leezardsnugs · 5 years
God, diaper humiliation is such a rush though…
“Just changed you x amount of time ago and you’re already wet again?”
“You’re such a little baby, sitting in your wet diaper.”
“You don’t have potty privileges. You can sit right there in your diaper and go potty like the baby you are.”
“Show Mommy/Daddy how wet you are baby. Knowing you, I’m sure you’re not dry. You never are for long.”
“No you’re not allowed to change. You’re just a baby. You’re not to be concerned about your little diapies. That’s Mommy’s/Daddy’s job.”
“Time for a diaper check baby. I don’t care if you didn’t go. You’re too little to be able to check on your own.”
“Go put on a diaper, then you can potty. No toilet for my little baby.”
“You’re so fucking wet and you love it don’t you?”
“Put some panties on over that wet diaper. I want every inch of that pressed against you so you don’t forget what a little baby you are.”
“Piss yourself for me, like my little baby.”
“Tell me how much of a baby you are while you press that wet diapie against yourself.”
“Mommy/Daddy is going to go potty in the toilet while you sit there in your little wet diapie like a proper baby.”
“Oh you want to be sassy? There’s goes your opportunity for a change. That’s another hour for you. I don’t care if you leak.”
“Let’s see how much those can hold. I’m sure Mommy/Daddy’s little one can fill those up in no time.”
“No big boy/girl panties today. I think today will be a no potty privileges day for my baby. “
“You’re not a baby? Why don’t you say that to me again but this time press on that soaking diaper between your legs.”
“Aww you leaked? That’s okie sweetheart that’s what happens to babies that can’t control when they potty.”
“You wanna use the big kid potty? Alright go sit on it but keep that diapie on. You can pretend you’re a big kid. Oh no, that’s not what you meant? I don’t care. Go. Now.”
“Go sit on the potty with your diaper on baby. Mommy/Daddy wants to see you try to go like a big kid. Your diaper will hold up, don’t worry.”
“Go put on a diaper. I don’t trust you to keep those pants clean. You’re just a baby after all.”
“Aw sweetie did you have an accident in your diapie? Such a good boy/girl for Mommy/Daddy.”
“That diaper is sagging something fierce baby. Good. Now you look like the baby you are. Sit down.”
“Since you like to not do what you’re told so much, why don’t you just go and pee your little pants. Show me how much of a big kid you are without your diapers.”
“If you don’t want to listen, you can put a fresh diapie on over that one. Then we will see how much you feel like being bratty, hm?”
“I want that diaper thicker. My baby is such a little potty pants, we have to make sure you’re properly protected.”
“You can’t walk properly? Good. You can crawl.”
“You’re squishy? Aw darling that means your diapers are working well.”
“My baby had an accident? Aw aren’t you glad Mommy/Daddy knew enough to put you in diapers?”
“Today is diaper day. No excuses or negotiation.”
“Look at my baby trying to be all tough when you’re sitting there in a soaked diaper. You’re cute when you try to be all big.”
“It’s little time. Diaper on, and pacifier in until Mommy/Daddy says. You talk with it in and you ask permission to take it out.”
“I said keep your paci in. Ten minutes humping that soaking little diaper of yours. Maybe that will teach you to listen to Mommy/Daddy.”
“I think you need a reminder of who owns that cute little tushy. Diapered and in the corner. Time out time. Don’t worry, your diapie will catch all your accidents”
“Yes sweetie, you look very big in those big kid undies. Now stop playing dress up and lets get you in a diaper.”
“Are you trying to hide that you’re wet? Oh silly, Mommy/Daddy already knew you were. Why do you think we asked for a diaper check?”
“I know you’re wet. The question is, how wet?”
“Lay on your tummy baby, and keep your paci in. You need some tummy time.”
“I love my little potty prince/princess.”
“You look so good with that paci in your mouth, why did I ever let you take it out?”
“Is my baby fussy? That’s get that little rush changed and down for a nap. No, you don’t get a choice.”
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leezardsnugs · 5 years
God, diaper humiliation is such a rush though…
“Just changed you x amount of time ago and you’re already wet again?”
“You’re such a little baby, sitting in your wet diaper.”
“You don’t have potty privileges. You can sit right there in your diaper and go potty like the baby you are.”
“Show Mommy/Daddy how wet you are baby. Knowing you, I’m sure you’re not dry. You never are for long.”
