laurentegan · 5 years
Cambridge Visit 26/02/2019
On the 26th February a few of us in Fine Art and Graphics Students went on a day visit to Cambridge.
We first visited the Fitzwilliam Museum which is a museum/ art gallery consisting of objects from all around the world. However I was mainly drawn to the still life/ nature illustrations and paintings that were upstairs in the museum.
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They were all by artists from different parts of the world and at different times. It was interesting to notice how certain qualities can change in a piece as well as the overall style. Out of these images I took the most interesting one to me is the water colour on the right side. Not only has it got amazing detail and really draws you into the scene and location, but the artist is unknown...
The gallery know that it dates back to the 19th centaury and the work has been compared to the work of a Swiss painter called Karl Bodmer (1809-93) one of the artists in an international community working in a village called Barbizon during the 1950’s. Furthermore it is painting with a certain realism that links to the works of the Pre-Raphaelite artists and others who were working in England at this time.
After this me and Diane split off from the group and visited the Cambridge Museum of Zoology where more of our interests were...
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Before arriving me and Diane didn’t know what to expect from this museum however when walking inside we were blown away by the array of different object that were there. From shells and coral, to plans and skeletons of mammals and insects.
I was particularly interested in the smaller objects such as the butterlies and coral. As the patterns on the animals were interesting and seeing them up close was something I haven’t done before. Furthermore we also learnt different facts etc. About each animal there.
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For example looking at butterflies displays in the upstairs section, I learnt that in Cyprus butterflies are becoming extinct at a rapid rate. As a result Singapore has lost 881 of 3196 species of butterfly due to 95% of the forest being cut down. This has made me think differently about how I think about my own practice as it is linked to climate change. As well as working from my imagination, I want to start encorporating promoting the impacts human actions have on animals habitats and the environment in general.
For me personally I feel that I had an enjoyable day and I have learnt so much from our visit. I hope I get to return soon.
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laurentegan · 5 years
Presentation Planning
On the 19th of March, we have our first presentation which is about how our essay research is going and explaining the direction we are currently taking with it. Therefore to get us started and gain a greater understanding of what we are doing, Sean gave us a talk about the possible ways that we could structure our presentations and tips on being successful.
Slide 1: draft essay title and name / or research name – course at the bottom and name Slide 2: Why or how I chose my subject. – I have always been curious… A lecture on/sparked my curiosity… I visited an exhibition Slide 3: My sources. Exhibitions, lectures, interviews, books, journals, magazines. Primary —— secondary. Not too much text. Headings aren’t really needed. Slide 4: Researching my topic. – Difficulties, Good Sources, Bad sources. Slide 5: Researching my topic… surprises? Questions answered? Questions raised? Slide 6: Where am I now? Analysis… what to I make of it? What knowledge have I gained? What do I still need to find out?
Slide 7: How will I structure my essay? What are my key discussion points? Where do I think this is leading in terms of a conclusion?
Slide 8: Bibliography … useful sources.
I feel that I struggle sometimes when it comes to talking in front of people so I am pleased that presentations are a part of this module. This is because it helps give me confidence to do this and also experience. Furthermore it’s interesting to listen to others own ideas and become involved with their journeys too.
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laurentegan · 5 years
Student support lectures at Firstsite
Today everyone in second year at the school of art attended a talk at Firstsite. This talk was about the different ways that the students wrote their dissertations and/or the research methods that they used.
Charlotte – Graphic Design graduate
Is the student a customer? - An investigation into the marketisation of UK universities with reference to the Society of the spectacle by Guy Deborah.
• Lectures underpin the research she did.
• Both essays done prior related to her dissertation.
• Struggle: what angle was she going to take? A question that needed answering that.
• Using quotes from books.
• Primary: lectures & seminars, interviews, observations, UCAS fairs
• Secondary: studied 4 key texts, journals and articles, exhibitions, historical research
 Conduct research in good time.
 Be straight to the point.
 A topic that you care about.
 Get a topic that is accessible – something that is broad so you can get different viewpoints.
Tom – Graphic Design
VisualIsing the Cosmos - A journey of 3 billion miles
• How do design show/visualise what we’re looking at. Discovering an object and investigating it.
• Primary research: speaking with an astronomer.
• From discovery to speculation
• Theory mainly came with this topic, there is a wealth of knowledge.
• How did you go about contact people sufficiently: following on social media, sending emails introducing himself and building a connection. Forming a connection.
Amber Grant – fashion and textiles student Analysing how people saw art differently
• Pick something that inspires you and that you’re passionate about.
• Important to pick something that has a lot of scope and
• Look everywhere for inspo, events, social media
 Questioning my own creative practice – what bothers me about my discipline.
