lesbioniclepod · 4 days
Mentally I am here
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lesbioniclepod · 8 days
Episode 10: Detransition, Toa
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A Weird Wal-Mart Parking Lot To Die On
Ceiling-Based Horror
Explaining Cannibalism To Children
Takua is June Egbert
Maria Dahvana Headley Bionicle
Nuju’s Bird Slur
Onewa’s Hands-Off Parenting
Baby’s First Themes
Tumblr Sexyman Vakama
Pohatu Du Bois
The New Canadian Armed Forces Insignia (⁠The logo⁠)
Would The Toa Mata Survive The Terror?
Why Are You, As A Toa-Hero, Looking At Other Toa-Heroes’ Biceps?
Jordan Peterson’s Muppet Brainbent
Kopaka/Pohatu Danmei
Meditations on the Nature of Experience
Whenua Being a Good Teacher
Wii Sports Bionicle
Emma gets put in a Jayeazy situation
Detransition, Toa
Do Bionicles Take Baths?
Further Reading:
⁠Transformation, Horror, Eros, Phyrexia⁠
⁠A Machine For Gender
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lesbioniclepod · 19 days
Shoutout to @lesbioniclepod for reminding me about Whenua's kraata collection
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It's really hard to imagine the other Turaga both knowing about and being okay with Whenua maintaining a collection of live Kraata that size. And yet, apparently the others contributed to the collection by catching Kraata in secret over the years and then presumably giving them to Whenua to be put in storage.
And I'd find it hard to buy that the Turaga would think that literally all the Kraata had to be stored in stasis and that killing them was not an acceptable option. Especially since none of them expressed objections to killing Visorak back in the day.
So, my guess is that the other Turaga let Whenua keep a collection of them in stasis so that they could be studied and better understood....
...but his siblings may not have been aware of the exact size of Whenua's collection.
I can imagine him telling the others that they ought to have at least one of each kind of kraata preserved in stasis. This seems fairly reasonable to the others. By kinds, he means kinds of power, right? How many types are there? Eight? Ten? Not more than a dozen, surely.
When he insists that nobody kill any kraata until he's had a chance to look at them and make sure he hasn't already got one of them, they begrudgingly accept that. Alright, they think. But this one's insect control, didn't you already have one of those that Matau caught for you a few years back? At which point Whenua admits that when he says "One of each kind", he's referring not just to breed, but also developmental stage. Alright, they think, he's the expert.
None of the others particularly want a lecture on all the gory details of how Kraata develop, which is of course what they'll get if they try to argue with Whenua. An evil slug wouldn't have that many stages in its life cycle anyway, would it? Two or three maximum, surely.
So the others are thinking Whenua has maybe two or three dozen Kraata stashed away somewhere safe. It wouldn't be good if they were released, but they could handle it if they had to.
Whenua, meanwhile is starting to think he should start a backup collection in case something happens to these specimens. He hasn't lied to his siblings... he said at the beginning that they should have at least one of each kind, and they agreed! So a few backups would be allowed. Maybe three or four of each should be sufficient. Or... five? Hmmm.... he doesn't really trust the number five. Six. Everyone likes the number six!
That's how we ended up here...
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lesbioniclepod · 21 days
Shoutout to @lesbioniclepod for reminding me about Whenua's kraata collection
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It's really hard to imagine the other Turaga both knowing about and being okay with Whenua maintaining a collection of live Kraata that size. And yet, apparently the others contributed to the collection by catching Kraata in secret over the years and then presumably giving them to Whenua to be put in storage.
And I'd find it hard to buy that the Turaga would think that literally all the Kraata had to be stored in stasis and that killing them was not an acceptable option. Especially since none of them expressed objections to killing Visorak back in the day.
So, my guess is that the other Turaga let Whenua keep a collection of them in stasis so that they could be studied and better understood....
...but his siblings may not have been aware of the exact size of Whenua's collection.
I can imagine him telling the others that they ought to have at least one of each kind of kraata preserved in stasis. This seems fairly reasonable to the others. By kinds, he means kinds of power, right? How many types are there? Eight? Ten? Not more than a dozen, surely.
