latenightdislyte · 2 years
Time for an update.
Last week I was supposed to be on vacation with my family, but three days in we were contacted by the local police (as we ourselves were in a place with no signal). They told us that my grandma had been med-flighted to a hospital down in the city in a coma.
We drove ten hours home and two hours down to the city. There was no saving her, they had only placed her on life-support waiting for my mom, who had power of attorney and was the only one who could give them permission to take her off it.
This all happened so suddenly, none of us were prepared for it. The funeral was two days ago, it’s been really rough.
I don’t know when I’ll be back to writing, everything has just happened so fast, one thing after the other: me getting covid, vacation cut short by family death, and now I’m starting a new full-time job on the 2nd.
I ask that you guys be patient with me til things settle down and I get things under control again.
I appreciate and love everyone who has followed me and liked my content, you guys are the greatest. Thank you for everything.
Take care and have a good day/night.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Sooo, we had to leave our vacation early due to a family emergency, a family member has been put on life support. I’ll do my best to finish the request I have, but, until further notice, requests will be closed and I will not be posting anymore fics (except for the one request) until further notice.
Take care, have a nice day/night.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Just a heads up, should have mentioned this sooner, me and my fam are going on vacation for 10 days in the mountains. I have my note book with me to write in so I can do plenty of writing while up there.
This will probably inspire a couple camping based fics and give me plenty of inspiration for the Falken fic request I currently have. So y’all can look forward to those when I return.
Take care, be careful, have fun! Love y’all, see ya when I get somewhere with internet access.
Also, requests will still be open while I’m away.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Ok y’all, I need inspiration!! I’ll open up asks for fic requests and/or scenario’s!!
Current characters I’m comfortable writing for: Ren Si, Tang Yun, Long Mian, Hall, Leon, Narmer, Falken, Jacob, Li Ling, Ollie.
The only reason I’m limiting it to mainly these characters is because they’re the ones I’m obsessed with at the moment and have in game (Not including Narmer and Ollie. They won’t come home😖 I just looked up every little thing about them cause they’re so cool!)
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
I live and I’m feeling sooo~ much better! I have a request chilling out that I’ll get to work on as soon as I can. Requests are still open, I’ll move the request post back up to the top.
Have a nice night/day and take care!
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Sooo… I tested positive for covid and I’ve felt like shit all day. Writing will be postponed til my brain no longer feels muddled and congested.
Take care and have a good day/night! I will be doing the same.😘
(Maybe later I’ll write another sick day fic)
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Can I request narmer x reader fluff story please??🥺🙏🏼
I was thinking about reader being zelmer's teacher who teach her lots of things. After a while, reader finally meet narmer and narmer ask her to be his partner in some private party!
(I feel flustered while thinking about it)
I hope you have a nice day!! :)
Blegh, I got sick the day we went down to meet up with family for pictures. It's been three days. Help.
My mind is a bit muddled from being sick so if this isn't what you were expected, I apologize. I'll have to go over it at a latter date when I'm better with a clearer head.
Anyways, enjoy!
I stared down at my phone in contemplation. I had received an email from one of my students' parents, Zelmers to be exact. It asked in such a well mannered and formal way if I could keep the little girl after class for a bit longer, saying that something had come up with his work and didn’t want her to be home by herself. I was a bit hesitant, but it didn’t sound like there was much choice in the matter. I anxiously replied, wondering if it would be fine to bring the girl home with me, seeing as how he would be out for an unforeseeable amount of time, and I could bring her by after he had returned.
The bell rang the moment I sent the email, indicating that lunch was over and that the kids would be returning. I closed down my phone for the moment and brought up my lesson plans on my laptop, preparing for the next subject.
~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~
There were fifteen minutes left in class, I told the kids that they could talk quietly amongst themselves or read. Their choice. I opened my email seeing a notification. He believed he had a better solution, for me to accompany Zelmer to their home and stay there and watch her until he returned. I didn’t know how to respond. There was little time to think of something else or wait for a response from him to see if he agreed or disagreed with the new proposition. I have little choice in the matter now.
The bell rang to dismiss class. “Everyone have a nice day. Don’t forget your homework and supplies for our upcoming project. Zelmer, sweetie, could you wait here for a moment? Your father has asked me to do him a favor.” “Ok!” The young girl hopped over to my desk and waited. “He emailed me earlier and told me that he was going to be at work late and asked that I take you back to your place and keep you company there until he returns.” The little girl's eyes lit up in joy. “Really! Yay! Daddy sometimes comes home really late and I’m left with the maid. She’s nice, but she’s almost always busy and can’t play with me.” My heart broke a little for the kid. “Just wait here a moment and we can go, ok?” I collected some papers and my planner, setting them on my laptop before putting it all in my bag. I held my hand out to Zelmer for her to take and we headed out, locking up my classroom. “Alright Zelmer, lead the way.”
Zelmer happily led me down the road, jumping around and going on and on about the things she wanted to do when we reached our destination: show me around the house, show me her room and toys, and play games. I knew I needed to get some of these papers graded, but I wanted to keep her company and pay attention to her as well. Maybe I could distract her with a movie or show for a little bit, at least long enough to get some work done. I’d at least let her get wanting to show me around out of her system first. “We’re here! We’re Here! Come on!” She ran ahead a couple houses and started jumping up and down waving her arms in front of one.
I hadn’t realized how far we had walked or where we were, more concerned about keeping an eye on Zelmer as she happily ran around me, but looking around now I found that we had walked all the way to the upscale side of town. Fancy cars, beautiful gardens and large, multi-storied houses lined the streets making me immediately uncomfortable, not belonging in such a place what-so-ever. Zelmer on the other hand seemed completely comfortable and ran up to the front door of the house she had been jumping in front of, digging around and pulling out a set of keys from her backpack. 
