lepinedoree · 3 years
Kuzey had asked his guards to keep an eye out for his sister, being the Captain had its perks and he was going to make sure to use it. He had installed enough fear into them that was clear, news came to him right away that Ceyla was seen spotted heading towards the gates of the Avalon City. She enjoyed testing his limits, she always had and most of the time Kuzey turned a blind eye to most things with just a smile of hers, expect for this. Kuzey would not turn a blind eye to Ceyla trying to sneak out of the Spring Court, especially not after the events of the Highwinds Tournament. Even if Spring and Winter were soon to be allies with the wedding approaching, Kuzey did not want Ceyla anywhere that was not safe, even if she was going to see their brother. That was part of the problem, she was going to see Hazar and Kuzey did not want that.  Flying over to the gates right in front of her, a grin spread across his lips at the sight of his sister. “Ceyla, güzel kardeşim, where do you think you are going? Did you just come to admire these gates?”
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A rueful smile tugged at Ceyla’s lips as Kuzey landed in front of her. “I always admire the gates as I pass through them, büyük kardeş,” she informed her brother. “And I am going where my feet and my wings will take me. The better question is how did you think to look here?” Ceyla added, looking around to see if she could catch sight of a potential snitch. In spite of her annoyance, she moved to embrace her brother. “Quickly,” she instructed. “Surely you must be back to your duties. Imagine the trouble your guards are getting into in your absence. Perhaps I ought to pay them a visit myself, and discuss what ought to be their concern and what ought not,” Ceyla suggested. She was annoyed, but even she knew that no matter what Kuzey had done to find out what she was doing was out of concern. 
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Daphne was making her rounds, so to speak. She’d been checking in on spring’s healers. Since the violent ceremony at autumn court, the royal infirmary had been seeing an influx of patients. It was a mixture. There were spring court fae with extensive wounds that they couldn’t heal themselves. Then were other fae whom did not call spring home, those whose home courts aligned or were publicly friendly with spring that had stopped by and waited to be treated by their healers. Finally were humans, regardless of court, that had arrived as well. To say that the royal infirmary was busy would be an understatement.
And so, the head healer joined into the fray alongside those she oversaw. Rank and titles meant nothing, truly, when the lives of others were on the line. She was following up with some of the healers that were able to find slight reprieves into their work day. Daphne knew that the unexpected, new strenuous level of activity would subside. In the meantime, she didn’t want her healers overexerting themselves. In the end, they would suffer and their patients would too. Dark eyes took in the familiar sight of Ceyla in the workroom, likely trying to find a quiet moment to herself and assess the issues of her unfolding day. While Daphne didn’t want to disturb the fragile peace the other fae had found, she did want to make sure Ceyla was okay. “Petal for your thoughts, Ceyla?” She asked as she approached. Gently, Daphne smiled down at Ceyla before she joined her, going to sit in the empty seat beside her. “Pardon me, I’ve not seen to you since we’ve returned from autumn. How are you? Truly. Are you well? What of rest, how are you faring?” Daphne paused, warm brown eyes flickering from Ceyla’s face onto the brief stillness of the workroom and back. When she spoke again, her voice was lower. Softer. “Or your brothers? I’ve not seen or heard of them visiting the infirmary and… well… I wanted to see how you were? If you were tending to any unofficial injuries that you may need help with? Creating treatment plans for them? Anything like that?”
Daphne wasn’t exactly talking of Ceyla’s brothers or family members, in that regard. One thing that she knew was that those that were unable to make the journey to the Avalon Palace and its talented healers still sought them out. Albeit…unofficially. Hell, it was why the head healer offered her services as a healer to orphanages and halfway homes regularly. Not all who needed care could equally receive it.