When he insists that nobody kill any kraata until he's had a chance to look at them and make sure he hasn't already got one of them, they begrudgingly accept that. Alright, they think. But this one's insect control, didn't you already have one of those that Matau caught for you a few years back? At which point Whenua admits that when he says "One of each kind", he's referring not just to breed, but also developmental stage. Alright, they think, he's the expert.
None of the others particularly want a lecture on all the gory details of how Kraata develop, which is of course what they'll get if they try to argue with Whenua. An evil slug wouldn't have that many stages in its life cycle anyway, would it? Two or three maximum, surely.
So the others are thinking Whenua has maybe two or three dozen Kraata stashed away somewhere safe. It wouldn't be good if they were released, but they could handle it if they had to.
Whenua, meanwhile is starting to think he should start a backup collection in case something happens to these specimens. He hasn't lied to his siblings... he said at the beginning that they should have at least one of each kind, and they agreed! So a few backups would be allowed. Maybe three or four of each should be sufficient. Or... five? Hmmm.... he doesn't really trust the number five. Six. Everyone likes the number six!
That's how we ended up here...
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lesbioniclepod · 22 days
Episode 9: Processed Bionicle Podcast Product
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Podcasting Tea
Podcast Sacrifices
Lime Plastic Disease
Do Matoran Make Straw?
Toa Kiryuu
I’m Taking the Bohrok Away Until You Guys Calm Down
Not a Hoax, Not a Dream, Not an Imaginary Tale!
Autistic Queen Gahlok-Kal
Onua’s Homophobic Moment
Emma Shares Lewa’s Kink
Bohrok School (We realized after recording that it's chronologically possible that tunnel-based artist Jordenn Yo from Christopher Priest's The Islanders is named after the Krana Yo. This is mostly Nausicaä doing a propaganda post for The Islanders.
The Fascinations
Three-Minute Utena Digression
Metru Nui Samizdat
Sterling Silver Krana-Kal
Your Inner Child Would Die in a Dahlian Morality Tale
Backpack For His Kanohi
Bionicle Lore Angel of Conception
The Bohrok-Kal Make Shitty Puns
Processed Bionicle Podcast Product (American Cheese tutorial)
Wu Wei
Bionicle-Ass Art
The Bionicle Definition of Life
Mata Nui’s Malicious Nephews
The Unstoppable Bohrok Kaita Kal
“What the Fuck, Tahu, That’s the Vahi!”
The ULTIMATE Bionicle Bash
Takanuva Christology
Our Apologies to the People of Denmark
Makuta’s Wonderful Large Sons
Guuhrak’s Job at Apple
Six-Guy Clusters
Weak Point Powers
Homoerotic Makuta Narration
The Vore Rahkshi
Velveteen’s Posting Crimes
Makuta’s Commitment to Being a Sicko as Evidenced by the Rahkshi Life Cycle
Whenua’s Fucked-Up Rahkshi Wall
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Wet
Emma Has a Genuine Faith Moment Thanks to Kopaka
The Parents of the Bionicle Sweepstakes Winners
The Infinite Likability of the Christ Figure
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lesbioniclepod · 1 month
Episode 8: the Onclerfication of Makuta by the Coward Lesbionicle
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Episode recorded in May 2023, last of the backlog episodes
Bionicle Spaghetti
WesternQuick-Draw Duels in Movies
Dock and Ball Torture:
Naus Explains Docking Fetish
Socket Ball Torture
Gay Makuta
Cyberpunk Cowboy Setting
A Serious Discussion of Misogyny in Fandom and Media
Do Bionicles Make Bullets?
A Libertarian Walks Into a Kane-Ra
Johnny Bravo Meets a Futakuchi-Onna
Tom of Po-Metru
Shrouded in Mysteries
Another Fucking Fetch Quest
A Surprise Appearance From the Kanohi Vahi
The Bohrok-Kal Are Assholes
Stuck To Mata-Nui
Can Bionicles Go Into Shock?
