lila-of-barton · 3 months
Lila glanced at Clint , a more colder look when he muttered. "Easier places have people. " she pointed out, because it was obvious why she had chosen a more difficult place to access. She sighed and looked back down. When she would decide to come down, that was easy and difficult of a question. She could just move forward and let it happen, she would get down that way. She wondered if her father would be quick enough. Wondered if her godfather had some magical way to catch her like he always did when she was younger. Wondered how she would look on the pavement, body broken, life expired. She wondered what people would say at her funeral. How her funeral would be held.
She was curious to know how they all would move on with their life and how , like her mother, she would just be a grave and a reason to remember a time where things were less twisted. The invitation to talk out there, she had nothing to say. They said too many things to each other, good ones, bad ones, she had rejected him to the point of not even being able to call him dad. "I am not going to kill myself tonight, if that's your worry." she spoke a half truth. "There is nothing to say, no confession to make. No apologies to give. It just is what it is, and no I don't know anything about Cooper or Nathaniel, we haven't spoken in months. You'll have to ask the car below for information."
Clint gave her a moment to answer. He wondered whether or not she would comment on the Barton quality she seemed to have inherited and whether she liked that sentiment or resented it. Would she appreciate it or would it push her away more? He hoped it would be something to help draw her in, even if it was a negative response. But the apathetic reply was both gut wrenching and somewhat relieving at the same time. The lack of anger made him hope that it wasn't too late after all.
"No reason.....interesting place for a no reason," he muttered, looking up at the sky and silently asking Laura for guidance. "I'm sure there were easier places to climb up than this for a no reason." He swung his feet slowly as he looked back to his daughter. "Lila...." he started, his voice stopping as he tried to find out what to say. He wanted to ask what she was doing, why she disappeared and beg her to tell him why she was up here and yet, none of that felt right. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, but if it's alright by you, I'd like to sit up here with you until you're ready to come down. And if you want to say anything, I'm here to listen. No matter what it is."
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lila-of-barton · 3 months
The compliment fell into deaf ears. She did not open her mouth for a snaryk reply or to explain just how easy it was to get away from them, only because they had a life , one in space, one at the compound and the other with Hammer. She may be important, as long she gave snippets of being ok, they wouldn't come for her. They wouldn't seek her company. She made sure of being alive but unavailable to each and everyone. Plus she learned a lot through her training. He did not need to know that. Instead she focused on her feet dangling , dark dots in contrast of a yellow-orange tainted ground.
She saw a car, waiting. Maybe she had not been careful enough. The car was one that could only belong to one person. Tony. She missed her godfather dearly, but after having sent messages left on "read" more than once, she gave up on that relationship as well. Who was she to compare with space anyway?
And then came the exposition , the proof that the apple never fell far from the tree. In her core, she was a Barton it seemed. She found it ironic, that he wanted a vantage point for it to be quiet when all he had to do, was turn off his hearing aid. What was the answer to his question. He did not know. It was an impulse. "No reason. " a short reply, but more than she had ever given him since it all fell apart. It was a flat sound , no aggression in it.
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Well, so far her reaction had been a bit better than he expected. After their last few visits he was expecting a go away or I don't want you here or just anything other than this. And yet, the way the words sounded hollow in her voice felt like a punch. Whether it was his fault or not, he would blame himself. He was supposed to protect her and make her feel loved and he had failed at every turn. But as he told Tony, he wasn't going to give up on her.
Once she sat down and dangled her feet, he took that as a sign that he could approach. He balanced on the beam until he was next to her and slowly lowered himself so he was sitting next to her. Close enough that he was right there to catch her in case she fell but far enough that he gave her space in case she didn't want him close. He glanced down at the car Tony was sitting in, wondering if he had seen that they were up there. "Y'know, I don't know if I should be impressed or worried that you slipped off of Tony's radar. Not many people can." One was sitting right next to her, another was back at the compound and the third....well, he hoped Laura was looking down on them right now. He took a breath and focused on the cars passing below while keeping Lila in his peripherals.
"Y'know what I like about high spots like this?" he asked, not expecting her to answer, "it's not the vantage point. It's how quiet they are. The closer to the ground, the louder everything seems to be. You can't hear yourself think. But up here....up hear you can breathe. There's nothing else up here but you and the sky and everyone is left down below." He finally pulled his gaze away from the cars passing below them to look at his daughter. "What brought you up here tonight, Lila?"
