lcriedlastnight ¡ 28 days
the uber seemed to bounce along the streets of milan, the driver speeding through the streets, barely giving you time to take in the gorgeous scenery.
your legs crossed over each other as you stare out the window. lando couldn’t take his eyes off you, the italian air clearly getting to him as felt absolutely infatuated by you. the way your hair sat on your shoulders, and the way your makeup was placed perfectly. he didn’t think he could be more in love.
the bumps in the road made your leg bump his every so often. the soft touches setting his nerves alight every single time.
after the fifth time lando softly grabbed your ankle and held it as close as he could without causing you any discomfort. you jump at the touch, not expecting it at all. you turn to face him.
“sorry baby,” he hums his thumb traces the all too familiar path. it’s almost as if as soon as his fingers touch your skin, it runs its course. the smile lights up his face. he has never felt more at home than right at this moment. “didn’t mean to scare you.”
you smile in return. yearning for him even though he was only the middle seat away.
that thumb tracing the letter ‘L’ on your exposed ankle brought goosebumps to your skin. if there was ink in his fingertips your skin would be marked full of the letter, showing you were his.
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
charles couldn't pull his eyes from you. he needed to start paying attention, he knew that, but you were just so fucking pretty. how could he pay attention to your lovely rambles, when your mascara was a little smudged from when you rubbed your eyes at work, forgetting you even had it on or when your hair was sitting along your shoulders like every strand was painted there, sitting so prettily but a little messy.
he did know what you were talking about, he was listening to start with he promises, he just got distracted when he really started to look at you. he had asked you if it was true that all the spider-man films were going to be re-released in the cinema. and that was you. rambling away.
charles had told you he wasn't really into superhero films, his favourite maybe being batman and you took immediate offence. being a spider-man girl, a marvel girl, hearing that your boyfriend liked dc more, well it made your skin crawl. so you decided to educate him, describing the films in great detail from iron-man right to the new series on disney plus.
he was trying to listen, he really wasn't trying to be rude. if anything it was your fault, for being so pretty and talking so sweetly when you know he can barely cope with you on a normal day. yep. this was so your fault.
"i mean my favourite series would definitely be moon knight though, that's the one that came out in 2022- hey are you even listening?" you ask, an unreadable look of your face. this snaps charles out of it.
"of course i am ma cheri, go on, you were saying moon knight was your favourite series? what about your favourite film?" he smiles one of those sickly sweet smiles that makes you melt a little.
“you can’t ask me that! i have different favourites for different times!” you squeal before settling back on the bed, getting ready to bare your soul to him. charles will try his best to listen, he’s not promising anything.
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
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down in the grumps | lando norris
fem!reader. reader getting talked about behind her back :( and oblivious reader.
w/c: 2.1k
it’s not that you were being grumpy on purpose. most of the time you didn’t even realise that your replies to simple questions were short and snappy. or that your face seemed to screw up with or without your permission at something you had heard one of your friends say.
they were all used to it by now, after having dealt with it the whole friendship. and you of course, couldn’t help it if your first reaction to mostly anything you were told, was a blunt, sarcastic answer. your face always unapproachable, looking like someone had just told you the most annoying news of your life.
lando knew this when he met you. he even thought the same as everyone else, at first. seeing you chat with your friend, will, as he talks with his hands, excitedly over something. your face pinched in what looked like annoyance. it made him frown at first as he thought it was quiet rude of you to look pissed off when your friend seemed to speak so animatedly. of course as soon as will introduced you both and he got to know you he realised, that you were just unintentionally like that. you were interested in what he was saying, and yeah sometimes you did start pointless, petty arguments but lando had the ability to brush off your silly comments and instead tried to find a way to cheer you up. he had gotten so used to finding ways to make you feel less uptight that it completed skipped his mind that others might not be quite as unbothered by it all as him.
bringing you to the paddock for the australian grand prix had always been the plan. deciding that this weekend would be a great time to hard launch your relationship.
