laufeysforest · 2 years
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Hannes Becker | @hannes_becker
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laufeysforest · 2 years
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*+:。.。 🐸☂️🌲  。.。:+*
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laufeysforest · 3 years
Снилось на днях, что я на острове посреди какого-то северного то ли моря, то ли озера. Остров этот высокий и покрыт густым хвойным лесом, а под ногами сплошной мягчайший мох. И снилось, что сердце у меня изумрудно-зелёный кристалл, и что я связана с этим лесом и испытываю к нему глубочайшую любовь. И как я ложусь на этот мох и приникаю к земле...
Во сне я знала, что это всё как-то связано с Лаувейей, либо же я сама будто бы была ей. Красиво. Но пока не очень ясен смысл увиденного.
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laufeysforest · 3 years
Does anyone know any good sources about Laufey?
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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My cross-stitch for Laufey.
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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Acorn - Good luck, personal power, protection and wisdom. Dried acorns are a natural amulet for youthfulness. It's associated with the Sabbat of Litha and the element of water.
Angelica - Also called Archangel. It is a very powerful protection herb, healing, creates harmony and courage and helps in exorcisms. Aids vision. Element Air.
Apple - Garden magic, love, healing and wisdom, also vanity, marriage and beauty. Associated Mabon & Samhain. Element water.
Basil - Also called witches herb. Use in spells for Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Associated with Imbolc. Aids astral projection. Element Fire.
Bay Leaf - Protection, success, purification, strength, wisdom and healing, also increases psychic powers. Element Fire.
Belladonna - Also Called: Deadly Nightshade. Toxic. Use for forgetting past loves. Protection, beauty and original flying ointments. Adds energy to rituals. Element Water.
Bergamot - Money, prosperity and sleep. Protects from both evil and illness. Good for luck and wealth. Increases magical power. Element Fire.
Black Pepper - Banishing negativity, exorcism, and offers protection and help with inner strength. Element Fire.
Blueberry - Protection of children, keeps evil out, and strengthens the aura. Associated with the Great Spirit. Element Water.
Calendula - Also called Marigold. Attracts success and justice in legal matters. Increases psychic/spiritual powers and aid prophetic dreams. Dispels negativity. Element Fire.
Cardamom - Lust, love, and fidelity. Sweetens the personality Use in handfastings. Element Water.
Chamomile - Love, sleep, protection and purification, also reduce stress. Use for meditation work and to attract money. Solar Magic. Element Water.
Cinnamon - Also called Sweet Wood. Use for Solar magic. Meditation and astral projection. Increases spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, luck, strength, and prosperity. Element Fire.
Clove - Use to protect, banish negative forces, and divination. Also helps with any teeth spells. Aids money and draws love. Element Fire.
Dandelion Root - Magical uses include divination, wishes and calling spirits. It also enhances dreams and works well in astral projection. Element Air.
Evening Primrose - Ideal for moon magic. Also use in love charms and to attract fae. Element Water.
Ginger - Increases magic power. Success, love, money and power. Element Fire.
Hibiscus - Attracting love and lust. Use in divination. Associated with lunar magic. Element Water.
Horsetail - Use for strength and resolve. Protection, cleansing and clearing unwanted emotions. Element Earth.
Jasmine - The herb of attraction. Helps prophetic dreaming, money and love. Element Water.
Lavender - Magical uses include healing, sleep and peace. It also promotes chastity and love. Increases longevity of life, tranquility and happiness. Element Air.
Lemon Balm - Also called Melissa. Love, success and healing. Aids psychic/spiritual development. Supports mental health disorders and compassion. Element Water.
Lemon Grass - Psychic cleansing and opening. Use in lust potions and when using Dragon Magic. Element Air.
Lime Tree Leaf - Healing, calm and love. Aids strength and tranquility, Element Air.
Marjoram - Use for cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity. Also aids grief and sadness. Element Air.
Mint - Promotes energy, communication and vitality, protection and draws custom. Element Air.
Mugwort - Use for strength, protection and healing. Mugwort amplifies magic. Aids astral projection, and psychic power. Element Earth.
Nettle - Uses include dispelling darkness & fear,and curse breaking. Healing and protection and increases lust in partners. Renewal. Element Fire.
Orange Peel & Flower- Attracts abundance, luck. Love and happiness and strengthens divination. Element Fire.
Passion Flower - Attracts friendship and passion. Caming, peace and instills passion into stale relationships. Good for house blessings too. Element Water.
Patchouli - Used in spells for connecting with spirits. Money attracting, increases fertility and lust. Calming and peaceful. Element Earth.
Peppermint - Use for headaches and other forms of healing. Increases sleep and love. Use for increasing psychic power and divination. Element Air.
Rose - Use for divination, increased psychic power, love, lust and healing. Helps strengthen close friendships. Place around sprains and bruises to help them heal faster. Element Water.
Rosemary - Use in healing poppets and love/lust spells. Improves memory. Increases sleep, mental power and protection. Burn to help purification and removing negativity. Associated with faery magic. Element Fire.
Sage - Used for self purification and cleansing. Helps grief and loss. Healing and protection, also increases wisdom. Element Air.
Strawberry Leaf - Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Increases love and aids pregnancy. Element Water.
Thyme - Attracts loyalty, affection, and love. Increases good luck and psychic power. Drink in tea to aid sleep. Element Air.
Verbena - Psychic protection, peace and purification. Healing and helps depression. Increases beauty and love. Mind opening and clearing. Ideal use for exams. Element Earth.
Willow - is Used for lunar magic, drawing or strengthening love, healing, and overcoming sadness.. Element Water.
From the Herbal Grimoire by the blog The Wiccan Lady. Here's the link to the blog for the complete list and further reading:
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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Ig: themoon_journal
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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Восковые свечи для Лаувейи с хвойными маслами. Я делала их на Остару 2019 и думаю, что неплохо бы и к этой сделать что-нибудь эдакое.
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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insta: verbenalune ✨🌿
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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Ellie Davies, In Between the Trees
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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laufeysforest · 3 years
🌼Healing Tea Recipes🌿
🌼Headache tea
-½ tablespoon of mint leaves
-½ tablespoon of lavender
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
🌼Nausea tea (not acid reflux)
-fresh sliced ginger root or candied/minced ginger
-1 tablespoon of mint leaves
-1 tablespoon of lemon balm
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
🌼Immune Boost tea
-1 tablespoon (or 10-20) of elder berries
-½ tablespoon of calendula
-½ tablespoon of echinacea
-a squeeze of fresh orange juice
🌼Menstrual Relief tea
-½ tablespoon of raspberry leaf
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
-½ tablespoon of hops
-ginger slices
🌼Acid Reflux tea
-½ tablespoon of fennel
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
-½ tablespoon of licorice or 1 stick
🌼Anti-Anxiety/Insomnia tea
-½ tablespoon of lavender
-½ tablespoon of chamomile
-½ tablespoon of passionflower
-½ tablespoon of lemonbalm
🌼Cold & Flu / Allergy tea
-½ tablespoon of nettle
-½ tablespoon of peppermint
-½ tablespoon cinnamon bark or lavender
-1 teaspoon of lemon juice & raw local honey
-fresh ginger slices
*these do not replace medications and aren’t meant to treat an issue alone. If you think anything’s wrong please see a doctor. Please do research on interactions before you use herbs if you’re on medication.
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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laufeysforest · 3 years
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Taunus, Germany by Patrick Mueller
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