I hesitantly followed after her as she unlocked the door and swung it open, dropping her bag along the wall next to the door and running into the next room. I shut the door behind me and looked around the foyer for a moment. An extremely fancy light fixture hung from the high ceiling, a set of stairs curved up along the wall across from the front door, under them the threshold leading to the room Zelmer had ran into, obviously the living room as a flat screen mounted over a fireplace was clearly visible over the back of the couch.
The tv clicked on and I could hear the young girl shout for me to hurry up. She sat on the ground next to the coffee table and had a few coloring books open on it. They weren’t normal kids coloring books, they were the ones with the intricate and beautiful designs, more specifically based on history and mythology, deities and mythical creatures and such. Zelmer patted the ground next to her and moved one of the books over. “Come sit over here, I have a coloring book for you and you can use my colored pencils. I’m gonna work on this one.” I sat down and looked to see what was playing on the tv. Looked like some animal documentaries. “Dad says I need to watch at least three documentaries a day. Doesn’t matter what they’re about, just as long as they’re not about things like aliens or mermaids and such.” I shrugged. “That doesn’t sound too bad, documentaries can be pretty cool to watch every now and then.” She shrugged as well, making a face, and returned to her coloring.
Time went by as we watched documentaries and colored. At some point I was able to pull her away from coloring and help her with her homework, finishing the third documentary half way through. The sound of the front door opening alerted us to Zelmers dad's arrival. “Zelmer, I’m home!” The girl quickly got up and ran to the front door, greeting him joyously. I looked at my phone and saw that two, almost three, hours had already passed.
I began gathering my things and pushed myself up, brushing myself off and straightening my outfit. “Ah, you must be Zelmers' teacher. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I’m Narmer.” I looked up and was awestruck by the man standing at the entrance of the room. I had never met him in person before, he was usually super busy when it came time for parent teacher meetings and such, and was stunned. He was absolutely stunning, a very well dressed esper with an air of elegance and power, a commanding and intimidating presence. He held out his hand as if to shake mine. “O-oh yeah, It’s nice to meet you too.” I took it, only to bush and become a bit bashful as he brought my hand up and kissed my knuckles.
“I thank you for taking time out of your day to keep my little Zelmer company while I took care of some business. I usually try to get through with my work so I can meet her at the entrance of the school, but this couldn’t be avoided.” He slowly dropped my hand and I pulled it back to nervously hold the strap of my bag. “Oh, it’s no problem! I enjoyed spending time with her. She’s very well disciplined and behaved compared to most others her age.” He smiled proudly. “I’m glad that’s the case. I’ve done my best to raise her properly after finding her, but I’ve always worried about her, being adopted can be hard for some kids and I’ve never known the truth to her situation. Although, I can’t take all of the credit. I’ve heard that you have been teaching basic manners and common courtesy to the students on top of their normal subjects. You have my gratitude for aiding me in this way.” He had strolled over to the kitchen bar as he spoke, pouring himself a glass of some expensive looking wine.
He approached me, glass now in hand. “If I’m to be honest with myself, it’s a shame I haven’t gotten to meet you sooner. You’re quite a beautiful young lady, it’s an honor to set eyes on someone so… ” Narmer gently gripped my chin between his thumb and index finger and tilted my head up to meet his eyes. “-gorgeous.” To say I was speechless would be an understatement, my face was probably flushed a concerning amount by now. “I have an event coming up, a… formal, private affair. Bringing a guest is optional, but I feel that having someone as gorgeous as you by my side would be quite pleasant and make the event more enjoyable. If you would be so gracious to accept my invitation, of course.” I didn’t know what to say. It was an honor to be invited to such an important event by a man of his standing, but I felt that this was way out of my league, I’m just a teacher and had never even met this man before now.
“I-I don’t know. I’ve never been good with social events. Besides, I don’t even have anything fancy to wear to such an ordeal.” He chuckled. “That won’t be much of an issue, I can get an outfit suited for you no problem, as for socializing, there won’t be much need for that. Attending this is more of an obligation for me than a pleasure so I won’t be doing too much of that myself, in fact I’d like to take the opportunity to get to know you better.” I thought for a moment, I guess there would be no harm in trying this just once. “Well… I guess I can give it a shot. I’m not one for formal events, but attending one can’t be that bad.” “Perfect!” He turned and pulled me over into the kitchen with him. 
Narmer pulled out a card from a drawer and wrote on the back of it before handing it to me. “Meet me here at noon on Saturday. We can grab some lunch and go pick out something for you to wear after. The event itself is on Sunday. Zelmer has private lessons on the weekend so she will be looked after while we’re out.” He held my hand again and bowed his head down, kissing my knuckles once more. “I’m actually looking forward to this now that I have someone to accompany me. Thank you for gracing me with this opportunity.” Honestly, this man was almost too much for me to handle. Too prim and proper. Too formal and fancy. But, I would feel bad declining his offer. If it didn’t go well and I was too uncomfortable I would tell him so. “It’s no problem. Really. I think it would be nice to get to know you better as well. I look forward to it.”
He led me to the front door and we talked a bit more before bidding our farewells and parting. I felt giddy the whole way home, clutching the card he had given me in my hands, reading what he had written on the back, his number and the time of our meet up. I couldn’t help the nervous smile that made its way on my face. Excited yet anxious for what was to come.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Quick update!!!
I currently have two requests to work on at the moment, I’ll be getting to those after an interview I have today after work. I wanted to work on them yesterday but a lot happened, I had boiling honey splater on me (I’m fine only get second degree burn on my chin and first degree on a couple spots on my arm and chest) and my sister and I were in town three to four hours running around.
Anyways, I just wanted to give y’all a heads up and let you know what was happening and what was in progress. Have a wonderful day/evening/night. Take care and be careful!💜
Edit: Oh yeah, tomorrow evening and Saturday morning I’ll be with family for family pictures so that’s something also that might delay writing.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Ok another ask cuz the people I've tried asking for li ling x reader stuff haven't gotten back to me ówò
Formal date w/Li Ling to a fancy party. Prolly no dancing since the party was just to have people talk with others. But perhaps reader and ling engage in some tomfoolery >:3
Tomfoolery you say. Li Ling is the master of tomfoolery. I on the other hand, am not. This took awhile to think up, sorry if it's shorter than the rest. Tomfoolery and wrecking havoc are not my forte. Either way, I hope you enjoy!
