letterstoleia · 8 months
#degrassi #stormtrooper #pat #joey 
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letterstoleia · 2 years
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letterstoleia · 2 years
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letterstoleia · 2 years
Watch "SADDEST DAY EVER" on YouTube
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letterstoleia · 2 years
Watch "SADDEST DAY EVER" on YouTube
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letterstoleia · 2 years
Watch "Johnny Depp’s lawyer points right at Amber Heard and yells the truth #johnnydepp" on YouTube
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letterstoleia · 2 years
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letterstoleia · 2 years
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letterstoleia · 2 years
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letterstoleia · 2 years
My name is Angie (my friends call me aeroangie, from My love of the band Aerosmith).  I'm 45 years young, and I'm a badass warrior/spoonie. 
I have endometriosis,  diverticulitis,  colitis,  fibrosis, ptsd, anxiety, depression,  chiari malformation and drum roll please now currently battling bacterial meningitis.
I had brain surgery march 29th and have been in hospital since March 14th. My legs and feet stopped working and I would just fall to the ground.  A mri showed 3 spots on my back. A deteriorated disc, slipped disc's and a syrinx (chiari problem).  A surgeon came in to say he wanted to fix the problem asap. I agreed to spinal fusion as I had no date yet for brain surgery.   
I was admitted to hospital (already waiting for over two years for the decompression surgery) then the neurosurgeon called me with the new surgery date.  It had been pushed too many times because of covid and my OG surgeon had to quit his practice due to having a brain tumor. So this meant no spinal fusion yet. 
I only was in the hospital for 3 days after brain surgery  before being transferred back to this one.  They all said I needed to have spinal fusion if I wanted any feeling in my legs/feet. But I  started to feel unwell and wanted the pee bag out because I was worried about an uti.   They removed the cathader and immediately I started feeling better.  No more chills or fever.  But I really didn't want to have the spinal surgery so soon after.
The next few days I was feeling off but knew I wasn't doing much in hospital but told the nurses about a rash that appeared all over my body.  After mentioning it to the floor doctor a few times, he gave me cream.  
I woke up Tuesday morning with a blinding headache that nothing touched the pain.  I was crying so badly that I started to vomit.  A team of nurses and iv techs all tried to get blood work unsuccessfully.   
The next day the pain was full blown out unbearable.  I couldn't see, eat, drink or talk.  I needed blood work still but nobody could get it. The doctor ordered a picc line. In the meantime I was basically unconscious.   I could hear things but could only moan in pain. I had a CT scan done, picc line put in, then a scary lady came in from infections diseases control to say they thought I had meningitis.  I was so confused.   How could I have this?  That's for kids.  I went for a lumbar puncture to confirm I had bacterial meningitis.   Later that same day my stitches git out  and I had mri done.  They started antibiotics before all the testing and that's what saved my life.
I spent 2 days in and out of consciousness and trying to keep my husband up to date on what was going on.  I Also needed to talk to our son.  I was afraid to die  and wanted to make sure he knew I loved him.  The lumbar puncture had me on strict bedrest  which also meant no visitors.
Eventually my head pain and neck pain improved.  I stopped throwing up. Fever had been 104 at one point (39.9) and it was back to reg temps.  Of course my neck is still painful where they're moved parts of the bone. But it's controlled with  antibiotics. 
It's been less than a week and I still have some meningitis symptoms but antibiotics are working.
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letterstoleia · 2 years
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letterstoleia · 2 years
Chiari Malformation Awareness T Shirt Chiari Warrior NFTW - Gildan Unisex T-Shirt
Look what I found on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/677687894/chiari-malformation-awareness-t-shirt?ref=var_v1_share
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letterstoleia · 2 years
your sweet voice haunts my mind.
I see your face in my dreams at night,
Your visit is always sweet and kind.
Although you are not with us at this time
I feel your energy; A warmth like sunshine.
I remember how you gave your motherly advice
And your casual conversation was always nice.
Sometimes I feel lost without being able to tell you
Hello or Goodbye.
I feel like there’s nothing left to do but cry.
But I know you would want me to stay strong
I dry my tears and fight to move on.
But still missing you;
Reality creeps in and I think of good times
We miss you but we have to go on with our lives;
I get lonely knowing we will forever be apart
But your memory lives on and will always be in our hearts.
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letterstoleia · 2 years
Watch "Chiari Update" on YouTube
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letterstoleia · 2 years
My name is Chiari and I am an invisible chronic illness. I am now velcroed to you for life. Others around you can’t see me or hear me, but YOUR body feels me. I can attack you anywhere and anyhow I please. I can cause your hea...
d to explode and your vision to dim.
Remember when you and Energy ran around together and had fun? I took Energy from you and gave you Exhaustion. Try to have fun now! I also took Sleep from you and in its place gave you Brain Fog - Confusion and Disorientation.
I can make you dizzy and sick; fill your ears with constant noise and a whole host of other things that no one else believes. Oh yeah, I can make you feel anxious or depressed too.
If you have something planned, or are looking forward to a great day, I can take that away too. You didn't ask for me. I chose you for various reasons and I'm here to stay!
I hear you're going to see a doctor who can't get rid of me; I'm rolling on the floor laughing - tell him to keep trying! You will have to go to many, many doctors until you find one who can help you effectively. You will be put on pain pills, sleeping pills, told you are suffering from anxiety or depression, given pills that make you tingle, stuck with needles, scanned, and when they get really desperate they'll drill holes in your head.
You'll be told to think positive while being poked, prodded, and investigated by medical students, and MOST OF ALL not taken as seriously as you feel when you cry to the doctor how depressing life is everyday.
Your family, friends and co-workers will listen to you until they just get tired of hearing about how I make you feel, and that I'm a debilitating disease. Some of them will say things like "Oh, you are just having a bad day" or "Well, remember you can't do the things you used to 20 years ago".
Some will talk behind your back while you slowly feel that you are losing your dignity trying to make them understand, especially when you are in the middle of a conversation with a person, and can't remember what you were going to say next!
In closing (I hope to keep this part secret) I guess you already found out…the only place you can get any support and understanding in dealing with me is with other people with Chiari."
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letterstoleia · 2 years
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letterstoleia · 2 years
This is actually just a depiction of me as a chronically ill person trying to get answers from a doctor:
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[Image ID: A stone wall sculpture of a skeleton (Death) being pushed away with his scythe by the ancient Greek god Hermes who is holding a caduceus. /ID]
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