lament4piligrim · 3 months
МК1 AU, where Hanzo Hasashi is not rebirthed
After Ahsoka's ending, I cried my eyes out all over and then thought of my AU.
[Hanzo Hasashi] What if Hanzo became a ghost again? But he was no longer seeking revenge, but peace?
It took him a long time to forgive Lin Kuei, yet even longer to forgive himself.
He quietly watched as Liu Kang restarted the timeline. As the universe breathed life, and with it came death. Thousands, millions of lives drifted away through the eons, and Hanzo realized for a moment that being human was much harder and more exciting. As much pain as he saw in the hearts of humans, he also saw boundless happiness.
He learned to rejoice in the little things and to have a deep understanding of those who had stepped on the path of evil. He learned how to curb anger and hatred.
But the hardest part was learning to let go of those he loved more than his own life.
After many more eons, he finally saw them.
Harumi was still as beautiful and majestic as ever. There was a goodness and strength in her soul that Hanzo could not have had in his lifetime. She cared for other people she didn't know in her previous life. But Hanzo couldn't blame these 'children', they weren't the ones who had hatred and dislike for Shirai Ryu. They were the ones who had created it.
Hanzo would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it. If his Kuai Liang had found out that his counterpart was now Scorpion, he would have definitely frozen with shock. If his Harumi found out that she was now married to someone else….. Hanzo didn't know how his beloved would react.
It all seemed unfair.
But on the other hand, if he wasn't with them, maybe they could have the happiness they deserved. They could give Satoshi a long life full of joy and adventure.
A lot had happened since they had defeated Shang Tsung, defeated Havik….. and made peace with Bi-Han. His worst enemy… and his sin. Watching this man who dreamed of becoming Grandmaster of a powerful clan manage to escape the clutches of darkness, avoid his fate of becoming Noob Saibot, was a true blessing. Bi Han was able to suppress his insatiable greed, learned patience and forgiveness, and restored his clan's honor, once again becoming the protector of the Earthrealm with Shirai Ryu.
Kuai Liang regardless of whether he was Sub-Zero or Scorpion, he was still the same Kuai Liang he had once known. Loved. And still does. He was brave and righteous, knew regret and pain, but unlike Hanzo he was able to muffle it all and not follow the path he himself had once walked. Kuai Liang deserved his title, bestowed upon him by the clan for his strength and heart. Just as he deserved to be Shirai Ryu's Grandmaster and, as bitter as it was, to be Harumi's husband. To be Satoshi's father. With him, his family has a chance to live happily ever after.
A chance they wouldn't have if he was with them.
Perhaps it was time for him to let go and forgive himself.
"You will not show yourself to them, my dear friend?" "They don't need to." "They miss you."
Liu Kang never lied. Not to friends, not to enemies.
The very thought that his loved ones, even without knowing much about him, still missed him warmed his dead heart.
"My place is in the old world, amidst the agony and pain we endured. I will keep them until my time comes." "When they remember, they will be miserable, Hanzo. They will look for you, all of them." "Then I entrust them to you, my friend. You will do the right thing." "That is cruel. But I respect your choice. Farewell, Hanzo Hasashi."
The two once allies bowed to each other.
Hanzo took one last look at the happy faces of his loved ones and disappeared with the falling fire petals of the Fire Garden.
He was at peace at last.
P.S. I'm crying Anakin is so😭
P.S.2 Now I need a fullstory for this AU, but I don't think I could handle this(
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lament4piligrim · 4 months
I was rewatching clips on youtube and noticed something strange….. Tell me, is it just a rock and I'm not imagining things? At first I thought it was a baby wrapped in a blanket(┬┬﹏┬┬)
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lament4piligrim · 5 months
Frozen heart knows no pain
Part 1
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Chapter 1
Bi Han knelt in front of his father, biting his tongue until it bled, not daring to oppose a single word he said. 'You are the heir to this great clan. You should understand better than anyone how important this alliance is to us. Cut this thread and everything we've ever held dear will disappear.'' Of course, Bi Han understood. But he didn't understand why he should commit his life to a woman he had no feelings for. There were enough noble families in their clan that were devoted to Lin Kuei with all their hearts - marrying one of them off to the daughter of a friendly clan was quite possible. Why him? He hadn't even seen this woman's face!
