lcannabis · 10 months
Finding Relief: Exploring the Potential of CBD for Neck Pain
Finding Relief: Exploring the Potential of CBD for Neck Pain
Neck pain is a common ailment that affects many individuals due to poor posture, muscle strain, injury, or underlying conditions. It can cause discomfort, stiffness, limited mobility, and impact overall quality of life. While traditional treatment options exist, an increasing number of people are turning to alternative solutions like CBD (cannabidiol) for relief. In this blog post, we will delve into the potential benefits of CBD for neck pain and discuss its efficacy, safety, and recommended usage to help you make an informed decision about incorporating CBD into your neck pain management plan.
Understanding CBD and its Potential Benefits:
CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating pain, inflammation, and other physiological functions. Although research on CBD for neck pain is still evolving, there are several potential benefits to consider:
Pain Relief: CBD has been found to possess analgesic properties and may help alleviate neck pain by interacting with pain receptors in the nervous system. It may reduce pain perception and provide temporary relief from discomfort.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Neck pain is often accompanied by inflammation. CBD has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, which could potentially reduce inflammation in the affected area, leading to decreased pain and improved mobility.
Muscle Relaxation: CBD may help relax muscles and reduce muscle tension, which can contribute to neck pain. By interacting with the body's receptors, CBD may help promote muscle relaxation and relieve associated discomfort.
Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Neck pain can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety. CBD has been reported to have calming and anxiety-reducing effects, potentially helping individuals manage stress levels and alleviate muscle tension contributing to neck pain.
Using CBD for Neck Pain Relief:
When considering CBD for neck pain relief, it is important to follow these guidelines:
Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: Prior to incorporating CBD into your neck pain management plan, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications. They can provide personalized guidance and consider any potential interactions or contraindications.
Quality and Legality: Ensure you purchase high-quality CBD products from reputable sources. Look for third-party lab testing results to verify the product's potency, purity, and absence of contaminants. Additionally, be aware of the legal status of CBD in your region.
Choosing the Right CBD Product: CBD is available in various forms, including oils, topicals, capsules, and edibles. Consider the type of neck pain you are experiencing and your personal preferences when selecting a CBD product. Topical CBD creams or lotions may be beneficial for targeting localized pain, while oral consumption methods may provide systemic effects.
Dosage and Usage: CBD dosage can vary depending on factors such as body weight, individual tolerance, and the severity of neck pain. It is generally recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase if needed while closely monitoring your response. Following the product's instructions and considering professional advice is crucial for optimal usage.
Complementary Approaches: CBD should be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to managing neck pain. Incorporating practices such as proper posture, gentle stretching, ergonomic adjustments, stress reduction techniques, and physical therapy exercises can enhance the effectiveness of CBD and promote overall neck health.
CBD shows promise as a potential alternative for managing neck pain, offering potential analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and muscle-relaxing effects. While research is still ongoing, many individuals have reported positive experiences with CBD for pain relief. However, it is important to approach CBD use for neck pain with caution, seek guidance from healthcare professionals, and chooseproducts from reputable sources. CBD should not replace other recommended treatments or therapies for neck pain, but it can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive pain management plan. By consulting with healthcare professionals, selecting high-quality CBD products, and using them responsibly, individuals may find relief from neck pain and improve their overall well-being. As with any new treatment, it is important to listen to your body, monitor your response to CBD, and make adjustments as needed. Remember, everyone's experience with CBD is unique, so finding the right approach may require some experimentation. With careful consideration and proper usage, CBD may offer a natural option to alleviate neck pain and help you regain comfort and mobility.
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lcannabis · 10 months
Exploring the Potential of CBD for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Exploring the Potential of CBD for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication difficulties, repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities. While there is no cure for autism, various treatment approaches aim to support individuals with ASD and enhance their quality of life. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential use of CBD (cannabidiol) as a complementary therapy for managing certain symptoms associated with autism. In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of CBD for autism and discuss the current research, considerations, and potential benefits it may offer.
Understanding CBD and its Potential Benefits:
CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating various physiological processes, including mood, sleep, pain perception, and immune function. While research on CBD for autism is still in its early stages, some potential benefits have been suggested:
Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Many individuals with autism experience anxiety and high levels of stress due to sensory sensitivities, social challenges, or changes in routine. CBD has been reported to have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties, which may help reduce anxiety symptoms and promote a sense of calmness.
Sleep Regulation: Sleep disturbances are common among individuals with autism. CBD has shown promise in promoting better sleep quality and regulating sleep patterns. By interacting with receptors in the brain involved in sleep regulation, CBD may help improve sleep in individuals with autism.