The Sonic Shield of the Kohrak-Kal
The Friendship Fusion
Meditations on the Draft
The Bohrok-Kal Concept of Fun
Lathing A Way More Interesting Mata Nui/Makuta Yaoi
Fish Sauce Linguistics
Is The Kanohi Vahi Conscious?
Overwhelming Power
The Family Gom Jabbar
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lesbioniclepod · 2 months
Episode 7: The Mata Nui Online Game but the AI is Self-Aware
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(episode recorded in May 2023, as the incredibly topical British monarchy jokes will show)
Breakroom 95 Theses
Charles’ Coronation
Regular Hessian vs. Canadian Revolutionary
Taipu and Nausicaä Experience the Beauty of Le-Koro
Blue Mask Gender Thesis
it is with heavy heart that I must announce: we did not do an “of course you have a blue mask and pronouns” joke, but we should’ve.
Kongu Backstory
Gukko Piloting
Dinotopia Reminisces
the skybax rider game has later been confirmed to be a dream
Lewa’s Calm Me Down From Possession Kink
Taipu’s Transgender Allegory
Spraying Kids With The Podcast Hose
Tren Krom Mind Break
The Toa Mata Hold An Intervention
Nac Mac Feegle Gender vs. Matoran Gender/Tiffany Aching’s Bionicles
Nokama’s Vtuber Gimmick
Makuta and the Franklin Expedition
we have now both since watched the terror
Do Bionicles Cook?
The Ultimate Question
Bionicle Amaat
We Learn About the Great Spirit
Incredible Crab Violence
Maryland v. Maritimes
Canceled For Crab Crimes
Kinnie Nui
Moushley and Stuart Little
Tantalizing Glimpses of Bionicle Cuisine
The Jeb Bush of Mata Nui
Crab-Based Horrors Within Our Comprehension
Trans-Supportive Whenua
Kapura Autism Powers
The Chronicler’s (Autistic) Company
Disquisition on Bionicle Yuri v. Yaoi
Every Matoran And Also Nausicaä Is Gay For Gali
Live Reporting From The MNOG Trenches, 1:51:00 to 2:01:30
Thigh Gaps, But Not In The Way You Think
Bionicle Philosophy
Makuta Is Medium-Aware
We Both Get Really Emotional About The End Of MNOG
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lesbioniclepod · 2 months
Episode 6: I went to Po-Koro and all I got was this lousy rock
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Not April Fools, we are actually back. for real. (The episode was recorded April 2023)
Topics of discussion
Emma’s Pronouns
Political Cave Paintings
Bohrok 9 and Toa Sisko
Spades Flirting
Nausicaä’s Nuva Cube
Bohrok Reparative Justice
The Bohrok-Kal Know The Roman Alphabet
Of Course You Have Nuva Armor and Pronouns
Humanstuck Kopaka/Kopaka Initiative/Kopaka Big Naturals
Bionicle Eggs
Game Udders
*Palpatine voice* I love video games.
Makuta: A Scary Rock
Tahu’s Footprints On The Beach
Nausicaä’s Underground Experiences
Po-Koro Souvenirs
Onu-Matoran iPad
Bionicle Power Bash Chicken Strips
Mata Nui Economics Returns
Crab Polish
The Bottoms of Po-Koro
Bed Hardness Discourse
Po-Koro Deals With COVID
Waiting For Pohatu; AKA, Naus Gets Lost In A Video Game
God’s Skin
Ta-Koro Jazzercise
The Takuafication of Harry Dubois
Early Film of Pohatu
Takua’s Horoscope
Naus Enjoys A Mine
The Hit The Bricks Pohatu
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lesbioniclepod · 3 months
(Desperate acts of Capitalism voice) Big Things Are Coming
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lesbioniclepod · 3 months
LesBionicle is the internet's premier sapphic Bionicle recap podcast
Listen as a lesbian and a bi woman re-read/watch/play the media published for LEGO's early 2000s-2010s Bionicle toyline, and talk about what the heck was going on with these weird little LEGO guys
Listen on Spotify or iTunes!
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Your illustrious hosts:
Emma, the lesbian (She/her or ze/zir @library-seraph) Nausicaä, the bi trans woman (She/her, @shipburner)
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