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A gentle voice brought Ceyla from her thoughts. She flashed a small smile up at the head healer as she seated herself. At the mention of her brothers, her smile fell. Hazar would never come to spring healers, that much she could say with confidence. Ceyla sighed and shook her head. “I’m faring as well as can be expected,” she admitted quietly. “Hazar doesn’t speak to me, but i’m confident that he would allow treatment by winter’s healers,” Ceyla answered dutifully. “I’ve been thinking of traveling to winter to see if he might speak to me,” she admitted. It was easy to confess to Daphne - she was a kind heart, and ceyla doubted she’d say anything to Kuzey. “He hasn’t spoken to me in twenty years now, but perhaps with all that’s happened, things will be different.” It was a long shot, she knew, but how could she help herself? 
“And I pester Kuzey enough, I think he’s well,” she added, tucking her dark hair behind one ear. Perhaps it was out of fear that he would leave her too, but she was relentless in trying to ensure her elder brother was whole and unharmed, even before the melee that happened in Autumn. “No treatment plans, but I’m keeping my home well-stocked with supplies. I think I feel better, knowing that I’m prepared, and that even if he didn’t want to tell me of an injury, he could have what he’d need.” 
It wasn’t difficult to understand the head healer’s meaning, and she shook her head again. “I haven’t had anyone in need of help approach me,” she admitted quietly though she wouldn’t be able to turn anyone away. Ceyla didn’t think Daphne would mind her helping someone, either. “And what of you, Daphne? Have you been able to rest, with everything that’s happened?” Concern shone in Ceyla’s dark eyes as she looked to the head healer, really assessing the other woman’s face. “Here I am rambling about my brothers, when you must be the busiest of us all right now. You are taking care of yourself, yes?”
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Olivier had traveled many places. It was a given as a Benoit. The family had vineyards and quality growers along with a rich network of merchants and others that routinely bought and sold the Benoits’ wine and spirits. But there were few locations that truly made the lesser fae feel like he belonged. As if they, those places, were his home. Whenever he returned to them. His godfather’s gallery, the most renown art gallery within the Jeweled City, was one of those rare locations. He was finishing up his appointment, trusted assistant by his side, with the gallery’s curator. Olivier’s new sculptures were to premiere soon. Which meant that everything had to be perfect for the opening show.
At the sound of a familiar voice, Olivier excused himself and went to join Ceyla as she approached. The talented healer was a dear friend of his. “The changes would be less severe and more easier to accept if you were to visit more often.” He replied, a hint of a smirk on his lips and his broad shoulders lifting in a shrug. “As I’ve been attempting to persuade you to do each time I see you, ma fleur.” Brown eyes glanced down, taking the healer’s expressions in as she spoke. “Someone’s mind or mine?” A breeze of a laugh left Olivier before he continued. Not even offended, if that was her train of thought. “Come now. You know that while I have my ways… my talent is never one that can be overlooked.” The look he wore morphed into one of quiet seriousness. “Why do you say that, Ceyla? That you can’t dream of wonders like this. Is not what you do, the talents that you have not wondrous in their own ways?” He countered easily. “While it’s not art, in a manner akin to this, it’s creative in its own way.”
Ceyla’s quip of his court’s high lord made Olivier chuckle under his breath. “I’m sure he boasts of it. He does enjoy beautiful things. But you’re not here to see him, are you?” The sculptor’s smirk had returned. “…At least, not here.” Muted humor and jest evident in Olivier’s expression as he regarded Ceyla. “You’ve never been there, have you? Aside from his wedding? Let me guess. You dared not wander, did you? Take a few steps in non-permitted areas you shouldn’t be? Not even for the sake of doing so.” A grin touched Olivier’s lips as he tucked his arms behind his back. “Sometimes I’m sure others wonder why we’re friends. But not me. It’s a honor that you entertain my antics. Even moreso my company. Which… what brings you across spring’s border, ma fleur? Was it to simply see me and accept my invitation to spend some time at night and indulge in merriment? Or are you here on business, my lady?”
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“Anyone’s,” the healer clarified with a grin. “The mind of an artist must be a fantastic place. Truly, I could never deny your talent, my lord. I can only imagine the envy your work inspires in those who wish they could be your rivals,” she assured, brown eyes sparkling. “And perhaps you are right,” Ceyla conceded. When Olivier turned serious, the fae bit her lip and looked away. Sure, she could agree that healing was important, but it wasn’t beautiful the way art was. All too often, healing came with an ugly sort of pain that a competent healer could mask, but that’s all it was. A mask that would come off and reveal an awful truth, one way or another.. 