Aggression and Challenging Behaviors: Some studies have suggested that CBD may help reduce aggression, self-injurious behaviors, and other challenging behaviors associated with autism. CBD's calming and mood-stabilizing effects may contribute to a more balanced emotional state and potentially alleviate these symptoms.
Communication and Social Interaction: CBD's potential impact on communication and social interaction in individuals with autism is an area that requires further investigation. Some anecdotal reports suggest that CBD may help individuals feel more relaxed and open to social interactions, which could potentially enhance communication and social engagement.
Considerations and Precautions:
When considering CBD as a complementary therapy for autism, it is important to keep the following in mind:
Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional experienced in treating autism before considering CBD. They can provide personalized guidance, consider any potential interactions with existing medications, and help monitor the individual's response.
Quality and Legal Considerations: Ensure you purchase high-quality CBD products from reputable sources. Look for third-party lab testing results to verify the product's potency, purity, and absence of contaminants. Additionally, be aware of the legal status of CBD in your region.
Individualized Approach: The effects of CBD can vary from person to person. Finding the right dosage and formulation for an individual with autism may require careful observation and adjustment. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing as needed is generally recommended.
Holistic Approach: CBD should not replace other evidence-based therapies and interventions recommended for individuals with autism. It can be considered as part of a comprehensive approach that includes behavior therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and other strategies tailored to the individual's specific needs.
CBD holds promise as a potential complementary therapy for managing certain symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorder. While research is still ongoing, early findings and anecdotal reports suggest that CBD may have beneficial effects on anxiety, sleep, challenging behaviors, and social interaction. However, it is crucial to approach CBD use for autism with caution, consulting with healthcare professionals and considering individual needs and circumstances.
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lcannabis · 10 months
CBD Sublingual vs. Vape: Exploring Two Popular Consumption Methods
CBD Sublingual vs. Vape: Exploring Two Popular Consumption Methods
CBD (cannabidiol) has gained significant popularity for its potential therapeutic benefits, including pain relief, stress reduction, and relaxation. As CBD continues to grow in popularity, various consumption methods have emerged, each offering its unique advantages and considerations. In this blog post, we will explore two popular CBD consumption methods: sublingual and vape. By understanding cbd sublingual vs vape the differences, benefits, and factors to consider, you can make an informed decision about which method is best suited for your needs.
Sublingual Consumption:
Sublingual consumption involves placing CBD oil or tincture drops under the tongue, allowing the CBD to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the sublingual glands. Here are some key points to consider:
Absorption and Onset: Sublingual consumption allows for fast absorption as the CBD bypasses the digestive system. The CBD enters the bloodstream quickly, resulting in faster onset and potential faster relief compared to other methods.
Dosage Control: Sublingual consumption provides precise dosage control. CBD oils and tinctures come with droppers, allowing you to measure and adjust your dosage according to your needs. This method is particularly beneficial for individuals who prefer a more accurate and customizable approach.
Long-Lasting Effects: Sublingual CBD can provide longer-lasting effects compared to inhalation methods. The CBD is gradually released into the bloodstream, allowing for sustained relief over a longer period.
Taste and Flavor: Some individuals may find the taste of CBD oil or tincture unpleasant due to the natural hemp flavor. However, flavored options are available to enhance the taste and make the experience more enjoyable.
Vape Consumption:
Vaping involves inhaling CBD-infused vapor through a vaporizer or vape pen. Here are some considerations when it comes to vaping CBD:
Inhalation and Absorption: Vaping allows CBD to be inhaled directly into the lungs, where it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. The CBD enters the bloodstream quickly, providing fast-acting effects.
Convenience and Portability: Vape pens are compact and portable, making them convenient for on-the-go use. They are discreet and easy to use, allowing for quick and convenient CBD consumption wherever you are.
Dosing Considerations: Vaping can make it more challenging to accurately measure your CBD dosage compared to sublingual consumption. However, many pre-filled CBD vape cartridges or disposable vape pens provide consistent dosages per inhalation, simplifying the dosing process.
Inhalation Risks: While vaping is generally considered safe, it's important to note that some concerns exist regarding the long-term effects of inhaling vaporized substances. Research is ongoing to better understand the potential risks associated with vaping.
Choosing the Right Method:
Selecting the appropriate CBD consumption method depends on personal preference, lifestyle, and desired effects. Consider the following factors:
Speed of Onset: If you need quick relief, vaping may provide faster results due to its rapid absorption. Sublingual consumption can also offer relatively fast effects, though slightly delayed compared to vaping.
Convenience: If you value portability and ease of use, vape pens offer a discreet and convenient option. Sublingual consumption requires a little more time and privacy to administer the drops under the tongue.
Dosage Control: If precise dosing is important to you, sublingual consumption provides greater control and accuracy. Vape pens offer pre-measured doses per inhalation but may not provide the same level of customization.