“do i look alright?” you ask, staring at your outfit in the hotel mirror, with a razor sharp gaze, analysing your outfit. lando’s eyes trail down your figure, analysing your outfit too, but with much more love and kindness than you were giving yourself. your face still set hard with the usual furrow of your brows and deep frown, making you look, for a lack of a better word, pissed.
lando leaves the bathroom and pulls your hand straight in the air. before you can question it though, he’s spinning you around lightly. this does ease your worries and makes a small smile appear on your lips for a minute. his silent reassurance spoken loudly through his eyes are they crease with his bright smile, hints of adoration shine through.
“you could’ve just said i looked nice, no need for the theatrics” you grumble out as you straighten up in the mirror and move to place a small kiss on the side of his smile.
lando cries out dramatically. “you missed!”. you roll your eyes and make your way towards the door. your way of telling lando you’re ready to leave. of course he knows this and is hot on your tail, his laugh echoing through the corridors of your floor as he pulls you close by your hand.
the paddock buzzed with cameras and fans and somewhere between them all you were sure there was drivers. you were actually really excited as this was your first time in the paddock.
lando could tell how excited you were just by looking at you. the way your eyes darted around, trying to take in everything at once, they didn’t move quickly though (that was how he knew you were nervous). the way you walked an inch ahead of him. your hand squeezing his as you recognise someone he knows, a driver or a team principal or even a mclaren engineer he knows well, excited to get to know this part of him too. none of this even noticeable to anyone except him, your face still showing your usual expression. lando thinks he likes it better this way, he likes having to read you to know what your feeling.
the first person you meet is oscar. he's sitting in the mclaren motorhome, with his own girlfriend. you fall a little behind lando, as he squeezes your hand in reassurance.
“hey mate, andrea wants to speak to you before you leave today at some point” oscar says, finding himself looking at you in confusion. he knew lando had a girlfriend, but he didn’t expect to see her. and for her to be so… mad? for seemingly no reason, lando was smiling wildly, which confused him more.
“cool.” lando replies as he pulls you closer to his side. he introduces you with a proud smile and oscar throws him a weary one back.
“hey, nice to finally meet you.” oscar says simply. this did not seem like the girl lando ranted and raved about. you hadn’t even said a word yet.
you shoot him a tight lipped smile and return the pleasantry, to him and to lily beside him, who responds kindly. lando pulls you tighter as he and oscar discuss something about the race. you listen intently, and interrupt when lando accidently gets mixed up with what he’s talking about.
instead of seeing it as you helping lando, the couple see it as rude, as you don’t apologise for butting in when you weren’t really even a part of the conversation. lando just sends you an appreciative smile, and returns to what he was talking about, which worried oscar. as he thinks he’s completely ignoring your red flags. he decides he’ll talk to him about it later, when you aren’t standing beside him looking like your about to kick off.
they chat for a bit, you chirping in, when you feel like it. none of it going unnoticed by the australian and his girlfriend. lando mentions something about dropping around the ferrari and red bull garages later on and you feel yourself getting excited again.
you and lando take turns at pulling each other around the paddock all day. lando only leaving your side for a few hours when he has media to do. afterwards he takes you to meet max, who tries to find checo for you but cannot seem to sus him out anywhere. he takes you to meet his old karting rivals, george and alex and then finally decides to take you to the ferrari garage, where carlos and charles stand with an engineer, discussing something about exhausts or something.
“lando!” carlos cheers as he sees you both arrive in front of him. he kindly abandons whatever it is he’s supposed to be listening to, charles following suit. they hug then separate, lando’s hands immediately returning to you.
lando introduces you for the millionth time today as you repeat your actions of a tight smile and a sharp ‘nice to meet you’ , something everyone who you met today noticed. carlos couldn’t help being surprised at your actions, also thinking that you couldn’t be the girl he had heard about from his former teammate.
charles smiles kindly at you and asks how you have been finding today, to which you reply a little less sharply, your excitement seeping through. lando watches on in awe of you opening up to his friends.
after a while of chatting to the boys in red, andrea comes running over, shouting about something no one can quite make out.
