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Explore the reasons why several health professionals are not discussing the correlation between vitamins and immunity, and how this lack of dialogue could affect our well-being. Discover the significance of crucial vitamins for strengthening the immune system and discover methods to guarantee that you receive the essential nutrients to maintain good health.
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Why Cellerciser Is the Best Thing That Can Happen to You!
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A rebounder is also known as a cellerciser. You might be wondering why. That is because rebounding exercises every single cell in your body, which is why some people call it cellercising.
When you jump on a trampoline, three forces act concurrently to strengthen and cleanse your cells: gravity, acceleration, and deceleration. Unlike other types of exercise, you accelerate and decelerate vertically, on the same plane as gravity. These three pressures work together to extract poisons from the cells at the bottom of the bounce. The pressure is reduced towards the peak of the bounce, allowing your lymph to flow upwards. Circulation is improved, and the lymphatic system is cleaned and pumped.
How Does Cellerciser Rebounder Work?
Numerous forms of exercise are performed to target specific muscles or just to improve cardiovascular function. Rebounding is unusual in that it employs acceleration and deceleration forces and may operate on every cell in the body in a different way.
Many things happen when you bounce on a rebounder (mini-trampoline):
When you bounce higher, you accelerate.
At the apex, there is a brief weightless pause.
A deceleration at a higher G-force
The effect on the rebounder
The motion of rebounding utilizes the higher G-force generated by gravity-based activities such as this, and each cell in the body must respond to the acceleration and deceleration. Because the lymphatic system flows in a vertical orientation throughout the body, the up-and-down action is advantageous to it.
What are the benefits of cellercising?
Firmer skin - Oxygen and nutrients are transported to your skin cells more efficiently.
Weight loss - When combined with a healthy diet, you can burn more calories than you would with regular exercise.
Incontinence is reduced because the sphincter muscles are strengthened.
Vein walls are reinforced to facilitate improved blood flow, resulting in fewer varicose veins.
Stronger bones - Every exercise strains and hence strengthens bones, but the combined effects of acceleration, deceleration, and gravity are extremely helpful at preventing osteoporosis.
Lymph carries cellular waste out of inflamed joints through flexible joints.
Improved vision - When you rebound and conduct vision exercises simultaneously, the cells in your eyes' lens are reinforced.
Cellerciser Rebounders elevate your fat-burning and strength-building workouts with this unique device, which has triple-tiered carbon steel anodized springs (better than stainless steel) and all-steel construction to offer a safe, long-lasting exercise rebounder. This is not your average rebounder or mini-trampoline.
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Candida Cleanse - What to Eat and What to Skip
Candida is the most prevalent fungus found in humans. It is commonly seen in the mouth, skin, digestive tract, toenails, rectum, and vagina. While additional study is needed, the candida diet excludes foods and liquids that can potentially promote candida. "Independent" refers to a person who does not work for the government.
Candida usually is safe, however, excessive development of this fungus can cause illness. The candida diet is a stringent diet designed to treat candida infections. Foods to avoid - 1. Any form of sugar including -  fructose, corn syrup, white sugar, brown sugar, processed sugar, sugar derived from cane/plants, sweeteners derived from maple syrups, agave, honey, etc. Read the labels of the foods you consume to know if there are any hidden forms of sugar in that food. Packaged and processed food, soups, creamers, and seasoning are all sources of processed sugar. 
2. Processed and simple carbohydrates, which include white rice, flour, chips, pasta, crackers, and noodles. 
3. Candida is a yeast, and consuming yeast-containing foods adds additional yeast to an already yeast-heavy environment.
 Alcohol that has been fermented with yeast is a high-yeast food. Wine and Beer contain the most yeast and people who are yeast sensitive tend to react more to them than they do to distilled spirits like vodka, gin & tequila which contain less. *Fermented products, including all types of vinegar, soy sauce, tamari, salad dressing, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, and kinds of vinegar. 
Many bread varieties include yeast, which is what causes the bread to rise and become fluffy and light. Tortillas contain no yeast and can be used in place of bread.
4. Moldy foods can contribute to the formation of Candida by increasing the number of fungal spores in the intestine. Stay away from - pickled meats, smoked/dried hotdogs, cured pork, smoked salmon, cheese, peanuts, pistachios, dried fruits, and bottled fruits (these contain both sugar and mold) 
5. Mushrooms, are fungus and hence should be avoided at all costs during this cleanse!
Foods to consume - 
Fresh Veggies - Spinach, kale, cabbage, collards, root veggies - carrots, and potatoes can be eaten in moderation. Frozen and canned veggies are permissible but should be consumed in moderation. 
Proteins - Animal protein sources - chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs.
Non-animal protein sources - beans, legumes (such as red or brown lentils), nuts, and seeds (except peanuts and pistachios)
Fresh fruits - Aim for 1-2 servings of fresh fruit every day to get enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But, if you have symptoms such as gas, bloating, or brain fog after eating fruit, you may be sensitive to it and should avoid it altogether.
Complex Carbs - Oats, millets, barley, buckwheat, quinoa, and brown or wild rice can be consumed to reduce bloating and gas.
Good Fats - When available, unrefined and cold-pressed oils are the finest. Healthy fats include (but are not limited to) the following: fish oil, avocado oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, and chia seeds
Make an appointment now if you feel you have Candida overgrowth and want to learn more about our specifically formulated Yeast and Candida Detox Program.