Health Considerations: If you have respiratory issues or concerns about inhaling substances, sublingual consumption may be a preferable choice over vaping.
When it comes to choosing between CBD sublingual and vape consumption methods, it ultimately boils down to personal preference, desired effects, and individual circumstances. Sublingual consumption offers fast absorption, dosage control, and longer-lasting effects, making it an excellent choice for those seeking precise dosing and sustained relief. On the other hand, vaping provides quick onset, convenience, and portability, making it suitable for individuals who value fast-acting effects and on-the-go usage. Consider factors such as speed of onset, convenience, dosage control, and health considerations when making your decision. As always, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable CBD consumption method based on your specific needs and health profile.
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lcannabis · 10 months
CBD for Migraine Relief: Exploring a Natural Alternative
CBD for Migraine Relief: Exploring a Natural Alternative
Migraines are debilitating headaches that affect millions of people worldwide. The throbbing pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and other accompanying symptoms can significantly disrupt daily life. While traditional treatments exist, many individuals are now turning to alternative options like CBD (cannabidiol) to alleviate their migraines. In this blog post, we will explore the potential benefits of cbd for migraine relief and discuss its efficacy, safety, and recommended usage.
Understanding CBD and its Potential Benefits:
CBD is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not produce psychoactive effects or the feeling of being "high." Instead, it interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating pain, inflammation, and other physiological functions.
Several studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD may offer potential benefits for migraine relief:
Pain Management: CBD has been found to possess analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. It may help reduce the severity and duration of migraines by interacting with receptors in the brain and modulating pain perception.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Migraines are often accompanied by inflammation in the brain and blood vessels. CBD exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate the inflammation associated with migraines and potentially reduce their frequency.
Nausea and Vomiting Relief: CBD has shown promise in reducing nausea and vomiting, common symptoms experienced during migraines. By interacting with serotonin receptors, CBD may help alleviate these discomforts.
Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Migraines can be triggered or exacerbated by anxiety and stress. CBD has been reported to have calming and anxiety-reducing effects, which may help manage stress levels and potentially prevent migraine attacks.
Using CBD for Migraine Relief:
When considering CBD for migraine relief, it's crucial to follow these guidelines:
Quality and Legality: Ensure you purchase high-quality CBD products from reputable sources. Look for third-party lab testing results to verify the product's potency and purity. Additionally, be aware of the legal status of CBD in your region.
Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into your migraine treatment plan. They can provide personalized guidance, consider potential drug interactions, and monitor your progress.
Proper Dosage: CBD dosage varies depending on factors such as body weight, individual tolerance, and the severity of migraines. Start with a low dose and gradually increase if needed, while closely monitoring your response. CBD is available in various forms, including oils, capsules, edibles, and topicals. Experimentation may be necessary to find the most effective delivery method for you.
Consistency and Patience: CBD may require time to build up in your system before you experience its full effects. Consistent and regular use is important to gauge its impact on migraine frequency, duration, and symptom relief.
Complementary Approaches: CBD should not replace other migraine management strategies recommended by your healthcare professional. It can be used alongside other therapies such as lifestyle modifications, stress reduction techniques, and prescribed medications.
CBD shows promise as a natural alternative for migraine relief. While more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and efficacy, many individuals have reported positive experiences with CBD for managing migraines. Remember to prioritize quality, consult with a healthcare professional, and be patient in finding the right dosage and delivery method for your needs. With proper guidance and a comprehensive approach, CBD may offer a potential avenue for finding relief from the debilitating symptoms of migraines.
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lcannabis · 10 months
The CBD Oil Health Benefits — and Possible Drawbacks
The CBD Oil Health Benefits — and Possible Drawbacks
CBD oil is made by diluting CBD extract with a carrier oil like coconut oil or hemp seed oil, both of which are commonly used. There are over a hundred different cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa (1Trustworthy Source).
The principal psychoactive cannabinoid in anxiety medication Australia is called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and it is responsible for the high associated with marijuana use. CBD, in contrast to THC, does not cause intoxication.
Supplements, bath bombs, drinks, and even food have been infused with CBD, and it is becoming increasingly easy to find online.
It's gaining popularity in the wellness industry thanks to research suggesting it can reduce the discomfort of illnesses including chronic pain and anxiety. But do you really think that's the best option?
Possibly analgesic
As early as 2900 B.C., (2Reliable Source), cannabis was being utilized as a pain reliever.
Recently, however, researchers have identified specific cannabinoids, such as CBD, as the source of cannabis' analgesic properties.
The endocannabinoid system is a specialized mechanism in the human body that helps regulate things like sleep, hunger, pain sensation, and immunological response (3Trustworthy Source).
Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters produced naturally by the body that attach to cannabinoid receptors.
CBD's potential to alleviate chronic pain stems from the fact that it modulates endocannabinoid receptor activation, decreases inflammation, and interacts with neurotransmitters.
Potentially helpful in alleviating symptoms of certain mental health issues
Negative effects on physical and mental health from conditions like anxiety and depression are well-documented.
Pharmaceutical medicines are commonly used to treat mental health conditions, however they might have negative side effects include drowsiness, agitation, sleeplessness, sexual dysfunction, and headaches (11 Trusted Source).
Moreover, benzodiazepines and other drugs like them can cause addiction and dependence.
Many people who suffer from mental health concerns, such as anxiety disorders, have grown interested in trying CBD oil as a natural treatment because of its promising results.
In a study conducted in Brazil, 57 male participants were given either oral CBD or a placebo 90 minutes before taking a simulated exam of their public speaking skills. The highest effective dose of CBD discovered by the researchers to significantly lower test-related anxiety was 300 milligrams.
Possible relief for some cancer symptoms
Some people who have cancer or who are undergoing cancer treatment may find relief from nausea, vomiting, and pain by using CBD.
In a previous study, CBD and THC were compared to conventional pain medicine in a group of 177 persons suffering from cancer-related pain.
Patients treated with a combination extract of the two substances reported much less pain than those treated with a THC extract alone (16 Trusted Source).
Sativex may assist some people with cancer-related discomfort, according to a review of five studies (17Trustworthy Source).
Cannabis and cannabinoids like CBD have been studied for their potential to alleviate the nausea, discomfort, and loss of appetite that accompany cancer treatment, but studies have yielded conflicting results.
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lcannabis · 10 months
CBD Oil's Health Benefits and Side Effects are Examined
CBD Oil's Health Benefits and Side Effects are Examined
CBD oil is created by extracting it from the cannabis plant and blending it with a carrier oil, such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil. It is one of more than 100 cannabinoids that the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa, contains (1 Reliable Source).
The primary psychoactive cannabinoid in cbd oil for autism, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is responsible for the high that is frequently associated with cannabis use. CBD, on the other hand, is not psychotropic like THC.
CBD can be found in a variety of goods both online and offline, such as drinks, foods, dietary supplements, bath soaks, and other things.
It is gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry, and some research suggests that it may help with the symptoms of illnesses including anxiety and chronic pain. However, is it the best option for you?
possible pain relief
Since 2900 B.C., cannabis has been used to relieve pain (2 Reliable Sources).
More recently, scientists have learned that CBD and other cannabis constituents are what give the plant its pain-relieving properties.
The endocannabinoid system, a unique system found in humans, regulates a number of bodily processes, including sleep, hunger, pain perception, and immunological response (3Trusted Source).
Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters that your body makes that attach to cannabinoid receptors in your neurological system.
According to studies, CBD may lessen chronic pain by influencing the activity of endocannabinoid receptors, lowering inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters.
could lessen symptoms associated with some mental health conditions.
The general health and wellbeing can be severely harmed by anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions.
Pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals are frequently used to treat mental health illnesses, but these medications have a range of negative effects, including headaches, sleepiness, agitation, sleeplessness, and sexual dysfunction (11Trusted Source).
Additionally, drugs like benzodiazepines carry the risk of addiction and can result in substance use disorders.
Many people who suffer from mental health concerns including anxiety disorders are interested in this natural medicine because CBD oil has shown potential as a treatment for several of these conditions.
An oral CBD or placebo was given to 57 men in a Brazilian study 90 minutes before they participated in a simulated public speaking test. The most efficient CBD dosage, according to the study's findings, was 300 mg, which greatly reduced test-day anxiety.
may reduce some symptoms connected to cancer
Cancer-related symptoms and treatment-related adverse effects like nausea, vomiting, and pain may be lessened with CBD.
In 177 cancer patients who had not found relief from painkillers, an older study examined the effects of CBD and THC.
Compared to patients who got simply THC extract, those who received an extract that contained both substances reported significantly less discomfort (16 Trusted Source).
Sativex may in some cases assist patients with cancer suffer from less pain, according to a study of five studies (17Reliable Source).
However, the results of research looking at how cannabis and cannabinoids like CBD affect cancer-related nausea, pain, and loss of appetite have been conflicting.
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lcannabis · 11 months
How do cannabinoids work?
How do cannabinoids work?
The term "cannabinoid" refers to any chemical compound, regardless of its composition or source, that interacts with the body's and brain's cannabinoid receptors and produces effects comparable to those of the Cannabis sativa plant.1
People use three different kinds of cannabinoids: synthetic, medical, and recreational.