 Keep questioning yourself – why do you want to write about this topic?
 Where did the undo come from?
 Keep yourself open
 Set yourself a target e.g. 500 words per day
 Structure it well – set it out into headings and subheadings to allow clarity for yourself and your reader.
 WORDHIPPO – looking for synonyms
Bridget – 3D Craft and Design
• It is better if it’s a topic that interests and engages you.
• Consider the amount of research material that you’ll be able to acquire.
• Spend more time on proposal as it forms the backbone for your dissertation research and what you think should be included as it’s meant to help you with the structure of your essay.
• Left the question till last as the research dictated it.
• Used mainly book sources.
• Use the proposal as a frame work.
• Keeping at it little but often helps keep you motivated.
• Bibliography as you go along and reference relevant illustrations as you go along.
Chloe Carter – Fashion and Textiles
Gender fluidity – ‘taking charge of a future where clothing goes beyond his and hers’
• How do labels dictate the gender aka going to buy garments.
• Gucci and Burberry
• Looking into the 18th century and how it was used as a political tool.
• Things in society today – man is dominant sex and woman is housewife.
• Every chapter in her dissertation links to the main topic but breaks it down.
 Select a niche in your subject so it is concise.
 Choose a topic you’re passionate about.
 Research throughly
 Treat it a series of smaller essays.
Rachel – Fashion and Textiles
Looking at creative arts and it’s significance in education (EBacc)
• Gather and include info that is for and against a subject.
• Don’t assume you know a conclusion at the beginning.
• Attend my tutorials!
• Podcasts are a good source of research.
• A measured debate.
Charlotte – Fine Art
Activism and protest using screen printing and photography
• Look at your work or something that is in your life.
• Reflect on your research as you going along.
• Split up the 6000 words.
• Referencing – make sure you do it properly and note everything.
Heidi – Fine Art
Exploring identities within her life/ work taking inspo from Andy Warhol
• Talk to everyone about your topics.
• TedTalks – good for modern day research.
• Social media is handy, e.g. Instagram.l
• You may like – message Heidi
• Referencing is consistent.
Deborah – Fine Art
• Don’t be afraid to change your dissertation!
• Important to try and start it in the summer (research)
• Communicate with each other and your tutors.
Common summaries
• Nothing is concrete
• Turn up for tutorials
• Targeted and varied research
• Organise your time.
• Using ideas in main module as it’s good research
• Referencing!
• Each person has said to talk to everyone!!!!
How you see things in your own way, it’s about your individuality.and that comes with the confidence of approach and what you’re doing…
Overall this talk helped me a lot with the endless ways you can go about planning an essay and the best way that I can approach it that is individual to myself, as everyone works differently.
Furthermore it has answered some questions that I had in the back of my mind which will help me for future reference.
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laurentegan · 6 years
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After using pens more and more and getting paid... I could finally afford Procreate on my iPad! I’m so happy with how this first scene turned out and I am looking forward to develop my skills :)
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laurentegan · 6 years
Outreach Week
As part of our contextual studies module we have been asked to talk to lower studies from sixth form and art foundation about our course. we have been given the freedom to go about this as we wish and therefore started our morning with a group discussion. 
Quite quickly we decided that we thought it would be interesting to do an exhibition. Therefore we can showcase our work whilst showing to younger students what you can create/ do if studying at our university or even taking up a creative art and design subject in general. 
one of the most important things to address was a suitable space to curate our exhibition. we started to think of local places in the area - when lu suggesed a place called the ‘Octagon’. This place isn’t specific for art exhibitions, however is free to hire out a space to do with as you wish (within reason). Therefore the group agreed that this would be the perfect place. We have already spoken to Martin who told us who to contact - and this afternoon Lu and Carolyn are going to go and speak to the people and let us know what is happening.
We then discussed that the space will have to be large enough to hang work on walls and have plymphs as Patricia and Lu specifically usually make 3D works. 
What do I think?
Most exhibitions have a theme to them - and this is something I wanted to address quicly as each memeber of the group creates very different pieces of work. However because of this Diane suggested there be no theme and our work be individual. This will then ensure we’re promoting what we do as individuals - and show the different things you CAN do on this course. 
My role in this project is contacting sixth form colleges in the Colchester area. I have attented both the Sixth Form college in town and also Philip Morant;s sixth form - and I am still in contact with old art/ photography teachers who may be interested in bring students along. Another way of collaborating and bringing people together for this is asking Graphics students at our uni to help with this. Molley is going to ask them to help with posters which will benefit everyone!