“Li Ling, please. Quit loosening your tie so much.” “Do I have to wear this dumb outfit? I mean look, the others get to wear their normal stuff.” I adjusted his suit for the third time tonight, straightening out any creases or wrinkles and tightening the tie a bit, back to where it’s supposed to be. “Have you noticed how it’s only the normally well dressed ones that are in their normal attire. I mean look at Tang Xuan and David. They’re both wearing suits too. They actually clean up real nice-” A hand quickly came up and cupped my face. “Don’t be ogling other guys while I’m right here. If I’m gonna be stuck in this dumb suit I want all of your attention on me. I wouldn’t be getting fancied up for just anyone.” I hummed and pulled him down a bit, brushing my nose against his affectionately. “Aw, is my man a little jealous? That’s cute, just don’t let it get outta hand.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me flush against him, rubbing his forehead on mine. “Fine.” 
I pulled away from him and we stood side to side, his arm wrapped around my waist as I rested my head on his shoulder. We stayed like this for a while, standing to the side of all the mingling, being approached every now and again by other Union Ops Chiefs. Li Ling let out a huff when we were alone again. “What’s up, Li?” “I’m just bored. I don’t even want to be here, nothing interesting is happening.” He crossed his arms in annoyance.”Oh come on. There’s only about…” I looked down at my phone. “An hour and a half left. Just hang on a little longer.”
A tap to my side brought me out of a daydream I hadn’t realized I’d drifted into. An  unknown amount of time had passed, but the party was still bustling so it probably wasn’t too long. I looked up to Li Ling, who had a mischievous smirk on his face. “Hey, wanna have some fun?” I gave him a weird look. “What do you mean? What do you have in mind?” His gaze drifted across the crowd, a thoughtful look on his face. He did a double take in a certain direction before smirking. “Why don’t you go over and talk to Tang Xuan for a moment, keep him distracted for me?” I raised my eyebrow, but started off in Xuan’s direction.
“Hey, Xuan. How’re you doing tonight?” He turned towards me and greeted me energetically. “I’m good. How are you? Where’s your boyfriend, Li?” “He had to go to the bathroom real quick. I felt a little awkward standing over there on my own.” He swung his arm around my shoulder, giving me a side hug. “Hell yeah. You’re more than welcome to come hang out with me. I was getting a little bored myself.” I had no idea where Li Ling was at this point or what he was planning. Maybe I shouldn’t be so close to him. “So, what have you and Li Ling been up to? Been meaning to get together with him and play some games, but we’ve both been too busy lately.” “Oi, Xuan! Incoming!” A loud voice called from across the room. He turned around in confusion, releasing his hold on me.
He didn’t even get a chance to say anything when he immediately received a piece of cake to the face. Decimated cake and icing flew all over and I ducked away with a shocked gasp. My hands came up to cover my mouth as I tried not to laugh. Tang Xuan stood there blinking in surprise, trying to register what just happened. A wide playful grin grew on his face. “Oh, so you wanna play that game huh? Fine, getta load of this!” He grabbed his plate sitting next to him on the table and chucked it. Li ducked and darted over, the plate flew past him and hit David on the back of his shoulder instead. “Hey!” And just like that, a massive food fight broke out. People were shouting and laughing as a large mess was made.
I had ducked into a hall to avoid the fray, not wanting to have to take another shower today. Watching from around the corner, I smiled as everyone seemed to be having fun. “Well, what a wonderful mess this is.” I jumped as a voice came from behind me unexpectedly. Turning, I was greeted with the sight of one of the Union Commanders, Falken. I flinched back in realization. “Oh uh, hey, Commander Falken. What’s up?” He sighed and closed his eyes. “Thinking about how much of a mess this is going to be to clean up.” We both stepped in opposite directions to avoid a stray shot. Li Ling suddenly came into view covered in icing and random foods, grinning back at the crowd. “Missed me, loser!” He turned to us, stopping suddenly at the sight of Falken standing here, realizing the trouble he was about to be in.
I could hear Flaken shift next to me, most likely crossing his arms. “Oooh, Commander Falken. Enjoying your evening?” He stayed silent, an intimidating aura emanating off him. I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh at Li Ling’s reaction. “I uh…” He looked to the side, rubbing the back of his head. “I’ll stay behind to help clean up.” Something struck him in the back of the head, splattering all over. “Hey!” He quickly turned around and darted back into the chaos. 
A sigh escaped my lips and a hand was placed on my shoulder. “I’ll exclude you from the clean up crew this time. Afterall, you have to put up with him on a daily basis. I commend your patience, by the way. It must take a lot to deal with him.”
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Hi! Could you do a Falken x reader fic where the reader is recovering from some injuries but refuses to sit still for too long so Falken has to keep an eye on them to get them to recover properly? I too am obsessed with this man and I’m sad that there aren’t a lot of fics about him. 😔
I apologize if this sounded weird or doesn’t make sense, this is my first time requesting a fic and couldn’t figure out a good prompt to give. Love your fics btw!😁
Buh, I had a page and a half written for this and my brain tried to say 'but what if we did this instead' like, no brain I've already rewritten this once, we're sticking with this, fuck off with your shenanigans. I'll have to work on writing for Falken more so sorry if he seems ooc.
I'm glad that I'm the first person you've made a request to. It makes me happy! This was a good prompt and I think Falken fits it perfectly. Thank you for the support! <3
Anyway hope you enjoy!
Working for the Esper Union always had its risks, especially for those who weren’t espers. Some of us in the offices worked with some sensitive paperwork and reports making us targets for those wanting information, like the Shadow Decree. I myself had never had a problem with anything or anyone. Until recently, that is. I was only supposed to be working a five hour shift that day, but was asked to stay and make it a nine hour. With the shift extension, I was required to take a lunch break at the time I was originally supposed to get off, not knowing that I had some… company waiting for me.