So many thoughts were running through his head that it was about to explode. His father would be happy that this unworthy son would die here with his head bowed in shame. Clenching his hands into fists, scratching his palms, Bi Han nodded in agreement. The Grandmaster wouldn't accept any other answer anyway.
Kuai Liang and Tomas stood outside the door, humbly waiting for their brother. They hoped that their brother would be able to persuade their father not to be so rash, and that he would in turn be sympathetic to his son's choice. After all, there was nothing wrong with Bi Han falling in love with a simple village girl; besides, Mingzhu was a Lin Kuei warrior with potential.
But from Bi Han's slumped and irritable look, they realised that the attempt had failed.
"Don't be upset, Bi Han. Maybe we can try to convince father?" Kuai Liang offered enthusiastically, patting his older brother on the back.
However, Bi Han ignored him and silently retired to his quarters.
How naive they are…
Their father had easily fooled his brothers. He showered them with love and care and let them do whatever they wanted, thus creating the false image of a father they needed. If Bi Han had told them that they had given their hearts to a hypocrite, neither Kuai Liang nor Thomas would have believed it. They would simply conclude that Bi Han was just overheated and not thinking clearly, or that he was simply exaggerating.
Bi Han closed himself in his room without lighting the candles, walked to his bed and heavily collapsed face down on the soft pillows. He was too irritated and tired for any further training. Little did he need to injure someone else out of a fit of rage.
Unsure of how much time had passed, Bi Han heard a knock on his door. The first time, he ignored it. The second time, he ignored it… For the third time, the visitor had no more patience and raised his voice:
"Bi Han? It's me. Are you there?"
How would he face her? How would he say he had to agree to this mayhem?
"I'm coming in."
It looked like Bi Han had lain in his chambers for a very long time, since Mingzhu was in her casual clothes that she wore after training. She had a smile lighting up her face that made it seem as if she had never known adversity. The fresh fragrance of the oils on her skin pleasantly hit his nose. Bi Han slowly turned his head towards her, admiring her.
He didn't want to hurt her.
"Bi Han, I… understand. You couldn't resist Grandmaster," Mingzhu had a guilty look on her face.
Why did she feel guilty? It's not her fault at all that he's being tried to marry an unknown person! She shouldn't have to carry that burden on her.
"If I am a nuisance…"
Bi Han stood up abruptly and approached Mingzhu.
"Don't dare," he gently took her face with his palms and showered her with light kisses, "Let that old man do what he wants. But there's no way I'm giving up on you. As soon as I become Grandmaster, I will break this marriage."
"Bi Han…"
"I won't give up on you. If only you don't refuse, if only you don't want me to be a part of your life anymore, I will never accept this marriage. I don't care what anyone else thinks."
"I won't give up on you, Bi Han."
Cryomancer felt relieved. As long as they have each other, they can overcome this together. His brothers understand him and will accept any choice he makes. Mingzhu is by his side and won't give up on him, even if she has to be as a lover in everyone else's eyes. The rumours will be disgusting, but it will be his father's fault for dragging him into his games. Bi Han will be able to protect Mingzhu from evil looks and cruel sneers. All they have to do is wait until the power is in his hands. Then he can make things right.
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Evenings in Harbin had never been warm. For those who once chose a life of luxury in a developed infrastructure, that did not seem to be a problem. But others who followed tradition faithfully, continuing to live as clans among the deserts, mountains and forests, coped with the cold in all sorts of ways. There were times when there was a catastrophic lack of resources for heating, and some clan warriors had to work tirelessly in the nearest towns to earn good money for firewood and coals.
As it happened, this year's winter was even harsher and more ruthless. Everyone in the small village felt its power, not risking to go outside.
Only one person was too insensitive to this weather. She didn't feel the frost that cut through her skin with sharp blades. Her heart and soul had long ago been covered with a thick layer of unbreakable ice.
Xuehua watched the woods from the balcony of her chambers, trying to digest what had happened in the past few days. As a result, they had decided to marry her off. So that she wouldn't feel "hurt" by her younger sister's gross misdemeanour. Both of them would marry worthy young men, but Xuehua would bring great benefits to their clan.
She had never experienced such an insult before. And for some reason, everyone in the clan supported her mother's decision, not caring that the victim should have gone into seclusion, come to her senses and find peace in her soul, rather than going into the arms of a strange man. And worse for the Lin Kuei Grandmaster's son.