“i’ve been searching for you lando!” he huffs as he pulls lando to the side to discuss, something to do with the strategy for the weekend. you take this time to jump on your phone and update your mother on your day, her knowing about how excited you were about today.
carlos looks to charles as he loudly whispers “what’s up with her man?”. he wasn’t far away from you, and it seemed like he wasn’t even trying to be slick with it.
“what? what do you mean?” charles questions, a little confused. carlos just huffs.
“i mean, she’s so grumpy. she seems like she would rather be anywhere but here and lando is just standing next to her with a stupid smile on his face.” carlos frowns, only concerned about his friend, but hurting you in the process. charles hums a reply, not entirely agreeing but not disagreeing either.
carlos’s words make you freeze though. you didn’t realise you were being grumpy? you were just being yourself, so did that mean you were grumpy all the time? your thoughts tornado around your head as the self-consciousness sinks into your veins. did lando think this too?
speaking of lando, he finishes his conversation with andrea and makes his way back to you with a smile, his smile seemed to be never-ending today. his hand links with yours as soon as he is close enough. you immediately smile, forcing your lips upward as you try your best to not be ‘grumpy’.
lando notices this but decides to leave it until you were alone. “hope you guys weren’t listening”. lando jokes. it was a bad joke. no one laughed. charles just stared at him, almost disappointed and carlos just shook his head.
lando frowns and says “alright we’re leaving” and pulls you away. you make sure to smile at the two ferrari boys and wish them good luck for tomorrow, not a trace of sarasm in your words, which confused lando even more. he looks at you quizzically but you ignore it.
somehow you end up back with at the hotel within the next hour, after spending a good few hours at the paddock.
“alright, what’s wrong?” lando asks, almost as soon as you are both in your hotel room. you don’t hesitate before you ask, “am i grumpy?”.
lando looks at you, his face laced with confusion. he opens his mouth to reply but closes it again. he takes his time to gather his words, not wanting to upset you more than what you clearly already were.
“you are grumpy,” he says “but that’s how you’ve been since we met, i’m sure you were like that before, from what will tells me”. your usual frown deepens.
“i didn’t know i was grumpy. how do you put up with me?” you ask, feeling embarrassed at your unknown behaviour.
lando lets the confusion deepen on his face. “how do i- how do i put up with you? i don’t put up with you, baby. you’re my girlfriend.” he says like it’s obvious.
“i do support you. i did want to be there today.” you feel the need to prove yourself to him. to prove carlos wrong.
“i know, you were so excited.” he replies, with a faint smile.
“your friends think i’m grumpy and unsupportive” you tell him, not wanting to expose his friends but feeling hurt by his words. lando looks upset at your words.
“who? who said that? i know you wanted to be there today, baby. just because other people don’t see you the way i do doesn’t mean you aren’t supportive.” lando slowly makes his way towards you, his hands slowly making their way up your arms.
it was weird seeing anything different to your usual expression on your face but he couldn’t help but feel he peeled back a layer of you. it made it him feel happy for a second. his eyes bore into yours, making you feel intimidated.
“i like knowing things about you no one else does. i like knowing how you’re feeling just by looking at you, who cares if everyone else thinks you are grumpy. just makes you my grumpy girl, doesn’t it?” he smiles, trying to cheer you up a little.
a smile graces your lips. mission acomplished, he thinks. he lets his hands gently hold the sides of your face as he lets himself take in your face, looking at it like he’ll never get the chance again. you feel your breath hitch as he moves closer.
lando smiled at the sound before he lets his lips press against you. it wasn’t rushed, it wasn’t passionate. it was reassuring. it told you everything was okay. he pulls away before you would like. you chase his lips as he laughs.
“you’re cute,” he says. “what do you say to an early night?”. you nod, the busy day and the unusual mix of emotions, exhausted you.
you both get unready next to each other, doing your nightly routines in sync. lando trying to make you laugh as you both brush your teeth in front of the bathroom mirror.
once you lay in the bed, wrapped up in him his words finally sink in. as long as you are both secure in your relationship, what does it matter if people think you’re grumpy. you’d never smile again if it meant lando would love you for the rest of your life.
l's radio: if this is bad pretend i didn't post it i cba to proof read, i'm too tired from getting up at 6 for the gp today :(
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
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charles leclerc!
coming soon…
charles x nerdy! reader - charles accidentally asks a question that opens a can of worms.