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lila-of-barton · 3 months
Clint's arrival didn't startle her. She had heard someone climb up, didn't know who it was, because she was not going to turn around just yet. Although her money had more been on police than her dad. She quickly put two and two together. Her uncle and her dad must have been looking for her. She knew that ghosting Tony wasn't the brightest idea, again a life line cut, but she had not had the heart to pretend to her godfather or even her godmother that she was doing okay.
"I know." was her reply, She opened her eyes on the dark world before her, only illuminated by lights that were as cold as what their relationship had come to. Back a few months, she would have been hysteric, yelled, thrown a tantrum , shoved him away or from that beam, but now, after they proved he was innocent, proved that he did in fact not kill Zemo but only injured him, that it was all a hoax... what vengeance was she going to act upon him that Sin promised ? It was just all so absurd now, her life , the years post war. She finally turn, but not to join her father, only to sit down, her feet dangling in the empty space below her. An invitation to talk, or just an excuse to hang on just a little longer with the living.
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Clint and Tony had been tracking down every lead they could find in order to figure out where Lila was and, more importantly, make sure that she was okay. The whole time he couldn't help but blame himself. This was all his fault. He had pushed his kids away. His daughter away. Ruined their lives, and for what? Revenge? He had to make it right. One way or another he would make things right. But first, he needed to find her.
FRIDAY had come up with a possible facial match and immediately he geared up and went to check it out. And by gear, he grabbed his hoodie and his backpack. He didn't think that he would need his bow or any weapons. It was just Lila. He arrived at the bridge and started looking around. There was no way he missed her, right? That's when he looked up and froze as he watched her walk along the beam. Shit.
Clint quickly climbed up the side of the bridge to the beam and balanced on it but hung back just a bit. He didn't want to startle her and make her fall. "Lila....." he called out, taking a tentative step forward, "Lila, you shouldn't be up here."
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lila-of-barton · 3 months
The air was so cold , the world was so loud again. 2 am , maybe, she wasn't sure. She was walking aimlessly through the streets of the Big Apple, the city that never slept before, like some sort of Alice in Wonderland. Her wounds were not healing, and her mind was just grasping at whoever gave her a reason to remain. A phone call, a call, a laughter. But when all those fences were not there, the lonliness was crushing her.
The flow of water and cars mixed in her head as she just stopped to stare at some bridge , at the road below. She climbed over the fence, onto a plateform and started to walk like some circus star on a thread. Her arms stretched out, her eyes closed. The wind in her hair, the rush making her heart beat, her life in the balance , at her will , all she had to do was to decide to walk or fall. She found a weird sense of relief and control in that.
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lila-of-barton · 4 months
It was another long night. Another shitty night, plagued with her thoughts and her trauma. While she had somehow confessed to Bucky, it did not keep her from doing it again. She was more careful as to what bar she went to. Used Yelena's teaching to train her skills to blend in and read the room every time she went to one of those bars.
That of course was the first step, once the first glass touched her lips, she just keep them coming , until the noise was drowned and the music was just pumping into her ears. The world was disappearing, and she enjoyed the feeling of being weightless. That of course, did make her vulnerable. Usually, she was able to leave , but maybe she had a glass too much.
She stumbled out when a cute guy talked her into something, she wasn't quite sure what. And soon enough it wasn't really important because she felt just pure bliss. She was not in any way comprehending what the stranger was doing, but it felt so good and hurt so bad at the same time. As he seemed to bite down harder, she let out a small moan.
location: outside of a bar in NYC at night open starter
the world had changed overnight for vincent.
vincent brought the lit cigarette to his mouth taking a long drag. it tasted like ash. he used to like the taste of it but nothing tasted right. food tasted like shit. everything tasted like shit except blood. just the thought alone of that was stressful enough to think about that he quickly took another drag.
outside the bar he could hear the muffled sounds of music and people enjoying themselves. but he waited out in the shadows of an alleyway. waited for someone to separate themselves from the group. he would try not to kill them this time. but when he brought his fangs down into their neck it was like he couldnt stop himself.
and after everything, after years of being forced to sleep. being forced to be frozen as he was 15 years ago. he deserved to enjoy himself.
it was quick to pick off a drunk idiot stumbling from the bar and pull him into the alley. easy enough to pull the mask down over his face and to sink his fangs into his neck. he could control himself…..he just needed a little bit more blood and then he'd let him go. just a little bit more.