According to studies, the cannabis plant generates between 80 and 100 cannabinoids as well as about 300 non-cannabinoids.1 Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the two major cannabinoids.
The molecule that gives cannabis its euphoric properties is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the more well-known of the two.2
The key distinction between the two cannabinoids is that although cbd for low back pain is supposed to have an anti-psychoactive impact that regulates or modifies the 'high' brought on by THC, THC has strong psychoactive effects and results in getting one "high." Additionally, certain other undesirable effects of THC, such anxiety, are likely to be lessened by CBD.3
the system of endocannabinoids
The endocannabinoid system, a special communication mechanism present in the brain and body, has an impact on a number of crucial processes.4
It is composed of cannabinoids, which are organic chemicals, and the pathways they interact with. Together, these components control a variety of functions, such as mood, memory, sleep, and appetite.3
Cannabinoids: What do they do?
Similar to opioids, cannabinoids operate on specific receptors in various regions of the central nervous system to create their effects. Simply explained, cannabinoids control the transmission, reception, and processing of messages by cells.
various cannabinoids
Cannabis refers to the dried cannabis plant's leaves and buds, which are smoked in joints or bongs. The most typical kind is this one.
Hemp is the cannabis plant's stem-extracted fiber, which is used to manufacture rope, durable textiles, fiberboard, and paper.
Medicinal cannabis products that have been given the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) seal of approval include nabiximols (Sativex®) and synthetic cannabinoids like Dronabinol®.5 HU-210 is a synthetic counterpart of THC that was first created in Israel in 1988 and is thought to have at least 100 times the potency of THC. 6 UR-144 has effects that are comparable to those of THC, however it is a little less strong.Dr. John W. Huffman developed the 7 JWH series of synthetic cannabinoids in 1994 for research on cannabinoid receptors.8
The synthetic cannabinoid 5F-ADB was first discovered in post-mortem samples from a person who had died after using a product containing it in late 2014.8 CUMYL-PEGACLONE first appeared on the German medicine market in late 2016.9 According to anecdotal reports, CUML-PEGACLONE may have a number of negative side effects.
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lcannabis · 11 months
Cannabinoids: what are they?
Cannabinoids: what are they?
All chemical compounds that interact with the cannabinoid receptors in the body and brain and cause effects comparable to those of the Cannabis Sativa plant are collectively known as cannabinoids.
Cannabinoids can be used for leisure, medical purposes, or as a synthetic drug.
According to studies, there are between 80 and 100 cannabinoids and around 300 non- medical marijuanas australia compounds produced by the cannabis plant.1 Cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two most well-known cannabinoids.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the more well-known of the two because it is the molecule responsible for cannabis' intoxicating properties.2
In contrast to cannabidiol (CBD), which is hypothesized to have an anti-psychoactive action that controls or moderates the 'high' induced by cannabidiol (THC), which has substantial psychoactive effects. It has been hypothesized that CBD can mitigate other side effects of THC, such as anxiety.3
Our internal cannabinoid system
The endocannabinoid system is a one-of-a-kind neural and physiological communication network with far-reaching effects.4
Cannabinoids are natural chemicals that make up this system, along with the pathways they activate. These sections collaborate to control emotions, memories, sleep cycles, and food intake.3
The function of cannabinoids.
Cannabinoids, like opioids, cause their effects by binding to particular receptors in the central nervous system. Cannabinoids control the transmission, reception, and processing of information between cells.
Cannabinoid Subclasses
The dried leaves and flowers (buds) of the cannabis plant are known collectively as cannabis. This version is the most typical one.
Rope, sturdy textiles, fibreboard, and paper are all made with hemp, which is the cannabis plant's stem fiber.
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)-approved pharmaceutical cannabis medicines including nabiximols (Sativex®) and synthetic cannabinoids like Dronabinol®.Five HU-210, a THC analogue that was initially synthesized in Israel in 1988 and is thought to be at least 100 times as powerful as THC. Six UR-144 has effects like THC but is significantly weaker.Dr. John W. Huffman developed a series of synthetic cannabinoids in 1994 to study the cannabinoid receptors, including 7 JWH.8
Postmortem samples from a person who had used a product containing 5F-ADB before their death in late 2014 led to the discovery of this synthetic cannabinoid.In late 2016, 8 CUMYL-PEGACLONE appeared in Germany.9 Anecdotal evidence suggests a variety of negative consequences from using CUML-PEGACLONE.
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lcannabis · 1 year
What You Need to Know About Cannabis (Marijuana) and Cannabinoids
What You Need to Know About Cannabis (Marijuana) and Cannabinoids
Is cannabis the same as marijuana?
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, "cannabis" and "marijuana" refer to two distinct substances.