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
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clubbin' lovin' | oscar piastri
fem!reader. mentions of alcohol and being drunk.
w/c: 2.1k
you didn't like to admit it but you loved a night out. if asked what you prefer most, you would say a night in for sure, but every now and then you couldn't help but love a night out at a random club. some people really underestimate what putting on clothes that make you feel pretty and downing a whole load of alcohol can do to a person.
oscar agreed that a night in was ten times better than going out. a night in with you and his current favourite film, was oscar's version of heaven. so when he got the text from lando that you had agreed to go out friday and he so had to come, he was a little shocked. if he was being honest he didn't see what you going, had to do with him, but the thought of you out drunk, not aware of the looks random guys were giving you? didn't exactly send him over the moon. that's the only reason he agreed to go. to make sure you didn't end up in the same state as what lando was most likely going to end up in. when the australian told him so, he could feel his offence through the phone before he even got a text back.
after finding this out, oscar sends you a text of his own. asking, firstly if you were mentally sane to accept a clubbing offer from lando. once getting confirmation that you were of sound mind, he asks if he can pick you up so you can both arrive at the club together. from the way he was talking you would think he was in love. good job you were one of the most oblivious people oscar has ever had the pleasure and displeasure of meeting. oscar tells you he doesn't plan on drinking at all so he can leave his car in the nearby carpark, and drive you both home safely. you only agree because you want more money to spend on drinks during the night, and you knew taxi fares were not getting any cheaper.
friday comes and as he dresses in what lando tells him "would have you throwing yourself at him in no time", not that he was asking for advice about his style to impress you or anything, he shoots you a text that he's just about leave. he sprays that cologne that you told him you loved on him before he walks out the door to pick you up.
it's as if you were waiting for him at the the door because as soon as he knocked once on your door, it swung open to reveal you standing in front of him. oscar couldn't believe his luck in the moment. your dress fit you so perfectly and it was honestly his favourite colour on you, he wasn't sure if it was how well it complimented your eyes or if it was just the fact that he so blindly in love with you that you could've wore the clothes you slept in last night and still be the prettiest girl at the party.
"hi osc! you look so good!" you squeal as you wrap your arms around him. if he didn't know you as well as he did then he would think that you had already started drinking. he knew that was just you though. as soon as the idea of spending time with any of your friends was brought up your excitement rose and you got friend-drunk. a little part of him hopes to see you love-drunk soon.
he wraps him arms around your waist in response and immediately breathes in a mix of your shampoo and your perfume. he feels a bit like a creep but before he can think about it too much and cause himself to get embarrassed over it, you pull away from him. you stand taller than usual in your heels as you grab his hand and pull him towards his car. oscar curses himself for trying to be responsible, tonight. he doesn't know how he's going to get through tonight with you, sober.
you make your usual conversation on the way to the club. oscar expressing his concerns over how lando will end up at the end of the night. you try to give him the benefit of the doubt and tell oscar to do the same with a bright smile that almost makes him crash his car.
you walk in the club hand in hand. just in case you got lost in the crowd of people, oscar explains to lando as he smirks at the two, once they make their way to the british boy.
"hey! you guys made it!" george cheers before lando can even greet either of you, and just like that you were separated from oscar, much to his chagrin. he doesn't dispute though and instead takes the drink from lando's hand and near enough downs it.
lando grimaces but he pulls him to the bar, while you sit in conversation with a very drunk george and a near enough sober alex, who can't for the life of them agree on what you had told them your favourite drink was.
lando kept him in conversation with carlos for the better part of an hour, and oscar is at the point of no return. forgetting the moment you were ripped away from him (quiet cruelly in his opinion) that he was both your rides home. so he downs drink after drink, and shot after shot. until he was nearing the edge of too drunk. oscar was a happy drunk though, so really the only person that would hurt was him and in his drunk mind, he felt sick without you anyway so it wasn't much difference.
