legendheroes · 10 days
Tagiru @ Rui: Why does Lance-san call you 'baby girl' Rui: How about we stop talking for a little while?
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legendheroes · 18 days
Seeing that Taiki's still consistently at the top 3 of scariest mc's,,, How would someone even fare of if they were to make Taiki very pissed off
Oh, it's not about making them angry or something.
I think Takato, Ol man Taichi, Taiki, Daisuke and Takuya are terrifying because:
Takato it's pretty easy to explain because we all witnessed the Megidramon incident in Tamers;
Ol man Taichi is not about making him pissed or because of SkullGreymon -- Taichi is the most charismatic leader type that if he had no goodness in his hear he would've been a big menace just for those traits -- he could easily cause something really BAD;
Taiki is more about that he's a strategist type, also he's a quick learner and there's nothing in canon he cannot learn (until now);
Daisuke is because he's a pragmatic person, and many people seem to sleep on this -- like yeah, sure he does not look terribad and according to Kakudou (the series director for Adv'99 and 02) he lacks malice and the only bad thing in him is that he's not that smart, but watch episode 25 again and you will realize why he's the most terrifying of the 02 kids;
Takuya is because while Daisuke is the kind to cause problems by sheer accident, Takuya is the kind to cause them on purpose. He's nice and friendly, but even canon likes to pin him as "if this kid had no good in his heart he would've been a legit bully type". He's a bratty kid, and i'm saying it with all the love i have for him.
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legendheroes · 19 days
Rank or list who is the the scariest to the not scary at all.
It's basically the "dangerous" list, but with a few tweaks. Like how Daisuke's ranks goes up because he's indeed terrifying (because he's a pragmatic person)
Takato (you know WHY.)
OG Taichi (you also know WHY.)
Taiki (he's basically a strategist + quick learner, if this don't make you scared…?)
Daisuke (people just underestimate how terrifying he is, yeah)
Takuya (yeah.)
Hiro (because of Gulus, not because of him mostly?)
Masaru (mostly CHILL, he rarely look scary??)
Reboot Taichi (he's chill, not a bad kiddo?)
Haru (you do not need to fear Haru. unless… )
Tagiru (lol)
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legendheroes · 20 days
do tai and masaru have that 'i'm not mad i'm just disappointed ' stare? and if they do how good is it, does it make the others scare of them?
Depends. the LXW AU has everyone have the ages they would have in 2011-2012 (except the new protags and reboot Taichi)
Ol' man Taichi, Daisuke and Takato are the ones to be more likely to do that than Masaru. and if you disappoint the ol Taichi you are just making yourself sad.
If you make Daisuke disappointed, you'll be sad too. But he's more dramatic than his senpai.
However Takato... fear him.
If you mean the canon all-series crossovers we see everywhere... I think none are THAT scary. Just, you're making them sad. Yeah. You don't want to disappoint Taichi-san and Masaru aniki, it will make you feel sad for that :(
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legendheroes · 20 days
The incident that was the first time everyone found out about 'that' face of takato.
Nah, it's... y'know... Hunters had... shown what the in-universe peeps see when Takato and Takuya use Matrix/Biomerge and Spirit evolutions respectively.
So yeah. Yeah.
(do not let them know i said that.)
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legendheroes · 21 days
Agnimon is half-purple card again.
C'mon Bandai make me a Takuya card which is both red and purple so i can sketch some "corruption arc" for him, just for funsies.
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legendheroes · 22 days
is just dance allowed or is it another game that you guys aren't allowed to play together?
Daisuke is canonically unable to dance and sing, he has no rhythm and this is hilarious considering that both of his JP VAs... Kiuchi can sing, and apparently Katayama is also involved with music too?
So i guess it would be like that meme of a group watching a kid trying to tie their shoelaces and the kid failing at it to the point of crying.
Except it's Daisuke... trying to follow the game's dancing steps, and failing miserably enough to make the group just to pity him.
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legendheroes · 25 days
if you guys can throw a pie in someone's face without any consequences who will it be?
(Rip Daisuke making pie's then seeing it splattered in someone's face)
Takato and Daisuke are going to commit murder tonight i guess.
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Takato: I agree with Daisuke-san, better you DON'T or else...
Takuya: WHOA, chill guys! Nobody's gonna to smack pies on anyone's faces! It's Imagination time 🌈
OG Taichi: Someone I'd like to smash a pie on their face... I think... Yamato! Just to tease him!
Takuya: Hehe, I'd like to do that with Kouji for the same reason!!
Masaru: No, I'll pass. Food should be eaten, not smashed into people's faces... Unless we were all eating it and I 'Accidentally' shoved Tohma's face in the pie--
R-Taichi: You guys are cruel...
Haru: I wouldn't do that and eat the pie with everyone instead...
Hiro: [nods]
Gammamon [Gulus]: How about we just shove Kiyo's face in the pie--
Hiro: Gammamon, behave.
Gammamon [Gulus]: Geez, we ain't doing it for real, right? Just let me be a mean guy in my imagination--
Hiro: Gammamon.