The Shadow Decree had been tipped off to the times certain people were supposed to be off work and waited to follow them a safe distance away from the Union HQ before attacking. Unknown to them, I was just going to lunch and still had a specific device on me. One that allowed me to contact certain members of the Union regarding paperwork and questions.
I had already been messed up pretty bad by the time I remembered that I had it. Thankfully it hadn’t been broken and I quickly used it to tell them what was going on before it had been snatched out of my hands. Not too long after my device had been taken from me, Commander Falken and a couple Union Ops Chiefs had arrived and quickly took care of the Decree members with only a couple of them getting away. Falken had taken me to the med bay himself while the Ops Chiefs stayed behind to clean up the mess and make sure there wasn’t anyone lingering about.
That leaves me in the state I’m currently in. I had received some bad injuries here and there, but the main ones were a large gash on my leg and a spot on my head where I had been hit hard. The whole incident happened three or four days ago and they didn’t hurt that bad anymore, only on occasion when I step or turn wrong with that specific leg or swing my head too fast. I figured that, as long as I was careful, I could be at work. Wouldn’t want to get too behind on reports and paperwork and I felt bad that they might have shoved all of my work on someone else.
I made my way to my desk, ignoring the slight burning coming from my leg injury. No one seemed concerned about my condition, they just welcomed me back glad that I was ok. As long as I didn’t run into a certain someone I should be able to get through the work day with no problem. I didn’t need him worrying about me while he had plenty of work to do himself after all. He has a tendency to fret too much.
I stretched my injured leg out in front of me after sitting down, situating a small trash can under it to prop it up, and began to work. I was right about the build up of work and am glad I chose to come in today, anymore and I would have to put in overtime while skipping some breaks to catch up. First things first, I needed to get the paperwork organized and make sure it was all in order from when it was placed here.
Short time skip
I hadn’t been working for too long when I felt my stomach rumble. I’ll admit, I didn’t eat much for breakfast, coffee makes me feel full for some reason. Pushing my chair back, I stood and stretched before making a b-line to the lounge. There was always someone who brought snacks for everyone and if something wasn’t to my taste I could just hit up the vending machine.
Entering the lounge, I froze. Great, of course he was here at this time. Falken stood looking out the window as usual, it was something you could find him doing quite often. A favorite pastime of his. Maybe I could get past him without him noticing me. Last time I got the least bit hurt around him he wouldn’t leave me alone ‘til I let him tend to it. It was a cardstock cut. A little over the top if you ask me. Seeing as how he knew about my current state, he would undoubtedly be on my case about being here today, especially after insisting that I stay home ‘til I was better.
I quietly made my way to the fridge, not wanting to draw his attention to myself. I’ll leave him to his thoughts. “I had heard you had come in today, though I was hoping they were mistaken.” Damn it. I turned to the slim man still facing the window, my eyes meeting his through the reflection. “Commander Falken, I’m fine. Really. I just take care of paper and computer work, not much else.” He turned, stepping a foot back to face me. “It’s the stress and exertion of energy that is the problem, energy your body needs to heal itself. You’d be better much sooner if you were at home resting.” I turned back to the fridge and finally saw something that caught my attention. “I already have plenty of work piled up from just, what, three or four days? I can get caught up today and maybe take tomorrow off. I can come in every other day. How’s that?” I turned back to him, snack in hand, just in time to see him shake his head, eyes closed. “Unacceptable. Come on. Time to go.” “What? Falken, come on, I’m fine. Just let me- Ow!”I hissed and jerked away. He had made his way over to me and pressed my side, pain spiking from a forgotten wound right under my rib cage. “Well yeah it’s gonna hurt when ya do that. Ow, damn.” He stepped to the side and gestured for me to go. I sighed.
Falken followed me to my desk, where I closed down the computer and gathered the less confidential papers to take with me. “Follow me for a moment, I’d like to swing by my office and grab a couple of things.” I was confused, why would he want me to go with him. He just wanted me to go home and rest right? “Uh, ok.” We went to his office and he went through some papers and leaned over his desk, clicking a couple of things on his computer before straightening up and stretching his arms in front of him.
He grabbed a shoulder bag from a hanger on the wall. “Alright, sorry about that. Let’s go.” “Wait. What are you doing?” He stopped and blinked at me, tilting his head. “Well I’m taking you home. I’d like to make sure you’re actually resting and are properly taken care of so I’ll be accompanying you.” Heat engulfed my face and I froze. Falken was… what? Shit. It was a struggle enough to keep my composer from the sight of him at work. Now he’s gonna be with me at home. Hoo boi.
The whole walk Falken silently stayed close to my side, every now and then getting a notification and typing away on his device. I walked mindlessly, trying not to think about the situation or the pain building up in my leg. My head also started to become just a bit woozy, I’d been standing too long at this point. I hadn’t realized where we were going until I had stepped through the door. That’s when it hit me. This wasn’t my place.
“Falken? I thought we were going to my place.” He turned back to me. “Hm? Ah, apologies. I forgot to mention that. Why don’t you come sit on the couch, I’ll get you some tea.” “I- sure, I guess.” Did he just change the subject on me. Whatever, I’m already here. I made my way to the living room and sat down, resting my head in my hands for a moment. “What kind of tea do you prefer: lavender chamomile, earl grey, green tea, peppermint, oh, I just got this new blueberry hibiscus herbal tea.” Without thinking I got up, a slight burn blooming from the injury, and made my way to where his voice was coming from, leading me to the kitchen. I went over to see what all he had. “What are you doing?” “Huh?” “Go lay down on the couch, I’ll get you some tea and something to eat. You need to stay off that leg and rest your head.” He shooed me away. “Now go.” I squinted at him. “Green tea or lavender chamomile sounds good.”