"thought you could handle your drink better than this, mate!" lando shouts in oscar's ear over the thumping music playing in club. oscar strains to hear him, not knowing if it was his intoxication or the music making it so hard to hear.
oscar shrugs. "my girl's not here to keep me in check!" he slurs with a giggle. one that nearly made lando sick. he wanted to ask him clarify but he thought it would be funnier in the long run to see how this turns out. oscar seems to keep on laughing. carlos gives lando a look that oscar doesn't care enough to try decipher. this conversation wasn't about you, so he didn't care.
oscar spins around to try find the booth he was at when he first arrived, hoping that's where you still were. the smile that takes over his face as he sees you in the middle of the two british drivers, who seem to be in a heated discussion. oscar thinks he sees your empty cup sat on the table in front of you and doesn't even pause to think before he's ordering your favourite and weaving through the crowd to finally see you. lando and carlos following closely, not wanting to miss this.
in the whole duration of yours and oscar's friendship, you had been the only one to get super drunk, to show the other that vulnerable side. oscar told you that drunk you was one of his favourite sides of you but you don't know if he's just telling you that because he wants you to feel less embarrassed about your talkative, affectionate, dancy state. as you see oscar (with lando and carlos hot on his heels) stumbling through the crowd you think that tonight just might be the night that the tables turn.
oscar lights up even more as he sees you notice him and wave him over. the glare alex recieves until he gives up his seat for him, is almost brutal. he sits so close to you that the sides of your thighs are pressing against each other. he didn't seem to care, so you tried not to too.
"hey osc, how are you doing? you've been gone a while." you ask as you turn your head to get a good look at him. his eyes were glassy as he looked down at you with the prettiest smile. you didn't want to admit it but you had missed him a little while he was gone, even though he hadn't even been gone for an hour. you felt a little pathetic at the thought but it got washed away as soon as you heard the words leave his mouth.
"it was horrible! i missed you so much, you're too lovely to stay that far from me" he pouted and it left you speechless. lando let out a loud cackle at his friends drunk words, knowing that he would feel embarrassed in the morning, if he remembered any of this.
you couldn't help but smile at his pout.
"what do you mean you missed me?" you shook your head, even though you had the exact same thoughts. "you weren't even gone an hour?".
oscar looks at you like you just told him you hated watching him drive. his eyebrows raised dramatically on his head as he lets his mouth hang open in shock.
"you didn't miss me back, honey?"
your smile dropped. the butterflies in your stomach swarmed around like the had just learned how to fly. you didn't know if you could deal with oscar all night. a swift exit was looking to be on your cards tonight. you felt yourself heat up under his watchful gaze. but he just sat staring at you, with that same pretty smile. stupid, pretty boy.
"i can show you how much i missed you?" he smirks as he moves his hand over your thigh, bare because your dress length. his other arm wraps itself around your shoulders as he pulls you into his side. his hand resting on the side of your head, to lightly force your head on his shoulder. you didn't protest it and let him do what he felt like.
"oscar! leave the poor girl alone. she doesn't want your grubby hands all over her" george laughs as he pulls you over, closer to him. oscar shoots daggers at him.
"that's my girl you're touching." oscar states, as if it was a well known fact that you were apparently his. your eyebrows raise questioningly as he stands up and pulls you up with him, with a firm grip on your hand. he doesn't even move you far, just to the end of the table where he stands behind you with his arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders. he rests his chin on the top of your head. you feel like you're going to explode.
lando shoots you a knowing look that you ignore. you didn't have time for his nonsense.
the conversations bled into each other as they moved from topic to topic, everyone sipping on drinks of various flavours, while you remained trapped in oscar's arms. not that you were complaining, of course.
in the middle of lando's story about something not as interesting as oscar's arms in front of your face, you feel said arms tighten around you. it forces a breath out of you at the unexpectedness.
you look up at him. "why did you do that? i can barely breathe?" you exaggerate. he doesn't spare you a glance and he mumbles a reply thats too slurred together for you to make it out. you roll your eyes at his antics as you ask him again.