Olivier’s words shook Ceyla from her thoughts, and there was no helping the laugh that cascaded from her lips. “Certainly not, my lord. I can’t imagine what your high lord would want with someone like me,” the fae shot back. A blush colored her cheeks as he continued. He was right, of course, as indignant as Ceyla wanted to be about it there was no way it could be denied. “It was beautiful and if not for the wedding I doubt they’d let me in. It’s a wonder they don’t turn me away at the Deerling’s palace. Besides, imagine if I’d been caught? Kuzey would have been so upset, and Hazar still doesn’t talk to me but I don’t think that would help anything,” she countered. “Other people have less adventure in them than I do,” she joked. Ceyla knew that she paled in comparison to some of her friends, but was gratified that they’d count her as a friend. “And beyond that, your company is a gift and should be treated as such.”
Ceyla flashed a sheepish smile up at Olivier. “Yes, actually, if you’ve some time to spare, my lord. I’m sure you’re very busy these days, but I’d be grateful for your indulgence.”
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Skai had been carelessly letting her mind fill with many different thoughts, at the present. She hadn’t been paying attention herself when someone bumped into her. After already being on edge after the attack, she found herself almost instinctively moving to go for one of her daggers before she realized they had meant her no harm. 
She relaxed for a moment. “I’m okay. No harm at all. It’d probably take quite a bit more than a bump to truly unsettle me or cause harm. I’m fairly durable. That we are. Find me someone that isn’t distracted and I’d say they must have nerves of steel after everything we’ve all been through,” she joked. “I’m Skai by the way.” 
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“Isla, and I think you’re right,” she agreed. “I’m glad to hear that, especially with the way the winds seem to be going these days,” the spymaster admitted. From the wedding to the tournament, disaster seemed to follow wherever Autumn went. “Please, let me get you a glass of wine for your troubles, or some ale,” Isla offered. “There’s a good pub not far from here.” Perhaps the woman would indulge her, and gift her some new perspective. One never knew who they would run into, especially in the aftermath of tragedy.
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Milo smiled at the familiar face bowed his head gently, “it mostly definitely is. Out of the shadows of Kaden for the moment.” He chuckled looking her over and nodding, “you look well. Hopefully you haven’t had to fear too much like I’ve noticed in everyone else.” He swallowed down the thought and sighed, shaking his head. “I know its hard but we’re going to figure everything out. I’m pretty sure now is the first time Kaden has rested, hence why I’m here. Other guards took my place for now so I could get some space for a moment. It has been a heavy toll.”
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Isla flashed a smile up at him. “Fear does little for a spy,” she countered. “I remind my little birds of that often enough.” False confidence would turn into real confidence, given enough practice, she knew. “I’m glad he’s resting. You should find some too, if you can,” Isla advised with a wry smile. “The days will be long and the nights will be heavy,” she murmured as she drew closer. “But like you say, we’ll get through.” Tawny wings flexed behind her as she sighed. “Don’t hesitate to send me away, Milo. I don’t want to intrude, especially when there’s no telling when you will have a moment’s peace again.” 
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Mahina smiled into the hug and at Ceyla’s reaction to the plant she nodded, “I hope you will keep them that way. If not you can bring them back anytime. I’m sure they will do well in Spring though.” She chuckled and nodded, “please do, I love getting them!” Mahina’s lips pursed with a hint of a smile, “I’ve been good, getting better after everything that happened.” She paused to think for a moment before lifting a finger in the air and nodding turning her back to work with some of the foreign herbs and dried things she had found from the previous head healer, “I have some of these and I’ve identified most of them but some are still foreign. If you want to take a shot I would love that, but if not I’m sure we can find something a lot more fun to do.” 