The term "cannabis" is used to describe anything that comes from the cbd for neck muscle pain
 sativa plant.
Roughly 540 chemical compounds have been identified in the cannabis plant.
The term "marijuana" is commonly used to refer to Cannabis sativa plant parts and/or products that are high in the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The psychoactive effects of marijuana are caused by a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There are cannabis strains that barely register as THC. These plants are classified as "industrial hemp" rather than "marijuana" under U.S. legislation.
We will continue to refer to Cannabis sativa as "cannabis" for the rest of this fact page.
Cannabinoids: what are they?
Cannabinoids are a class of chemicals discovered in marijuana.
Which cannabinoids are the most prevalent?
THC and CBD are the two most common cannabinoids.
What is the total number of cannabinoids?
More than a hundred additional cannabinoids have been discovered in addition to THC and CBD.
Is there any medical cannabis or cannabinoids that have been approved by the FDA?
The cannabis plant has not been recognized by the FDA for any therapeutic applications. However, several drugs containing isolated cannabinoids have been approved by the FDA.
Seizures caused by Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome are effectively treated with Epidiolex, a pharmaceutical containing a pure version of CBD derived from cannabis.
The FDA has approved three synthetic cannabinoids: dronabinol (found in Marinol and Syndros) and nabilone (found in Cesamet). Nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy are treatable with dronabinol and nabilone. Dronabinol is also used to treat anorexia and wasting in HIV/AIDS patients.
Is it acceptable for THC or CBD to be included in nutritional products?
The Food and Drug Administration has banned the sale of any supplements containing THC or CBD. Adding THC or CBD to food is not permitted under federal law for distribution across state lines. It is up to the laws and regulations of each individual state to determine whether or not sales are authorized.
Are medical diseases helped by cannabis or cannabinoids?
Some forms of epilepsy, cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and HIV/AIDS-related anorexia and weight loss may all respond favorably to drugs containing cannabinoids. The benefits of cannabis or cannabinoids for chronic pain and MS symptoms are also minimal, according to the available research. When it comes to glaucoma, cannabis isn't useful. The study of cannabis and cannabinoids as potential treatments for various diseases is only getting started.
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lcannabis · 1 year
What You Need To Know About Cannabinoids and Cannabis (Marijuana)
What You Need To Know About Cannabinoids and Cannabis (Marijuana)
Is marijuana a synonym for cannabis?
Although the terms "cannabis" and "marijuana" are frequently used interchangeably, they don't necessarily mean the same thing.
All items made from the cbd and autism sativa plant are referred to as "cannabis" products.
About 540 different chemicals can be found in the cannabis plant.
Cannabis sativa plant parts or by-products that have high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations are referred to as "marijuana". The main component of marijuana that has an impact on a person's mental state is THC. Some cannabis plants only have trace amounts of THC. In contrast to marijuana, these plants are regarded as "industrial hemp" under American law.
We refer to the plant Cannabis sativa as "cannabis" for the remainder of this fact page.
How do cannabinoids work?
A class of chemicals called cannabinoids is present in the cannabis plant.
Which cannabinoids are the important ones?
THC and cannabidiol (CBD) are the two primary cannabinoids.
How many different cannabinoids exist?
More than 100 additional cannabinoids have been discovered in addition to THC and CBD.
Has marijuana or cannabinoids been given the go-ahead for medical use by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
The FDA has not authorized the use of cannabis in any medicinal procedures. However, the FDA has approved a number of medications that incorporate specific cannabinoids.
Epidiolex, a medication that contains CBD extracted from cannabis in a pure form, has been approved for the treatment of seizures brought on by Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome, two severe and uncommon types of epilepsy.
The FDA has given its approval to Marinol, Syndros, and Cesamet, all of which contain dronabinol, a synthetic THC. Cesamet also contains nabilone, a synthetic compound that is related to THC. Cancer chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting are treated with dronabinol and nabilone. Dronabinol is also used to treat HIV/AIDS patients' loss of appetite and weight loss.
Is it acceptable for meals or dietary supplements to include THC or CBD?
Products containing THC or CBD are not permitted to be sold as dietary supplements, according to the FDA. Foods containing THC or CBD are illegal to sell in interstate commerce. The laws and rules of each state determine whether they can be marketed lawfully there.
Cannabinoids and cannabis both be used to treat medical conditions?
Certain uncommon forms of epilepsy, nausea and vomiting brought on by cancer chemotherapy, and appetite loss and weight loss brought on by HIV/AIDS may all be helped by cannabinoid-containing medications. Additionally, some research points to minor benefits of cannabis or cannabinoids for multiple sclerosis symptoms and chronic pain. Cannabis does not relieve glaucoma symptoms. Cannabis and cannabinoids are still being studied as potential treatments for additional diseases.