“No you’re not allowed to change. You’re just a baby. You’re not to be concerned about your little diapies. That’s Mommy’s/Daddy’s job.”
“Time for a diaper check baby. I don’t care if you didn’t go. You’re too little to be able to check on your own.”
“Go put on a diaper, then you can potty. No toilet for my little baby.”
“You’re so fucking wet and you love it don’t you?”
“Put some panties on over that wet diaper. I want every inch of that pressed against you so you don’t forget what a little baby you are.”
“Piss yourself for me, like my little baby.”
“Tell me how much of a baby you are while you press that wet diapie against yourself.”
“Mommy/Daddy is going to go potty in the toilet while you sit there in your little wet diapie like a proper baby.”
“Oh you want to be sassy? There’s goes your opportunity for a change. That’s another hour for you. I don’t care if you leak.”
“Let’s see how much those can hold. I’m sure Mommy/Daddy’s little one can fill those up in no time.”
“No big boy/girl panties today. I think today will be a no potty privileges day for my baby. “
“You’re not a baby? Why don’t you say that to me again but this time press on that soaking diaper between your legs.”
“Aww you leaked? That’s okie sweetheart that’s what happens to babies that can’t control when they potty.”
“You wanna use the big kid potty? Alright go sit on it but keep that diapie on. You can pretend you’re a big kid. Oh no, that’s not what you meant? I don’t care. Go. Now.”
“Go sit on the potty with your diaper on baby. Mommy/Daddy wants to see you try to go like a big kid. Your diaper will hold up, don’t worry.”
“Go put on a diaper. I don’t trust you to keep those pants clean. You’re just a baby after all.”
“Aw sweetie did you have an accident in your diapie? Such a good boy/girl for Mommy/Daddy.”
“That diaper is sagging something fierce baby. Good. Now you look like the baby you are. Sit down.”
“Since you like to not do what you’re told so much, why don’t you just go and pee your little pants. Show me how much of a big kid you are without your diapers.”
“If you don’t want to listen, you can put a fresh diapie on over that one. Then we will see how much you feel like being bratty, hm?”
“I want that diaper thicker. My baby is such a little potty pants, we have to make sure you’re properly protected.”
“You can’t walk properly? Good. You can crawl.”
“You’re squishy? Aw darling that means your diapers are working well.”
“My baby had an accident? Aw aren’t you glad Mommy/Daddy knew enough to put you in diapers?”
“Today is diaper day. No excuses or negotiation.”
“Look at my baby trying to be all tough when you’re sitting there in a soaked diaper. You’re cute when you try to be all big.”
“It’s little time. Diaper on, and pacifier in until Mommy/Daddy says. You talk with it in and you ask permission to take it out.”
“I said keep your paci in. Ten minutes humping that soaking little diaper of yours. Maybe that will teach you to listen to Mommy/Daddy.”
“I think you need a reminder of who owns that cute little tushy. Diapered and in the corner. Time out time. Don’t worry, your diapie will catch all your accidents”
“Yes sweetie, you look very big in those big kid undies. Now stop playing dress up and lets get you in a diaper.”
“Are you trying to hide that you’re wet? Oh silly, Mommy/Daddy already knew you were. Why do you think we asked for a diaper check?”
“I know you’re wet. The question is, how wet?”
“Lay on your tummy baby, and keep your paci in. You need some tummy time.”
“I love my little potty prince/princess.”
“You look so good with that paci in your mouth, why did I ever let you take it out?”
“Is my baby fussy? That’s get that little rush changed and down for a nap. No, you don’t get a choice.”
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
how much do i have to zoom in on a pic of my elbow before it gets flagged
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
rami malek thoughtfully formulating a sentence fragment
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
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HEY! It’s been a bit, but I was travelling and piece-mealing this first part of a SERIES together. I hope you folkses enjoy the beginning of a pretty neat little story-in-pictures.
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
Wooooaaaah we’re halfway there wooooaaaah
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
A girl I liked convinced me to stab a man, so I did. Felt guilty for a bit, then promptly forgot about it and walked around with the murder weapon for a couple of hours, going about my business, walking my dog. Eventually I was cornered by a plainclothes police officer who asked me why I had a bloody knife; I told him I was looking after it for my bogan cousin. He said, “You’re under arrest,” and I was like,, “No, I’m not, watch this,” and then I woke up.