I sat on the couch again this time laying along it. Falken entered not too long after with two mugs, placing one on the coffee table in front of me and the other on a stand between the couch and a chair. He left momentarily, returning with the bag he had brought with him, pulling out a laptop and making himself comfortable in the chair. “Thank you, Falken.” “You’re welcome, I hope you like it. You should get some sleep after you’ve finished, your wounds will heal faster.” 
I drank the tea while scrolling around on my phone, nothing really catching my interest. Setting the now empty mug down I stared at the ceiling, mind wandering aimlessly. Until a melody played in my head. I knew instantly what it was and I smiled, no better way to pass the time than by watching movies. I searched through my movie app and quickly found it. Alice in Wonderland, the live action from many years ago. Making myself comfy, I started the movie, keeping the volume low so as to not bother Falken. 
I was about twenty minutes in when he spoke up, I think just realizing that I was watching something. “What are you doing? You should be trying to sleep.” “I just wanted to watch a movie, the song kept playing in my head and wouldn’t leave me alone. Besides, I’ll probably fall asleep while watching this anyway, so...” He sighed. “Fine, but just this one. Then you’ll get some sleep. Alright?” “Mhm!” I started the movie again smiling as it played, unaware of Falken glancing at me from his laptop with a small smile forming under the face mask he wore.
Within thirty minutes I was almost completely out, the movie still playing as my phone fell from my hands. The thunk it made woke me slightly, but I didn’t bother to pick it up. Instead opting to continue laying there and going back to sleep. I could hear movement from Falken, footsteps approaching the couch. The rustling of fabric giving away him crouching next to me, picking up my phone and placing it on the table. A gentle touch caressed my cheek, thumb stroking my cheekbone, before tucking some hair behind my ear. Then the lightest feeling brushed against my forehead and the scent of his cologne invaded my senses, my heart now pounding in my chest. 
I smiled and snuggled into the blanket I had pulled from the back of the couch, hoping that he would just brush it off as me moving in my sleep. Finally beginning to drift off, I hoped I would remember this moment when I woke up.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
I had been working on a Falken x injured!Reader request today, but I’m not happy with how it’s turning out so I’m gonna completely redo it. It should be out tomorrow as long as I get enough sleep tonight. Apologies for the delay.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Li ling with a crush on the reader? 👉👈
I imagine he would want to show off a lot to impress his love interest
I did Li Ling dirty with the fic he featured in. Time to make up for it.
I feel like he’s flirty most of the time with people normally and loves to show off his strength and abilities, but when he finds out he actually has a crush on someone that’s a whole nother story. Instead of flexing physical strength, he shows off other skills he has. Secret skills no one would expect from him. Cooking. After all, what better way to woo someone you truly like than with an incredible home cooked meal.
I apologize if this isn't what you were expecting, it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the words 'crush' and 'impress'. I can make another if you'd like. Just send in another ask.
Sitting at my desk, I was stressfully trying to sort through Li Ling’s reports. He always mixes up his papers, never keeps them in order and always turns them in late, so I always get five to seven reports all mixed together from missions he had throughout the week, but this week was just ridiculous.
I had maybe eleven reports all mixed up that I’ve counted so far and each of them were anywhere between two to four pages long, depending on how proud and excited Li Ling was for that specific mission. He liked to go into a lot of detail about the missions he liked the most. I liked Li Ling enough, but sometimes he could get a bit ridiculous. Today I had purposefully left his papers for last. They would understand if I didn’t get them done.
“Hey, you ready to go?” I jumped a bit as a coworker knocked on the door frame and addressed me. “Oh god, what time is it?” I looked at my watch and let out an exasperated sigh, 5:30, time to go home, but I was nowhere near done. “I’d love to go, but it’s Friday and I have to finish this mess.” I made a wide sweeping gesture over the papers. “Well, alright. Don’t stay too late and don’t forget to lock up.” “Yeah, I’ll get it. See ya tomorrow.” They waved and headed out, leaving me to my mess.
A few minutes later a certain someone peeked his head around the corner. “Heeyy~, still working?” Li Ling placed his forearm on the door frame, leaning his weight on it and casually crossing his leg. “Why yes. I am. Heading out?” “Ehh, getting ready to. Just wanted to see how my favorite person was doing.” “Favorite person? You sure? You always give me your reports late and all at once most of the time.” I gestured to the papers currently in front of me, indicating the extra thirty to forty-five minutes of work I had left. “Well, you know… I~ just…” He stumbled over his words and struggled to say something, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry.”
I dropped the sarcastic smile that had found its way to my face. “It’s fine. Just… When you notice that you’re getting more missions than usual, try to turn in your reports sooner, please.” “Sure sure. I’ll try next time. Soo~ how long did you say you’re going to be, thirty to forty-five minutes?” “Yeah, most likely.” A confident smirk grew on his face and he pushed off the door frame. “Alright, well. See ya later, cutie.” He quickly dashed off, leaving me mildly flustered at being called cute. 
I tried to shake it off, he flirted with everyone, it didn’t mean anything, but… now that I think about it, when was the last time he called me any pet names? At first he started out going all in with the flirting, pet names, clever pick up lines, wanting to take me back to his place with bedroom eyes, the whole package. Of course, I was never wooed by his attempts, rolling my eyes and shaking my head, instead derailing him into some casual conversations. Overtime he stopped with all the flirting, instead greeting me normally and starting up some normal conversations, a big grin on his face as he shoved his hands in his pockets. I always had people asking me how I did it and I just brushed them off with a ‘All I did was ignore his flirts and pick up a normal conversation.’ every time. No one believed it was that simple though. Oh well, that was their problem, not mine.
I got back to work, sorting and entering the reports into the computer. I couldn’t afford to dwell too long on his behavior at the moment.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Short time skip!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I filed away the last report and finally shut down the computer, leaning back in my chair and rubbing my eyes with my palms. Finally, time to go. I’ve never had to stay more than a few minutes late before, I didn’t know forty extra minutes would kick my ass as hard as it did. Collecting my things, I stood and began to make my way out, turning out the light in the office and making my way down the hall.