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lcannabis · 1 year
What Cannabis (Marijuana) Can Do for Your Wellness and Health
What Cannabis (Marijuana) Can Do for Your Wellness and Health
Cannabis plant leaves and flowers are used to make marijuana, a narcotic. These plant pieces are dried before being consumed in different ways or smoked as cigarettes.
The purpose of marijuana use is to relax the user or change their state of awareness. A high is what is experienced after using cbd and autism, and it can be obtained in a variety of ways, such as smoking, vaping, or ingesting it cooked into food.
Marijuana is also used medicinally because it may help alleviate illnesses including chronic pain and others.
Other names for marijuana include pot, weed, grass, and ganja.
The narcotic made from the cannabis plant is known as marijuana; cannabis is the plant's botanical name. marijuana is smoked, whereas cannabis is farmed.
Although many contend that marijuana's highs are no more powerful or harmful than those caused by alcohol and that they do not lead to addiction in the same way that heroin or cocaine do, marijuana is still prohibited in the United States under federal law.
However, certain states, like California, have legalized the use of marijuana by citizens for recreational or medical purposes.
How Does Cannabis Get You High? CBD vs. THC
Chemicals referred to as cannabinoids are the active components of marijuana.
More than 100 cannabinoids, which are organic substances present in both plants and animals, are present in marijuana. They even appear in people. Endocannabinoids are the cannabinoids that are found in your body and brain. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), these substances are crucial for thinking, memory, and sensory perception. (1)
Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, and cannabidiol, or CBD, are the cannabinoids that give marijuana its effects. THC and CBD have various effects on different brain circuits, which affect how they make people feel and think.
For instance, THC is significantly more psychotropic than CBD, which means it might alter how your brain views the environment. It is the cannabinoid that causes intoxication or euphoria by acting on the body's endocannabinoid system.
It is THC that causes users to feel "high."
CBD doesn't affect the same neural circuits as other drugs. Researchers think that CBD instead affects the serotonin pathway in the brain, which controls mood, sleep, appetite, and desire. Instead of changing your perception, it could make you feel peaceful and relaxed. Additionally, it has less of an impact on physical responses.
Each cannabis plant contains different amounts of THC and CBD depending on how it was cultivated, processed, and kept. A plant's effects become stronger the more THC it has.
Numerous additional compounds are also present in marijuana, however in varied degrees from plant to plant.
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lcannabis · 1 year
The Potential Health Benefits of Marijuana (Cannabis)
The Potential Health Benefits of Marijuana (Cannabis)
Marijuana, or cannabis, is a narcotic derived from the plant's blossoms and leaves. Dried leaves, stems, and flowers are used to make cigarettes and other products.
Marijuana is used to induce a euphoric or meditative state in its consumers. Inhaling smoke or vapor from cbd for neck muscle pain or consuming food that has marijuana as an ingredient are all ways to create this state of mind, known as a high.
Marijuana is used therapeutically for the treatment of chronic pain and other ailments.
The word "marijuana" can refer to a variety of slang terms.
Marijuana refers to the psychoactive compound produced by the Cannabis plant, which is the plant's botanical name. Grown cannabis is different from smoked marijuana.
Marijuana is prohibited at the federal level in the United States, despite the fact that it does not cause addiction on par with harder drugs like heroin or cocaine and that its effects on the user are often compared favorably to those of alcohol.
However, certain jurisdictions, such as California, have made it legal for adults to use marijuana for either medical or recreational purposes.
How Exactly Does Marijuana Cause Its Effects? CBD vs. THC
Cannabinoids are the active compounds in marijuana.
There are about one hundred cannabinoids in marijuana, which are chemicals found in both plants and mammals. They can even be found in people. Endocannabinoids refer to the naturally occurring cannabinoids that can be found in your brain and the rest of your body. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that these compounds have crucial roles in cognition, memory, and sensory perception. (1)
THC and CBD, short for tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol, respectively, are the active cannabinoids in marijuana. Both the physiological and psychological effects of THC and CBD are distinct from one another.
For example, THC is significantly more psychoactive, meaning it can alter how your brain interprets its surroundings. The intoxicating or euphoric effects of cannabinoids are due to their interaction with the body's endogenous cannabinoid system.
THC is what causes inebriation.
In contrast to THC, CBD does not influence the same neural systems. Instead, CBD is thought to affect the serotonin pathway in the brain, which controls emotions, sleep, hunger, and arousal. Instead of changing your perspective, it could make you feel relaxed and tranquil. It also has less of an impact on actual bodily responses.
How much THC and CBD a given cannabis plant contains varies depending on its cultivation, processing, and storage conditions. The potency of a plant's effects increases as THC content rises.
