and ever. That you broke her heart, but you will put it back together and would still wait forever and ever.” I had to laugh a little so I could stop the tears flowing as I have never related more to a Taylor Swift song than I do right now.
And that’s how it works
That’s how you get the girl
And that’s how it works
That’s how you get the girl
The silence was deafening, and I knew if no words were exchanged I would cry. “Remind her how you guys used to be. Like with framed pictures of simple little kisses on cheeks. Tell her how you lost your mind when you left her all alone and never told her why.”
Remind her how it used to be
Yeah, with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
Tell her how you must’ve lost your mind
When you left her all alone and never told her why
“So I need to explain to her that what I have been doing is only making things worse for the both of us and to apologize for the lost time.” He shot up from his chair heading into his closet. I could feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. He still looked completely past me as I told him how to confess to me how he felt.
And that’s how it works
That’s how you lost the girl
He came running out of his closet with a new jumper on and a hat. I stood up to hug him before wishing him luck and walking out. Chris and Nick sat in the living room watching me walk out. I simply gave a small smile and wave before bounding down the stairs. I reached the front door before taking in a deep breath and walking outside. The rain still pelting down around me. “WAIT, WAIT!” I turned to see Chris running outside to me. His warm arms wrapped around me tightly allowing me to cry into his arms once again. “He is so stupid. Just know that I will always be waiting here for you to come back and I will be visiting you. I love you to much Kid to let you go completely.” I could hear him sniffling into my hair before pulling back to wipe his eyes. He gave me one small smile before turning around to leave.
And you could know
That I don’t want you to go
Remind me how it used to be
Pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
And say you want me
It only took me ten minutes to get to my apartment from their house. I started packing as soon as I collected myself after an hour of sitting on the ground and crying. I got a text not long after I finished packing my last bag.
Glad I could help. Just please make sure to always have a good time and do not stress over anything!
Did I do something?
What happened?
Can you answer me?
Please answer the phone.
What did I do?
I ignored his texts knowing it only hurt me more. Only to have a knock pull me away from them and to my front door. I picked myself up thinking that Nick or Chris probably sent me food. Yet it was neither them nor food, but Matthew Sturniolo himself. In the pouring rain holding a gift bag and flowers. “Matt why are you here?” “I know we have been friends for 16 years and it’s been a long 16 years but Y/N, I want you for worse or for better. I will wait for ever and ever and I know that when I started dating Elise, I broke your heart because I was scared but I will put it back together. I will wait for you forever and ever. I even went and printed pictures of us together where you’re kissing my cheek and framed them, I am just saying that I want you to be mine. I texted you that it worked because when I told Chris and Nick about you ‘helping me get Elise back’ they finally spilled that you felt the same way I did.” I stared at the boy in front of me. Scared that if I moved too fast, he would vanish, but I knew he wouldn’t. I reached my arms up to grab the collar of his shirt pulling his lips down to meet mine. The kiss was soft and sweet like how I have always imagined kissing him would be. “Works every time.” I whipped my head around to the side to see Chris and Nick standing there fist-bumping. I groaned throwing my head into Matts chest as he laughed wrapping his arms around me. I guess it does work every time.
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lakin-sturniolo ¡ 2 months
guys chris is a mindset🤗
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