librabtch29 · 4 months
Beauty indicators in astrology. Part 1.
•moon and Venus in harmonious aspects/conjunction and in pretty signs for Venus and moon.
•Asc in libra/taurus/cancer/leo/aries/pisces/scorpio
•Planets in venusian signs.
•Stelliums in taurus/libra/leo/aries/pisces/cancer/scorpio
•lilith in 1st.
•lilith conjunct sun/venus/mars
•lilith in 8th/5th.
•Venus conjunct sun. Venus conjunct mars.
•Placements in the 7th house.
•Chart ruler in libra/leo/pisces/scorpio/taurus.
•venus/sun/neptune/mars in 7th.
•Neptune/Venus in 1st.
•venus/moon dominant
•ASC not squaring Saturn.
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librabtch29 · 5 months
If you want to get information on the way you look these are the things you should look for:
â—‡ascendant and degree.
â—‡ planets in the 1st house.
â—‡Chart ruler.
â—‡Planets conjunct the chart ruler.
â—‡Planets opposite asc. (Tells you about your charm, 7th house is ruled by libra how people view you)
â—‡Planet aspects to the ascendant. (Squares, trines...)
â—‡asteroids in 1st house (lilith, chiron can tell you)
â—‡Mc 10th house ruler- how you look like in public
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librabtch29 · 5 months
Your relationship with your mother. Observations.
â– Moon squaring planets is a big sign that a person has a bad relationship with their mother. Especially: saturn, pluto, mars, venus, lilith and chiron.
â– Moon conjunct pluto. Moon conjunct chiron, mars, lilith and satuen is a HUGE indicator of having mommy issues. Intense and heartbreaking.
â– Moon in the 12th, 8th is also a sad placement to have. Indicator of not having a present mom or having deep trauma/wounds from your mom.
â– Moon in scorpio and aqua/capricorn. Moon in scorpio gives you a toxic relationship with your mom, she is controlling and manipulative. For capricorn your mom was cold and detached. Saturn sitting in your moon is tough.
â– Moon square sun is an interesting aspect to have. Where moon in your mother and sun in your father. In your childhood, (early ages) your parents probably didn't get along, kept a distance or struggled a lot.
Having pluto/mars/saturn/uranus/ chiron/lilith in 4th is another sign of mommy issues
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librabtch29 · 5 months
Astrology and intelligence/knowledge. People with these placements have a great mind. (My opinion)
mercury in 1st/3rd/11th/9th
Moon in 3rd/9th.
Mercury dominant chart.
Pluto in 3rd/9th.
Mercury in virgo/gemini.
Mercurian strong placements.
Mercury conjunct pluto/jupiter
Jupiter in 3rd/9th.
Placements in aquarius/11th.
Mars/sun in 3rd/9th
Mercury having positive aspects with planets.
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librabtch29 · 6 months
Synastry aspects to look for in a relationship♡ Part 1.
1) Saturn making aspects to personal planets. Moon trine saturn, venus trine saturn or many planets. Saturn is the glue in relationships that give us stability and long-term karma in this lifetime. So it is very important to see if you two are meant to be together and share that karma together in this lifetime.
2) 7th house synastry. 7th house balances energies out. 7th house is the house of partnerships, relationships commitments.
3)Compatible moon/venus signs at all cost. Squares are harsh and they cause two individuals to feel like they are not emotionally compatible on a deeper level.
4) Look for trines/sextiles and harmonious aspects oppositions might also help. I would note having moon trine mars/venus
5)mercury the planet of communication aspecting well to each others planets.
6) 5th house synastry/Mars. For having fun, feeling like a little child who is just truthfully happy. Mars conj mars. Mars in 5th/8th compatible mars signs aspecting venus will make your relationship steamy and passionate and intimite.
6) jupiter aspecting planets with harmonious ly.
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librabtch29 · 6 months
Dominant planets/signs.
Why is it so important to know your dominant planet?. Dominant planet is like your second asc. People might describe you as your dominant planet. That is the place you hold in everyones lives around you. Normally there is a lot of energy/concentration placed on that planet. Not only does your dom planet affect your personality but your appearance as well. I recommend using astro.com for figuring out your true dominant planets. For an example personally i am a venus dominant. My asc is also ruled by venus but my dominant planet pretty much explains my characteristics.
Astro.com extended chart selection
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librabtch29 · 6 months
Future spouse indicators
1)If you have any planets in the 7th house, (for an example mars) your spouse will have those personality traits/appearance and that particular sign in their chart will hold a prominant place in their personal birth chart
2) your classical DC. (7th house lord) what i mean here is your sister sign. For an example libra-aries. Taurus-scorpio pisces-virgo and others.
3)7th house ruler sign/house.
For an example i am a libra asc. My 7th is aries. I look at my mars because mars rules over aries, and i have mars in gemini 9th. This gives me information on where i will meet my spouse and how he will be like.
4) 7th house rulers sign conjunct with other planets.
Another strong indicator. So like i said about my 7th ruler in mars in gemini. If i have other planets in gemini for an ex sun. That means that mars is in a conjunction with the sun. Then that gives me information about my spouse having leo/sun type personality and that sign in his chart.
5) look at moon/jupiter for wife/husband.
Moon-wife ; jupiter-husband. Look at the house/sign for area of life and the energy/vibe/personality they will have.
6) look at juno for ideal partner.
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librabtch29 · 1 year
astro observation. (note: This applies to unhealed pisces risings)
no one talks about how two faced and gossipy pisces risings are and here i am to prove you. PIsces risings have gemini in the 4th house(down to the roots, emotions,family), and virgo in the 7th house (partnerships,relationships,contracts). Both of these signs indeed are ruled by mercury and have a strong mutable influence. (Their modality is mutable). But once they get caught talking shit, they enter their beloved victim mode.
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