Many additional compounds, the levels of which vary from plant to plant, are also present in marijuana.
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lcannabis · 1 year
Cats, dogs, and horses are all poisoned by marijuana. Many substances are processed differently by animals than by humans, and as a result, many foods and medical marijuanas qld that are healthy for us are not safe for them. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, raisins and grapes, macadamia nuts, chocolate, and the artificial sweetener xylitol are among them. 
THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component in marijuana that causes intoxication, is hazardous to dogs. THC and CBD (cannabidiol) are the most well-known and researched cannabinoid chemicals in marijuana, however over 500 chemical compounds and 100 cannabinoids have been found in marijuana (cannabis) plants to date. THC and CBD levels might vary greatly between plants. CBD is not psychotropic and is regarded to be non-toxic or poisonous to a lesser extent. More study is being conducted to learn more about the pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy of CBD in dogs. However, items claiming to contain purely CBD might be tainted with THC, so utilizing CBD products for pets still carries some risk.
Marijuana-infused foods are produced with oil or butter, which is used to extract THC from plant material. As a result, these items frequently contain higher quantities of THC than plant material (buds, leaves, and stems) and are more likely to poison dogs. Furthermore, they may include chocolate or other poisonous compounds that could make an animal sick.
Because THC is hazardous to pets, animals that are inadvertently or purposely exposed to it become more than just high or stoned. They don't just have to "sleep it off." They should be examined by a veterinarian and/or given supportive care.
Owners may notice inactivity, incoordination, dilated pupils, heightened sensitivity to motion, sound, or touch, hypersalivation, and urine incontinence if their pets consume or inhale THC (even second-hand smoke can harm pets). A veterinarian checkup can detect central nervous system depression and an abnormally slow heart rate. Restlessness, hostility, slow breathing, low blood pressure, an excessively fast heart rate, and rapid, involuntary eye movements are less common symptoms. Animals can suffer seizures or become unconscious on rare occasions. Death is relatively uncommon. Depending on the amount of THC to which the animal was exposed, symptoms can linger for less than an hour or for several days.
Many of the frequent indicators of THC poisoning are similar to the signs of antifreeze poisoning, which is exceedingly dangerous, which is one of the reasons that animals exhibiting these external signs of poisoning should be referred to the veterinarian. In some circumstances, an antidote can be administered promptly, but if the antidote is not administered promptly, antifreeze poisoning is nearly always fatal without intensive care.
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lcannabis · 1 year
Toxic to horses, dogs, and cats, Cannabis for obesity cure is. numerous foods and treatments that are healthy for us are not safe for animals since they metabolize numerous chemicals differently than humans do. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts, chocolate, and xylitol, an artificial sweetener, are a few of them.
THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component in marijuana that gives users a high, is poisonous to animals. Although more than 500 chemical compounds and 100 cannabinoids have been discovered in marijuana (cannabis) plants thus far, THC and Cannabis for obesity cure (cannabidiol) are the most well-known and researched cannabinoid chemicals in marijuana. Plant to plant variations in THC and CBD content can be significant. It is believed that CBD is either non-toxic or only mildly harmful because it is not psychoactive. More information is being gathered recently about the pharmacokinetics, effectiveness, and safety of CBD in animals. There is still some risk in using CBD products for pets because even those that state they contain only CBD can contain THC.
People's edible marijuana products are manufactured using oil or butter, which is utilized to extract THC from the plant material. Because of this, these items frequently have higher THC concentrations than plant material (buds, leaves, and stems), which increases the possibility of harming dogs. Additionally, they might include chocolate or other poisonous or sickening ingredients for animals.
Animals who are unintentionally or deliberately exposed to THC become poisonous, not just stoned or high. They must do more than just "sleep it off." They ought to be taken to a vet for a checkup and/or supportive care.
Owners may observe symptoms such as hypersalivation, urine incontinence, lethargy, incoordination, dilated pupils, heightened sensitivity to motion, sound, or touch, and even second-hand smoking can have an impact on pets. An excessively sluggish heart rate and central nervous system depression can both be found during a veterinary examination. Restlessness, hostility, slow breathing, low blood pressure, an excessively fast heart rate, and quick, uncontrollable eye movements are less frequent symptoms. Animals can occasionally experience convulsions or go into a coma. Death is incredibly uncommon. Depending on how much THC was exposed to the animal, the symptoms may last less than an hour or for a few days.
The fact that many of the typical symptoms of THC poisoning are identical to those of the extremely deadly antifreeze poisoning is one of the reasons animals exhibiting these external symptoms of poisoning should be sent to the vet. In some circumstances, an antidote can be administered quickly, but if it is not administered in time, antifreeze poisoning is almost always lethal without prompt treatment.
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