I locked the door to the office section of the Union Headquarters and began to turn around only to bump into a solid chest. “Hey, I was wondering if you were still here. I was ready to go in and drag you out if so.” I stepped back and looked up at Li Ling, a small smile was present on his face. “O-oh yeah, just finished. I was just hoping to head home and relax.” “Oh, really?” He threw his hands behind his head and began swaying his upper body. Well, I was hoping that - since I just so happened to bump into you - we could, you know, have dinner together. If you don’t mind, that is.” I thought for a moment, I’ve never been asked to join anyone for dinner before. Never really been asked to hang out either. “Um, sure. Why not? What’d you have in mind?” Li Ling’s grin grew as his face brightened. “Great! Come on, I’ve got something going right now.”
He guided me to his place, talking about anything and everything under the sun, sometimes by my side, other times going backwards in front of me, expertly weaving in and out of the few people and trees that spotted the sidewalk. He seemed genuinely happy and relaxed instead of super cocky and full of himself like people made him out to be. Upon entering his place I was immediately hit with the alluring smell of asain spices mixing in the air. He quickly made his way to what I assumed was the kitchen, the sounds of stirring and clanging ceramic following after.
I awkwardly made my way over and was extremely surprised at what I saw. Li Ling was expertly using all of his arms to stir multiple pots and pans and put together a couple of bowls. “Come have a seat, I’m almost done here.” He gestured to the other side of the kitchen where a dining table stood prepared for two. 
I was in awe at the whole sight. I don’t know why, but I never thought that Li Ling could cook. Maybe some simple things here and there, but nothing this extravagant. “Wow, I… wasn’t expecting this. Did you plan on asking me to join you?” He froze for a moment. “Uh, well, maybe. I was hoping that you’d be in the office long enough for everything to, mostly, be ready so that I could go and get you as it finished up. I’m really happy you were still there and that you accepted.” I made my way over to the table as he was speaking and one of the floating arms came over and pulled out a chair for me. “Well, I didn’t really have any plans and I… I like hanging out with you so I thought it would be nice.” He finished up what he was working on and finished putting the bowls together, bringing them over and sitting across from me.
Again we talked and talked, bringing up everything that happened this week as we ate and even afterwards, when our bowls were empty. Hours ticked by without either of us noticing. An alarm went off on my phone. “Oh god, is it really eight o'clock? Man, and I even think we went the opposite direction from my place.” Li Ling and I both stood and made our way to the front door. “I can take you home. It’s too dangerous for you to go alone this late.” “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bother you too much.” “It’s not a bother, I promise. I invited you over, I’d feel bad if you got hurt on your way home. Come on.” We walked out and he held his arms out to me. “Uh?” “Let me carry you. We can take the roof tops and travel faster that way.” 
I slowly approached him and he quickly picked me up bridal style in his main arms, looking at me with proud adoration that made my face flush and heart skip a beat. “Might wanna hang on. Takeoff’s gonna be a bit rough.” And with that he jumped into the air, landing gracefully on the edge of the building as flames bellowed powerfully from the fire wheels he used. “So, where to?” I told him where I lived and he took off, skillfully and swiftly making his way across rooftop to rooftop. 
I watched as the scenery flew past us, it was an incredible sight to behold. Street lights blurring past us as ones in the distance almost seemed to sit still. The sun having just set, making the sky a deep ocean blue as stars began to appear. The pleasant, cool breeze created by the speed we traveled at, every now and again stirring up Li Ling’s scent and entangling with it. The feeling that washed over me from it all was relaxing. I rested my head against his chest and allowed my eyes to drift closed, enjoying this moment with every fiber of my being.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Ok y’all, I need inspiration!! I’ll open up asks for fic requests and/or scenario’s!!
Current characters I’m comfortable writing for: Ren Si, Tang Yun, Long Mian, Hall, Leon, Narmer, Falken, Jacob, Li Ling, Ollie.
The only reason I’m limiting it to mainly these characters is because they’re the ones I’m obsessed with at the moment and have in game (Not including Narmer and Ollie. They won’t come home😖 I just looked up every little thing about them cause they’re so cool!)
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Bro, Xiao Yin! Y’all better believe I’mma be writing for him the moment I get him!
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Lost a Bet (SFW) Ren Si x Reader (feat. Triki)
Notes: This gets kinda suggestive at the end, but nothing actually happens. Does anyone else have the urge to kiss his chest when they see this man? Or even Triki? I don't know what it is about shirtless men with open jackets that is so enticing, but my god, lemme kiss.
I should have known better. I should have known better than to make a bet with Triki. I sat in his office with my head in my hands as the man himself was laughing triumphantly. "You. You did something. You already knew what was going to happen, didn't you?" I pointed an accusatory finger at him jokingly.
I knew making a bet with Triki was a big mistake. Especially when it came down to our favorite show. A show we had both been watching had ended the previous episode in a cliffhanger and we both had our predictions as to what was going to happen, so Triki wanted to make a bet. I had recklessly accepted without hearing his prediction first and without establishing any win lose terms, and if I'm being honest, his prediction was so much better than mine, but it was already too late.
He leaned back in his chair and threw his hands behind his head. "So, what to do? Hmmm." He feigned thinking for a moment, but I knew by the smirk on his face that he already had an idea. "Ahhh! I know!" He stood and sauntered around his desk, coming to stand behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. "I want you... to... kiss Ren Si the next time you see him." "Triki, no. Come on, man. Come up with something original. We're not a bunch of horny teenagers playing some game." He laughed loudly as I stood. He forcefully turned me around by my shoulders and brought his face close to mine. "Not just a normal kiss. I want you to kiss him right... here." He pointed to the bottom of his sternum. "Nooo. Nonono. Triki, no. That's just... no."
I was already slightly uncomfortable with physical contact, growing up with only family and not many friends. I was starting to slowly get used to it little by little with certain people, but Ren Si was not one of them sadly. The only thing I could do was give him a hand shake or receive a pat on the back from him. Other than that... nothing and it was all due to my attraction to him. It made me extra uncomfortable around him, and Triki had noticed.