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“Here’s hoping,” Ceyla commented fervently. Removing flora from its home court always felt risky, even for a spring fae. “I’m glad things are getting better. It’s probably too much to hope that things go back to normal, but it’s hard not to want that,” Ceyla murmured as she moved to be beside Mahina. “Sure, I’d love to,” she answered as she reached for an unidentified herb and brought it to her nose. “Should I write them down on a card, or..?” The healer trailed off as she lifted the herb a little more to better examine it. “Let me go through these, and then we should do something fun. What are you thinking?”
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lepinedoree · 3 years
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lepinedoree · 3 years
“I feel prepared... I think.” Alondra bit her lip, and then promptly puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms over her chest in the child-like way she had become known for. Alondra had always been different than the other Thorns and Thorns in training – where they were sultry,  calculated vixens, she had always held an air of naivety that many had doubted would result in a successful spy. Alondra had doubted herself, too, but with elder Nymphs like Idalis encouraging her to use the skills she had been given? She’d thrown herself into making her own form of seduction, and had at long last felt as if she would put them all to shame. She’d been waiting a century to prove to her sisters and her Rose Queen that she was a Thorn – yet as her first assignment loomed over her and the agile young fae flitted about her cottage in preparation, she found herself questioning if she was truly cut out to be a Thorn once more. 
Alondra’s doe-like, golden-brown eyes widened at the mention that the content of the package that Idalis had brought was meant for her, and she couldn’t help the small, excited gasp that left her lips at the prospect of a gift. “Oh, Ida! You didn’t have to bring me anything!” She exclaimed, though she couldn’t help but sneak closer to the place on the table the other Nymph had left it. She folded her arms behind her back – an attempt to keep her lithe fingers from reaching out to touch it – and looked back at Idalis with a soft excitement on her face. “Can I open it? Oh, please? Or do I have to wait?”
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“Good,” Idalis offered simple praise to the younger thorn with a nod. “All we have is our feelings, our intuition. “You will do well, Alondra. Your feelings will guide you,” she promised. Some doubted the younger thorn’s skills, but they were fools. A true thorn was a chameleon, able to channel whatever personality was needed. They all had strengths and weaknesses, and just like every thorn that came before her, Alondra would learn to wield hers. Idalis laughed at the nymph’s exclamation and nodded. “Of course you can open it, Alondra,” she assured the other. 
“I’m afraid your excitement may be misplaced,” she warned, realizing that perhaps something more appropriate than a knife would have been the better choice. Her heart sank - had she already become so twisted that she could mar a first mission with such an ominous start? Of course the answer was yes, and it took all of the training that Idalis had received and perfected to keep her slender shoulders from drooping. “It’s alright if you are disappointed,” Idalis added with a sheepish smile. “I think perhaps I might be losing touch in my old age,” she continued, reaching to tug a dark tendril of her hair. 
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lepinedoree · 3 years
“You do’t have to be alone. I’ve got you. I’ve never seen violence to that magnitude before either. It’s jarring to think that that was what we are reduced to at times when the rules go out the window.” She mentioned being a bother and he shook his head. “You’re not in the slightest. You’re my guest and I want you here.” Jacen had thought about that for a long time. He didn’t truly know what he really needed. “I think I probably just need to process. Maybe some food. I’m definitely tired but I’m not closing my eyes any time soon. To be honest, the fact that you’re here is great. It means I won’t obsess over everything that happened and all of my actions for the rest of the night.” He walked over to his couch, with her still in his hold so they could sit. He pulled her into his lap, and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “We can just process if you’d like. We can talk about it? Or not? We can make some food. I’m okay with anything at this point. Just glad not to be alone.” 
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Idalis sighed at his reassurance. It was nice, and the nymph let herself believe him. It was nice knowing that they were together, trying to process the same thing. “I didn’t think it would be so straightforward to hurt someone,” Idalis confessed quietly as she settled into Jacen’s lap. Sure, the thorn had threatened harm before, but this was something entirely other. “Easy isn’t the right word for it, but it’s the closest I can get,” she murmured, covering his hand with her own and pressing it to her cheek for a moment. “I’m definitely getting the feeling that the next time there’s some big event with people from all over, it might be best to just..stay home,” the nymph joked, though she was half-serious. Idalis put her arms around Jacen’s neck and smiled. “It is much better to be here than to be alone.”