Gammamon [Gulus]: [sigh] Right, right... I'll stop.
Tagiru: Uhh... Why are we just throwing pies in people's faces?
Taiki: I guess it's like those TV shows where you have to answer a question correctly or else you get a pie in the face.
Takuya: Seriously, guys?! We're just playing a game here! Nobody's going to do it FOR REAL right?? Like, It's not like Daisuke or Takato had baked a pie and are angry because they don't want us to start a food war right now, right?!
Daisuke/Takato: ...
Takuya: Wait... You didn't. Did you?
Daisuke: Well... Nobody asked us if we had a real pie in the kitchen...
Takato: But even if we had one, we wouldn't let none of you eat it thanks to those answers.
OG Taichi: WHAT?! C'mon, guys! We weren't planning to do that in the most literal way!!
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Takato: Did I stutter? No pie for those who would just cause havoc and ruin a decent meal by playing with the food and wasting it like it does not cost a single coin coming from our pockets and hardwork.
Tagiru: M-man, I feel like one day Takato-san will be leading the rank of 'world's biggest menace' and I won't like it... 💦
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legendheroes · 25 days
Are the heroes a dog or a cat person
Both Taichis: Cat (if i remember correctly the reboot also has Miiko in it?)
Daisuke: Hedgehog Both (he once said Chibimon was a cat and the Halloween collab for 02TB had him wearing a werewolf costume so...)
Takato: Dog (Guilmon is basically a big dragon-puppy?)
Takuya: Dog
Masaru: Either, doesn't have a preference
Taiki: Dog, I guess.
Tagiru: Cat
Haru: No preferences, so both.
Hiro: No preferences either, so both.
Rui: Cat, someone is just converting him to the cat life lately...
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legendheroes · 25 days
Sorry i gave Takki depression.
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legendheroes · 25 days
do you guys have rules when it comes to which movie to watch as a together (or for like movie night)?
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anything SFW is allowed.
the adults can't watch certain things if the kids are around (they're all responsible ok)
If Daisuke wants everyone to watch Lilo & Stitch, then... [inner joke from the ol' times of roleplaying w/ friends]
Also Daisuke will argue against you about the Sonic movies nowadays.
Takuya is tired of Tagiru and Daisuke telling him to recite Naruto lines and catchphrases (if you know, you know. )
Taiki can bond with everyone who watches and likes Kamen Rider.
Spooky movies scare the heckie out of Daisuke and Tagiru.
You're NOT allowed to get more than 1 popcorn bucket per digimon partner (Daisuke is the one to take care of the kitchen because he's a licensed and professional cook so yeah. do not mess with him)
Most of them like action/adventure movies.
The digimon is only allowed in the room if they are in baby II (in-training) form. Gatchmon must stay in his mini-hologram chip surfing form as well.
Takuya is still forbidden from evolving into the warriors of Fire for safety reasons.
If you SPOIL the movie, you might face the ire of Takato when you go to sleep that night.
Any commentary about HAL and Haru are forbidden and this rule was created by OG Taichi, Daisuke and Takato because of a certain person (said person had no malicious intents, by the way)
Takato is afraid of letting OG Taichi and Daisuke watch the digimon movies from his world.
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legendheroes · 25 days
Hey, Takuya, I wanna see you and Flamemon hug! I bet you two look adorable together as Partner and Digimon! 🥰
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Takuya: Uhh, no offense... But... I don't exactly have a digimon partner like everyone else here. I mean, he's my partner but he's...
Daisuke: Yourself? I think everyone here sees their partners as--
Takuya: No, I mean literally! Dai, we had this talk before ok?? Agnimon and Vritramon are spirits, and we fought alongside... But they're not able to hug me or uhhh... do things like you and the ones with... physical partners?
Daisuke: Oh... Uh... So ya mean...
Takuya: I can't hug Agnimon, unless I evolve into Agnimon and hug myself but... It will be just so sad and lonely... I guess I can hug a digimon friend like Bokomon or Neemon...
V-mon: Do you want a hug?
Takuya: ... Yeah I want a hug... 😔
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legendheroes · 26 days
How would you guys feel if a kid decided to latch onto you as if you were his brothers? How would feel if that same kid was willing to put his life on the line to protect you and your friends?
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Daisuke: There's always some kids doing that... Right Guys?
Tagiru: Wait, really?
Takuya: Yup, dude...
Daisuke: Like, Takki had met a group of kids like that before.
Takuya: Yup.
Tagiru: Wait... When did this happen?
Takuya: Ok ok, we all were kids so it's a little weird. But there was this group of kids who refused to return home and Ophanimon asked an Angemon to protect them and they simply started acting as some sort of protectors of the Digital World.
OG Taichi: Were they younger than you though?
Takuya: I don't even know their ages! To be honest, I think none of us knew each other's ages... Besides knowing Tomoki was the youngest, and that Izumi was... 3 months older than me I guess? 💧
Daisuke: I mean, you at least knew their school grades, right?