Indeed, fate favours her.
It seemed that no one was going to stand up for her. Just hearing that a favourable candidate was coming from Lin Kuei, everyone seemed to lose their heads at the future gains. Her mother glowed with pride that her eldest daughter would be the future mistress of such an esteemed and powerful clan; some only encouraged and supported her enthusiasm. The younger sister might have opposed it, thinking it was too cruel to her. But under the pressure of the adults, she chose to remain silent, holding her fiancé's hand tightly.
'It's too late, sweetheart. There's no need to fake play. You got what you wanted,' Xuehua thought bitterly, clenching her icy hands on the railing.
"You haven't left your room in a while, jiejie. I was worried," the girl behind heard her younger brother's voice.
"It's not necessary,"
"Grandmaster was here. They have discussed things,"
"Of course they did," Xuehua snorted.
Sure enough, they had already decided everything, ignoring her existence. Mother is probably already jumping with joy.
"Maybe it's best for you, A-Hua? Away from A-Lu? It won't make you feel any better that she's staying here with that jerk. She intends to move your lab as well…"
"If she goes in there, she can't expect any good from me."
"Jiejie, I will do my best to make sure she is punished later," my brother took her cold hands in his palms, "Though I'm against mother's decision, but I think you'll do better in Lin Kuei. A-Lu gave them all sweet talk, now they're eager to get you out of here as soon as possible. Maybe they'll treat you better there. Think about it."
Brother's words didn't make it any easier. It was unlikely that she would be treated better in Lin Kuei. After all, this was a warrior clan that recognised power. And she was just a healer, albeit the best one currently living in all the clans.
Well, if there's nowhere else for her to go, she'll try to find her niche there. Maybe there'll be someone she'll feel comfortable with.
Maybe she should try to give herself and her future husband a chance.
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P.S. Xuěhuā - "Snowflake", Míngzhū - "Pearl"
In the art below Xuehua's appearance close to my imagination. Art is from Pinterest, user @xichdiemcotich
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lament4piligrim · 5 months
Frozen heart knows no pain
Arranged marriage AU, pre-MK1
Angst, No Comfort (at the beginning), Hate/Love, Jealousy
Before and after marriage Bi Han is in relationship
Brothers do love his partner (not legitimate wife, but they respect her)
Bi Han ignores (or try) his wife, while his partner tries at least befriend her
Wife is an excellent healer, but she hides her true powers because of an accident
Wife does not interfere in the relationship and avoids any contact with Bi Han, his partner and brothers
Her bestfriend is Sector
Character names are fictional, you can use your own
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If someone asked Bi-Han what, or rather who, he hated most in the world, he would have answered without a second thought: his own father.
He hid his hatred deep inside him, behind a mask of cool indifference, promising himself and his mother that none of his family would notice it. At least not until the right moment.
The eldest heir sought to become an unique Grandmaster, one that had never before existed in Lin Kuei. He spared neither himself, nor his brothers, nor his loyal warriors - since he was assigned to keep an eye on trainings, he toughened them up to bring out the most resilient and strongest who would become the backbone of his clan in the future.
The first benefits he tasted a few years later, when his mother's death and his father's cold "I'm sorry" didn't haunt him at night.
When the ice in his heart was melted by the warrior in whose eyes he saw stars and whose tinkling laughter captivated his mind.
She had joined Lin Kuei willingly, loving martial arts with all her heart that she had to run away from home because of her parents' prohibitions. She probably wanted to prove to herself and the world that she could protect herself and those she loved, that she was worthy of something more than just a young girl who was stuck in the village for good.
Bi Han thought that such a fragile and insolent girl had no place in Lin Kuei. She dared to contradict the words of the eldest heir and even more so to argue with him, finding it amusing. Not surprisingly, she quickly found favour with Tomas and Kuai Liang. Together, they never missed a moment to mock him. It was annoying as hell.
However, Bi Han couldn't help but notice the wounds and bruises on the girl's arms. The results of hard work and determination. The first thing he realised as he began to look at the girl differently.
He saw the way she agonised her body, balling her fists into bloody knuckles and clenching her teeth tightly as she broke bones. Saw her rise up, unwilling to admit defeat in practice fights. Saw her eyes shine with excitement when she would take down her opponent and then happily help him back to his feet with a satisfied smile. Her smile was like the sun that warmed on spring evenings.