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lepinedoree · 3 years
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Paolo Sebastian | Persephone
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Mahina perked up at the mention of presents and her smile grew even wider at the sight of Ceyla. She chuckled and rushed over to hug the other, “I have been anticipating your arrival! I also have gifts for you.” She smiled, turning back to her table before grabbing two plants, “I thought you could use these, so you wouldn’t have to travel into Cloverwood as often to find herbs. I’m sure I can get you more plants on your next visit but I thought these would be perfect for you right now.” 
She looked at all the things Ceyla had brought her and was enamored with the special gifts from Spring. A smile on her face at each knew herb she saw. “Thank you! It’s been a while since I had Spring herbs here. I try not to travel much so getting herbs from other courts is always a well appreciated gift.” 
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Ceyla beamed as she put her arms around Mahina. It was so good to see the other fae. “Thank you!” she exclaimed, eyeing the plants with interest. “Mahina, they’re perfect! And they look so happy!” While Ceyla’s talents lay more with healing, she still had an affinity for green growing things. ‘Happpy’ might be strange to some, but it felt the perfect way to describe such lush plants. “I’ll try to bring you more on my next visit,” Ceyla promised. “How have you been? And how have things here been?” she asked, curiosity getting the better of her. Spring seemed to be in a flurry of activity, surely the other courts were as well. “Is there anything I can help with, while I’m here?”
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lepinedoree · 3 years
“It would definitely take some convincing,” Gemma let out a small laugh at the thought. “Classy. I like it. And if we need refills, we’re in luck. It wouldn’t be my office if it didn’t come with its own personal bar cart reserved for occasions like these,” She teased. A bittersweet smile finding its way across her lips as she reached over and took the glass from that of the spy-master. 
“It’s not exactly been a picnic, I can tell you that. Any ideas of how to spill the story to our allies to make our image look, well, not as bad as it seems?” She asked with a quirk of her brow followed by a deep sigh. She knew the courts would always talk, but between the murder of one of their own at the Beaumont wedding to the attack during the Trials, the great of warriors of Autumn’s reputation was going more and more downhill with each passing day and try as she might, there was only so much spilling the royal advisor could do to the story. “Oh! I have whisky and rum and vodka and a number of other spirits. So, pick your poison?” She offered up, sliding open the bottom drawer of her desk as she pulled out a few different bottles.
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“I can do that every now and again,” she teased, knowing full well she’d be the first to drink from the bottle under circumstances such as these. First, the courtier murdered at the wedding, now night’s high lord...Isla’s lips twisted at the thought of selling the story. “I don’t think saying the high lord of night was stupid enough to let a human get the jump on him is what you’re after, but it’s what I’d go with.” The spy master shrugged - there were many good reasons she wasn’t a diplomat. “Besides, the human didn’t just get through our defenses, mind. They also got past the best warriors every court has to offer, so it seems we’ve all some shortcomings, though that did not come from my lips,” she added. 
“You always have been my favorite,” Isla sighed before taking another sip of the wine. “Better yet, let’s us plot how to ferret out the little rats. Or figure out why they seem so desperate to connect us to Night, of all courts.” The spy master shook her head, not sure if she’d prefer to be mixed up with a different court.       
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lepinedoree · 3 years
@lepinedoree​ (Tidus & Idalis)
There was an influx of guests at the Coral Palace that morning. With the Summer Court sitting relatively safe compared to several of the other Courts in Astralis, all manner of visitors had been flooding the royal estate looking to appeal to the High Lady, it seemed. Artists from Night, merchants from Autumn (which Tidus had to admit was a bold move to make), and any number of minor lords and ladies in between swarmed the halls swathed in their finest attires and bearing the kinds of gifts worth more than his year’s salary. 