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To be honesty I think that this is a really good idea. It’s going to give me the oppertunity to collaborate with people in my class in a common way that is different to how we have before. It also gives us the chance to work with other people in the local area who are professionals in what they do. By asking opinions on how we could make this really successful. 
Also it gives me a goal to work towards and will allow me to improve my work ahead of time. As I can think about what I would like to create in a real life way instead of just handing in work and no one having the chance to see it. 
Above are possible works I would like to display at our exhibition...
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laurentegan · 6 years
From the 22nd - 24th October I decided to go down to Brighton, mainly to visit my friends but also to get away and see a different place. I have never been to Brighton before but have heard many good things about it. And I was pleasantly surprised and to be honest I have never loved a place in the UK more... 
i was constantly surrounded by happiness and love. I felt welcomed in my friends home and appreciated for the first time in a long time. I was able to go around and do what I wanted to do. This gave me a sense of freedom and made me feel my age? If thats possibly. I was more responsible for myself and had to make rational decisions too. 
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This was in a Waterstones book shop... it reminded me of my current work I am doing for my studio module project.
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This is my friends room. I have this on going thing where I like to do pencil and/ or ink drawings and have decide this is going to be my next one. 
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All i can say is that I am returning very soon... this has inspired alot of things in me and has even helped to contribute to my own art practice. 
I feel that I may even move there in the future maybe...
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laurentegan · 6 years
Anni Albers 17/10/2018
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On the 17th of October I had the opportunity to visit the Tate Modern. I haven’t really studie the Bauhaus or this artist so went into the exhibition knowing nothing about what I was going to see. However when I walked in i was not expecting to see Textiles works. These were huge and had lots of different patterns on them. I immediately found that these were of interest to me. This is because I mainly find the processes of making and the colours the most interesting aspects.
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I had no criticism for the exhibition which is unusual for me, the way the work was displayed had a calming affect on me and flowed really well. Furthermore by reading the guide book i found myself engrossed in a story. 
Especially as at the end there was a video of someone weaving a piece. This had no background music and was still very calming. It was interesting to just admire and watch.
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Samples for designs. Alber’s started to do architectural and interior pieces for peoples homes. 
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Old designs for some of the pieces. Numbers and layers were used to plan out each design, in a way that everyone who was involved understood. 
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A woven bag made at Bauhaus. It had glittery thread and simple detailing.
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This was one of the pieces in the first room. It was over 6 ft tall and wide. It was amazing to see the detailing in the work even though it appears to be a simple piece. How close the threads are together. It’s amazing to think that it is all hand made and not new machinery. 
I shall also look into this artist and the Bauhaus further, as in our contextual studies module this is mentioned a lot. 
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laurentegan · 6 years
The importance of note taking.
For me, my note taking skills and ways of recording my time in my first year at university were not the best. I found it hard to write essays and research in general as my lack of concentration is quite high. It always has been since I was in school and that’s a reason I have been drawn to art.
One way I am going to help myself this year is using an iPad etc for my note taking. This is because in my lectures it shall be better for me to record key information quickly and in a more organised way. below is an example of an app i am using for my lectures called ‘Evernote’. Where i can keep everything organised and edit things at a later date if need be. 
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I also have been interested in watching youtube videos on tips on how to improve my techniques when it comes to researching and keeping on top of my work. This is because I find it hard to concentrate for a long amount of time. I don’t really know why this is but it sometimes gets me down when seeing other people doing a lot of work and me not being able to do much. therefore having a place i can go to for guidance is a moral booster! 
Below is an example of one channel I have been watching that I also recommend to anyone else who is struggling.
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Furthermore i have also bought a new notebook. This is small so it is easy for me to take with me to places I am going and I need to write my thoughts down. This helps if my thoughts are getting to much in my head so I feel less stressed because they are organised. 
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I shall continue to do this through out the whole year as I think it will benefit my greatly. mainly because of last year and this being something I wanted to work on too. 
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laurentegan · 6 years
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Black and white ink drawings of different spaces. Would like to develop these into paintings.
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laurentegan · 7 years
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Summer ‘17
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laurentegan · 7 years
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new film photos, summer 2017. 
charlie and kai.
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laurentegan · 7 years
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Fin 18/06/2017
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laurentegan · 7 years
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Kai and Soul 18/06/2017
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laurentegan · 7 years
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Jake, Charlie and Noah. 16/07/2017
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laurentegan · 7 years
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Mollie and Eden, the beginning of Summer. June 2017. 
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laurentegan · 7 years
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Film photos i’ve finally edited from February. - Ollie, Polly and Emily. 
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laurentegan · 7 years
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Kai - 15/08/17
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