"they keep staring at you." oscar's head tilts towards the big group of people staring in you and your friends direction. you let out a laugh as he huffs.
"don't think they are staring at me, osc. you are a famous f1 driver remember?" you tease as you turn in his arms to face him. it felt so easy to act like a couple, it came so naturally you didn't even have to think twice as you raise your hand to swipe his hair out of his hazy eyes.
oscar shakes his head as he buries it in your neck. "why would they want to look at me when you're here?". the moment you felt him leave sweet kisses in the crook, where his head was resting, you knew you had to get him home before he embarrassed himself anymore.
"think it's time to go, hm?" you ask softly as you feel his nodding response against your skin.
you knew a swift exit was on your cards tonight. but you didn't know it would be with oscar's hand in yours as he whispered to you about how pretty you were. you knew for sure the next time you went out, it would be the same, with oscar on your arm. but this time you really would be his girl.
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
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f1 and f2 enjoyer. | lover of many different musical artists. | avid concert goer. | typical teenage girl.
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
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oscar piastri!
clubbin' lovin' - clubbing with oscar when he drinks a little too much.
oscar x people pleaser! reader - coming soon…
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
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lando norris!
down in the grumps! - reader is a grump and doesn't realise it, until she overhears from her boyfriend's friends.
hands! - coming soon…
down bad! - coming soon…
he likes you!
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
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formula one!
lando norris
oscar piastri
charles leclerc
formual two!
nothing yet…
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 2 months
lando knew he was in love with you from the moment he met you. but if you ever got together and anyone was to ask he would say it was the first time he noticed that he looked for your reaction anytime he made a joke. he knew that you loved making people happy, so to be able to do that for you made him feel worthy of feeling so in love with you.
you stand with lando as he talks to carlos and charles. after all three boys were on the podium in australia they decided to have a post match debrief of sorts, over dinner. obviously you were there. there wasn’t many places lando went without you.
the two ferrari boys greet you happily, not looking one bit annoyed at you crashing their dinner. you give them a happy wave and go to sit down before charles pulls you into a friendly hug, and even gives your cheek a friendly kiss. this didn’t make lando happy, but he decided to leave it be. for now. he would talk to charles about it later.
carlos does the same, wrapping you into a tight hug and whispering into your ear about how lando has attachment issues to you. this makes you laugh as you finally (it took you a little too long, lando thinks) take your seat, next to him.
lando’s smile was beaming the whole night as you crack jokes and tell funny stories. the topic of the race did come up so it technically was the dinner they planned.
lando was in the middle of telling a funny story about a fan at the paddock in australia. as soon as he hears the laughs coming from the other drivers he finds his head whips around to you. his eyes darting around your face in joy as he sees you laugh along to his story.
it wasn’t anything special, you laughing. it’s something he had seen many times, with him always trying to make you smile. but this time. this time it felt different. this time it felt like he was watching you in slow motion. seeing the way your eyes crinkled at the sides as you giggle almost made his heart burst. how did you not know how beautiful you were?
charles asks him a question and lando vaguely recalls hearing it, too busy staring at you like this was his first time (it was not). instead of calling him out on it though, charles and carlos look on with a look of fondness. carlos with a little bit of frustration, as all he wanted was for his friend to finally get what he had been pining after for so long.
as you all recover from the story lando can’t take his eyes off you. he knows he won’t be able to keep this up much longer. but for a little while he just wants to admire you from afar. just while he builds up his confidence to tell you how he feels.
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 3 months
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Glasgow, 14/04
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 5 months
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Yes chef
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 5 months
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 5 months
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704 notes ¡ View notes
lcriedlastnight ¡ 7 months
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Calum at The 5SOS Show Glasgow
3 October 2023 📷 X
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 9 months
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Harry on stage at Murrayfield Stadium - Edinburgh, May 26
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lcriedlastnight ¡ 9 months
Cashton @ The 5SOS Show Tour Chicago - 23 August 2023
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