The sudden influx of strangers meant that Tidus was busy juggling two roles that day, keeping an eye peeled for potential threats against the High Lady’s life and ensuring that these delegations were well-attended. There was, apparently, some sort of advantage to be gained by currying favours among the nobility, even if the High Lady wouldn’t deem them worthy of her attention. He didn’t entirely understand what the point was, but then again, it wasn’t really his job to worry about the little details. All he really cared about was making sure the heart-stopping nymph who had waltzed through the palace doors was happy with their hospitality.
“My apologies, Miss. Her Grace is entertaining a full room at the moment, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait to seek an audience with her.” Much to his credit, he had managed to stick to the script that he was given without getting tongue-tied. “But as a sign of goodwill, I’ve been instructed to see to it that you’re satisfied with your stay here.” Tidus smiled broadly, his stance relaxing now that the formalities were essentially out of the way. “So, my lady, how would you best like to be entertained? A walk in the garden? Tea by the pavillion? I also know my way around a deck of cards if you want to see some human magic tricks. What would please you?” 
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In truth, Idalis wasn’t all that concerned with actually being seen by the high lady. Even if she were kept waiting, there would be ample excuse to wander the grounds in waiting to be seen. And if she were dismissed, perhaps an excuse or two to remain within the walls would be feasible enough. With the chaos seeming to beget Night, Autumn, Spring, and Dawn, visiting Summer was an easy enough decision. Best to see what the more stable courts were doing in this time of change. And who had a stronger grip on their rule than Liling Li Liu?  The nymph waited her turn, and when the handsome guard informed her of her temporary fate, the thorn nodded in understanding. “I imagine many wish to see her grace these days,” she speculated, though disappointment furrowed her brow. Idalis mirrored the guard’s expression, her lips tipping up when his did.She brought her dark hair over one shoulder as she tilted her head. 
“I think you’ll find it’s quite easy to please me,” Idalis teased with a wink. “May I be quite demanding? Tea sounds lovely, but I’m not familiar with human magic. Please, you must tell me all about it. Is it very difficult?” the thorn asked, hoping he might be easily persuaded to leave his post. A guard would know all manner of interesting facts, and if in the mood to show off in one way, might well be convinced to show off in others. “Oh, but it must be so tiring, to always be seeing to her grace’s visitors. It wouldn’t be too much trouble, would it?” Idalis’ doe eyes were inquisitive as she studied the man’s face. With luck, he’d continue to be as agreeable as he seemed.
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Damien + Ceyla
Being out for a run at his home court was always exhilarating. The winter chill felt normal to him, as his body was acclimated to the colder climate. The run always served to clear his head. It was his favorite morning routine just before his days were filled with his hectic schedule and anything that popped up unexpectedly. As his run had wound down, he caught sight of a friend. “Well if it isn’t Ceyla The Beautiful here at Winter. I won’t be so vain as to think you’re here to see me, but I will attempt to be just a little selfish and attempt to take up some of your time if you have any free? Maybe we can find something exciting to get into?” 
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Winter was enchanting as ever, looking as though someone had generously dusted everything with powdered sugar. While she was never quite prepared for the chill, Ceyla couldn’t help but be enamoured with the snow-covered land. And in the sunlight, she knew everything would change from a sugared wonderland to a brilliant, jewel encrusted landscape. Impossible to resist, she found herself wandering around in the morning sunlight. The healer laughed as Damien made his presence known. “Be as selfish as you’d like,” she teased with a smile. “I’ll have all the time in the world while I’m here, I’m sure. It’s your schedule that we’ll need to work around. I imagine you’re quite busy these days, no?”
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Alondra needed to pack – she was in somewhat of a scramble, now, tittering around the cottage she shared with Melody. Her dragonfly wings were fluttering humming-bird fast, her dainty feet several inches off the ground as she struggled to find her favorite silk dress. The cottage itself was petite, but with the two young nymphs having freshly moved into a place of their own – Alondra at long last graduated and no longer living with her mother – but it was still… slightly unorganized, overflowing with freshly cut flowers and clothes sprawled around the room.  Alondra’s toes touched the ground as she finally found the dress in question, a beautiful piece that had been crafted as if it was made from the very essence of a river, embroidered with little lily pads and hidden creatures like koi fish and frogs if you looked close enough. When she wore it, the fabric flowed like water over her olive colored skin – if she was going to properly seduce someone, it would be with this dress. 