"You lost the bet. Now, go." He stepped out of my way with a shit eating grin and grand sweeping gesture towards the door. I sighed. "God, I hate you sometimes." I approached and gripped the door handle, blood running cold realizing that Ren Si could be out in the main area. Shit.
A hand appeared over my shoulder and pushed the door open, a body roughly bumped into me from behind, making me stumble forward a bit. I playfully glared back at Triki. "Asshole." He smirked and pushed pass me making his way to a group of bounty hunters.
There didn't seem to be many people in the commons room today, a lot of jobs had come in recently from what I heard, but, right across the room, stood Ren Si, leaning against the wall looking at his phone. Maybe I could sneak the other direction before Triki noticed. "Well?" "Fuck! Damn it, Triki. I thought you were over there." He had suddenly appeared from my left, giving me a heart attack.
I looked back over to Ren Si, heart rate picking up as my face flushed at the though of what I had to do. Maybe I could Get Ren Si out of the room and away from prying eyes. Taking a deep breath, I began to make my way over to him. "Hey, Ren Si!" He looked up and smiled at me and I shook my head trying to rid myself of the blush that formed.
"Hey! What did Triki want to talk with you about? You were in there for awhile. Had me worried." "Worried? Nah, he just wanted to talk. We had a bet about the show we were watching." He looked at me surprised. "You made a bet with Triki? Seriously? And here I thought you were smarter than that." He playfully smacked my arm. "Ahh, it was just a harmless little bet, nothing life threatening. Umm, thinking about that, Could we t-talk somewhere? I need your help with my losing condition." "Of course. Come on, there should be a room we can talk in around the corner." He pushed off the wall and began to walk away.
Ok. Great. I could at least get him away from others. Now to just rack up a little confidence and get this over with.
He lead me over to an unoccupied room and I decided to leave the door open knowing Triki would probably want to listen in or watch for proof. "So what did Triki rope you into doing." He leaned back against a chair, hands on the backrest holding him up. "Something stupid and... embarrassing." I mumbled my response, nerves getting to me. I couldn't look at him so I slowly stepped over looking at the ground. Looking back at the door, I rubbed my arm anxiously.
A hand appeared in my vision, cupping my cheek and making me face Ren Si. "What did Triki do this time? You have your limits, if it's something you're this uncomfortable doing then I'll go talk to him for you. Have him come up with something more within your comfort zone." "Nonono. There's no need for that. I just... need a second to think about how I want to word this." Or if I should word it at all. Maybe I should just go for it and get it over with. If he went to Triki, he would probably tell him what I was supposed to do and that would be so much worse.
He placed his hand back behind him again. He chest was completely exposed, in fact the way he was leaning back slightly with his arms supporting him from behind almost made it look like he was puffing his chest out, I could just go for it. I looked up at his face finally, a look of confusion and worry mixed together. Screw it, I'll just kiss him, it's less awkward and less intimate than kissing his chest.
I placed my hands on his arms and took a deep breath. Quickly moving them up around his neck, I pulled myself up on my tip-toes and kissed him. It only lasted a couple of seconds before I pulled away and turned around. "I-I have to go. I'm gonna kill Triki for this."
Before I could even take a step, the devil himself appeared before me and I bumped into his bare chest. What is with these guys walking around without shirts on and open jackets? It's gonna be the death of me. "Now now, where do you think you're going? You haven't met the conditions." "Triki, please. I've already done enough." "Conditions~."
I was about to shove Triki out of the way when a massive arm wrapped around my shoulder and across my chest, pulling me back. "Triki, Leave her alone. If kissing me was the condition you set for her then she's done it. Leave her be." "Oh, but that wasn't exactly the deal. There's more to it than just a normal kiss." He flashed a smirk at me.
I grumbled and growled at him. "Fine!" Turning in Ren Si's hold, I placed my hands on his chest and kissed the bottom of his sternum and Triki had indicated. He instantly grew stiff and a deep rumble left his chest. His massive tail swung and hit the chair he had been leaning on before thumping the ground, grip tightening on me, pressing me very close to him.
I could hear Triki's loud laughter, before it became silenced by the now shut door, words muffled as he spoke from the other side. "Apologies, I'll leave you two alone now, have fun!" The deep rumble sounded from Ren Si again.
I began to try to push away from him to look up at his face. "Ren-" "Stop." I stilled at his command. His other arm came up to cross the one already holding me, he stood as straight and stiff as a board other wise. I was confused as to why he didn't want me to move, until I felt something a bit peculiar. "I apologize, I think I need a minute." He voice came out strained, like he was trying to contain something, and he quickly let go of me and left. Tail swaying quite wildly as he went.
Damn it Triki. There was no way he didn't know what he had just done. What he had made me just do. Maybe we were no better than a bunch of horny teenagers playing some game. We just didn't know it until we were face with it. I hope Ren Si's ok.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
Stray Love (SFW) Hall x Reader (feat. Leon briefly)
Note: I apologize if this might feel rushed or if it's not that good. We just had to put down one of our family cats, that we've had for 10+ years, today, so I'm not in the greatest conditions to be writing at the moment. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and I'll look back over this while starting on the next one. Have a nice day/night.
It was a beautiful day. I was out for a walk, enjoying this rare summer weather. A cool breeze rustled the trees along the sidewalk and blew white, fluffy clouds through the sky. I'm usually not a fan of walks, but today was just to good to pass up.
People passed me left and right, some in a hurry and some taking their time, like me, just enjoying the brief respite from the sweltering heat. Conversations blossomed from all around me, white noise in the background, none really attention grabbing for me to care and try to listen in.
I was looking at my phone, mindlessly browsing through social media after deciding to take a seat on a bench. Nothing interesting seemed to be happening at the moment so I decided to look through the tag for my current fixation at the moment. The community always turned out great content from hilarious shitposts to fantastic art work and writing.