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If you're looking for a fun and effective way to get fit, rebounding might be the answer you're looking for. It is a fun and convenient way to exercise. You can do it at home or at a gym, and you don't need any special equipment other than a mini trampoline. So if you're a senior looking for a fun and effective exercise option that's gentle on your joints and provides numerous health benefits, give rebounding a try. It's a great way to stay active and healthy, no matter your age! Check out our blog to learn the benefits of rebounding for seniors.
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Benefits of Rebounding for Seniors
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Rebounding, or exercising on a mini trampoline, can be an enjoyable and effective form of physical activity for seniors. Some of the potential benefits of rebounding for seniors include:
Improved balance and coordination: Rebounding requires balance and coordination, which can help to improve these skills over time.
Increased muscle strength: Rebounding can help to improve muscle strength, particularly in the legs, which can be beneficial for maintaining mobility and independence.
Cardiovascular benefits: Rebounding is a low-impact form of exercise that can help to improve cardiovascular fitness and increase endurance.
Improved bone density: Rebounding can help to increase bone density, which is important for preventing osteoporosis and reducing the risk of fractures.
Stress relief: Rebounding can be a fun and enjoyable form of exercise that can help to reduce stress and improve mood.
It is important for seniors to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of their rebounding workouts. It is also important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.
Cellerciser Rebounder
Cellerciser is a brand of mini trampoline, also known as a rebounder, that is designed for use in exercise and therapy. Rebounding on a mini trampoline is a low-impact form of exercise that can help to improve balance, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness. It is also believed to have a number of other health benefits, such as improving bone density and relieving stress.
The Cellerciser Rebounder is made with a high-quality, durable frame and a spring suspension system that is designed to provide a smooth and comfortable bounce. It is also available in a variety of sizes and models to suit different needs and preferences.
Rebounding can be an enjoyable and effective form of exercise for people of all ages, including seniors. It is important, however, to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of workouts, and to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.
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Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain and discomfort in the muscles and joints. It can be hard to manage, and flares can be caused by different factors such as stress, lack of sleep, and certain medications. Identifying and avoiding these triggers can help reduce flares and make it easier to manage the condition. Check out our blog to learn the top 10 causes of fibromyalgia flares.
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Understanding Fibromyalgia Flares: Top 10 Causes
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Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain and discomfort in the muscles and joints. Those with fibromyalgia often experience unpredictable flares, which can be triggered by a variety of factors. If you’re struggling to manage your fibromyalgia, it’s important to know what might be causing these flares so that you can take proactive steps to reduce their frequency and intensity. Here are the top 10 causes of fibromyalgia flares. 
1. Stress – Stress is one of the most common triggers for fibromyalgia flares. It’s important to actively manage stress levels to avoid exacerbating symptoms. A great way to do this is through regular exercise, meditation, or other activities that help you relax and unwind. 
2. Weather Changes – Changes in temperature or humidity can also lead to fibromyalgia flares, as extreme temperatures can cause muscles and joints to become stiff and sore. You may find that your symptoms worsen during hot summer months or cold winter months, so it’s important to dress appropriately for the weather and stay hydrated throughout the day. 
3. Poor Sleep Patterns – Many people with fibromyalgia struggle with insomnia due to their chronic pain and discomfort, which can lead to further worsening of symptoms if not addressed properly. Make sure you establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible; avoiding caffeine late in the day could also be helpful in improving sleep quality. 
4. Heavy Workouts – Exercise is an important component of managing fibromyalgia; however, those with fibro should avoid pushing themselves too hard during workouts as this can trigger a flare up or even increase overall pain levels over time if not done properly or kept within reasonable limits based on individual ability level. 
5. Poor Diet – Eating an unhealthy diet made up mostly of processed foods high in sugar or fat content could worsen your symptoms over time due to its inflammatory properties; make sure you include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your meals each day for optimal health benefits! 
6. Inactivity – Too much rest can also trigger a flare up because it leads to increased stiffness in muscles and joints; make sure you get some movement every day (even if it's just walking!) for best results! 
7. Smoking – Smoking cigarettes has been linked with an increased risk for developing fibromyalgia flares; if you're a smoker, consider quitting now before your condition worsens due to long-term exposure! 
8. Alcohol Consumption - Excessive consumption of alcohol has been linked with an increased risk for developing fibro flares; try limiting yourself to no more than two drinks per day if needed! 
9. Caffeine Intake - Caffeine has been found to increase inflammation levels in those with fibro when consumed in excess amounts; try limiting yourself no more than one cup per day (or less!) for best results!
10. Hormonal Imbalance - Hormones play an important role in managing pain levels associated with fibro; hormonal imbalances could cause fluctuations that result in more frequent flare ups if left untreated so make sure you speak with your doctor about any potential changes needed here!   
Managing Fibromyalgia Flares It can be daunting trying figure out why your body is experiencing these sudden bouts of pain but understanding what causes them is key towards relief! The above list outlines ten common triggers that may be causing your symptoms so by recognizing them early on, you will be able take actionable steps towards reducing their intensity or frequency altogether! With the right knowledge and proactive lifestyle changes, those living with this condition have hope that they don't have succumb its debilitating effects forever!
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