But even as her bare feet touched the ground, the lifted once more, and she flitted across the room instead of walking, too excited – and a little anxious – to let herself stay on the ground long. How could she possibly walk when her heart felt like flying? With her assignment only days away, there was too much to do.
Alondra barley heard the door open, but when she turned, her doe-eyes brightened with glee at the sight of Idalis – a wonderfully, beautiful older Thorn whom she considered a mentor and looked up to endlessly. Without her help – as well as a few others – Alondra was sure to have never fit in, nor had the confidence to do her work in her own special way. The bond between the nymphs was as coveted as the guardian animals of each Court, and Idalis was no different.
“Ida!” Alondra chipped excitedly, fluttering over to the door to greet her. “Oh – gosh, the place is a mess. If I’d known you were coming by, I would’ve cleaned up a little bit. There’s just so much to do, and I have to figure out what else to bring – well, you’ve had plenty of assignments. Will you help me pack? Please?” Alondra poked her bottom lip out, at long last settling to the floor and folding her dragonfly wings behind her, her eyes going round and puppy-like as she clasped her hands under her chin to beg the more seasoned woman. “And – oh! I’m being rude, huh? Mother always gets on to me that I should treat guests better. Would you like something to eat? Or drink? And you can set that down on the dresser, too, if you’d like!” 
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Idalis laughed, feeling light in a way the garden rarely elicited from her. Alondra’s excitement was infectious, and it was good to see someone excited about the work that seemed to make her feel less connected to who she was. The early days were all excitement and adventure - important experiences for any thorn. “Of course, dear one. I’ll help you with anything you need. Don’t worry over the state of things here, what’s important is your being prepared for everything,” Idalis continued as she set the box down where Alondra had instructed.
“I’m alright, and that’s for your mission too, so don’t forget to pack it as well,” the older thorn cautioned. Especially with everything that had happened, a dagger that fit well on a thorn’s thigh would be a necessary evil. “Now. Let’s see what you’ve packed so far, yes? Then we can see what you’re starting with and go from there. I’m sure you’ve covered all your bases, but I think I packed my things and unpacked them four times before my first mission.” And even then, she had packed too much, the thorn recalled fondly. Perhaps she’d be able to keep Alondra from doing the same.
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lepinedoree · 3 years
Isla + Jakovan @lepinedoree​​
The royal advisor had returned to autumn. If only for a brief visit. With those dear to him safe, including his own family and close friends, Jakovan had his duties to return to. The journey from winter to autumn was short and while unexpected, he knew that it wasn’t a true surprise as an ally to see about the aftermath within autumn. One of his first stops was checking in on a political ally and friend of his, Isla Njeri. 
No appointment made, Jakovan wasn’t upset as he calmly waited his turn to see her. “Isla,” He greeted after he was led into her office inside the castle. “I’m happy to hear that you’re safe. That most here were. That’s good news.” It was. While the resistance declared war on all fae, Jakovan had noticed that two particular courts were the common factors for when the humans decided to incite violence so far. …Night and autumn. Winter shared a border with both. But only one had the frost kingdom aligned itself with. So it didn’t matter that Isla was a spymaster and he was an advisor, or that neither of them were war generals. It would’ve been foolish for Jakovan to not speak with her. Perhaps there was even knowledge to be shared. Among allies, of course. 
“I come to you both as an ally and a friend. Have you had any updates? Not betraying informants but… have any of them found out anything? Has any intel bore out valuable information?” Jakovan had seen the high volume of guard presence, by all courts present for the trials. Allegedly, every single unit stationed regardless of court allegiance were vigilant in their watch. Yet, he knew there had to be a leak. Or several. The humans and their sympathizers clearly operated in a hidden network. “I’m not pointing fingers. Or blaming anyone. Just…” He trailed with a sigh, not wanting to finish his thought. Of how one attack at a wedding reception was an unexpected surprise. Another onslaught wherein the previous high lord of the same court where the first murder occurred was then stabbed was not a coincidence. It was revealing a possible pattern and plan. Hell, a possible third attack, would cement what Jakovan could readily foresee, the more his mind lingered on it. A war. The very one the humans demanded after murdering an autumn fae at the beginning of this. “How is your court doing? Dealing with this. Is there any way that winter can help?” 