"I apologize for bothering you, miss, but would you lend me some aid or at least some advise? I believe it might be dire." The soft voice caught me off guard and I snapped my head up to face the stranger. It was an Esper with light purple skin with darker purple markings on his chest and under his eyes, his eyes themselves were white with the slightest tint of purple as well. He held a worried expression on his face, it made my heart race with concern of my own. Whatever the problem was, it had to be bad to approach a stranger for help.
That's when I noticed the scraggly creature in his arms. It was a sickly, scrawny black cat, breathing quite heavily. "Oh god." I quickly put my phone away and stood up to meet the man. "Dire might be an understatement. What happened? Uh, the cat is what you're talking about, right?" "Indeed, it is. I just found it like this in the ruins of Hazlitt." "Hazlitt? Way out there? Poor guy." I held out my hand in front of the cats face for it to sniff and gently stroked its head.
At some point in time another man had joined the one that had approached me. I instantly recognized him as a Shadow Guard. The hitman, Leon. This other guy must be a member of the Shadow Decree as well.
"Would you be able to help or at least point me in the right direction. I'm afraid I can't take it in it's current condition, I wouldn't be able to properly care for it the extent that it needs, but I couldn't bring myself to leave it there." My heart ached for the poor thing and refused to care that the two in front of me were considered threats to society.
"T-the clinic isn't too far from here, I can show you. U-unless you're in a hurry, t-then I can just take the cat real q-quick." My growing concern for the cats well being made me stutter as I tried to get my words out quickly. The man turned his head slightly over his shoulder towards the other who pulled a notebook out of his shirt pocket. "We have time before our next mission. Go ahead if you wish."
I set off at a brisk pace, not wanting to waste too much time, but also not wanting to leave the other two behind. Well... other one. Looks like Leon wasn't joining us.
The silence felt awkward to me so I decided to try starting some conversation. "So how did you find the cat? Was it just laying around or did it approach you?" "I could hear its rasping breathing and slow heart beat. It sounded so sickly, so sad. I felt horrid that someone had just left this poor thing all alone." "Yeah, I understand. Even in more populated areas you can still find them in this condition and people will just walk right by them, not caring in the least. God it makes my blood boil sometimes." I heard the man lightly chuckle behind me so I stopped and turned back towards him with a hand on my hip and a playful smile. "What?" "Nothing. It's just amusing to hear someone get so passionate about it. It's cute, really."
I hmphed and turned back to continue walking, trying not to freak out about being called cute by a stranger. A handsome stranger at that. "We're almost there, just a couple more turns." "Thank you again for taking time out of your day to help. It means a lot to me." "It's no big deal, I was just on a walk, enjoying the nice weather. I didn't have any plans for the day." "It is quite pleasant out today. A welcomed change compared to what it has been. I hope it stays this way for a while longer." "Yeah, I heard it's supposed to last two or three more days. Who knows though, I don't actually pay attention to my weather app."
Small conversations passed between the two of us as we made our way to the clinic, reaching our destination quickly. I held the door open for him and entered after. "Wait here for a moment." He nodded in acknowledgement and I went to the back where a family friend of mine and the others were going about their business.
"Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?" "Hey, we have a problem. A supper sick, weak cat found in Hazlitt. It's not looking good." My friend and the main vet followed me out front where the Esper was waiting for us. "Oh goodness, poor baby. Come on lets get it into the examination room."
We entered a side room in the hall that lead to the back and the vet started to do her thing, making comments here and there on some visible conditions and the overall terrible health and stating that it was a young female. "Well... Gosh I don't know, We'll do what we can and treat her and keep an eye on her, but I can't make any promises that she'll pull through in this condition. She'll definitely have a better chance, just... no guarantee." The man, who I still didn't know the name of, looked down somewhat sadly. "I understand, I knew that that might have been the case when I found her, but hearing it out right..." He shut his eyes and shook his head. "Thank you for your time and for taking in this cat, I will do my best to drop by tomorrow and hear what you have to say." "If she makes it into tomorrow then her chances of recovering it will greatly increase, she won't be out of the wood completely, but it'll definitely a good sign."
We thanked the vet for her time and left the cat in their care, stopping to talk out front. "Thank you for helping. It means a lot, really. I'm Hall, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. It slipped my mind." "Oh, no it's fine. I'm y/n. It was... nice to meet you." He gave me a closed eyed smile. "Indeed, it's been pleasant. Uh..." He opened his eyes and dropped the smile in thought. "Would... you mind if I walked you home? I still have time 'til my next mission and I would hate to just leave you to walk home on your own." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, a small smile and a light blush now present on his face. I could feel my own face heat up a bit at the offer. "O-oh sure. I don't mind. Thank you."
We started on our way to my place, pleasant conversations once again filling the silence as we went, taking our time. Once there, we exchanged contact information, which caused me to find out that Hall was actually blind, I had just thought his eye color was due to him being an Esper, and bid our farewells. "Thank you, for walking me home. It was nice." "Of course. It was no problem. Uh... Could... we meet up again by chance? It has truly been pleasant being with you and I would like to do so again, maybe~ tomorrow?" His soft and nervous smile made my heart skip a beat. "Oh, uh. Yeah, of course! I wouldn't mind seeing you again. Just... maybe, call or send me a message or maybe we could meet up at the clinic after checking in with them." "Right, I'll call you when I leave to visit then. I'll be looking forward too it." He gently placed his hand on my head before turning away to leave with a wave. "R-right, see you then."
I stood there and watched him leave for a moment, heart beating loudly in my chest, before quickly entering my house, slamming the door shut and sliding down it, freaking out into my hands. Did... I just agree to go on a date with a member of the Shadow Decree? I better not be signing myself up for disaster.
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latenightdislyte · 2 years
I have Stray Love (SFW) Hall x Reader in the works still, my mind is just currently in ‘out of order’ mode and isn’t allowing me to fixate on writing. Give me, like, a day or two to kick this thing back into gear.
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