Takuya: Uhh.... I think Junpei was the oldest? He was a 6th grader...? But Not sure about Izumi, Kouji and Kouichi...
Tagiru: But now you know, right? I mean, knowing their ages and what they're doing...?
Takuya: ............. Y-yeah, I do. Haha! Hahaha!
OG Taichi/Daisuke/Tagiru: You still don't know, right? 💧
Takuya: H-HEY!! 💢
※ Takuya is too busy to remember those details, but he definitely is aware that he's younger than Junpei and Izumi, but older than the twins* and Tomoki.
[*Just Ni's headcanon-ish the twins are younger than Takuya, for funsies.]
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legendheroes · 26 days
For research purposes,, I need to know
Who has a vibes of a Disney Princess (gender neutral)
And Who IS a literal Disney Princess(gender neutral)
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I dunno... This is a very very vague term to me, because Disney Princesses have a ton of different traits, right...? Which makes it difficult for me to write the boyos discussing or, a Ni's opinion-headcanon, as response to this question?
(Also it had been ages since i watched a Disney movie, let alone Princess series stuff...)
(Hey followers y'all can help here by dropping a word in the replies, or Reblogs with comments or in the tags... sorry i'm not sure how to answer that orz)
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legendheroes · 26 days
Rank the heroes on how good their sleep schedule is. The highest having the most consistent and god-tier sleep schedule there is and the lowest being needed to knock-out cold just for them to sleep
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Takuya: My sleep schedule is fine.
Daisuke: Takki, do ya have a part-time job or something tho?
Takuya: Of course I have! I’m studying and training to be a professional soccer player after all!
Takato: And you live in Italy now, right…?
Takuya: Yup!
Daisuke: But we’re in Japan right now, so… How can you not get… Y’know, jetlag?
OG Taichi: Uh Daisuke you also travel around the world in seconds and never had that problem before…?
Daisuke: Huh, didn’t I tell y’all? World travel via the Digital World is not that bad… I think.
Takuya: Wait, you asked me a question and won’t even let me answer that?! 💧
Daisuke: Ya know, it’s like… The atmosphere of the Digital World is different from the human world’s atmosphere so the whole jetlag thing doesn't happen that often!
Takato/OG Taichi: Oooh…
Takuya: That makes no sense tho…
Masaru: The question wasn’t about traveling, you’re going off-topic 💧
Takuya: It was Daisuke who started it!!
Daisuke: My question does have to do with the question! Because your body has to readjust to the current time and it might make you feel exhausted or something!
Takato: Oh, that’s right.
Takuya: [muttering] At least no one is asking me why I moved to Italy tho…
Tagiru: Uhh… My sleep schedule is fine! At least now!
Takato: Ah, you had that strange dream every time you fell asleep, right?
Tagiru: Yup! And I couldn’t sleep well, It was terrible.
Daisuke: I think the younger-ones get to have a more balanced and healthy sleep schedule like the older-ones here… [sighs]
OG Taichi/Takato: Haha… 💧
Takuya: Seriously, my sleep schedule is fine too! What’s wrong with y’all?! What’s makin’ the oldies be soooooooooo messed up?!
OG Taichi/Daisuke/Takato: A ton of things, actually…
Tagiru: ? What’s wrong guys?
OG Taichi: A lot, actually. I’m working at a special department for the digimon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there’s a lot of work regarding a certain incident happening back home… You know, big things. And also…
Daisuke: I’ve been stuck for almost a whole year in your and Taiki’s world and I probably got kicked out from my culinary classes, might have lost my internship with a ramen restaurant and…
Takato: Someone said in the future artists will be replaced with AI and then my job as freelancer designer will end up doomed. So I’m concerned that…
Takuya: Wow folks… Could you… lighten it up a little here?
Daisuke: What do ya mean?!
Takuya: I know it’s hard, but… You all need to think about your health first! If you don’t relax a little bit, you might not even find the solution for your problems and it will make you even more worse.
Masaru: He’s right, and you three know it.
OG Taichi: I never expected Takuya to tell us something like that.
Takuya: W-what?! 💢
Daisuke: Hey… Workin’ hard is good but TOO HARD is bad, right? Takki’s right, we need to chill!
Tagiru: The newest heroes from different futures are also fighting their own battles too! We’re their predecessors, we MUST give them a good example!
Takato: Yes, we’re their seniors after all.
Masaru: Alright, but have you seen the other spiky headed kiddo?
Tagiru: You mean Taiki-san?
Masaru: Yup.
Tagiru: Ah, he had some stuff to do and– Oh. You mean HE needed to listen to that lesson too, right?
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Masaru: Yup, because he’s probably the only of the youngest heroes who had screwed up his sleep schedule and is deep down in this rank thing.
Everyone: . . .💧
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legendheroes · 26 days
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This fricker here forgot Hiro's birthday was on May 14.
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legendheroes · 26 days
so is there like a protocol in place if taichi ever learns who is on top of that list?
Bold of you to assume he does not know.
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