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When Isla heard that Jakovan was there to see her, her heart dropped. No one was harder to face than Kaden in the light of the collective failure, but their allies were a close second. When she had finally freed up enough to be able to see him, she stood and waited for him to be escorted into her office. “Jakovan,” she murmured, equally cordial though she couldn’t help but distrust his comment and friend...this was not a time for friends and Isla knew it. She waited for him to finish and simply nodded before gesturing to a seat. “I appreciate you coming. Can I offer you a drink while we talk?” She wandered to a cabinet at the back of her office and opened it to reveal an assortment of wines and spirits. She’d been deeply considering something on the stronger end of the spectrum before she’d been informed of an unexpected visitor. At least it was Jakovan waiting for her.
Isla was grateful for the winter fae’s tact - his was the most polite interaction she’d really had all day. “They are angry. They want war..but let us be honest. The rebellion is equal parts phantom and physical, and they change far too quickly for my liking. Perhaps you might indulge me?” Isla crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head to study the fae before her. If anyone would have insight to her troubles, surely a court advisor would. “Tell me..what do you make of their trying to make autumn and night mix? It would seem to me that water and oil might mix better.” And yet, here they were. To what end, and could she and Jakovan guess?       
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lepinedoree · 3 years
It would be easier if pieces of himself, did not live on beyond the edges of Avalon City. The golden warrior that fell to the hands of Newblood and his ghouls, ought to be forgotten. It’s precisely what Hazar wished for himself. To die valiantly, rather than to live on. But live on, he did, and while most of him had become awash… There was remnants of the man he once was. The brother, the best friends, the devout resident of Spring Court - he lived on behind the marred expressions and single-minded chase for success. It’s a reality brought forth, by the familiar sound of Ceyla’s voice emanating throughout the castle fields. A blanket of snow covering the expansive greenery, as the Valentina’s soldiers and knights fell in after a ride through the Capital.
The call of his name is not directed to him, but a like-featured soldier of similar build. His wings shrouded and concealed by the snow, prompting his sister’s call. When the soldier turns back, brows fussed at his sister’s, Hazar watches as the tentative and spry new recruit slowly places his grasp on his sword. “She was speaking to me.” Hazar cuts through the tension from across the way, blinking as the snow concealed his vision. His approach is steady, using his wings to reduce the necessary weight on his prosthetic. Stopping a solid few feet away from her, and her unmistakable face. Once his favorite, and now the embodiment of all that had been lost.
“You should not be here. See yourself home, Ceyla.”
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Ceyla’s heart sank when the soldier turned. He was quite handsome, and under other circumstances she might try to flirt with him. She watched with wide eyes as he reached for his sword. The healer kept his gaze, squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin. The petite fae glared at him, silently daring the soldier to draw his sword against her. She would fight this man, then make him tell her where Hazar was, sword or not. When Hazar’s voice cut through the staring match, her head whipped around. Her dark hair flew around her head as she looked to her brother. Her eyes lit up at his familiar face, one etched into her memory and her heart. “Hazar,” she repeated, a smile gracing her features as she approaches.
He was not pleased to see her, but she was elated. Ceyla closes the distance between them, holding her hands out, palms up and ready to hold his. She wouldn’t touch him, but she has to try. Her face falls - the healer knows better than to expect a happy reunion, but she had hoped for something better than him telling her to go home. “Not true,” she counters. “You are my brother. I belong where you are, even if I have to split my heart in two and leave half here in Winter while the other remains in spring,” Ceyla informs her older brother firmly. “Now please, I have come to beg you to see me, to talk with me. Please Hazar, I miss you, I worry for you..please, speak with me.”
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