And Bi Han realised that he was deeply in love with her.
He tried to change, to become more open… to let her into his world, to shield her from evil, to protect her at all costs. Only for her to smile at him, not expecting him to blame or criticise her.
He truly felt happy when she kissed him first. Shyly and awkwardly, standing on tiptoe and putting her hands on his broad shoulders. Her face was crimson with embarrassment, and yet she couldn't stop smiling foolishly, as if she had received the most precious gift.
It took a few more years before the whole of Lin Kuei was aware of the relationship between Bi Han and the fox (as they nicknamed the girl for her playful nature). Both weren't shy about showing how much they loved each other, and sometimes fought in public if they saw each other in strangers' company trying to flirt with them. Fox could even throw a tantrum, but Bi Han was skilfully able to suppress it by not letting the girl go all night.
His relationship with his brothers improved, thanks to her. They began to spend more time together, and Kuai Liang thanked fate for giving them Mingzhu.
The Lin Kuei warriors thought that nothing would shake this strong alliance. Even those who disliked Mingzhu didn't doubt it.
Things began to crumble when Grandmaster made the decision to marry Bi Han to the daughter of an important and close ally of the Lin Kuei.
Chapter 1
P.S. Probably I'd publish it in AO3. As I said, you can use your names for characters, or even put yourself in their place
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lament4piligrim · 5 months
МК1 AU, where Hanzo Hasashi is not rebirthed, but some people feel an inexplicable longing for a person who does not exist
[Harumi Shirai] The Fire Gardens... The most beautiful place she had never seen before.
Harumi was only nine years old when she ran away from home for the first time to admire the fireworks. It was the only thing that could distract her from the regular exhausting trainings. The colourful lights were mesmerising, whilst the laughter and smells coming from across the river beckoned her to break her parents' prohibitions. Such moments made her sad that she had been born a clan heiress.
She longed for freedom.
When it was time to head back, Harumi decided to take a shortcut. However, when she realised that she was lost, she had no choice but to follow an unfamiliar stoney trail heading to an unknown place.
The dead silence and the dark shadow looming over her frightened her deeply. Yet she kept walking until she suddenly caught sight of lanterns ahead. Rejoicing at her good fortune, the girl quickened her step.
This was the first time Harumi found herself in this enchanting place.
Flowers were at the peak of their bloom as they beautifully shimmered in gold and ruby. Thin dangling branches bent gently over a small lake, in its sparkling water swam tiny fish.
Harumi was fascinated by the lovely surroundings, laughing heartily as the fireflies danced around her and the birds sang happily. Tired from her long walk, she sat down by an old red willow tree, hiding under its flowering vines. The silence that had so frightened her was replaced by enchanting sounds that slowly drifted her into a slumber.
She wished that she could stay here forever.
She felt that she was safe here.
Someone was holding her, protecting her from everything…
After many years, she would always return to this place. Harumi had grown used to the Fire Gardens as her shelter, feeling an unknown force wrapping her in a protective blanket and hiding her from the world.
And at the same time, sitting under the willow tree, she couldn't stop crying, as if she had lost someone dear to her heart for eternity.
She never told anyone how much her heart ached when a small pale shadow clung to her chest, seeking warmth and care, and another, larger and darker one hugged her from behind and bitterly whispered, "I'm sorry."
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P.S. Still hesitating if I should do Bihanzo...
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lament4piligrim · 5 months
МК1 AU, where Hanzo Hasashi is not rebirthed, but some people feel an inexplicable longing for a person who does not exist
[Kuai Liang] When he's first named as Scorpion, he's proud of himself. After years of hard training, he finally becomes truly something more important to his clan than just a second son. His brothers share his happiness, but afterwards it fades away like sand through his fingers. Kuai Liang earned his title, but as time passed, it became his burden. As if it was never meant to be his. As if he wasn't worthy of being called Scorpion.
He stares steadily at the flame in his palms, almost crying, unable to understand why his heart aches so unbearably.
His flame is too dim, but he sees within it a man that was brighter and hotter than any fire.
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P.S. my stp cousin deleted my old acc, so I started the new one, Be careful with pubertal ulcers, they might do smth worse than just grabbing your stuff and doing everything they want
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