legayfuck · 5 hours
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legayfuck · 20 hours
lindsay and her jock!!
wait you thought i meant tyler?
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legayfuck · 1 day
I think that heather and lindsay would've become friends if they were in any other situation. in episode one we see them genuinely get along and relate in the prom queen pretty girl fashion. in most aus, like high school ones, I can see them being genuinely friends. heather would get annoyed by lindsay's idiocy, but they could actually get along outside of a competition setting.
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legayfuck · 9 days
First half of the td warrior cats
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legayfuck · 10 days
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total drama gets it
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legayfuck · 12 days
coraline au. Imagine
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legayfuck · 12 days
DEFEAT THE AMERICANS COME ON WE CAN DO IT!! (posting this when they're sleeping hehehe)
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legayfuck · 14 days
I never really liked duncan until I put him in context with him and courtney being friends which lowkey solved all of my issues. like, I feel like I don't like duncan until he's in the context of friendships bc cmon. the dj geoff duncan trio? duncan and gwen in actions? those were GREAT friendships. I feel like in s3 duncan was rlly just reduced to a cheater without any real substance to his character, and before that ig he never rlly stuck out to me as a good character, so I kinda just hated him. but now like when I think abt his canon friendships I'm like that was kinda iconic. and his enemy-ships, like w harold and courtney and heather. and then the potential for him to work with characters that he didn't get to in canon. I wish he and courtney could have an unlikely frenemy relationship instead of. yk. canon. idk. also I wish he had development instead of just karma. with all that screen time u would think he would amount to smth at the end of the series.
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legayfuck · 14 days
stupid fucking idea that made me giggle like a hyena: after leaving world tour cody goes back and the drama brothers are like "uh this is awkward but you're outta the band. Sorry man" and codys like "what?? why??" and they all shuffle around and look at the ground until justin just goes "sasquatchanakwa is a better musician than you" and cody goes WHAT?????
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legayfuck · 18 days
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legayfuck · 19 days
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Five Layer Brownie Blondies
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legayfuck · 24 days
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im keeping this in my inbox forever. this is never getting answered.
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legayfuck · 24 days
ignore the fact that I have not written any total drama works since. um. probably before february huh. instead, focus on the fact that once my exams r over I might revise some old ones and hope it gets me my motivation back for gts.
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legayfuck · 1 month
“nowen niagara brawls challenge Noah would wear the dress” PUT OWEN IN THE DRESS YOU COWARDS HE WOULD ROCK THAT SHIT /lh
- 👽
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legayfuck · 1 month
I hate Lesharold. I get liking it as a premise but the execution makes me lowkey uncomfortable
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legayfuck · 2 months
13 for ask game !!
What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
GWIDGETTEEEE ^_^ i love them. i keep going back and forth on whether or not i wanna include them in ppp bc the theme of it is friendship but the other theme of it is lesbianism. so like. im at an impass here. ive written wips of them being bffsies and wips of them being exes (lol) but never just like them actually in a romantic relationship. SAD.
alsooo bridgney bc i also love them and to a far lesser extent gwourtney bc im not a true gwourtney head but i Do have ideas bc no gwourtney fics (that ive read) fill My niche.
those are ones on the list but also i like gweather. dunno how id write them
then obbbviously i wanna finish the actual fics im writing currently w the main ships being heathney and mkulia
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legayfuck · 2 months
Wait why don’t you like trans head canons of jo
i figured this one was coming
a big part of her story revolves around the fact that she is a masculine woman, so being all "oh ok so shes a trans man" is soooo strange. there is absolutely 0 canon evidence of her wanting to be a man, and saying she dresses masc meaning her gender must reflect that is enforcing binaries i dont like. she openly hates when lightning he/hims her and that is just straight up gender dysphoria (which cis people can have) and besides, masculine women get such little rep in media its kinda a spit in the face to say she would be better if she was a man. yes trans men obviously also don't get a lot of representation, but neither do any queer people and theres still an agreement that headcanoning canonical queer characters as something else is erasure for someone else.
as for the transfem side of things, i dont have as much as an issue because its not erasing anything it just kinda has less of an impact as a story, or a different impact or whatever. masculine cis women struggling to be seen in a society that both hates women and hates gender nonconformity is not the same as stories of transmisogyny and i just dont think its great to conflate them. there are other characters you could turn transfem if you want to explore those topics. also its very much not humorous when lightning he/hims her if shes a trans woman. Lightning is an idiot sure, but hes not a transphobic idiot. "i can see youre a dude" is like top 5 things you should not say to a trans woman
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