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lila-of-barton · 4 months
Lila did not roll hereyes. "Actually, I've picked up knitting... it's not a scarf anymore, it's a blanket...but I'll just wait for Sin to call me then. What else can I do , huh? " she stated and got back to her back to get her belongings. "Well any how , see you next week , and your package. " she waved her goodbyes and left the building. She was not realizing just how much she needed and was looking for those training sessions. They were giving her purpose. A purpose she lost as soon as she left the care of Yelena and was thrown to the dogs on that cold NY street again.
Yelena caught the bottle. "Thanks. " Clever girl, she was paying attention to information, good. She drank some water and looked at her. The younglings, all so eager to go to battle ...and die. But it wasn't her place to show her what a real agent did, or had to do. She would have to figure it out on her own. This was just practice to allow her to survive more than 5 minutes. "Busy people forget about pet projects sometime...she'll contact you, don't worry. You can make yourself useful in the mean time...learn another skill...language... knitting...cooking." she suggested.
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lila-of-barton · 4 months
[ bear hug ] - Kate
She was not sure how Kate had found her, but again she was a detective so that part didn't really surprise her. The bear hug on the other side. She wasn't sure why she was deserving of one, but she allowed herself to appreciate it. She did not say anything and simply prayed that she wasn't here on Clint business, because she enjoyed Kate as a friend , not Clint's spoke person.
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lila-of-barton · 4 months
my inboxes :
Lila Barton
Clea Strange
Jean Grey
Jubes Lee
Harry Osborn
Lornarr Odinfrid
Jean-Paul Baubier
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lila-of-barton · 4 months
[ side hug ] a casual and friendly hug where one person puts their arm around the other's shoulder / waist [ back hug ] a hug where one person comes up to another and wraps their arms around them [ bear hug ] a tight, warm, and engulfing hug [ waist hug ] a hug where both partners put their arms around each other's waist and hold onto them [ welcome hug ] a hug given to someone as a form of greeting [ goodbye hug ] a hug given to someone before they leave [ reunion hug ] a hug where one leaps into their partner's arms after time apart [ quick hug ] a quick hug that's usually accompanied by a quick pat on the back [ unreciprocated hug ] a hug where one partner remains motionless while the other hugs them [ eye-to-eye hug ] a hug during which two people gaze into each other's eyes [ patting hug ] a hug where one / both partner(s) give a pat on the back [ cuddle hug ] a tight hug where both tightly hold onto each other and one snuggles into the other person's chest [ pickpocket hug ] a hug where they have their arms behind their partner's back and their hands in their pockets [ straddle hug ] a hug where one straddles their partner's waist who is holding them up and they both keep eye contact [ heart-to-heart hug ] a hug where the left arm is over the partner's right shoulder and the right arm around the partner's left side [ london bridge hug ] a hug where the upper bodies are close to each other but the lower bodies are kept apart [ head-on-shoulder hug ] a hug where one partner holds onto their partner's arm and rests their head on their shoulder [ twirl hug ] a hug where one twirls the other around while tightly holding onto them [ flirty hug ] a hug where one has their arms around their partner's neck and their head on their chest [ lingering hug ] a long-lasting hug between close friends or romantic partners [ comforting hug ] a hug given to someone to comfort them [ touch starved hug ] a careful hug given to someone after noticing some signs of touch starvation [ running hug ] a hug where both partners run into each other's arms [ surprise hug ] a hug where one catches the other off guard with an unexpected hug [ apology hug ] a sincere and heartfelt hug given to convey apologies [ group hug ] a hug that involves multiple people [ slow dance ] a type of hug where both partners are incredibly close to one another and sway to some music [ shoulder-to-shoulder hug ] a hug where two people stand side-by-side with their arms around each other's shoulders [ family hug ] a hug given between two family members [ no-words-needed hug ] a hug given when no more words are needed and they just want to be close to one another
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lila-of-barton · 5 months
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“But most days ...I just don’t feel anything anymore, can’t bring myself to care anymore either.
Lila Barton
RACE – Human POWER /ABILITY –  archery, eidetic memory 
AGE: 20
OCCUPATION –  mechanical engineering undergrad drop out  , Hydra trainee
Current : Has been training for months to become an active Hydra Agent under Sin's command
Lila Barton is the second child of Clint and Laura Barton. For most of her childhood, she has been a secret. Always hiding on the land, always being in that house that was her dad’s dream. When she was 8, the Avengers came into her life. Apart from her auntie Nat, she had never knew about her dad’s work. They were exciting people, more than a simple farm girl life. She got to spend some time with Tony, while he was trying to fix their tractor and got around to help him. First steps in discovering what she was really good at. 