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
Keep me in Little Space
Ask me what color something is.
Ask me to count your fingers, or how many crayons are out of the box.
Tell me to spell my name, or to read simple things.
Don’t let me pay, or hand me money and tell me to pay like a big girl.
Hang my colorings in your room, on the fridge, or keep one with you.
Take pictures with me in photo booths.
Tell me when I’m doing good, love me still on bad days.
Give me a chore/self love chart with stickers.
Give me snacks and drinks in special bowls and cups.
Keep watch and help me grow.
Pay attention to my dollies and toys with me.
Ask me if I have to potty before we go places, if I say no suggest I try anyway.
Always hold my hand or make me hold your belt loop (or similar) so you know I’m not lost or in the way of cars.
Make sure I’m tucked in and give me a stuffy to snuggle.
Always be honest and straight forward, no mind games. I don’t understand them.
Take me on trips to the park or the zoo.
Don’t let me by hot things like the stove, or sharp things like knives without your guidance.
Build forts with me.
Play with bath toys with me.
Give me a bath, washing everything for me.
Sing songs and read to me.
Be excited I’m your little.
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
Daddy/Mommy/Caregiver Things 😍💟
They make your favorite food after a rough day 😩❤
They chase away the bad dreams and monsters 👻😮
They handle the toughest situations that you are just too little and softhearted to do by yourself 😭😚
They’re your biggest cheerleader or supporter when you set your mind to do good things 😄💖
They keep you safe and guide you if you go astray 😳😝
They help you build your blanket fort with the softest blankies, pillows and stuffies 😁😻
They buy the stuffie you’ve had your eye on but never said anything about when you’re on your best behavior 💝😃
They cuddle you with monster hugs when you least expect it; because they need to feel your love and let you know you are loved by no one more than them 😍😘
They hold your hand when you cross the street, buckle your seatbelt on outings, and order for you when they know your favorites ☺😛
You catch them staring at you, not just because you are beautiful and worthy of all the love in the world, but because they can’t imagine their life without you. They need you as much as we need them, tell them you love them everyday, even when your slightly grumpy 😉😎
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
Yeah I was embarrassing when I was 15 who isn’t. Was also Embarrassing at 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Last week. Yesterday
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
Age Regression Bottle Recipes
Hello everyone! I wanted to share some super simple recipes for drinks that I use to fill baby bottles! Using regular milk is nice, but can get boring, real formula or cream can be unhealthy, and some recipes are too thick to suck through a nipple. So I came up with some simple drinks to replace boring milk! (I don’t include too many hard measurements; these recipes are best made to taste. Everyone will like them best with slightly different amounts of ingredients) 
Angel Milk- Probably the easiest to make with stuff you have around your house. All you need is 12oz of milk or a milk replacement, a tablespoon of sugar, and a splash of vanilla! Combine the ingredients, heat up the drink until it’s warm and that’s it! Very easy for littles to make for themself
Bedtime Kiss- This one needs to be heated up to be quite hot, so be careful! It also tastes best with real, whole milk. Heat 12oz of milk until it starts to foam, around 2-3 minutes. Be careful it doesn’t spill over! Then, mix in 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey and a shake of nutmeg and cinnamon. Make sure you let it cool a bit before putting the nipple on!
Gingerbread House- Santa’s favorite! You’ll need some maple or pancake syrup, a shake of cinnamon + nutmeg + ground ginger, a splash of vanilla, and milk (if you’re using milk substitutes, I recommend hazelnut milk or vanilla almond milk). Heat the milk, and combine all ingredients. You’ll have to mix the maple syrup in well!
Alicorn Magic- This one will make 4-ish servings. Just save the rest in the fridge! This one is a little more complicated so I’ll include measurements. You’ll need 2 cups of milk or a substitute, ½ cup vanilla greek yogurt, 5-10 large strawberries, and 2 cups of frozen blueberries. Just blend everything in a blender until it’s smooth! I find it’s a bit thick for a bottle, so you can add cream/milk/water to it until it’s the consistency you like
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
Boris Groh is one of my favorite artists, mostly because of his works that feature LARGE skeletons just doing their thing
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
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by Good Bear Comics
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
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You’re missing the point. There’s no throne.
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leezardsnugs · 6 years
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the rubber chicken vacuum cleaner
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