When their father got kidnapped by Zemo, they moved to the Avengers compound for safety a year later. She saw the adults around her try, and from a 11 years old perspective, she felt a sudden urge to grow up maybe a bit too fast. Her dad would come back a year later. Changed. She would notice, even if he continued to teach her archery, and redo the whole house.
The war messed up Lila more than she cared to admit. It caused her a feeling of not knowing who she was, where she was with. Especially because it turned out that her father was a Skrull. After the war, she became the collateral damage of an operation to hurt Clint. It ended in her mother dying and them being parked at their Aunt’s place. Over the last 5 years, she barely saw Cooper who eventually moved out and tried more or less to be there for Nathaniel. Thanks to Tony, she came into an early program at uni to study mechanical engineering,but her future is dark these days, especially after her dad’s actions.
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lila-of-barton · 5 months
Lila nodded and caught the bottle. "You said you had a dinner after this, I didn't want to ruin the face, cause like this is still training." Even if it didn't feel like it. "Do you think , Miss Schmidt will put me on a mission soon ? I fee like I'm ready for something ...but then again she hasn't really spoken to me since her grand speech about joining her ." she admitted.
The girl was clever, and she was also skilled for combat techniques. Yelena did not apply redroom regime on her, but more of a lighter version, still heavy training. She had come a long way since that first training session and her tutoring was starting to show when she found herself on her back with Lila on her, ready to hit her in the face. "Well, well , little mouse, seems like you've won that fight." she chuckled but was quick to get her off her. "But never hold back, even in training, always finish your mouvement, because your opponent will not care about you. " she added. She then threw a bottle of water at her.
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lila-of-barton · 5 months
"Mhh, I'll take the golden reindeers " she pointed at the wrapping paper . "Aaaand the red one "
“Yeah, sure. Let me just get my gift wrapping supplies.” He pointed to behind him and went into the back office to grab is gift wrapping stuff. “I got a couple different wrappings if you want to pick one.”
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lila-of-barton · 5 months
"Dad ... " She hesitated. "Please don't take it the wrong way, but... to dad , you actually need to be here...more than a few days." she carefully stated. "It's that serious then , huh ? " she asked and looked down at her sandwich. She did not want to guilttrip , she had stated twice in this conversation that she did not want him to go.
"Technically? When did that change? And stop talking with your mouth full." He started on another grilled cheese sandwich and only pulled his attention away from it as the serious topic was brought up. "If things get out of control, first thing in the morning. I'll know more when that phone rings." His head nodded to the phone sitting next to him. "They're spreading out strike teams to different spots in the world. Everyone is on deck."
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lila-of-barton · 5 months
Left, right, left right, center. This dance with Yelena lasted for weeks. She fell on the mat again. Yet something was different than during their first training. She tasted blood in her mouth a thousand times by now, felt sore for the thousanth time too, but this time she didn't get up. She was waiting, waiting for Yelena to come closer, to then sweep her legs with her, and getting back up, on her , a fist ready to go to her face. Weeks of training... weeks of becoming a sister , weeks of forgetting the lamb she once were.
Now she did not expect her to connect the swing. "HAHA! Nice!" Yelena laughed it of while whipping her nose. "See , all in the balance." she added. "Let's see how much you can handle with your defensive." Now Yelena's offensive suite was slower than what she usually did, yet did not lack in intensitiy. She went on Lila for a couple of rounds to see if she could take it.
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lila-of-barton · 5 months
Lila went into Bucky's arms. Being hugged seemed so forgotten to her. Mostly because of the hammer that was hitting her for years now and that she could not find shelter from. Feeling someone supporting her, just physically, it kind of unleashed a barrage of silent tears.
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Lila bit her lip, arms crossed, looking at the ground. She nodded although she had not much else to say. She just seemed defeated. “Can I…have a hug? ” she asked.
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lila-of-barton · 6 months
continued from here (x)
"He doesn't, but you're the parent...technically." she pointed out , still with her mouth full. "So...when are you leaving dad? " she asked, cause she needed to know, know the full timeline so she could worry, be concerned and relieved when he would come back.
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lila-of-barton · 1 year
Lila bit her lip, arms crossed, looking at the ground. She nodded although she had not much else to say. She just seemed defeated. "Can I...have a hug? " she asked.
“Trust me, kiddo, I am not dad material,” he mumbled with a forced chuckle. Nah, that was always…..well, guess they would never know now, would they? “Listen, Lila…..if you need someone to talk to and you can’t get a hold of your friend, don’t be afraid to reach out to me, okay?”
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