lilah5262 ¡ 6 days
yo, you still take requests on ocassion? would love to hear one about a fatty who wasnt sure if they wanted to keep gaining, but the holidays convince them otherwise~
she had recently hit 150–not “fat” by any normal standards, but there was definitely a bit of a pooch hanging off her lower stomach, and her size 12 pants were close to being painfully tight rather than just uncomfortable. she genuinely hadn’t realized she was getting chubby, but a mix of a new job that meant less time moving around and a doting boyfriend with a skill for cooking had evidently turned her once trim waist into a softened tum.
it was okay, she reasoned, because new years was coming up in a few weeks and she could easily lose the weight at the start of the new year. all she really needed to lose was 15, maybe 20 pounds? even 10 would be enough to fit back into her wardrobe, and that wouldn’t take but a month or so of hard work at the gym, and a disciplined diet.
then, thanksgiving hit.
first it was dinner with her family the day before—besides a stray comment from her mom (“you should really watch your carbs, darling! remember, a moment on the lips is a lifetime on those hips!”) and a struggle to find a dress that didn’t look borderline obscene on her new body, everything was great. she helped herself to firsts, seconds, thirds, and shamefully, forths, before retiring the the smoke sesh out back with her sister and cousins. after a few hits, her sweet boyfriend had gone and returned with a tray of assorted treats that had been brought by all the guests: a slice of decadent strawberry cheesecake, 3 mini tarts her grandma had been so proud of (she may or may not have already indulged in 9…or 10 of them already,) 2 pieces of peanut butter chocolate fudge, a slice of pumpkin pie, and a heaping scoop of peach cobbler. before the night ended, she had devoured all of it and pulled herself into her boyfriend’s car with a pained expression as she clutched at her overstuffed belly.
then, it was dinner with her boyfriend on thanksgiving, who came from a family of chefs who saw cooking as the ultimate language of love. if she had been full after her own family’s dinner, she was practically popping after dinner with his family. breads heavy with salt and butter, dozens of assorted sweets and treats lining the tables, sweet old ladies insisting she try a slice or two of their apple, chocolate, and peach pies. turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs and mac & cheese piled high on her first 3 plates, then came out the smoked chicken and the heavy soups and the creamed corn made with more heavy cream than a doctor would recommend for a month and everything she ate had to be smothered in at least a pint of gravy each. and that was just the main course; a continuous rotation of appetizers made their way around the table, followed quickly behind with an abundance of desserts that left her panting and unable to stand for a few minutes after the meal had concluded. she found herself sneaking away after her 6th plate to the bathroom, where she unbuttoned her jeans and let out a heaving sigh, wincing at the pain in her overstretched belly. when she looked down, she could barely see her toes over the rounded gut she had developed during her gorging session, the bloating and completed stuffedness of her belly becoming evident to her. she turned to the side in the mitro and held back a gasp, seeing that she appeared at least a few months pregnant. she was then hit with horror as she attempted, but failed, to rebutton the jeans, her belly simply too distended to allow it. with much humiliation, she pulled a hair tie off her wrist and pulled the button close enough to the hole to appear buttoned, and then pulled her sweater down over her bloated gut, shame painted across her face.
okay…she was at 172 now. it had been 2 and half weeks since she lasted weighed herself, and she had gained over 20 pounds. she did it twice, just to be sure, and shook her head in astonishment. maybe that was why her jeans hadn’t buttoned the previous morning when she went to get dressed for work, or why her boyfriend had lovingly tugged down her shirt before she went to the grocery store that afternoon. wow, okay. she needed to get herself under control. but again, it was only, what, 30 pounds she needed to lose? 20? she could that in no time, just…in a month or so.
but until then, there was always christmas to celebrate.
they spent christmas with his family, her family coming into town to celebrate with them, and so the combined dinner was two times the size it normally was. her mother had given her another sigh of disappointment when she saw that she had put on more weight, the small pooch she had before had grown into a soft tummy that poked out behind her dress. (“you really need to watch your weight, honey. you’re starting to get chubby. look, you’re getting a double chin.”) the feast was thanksgiving but double the size, meaning, double the decadence. everyone was so caught up in the moment, even her mom didn’t notice the 6 (7) plates she had managed to put down before the feeling of fullness caught up with her, and with help from her sister’s weed pen, she managed to put down 2 more. that repeated christmas day, and with her help, her boyfriend’s family had no leftovers to worry about.
3 days until the new year, and, embarrassingly, she had gained, again. she didn’t believe her eyes when the scale read 188. there was no way in hell that she had gained…38 pounds in 2 months, right? she stepped back on again, and nearly fainted when the numbers blinked back their correction: 191.2. she tried again, and the same red taunting digits blinked from below her ballooning belly—191.2. since her first check-in, she had gained 41 pounds. that was 20 pounds both months. holy shit. it was no wonder her 12s had ripped open as she sat down after thanksgiving, the week before christmas, tearing below the asscheek. or when, humiliatingly, the button on her medium top had broken and pinged across the dining room during a dinner with her boyfriend, after she had put away 3 bowls of soup into her expanding belly. her 14s went away just as quick, and she hadn’t even had time to break them in before she had again, sized up to 16s. it was humiliating: she had absolutely nothing to wear for new year’s eve, and the party was to be at their place. she had to get herself under control in january, she had to at least lose these 40 pounds, and another 20 if she wanted to be back down to her previous goal weight.
at the party, friends commented on the gain. (“are you and him…expecting?” “girl, you look like you ate a tire! do you wanna come to pilates with me next week?” “maybe you should lay off the liquor tonight, just a bunch of empty calories, yknow?”) to cope, she got shitfaced, and all the sweet drinks in her stomach did was make her crave food, so food she ate. her boyfriend had made many pizzas, smoked wings, dips, burgers, hotdogs, and desserts, and she was hell bent on trying them all. if she was already this fat, as her friends were clearly pointing out, then why not keeping stuffing her fat face? (“don’t you wanna slow down?” “you’ve eaten like…enough for a whole football team.” “save some for the rest of us!”) by the time the new year was rang in, she had finished almost all the food prepared by her boyfriend, and her belly had a dull ache in it that was muted by all the liquor she had shoved down her throat.
january 2nd, she hesitantly weighed herself again, expecting the worst but somehow…eager to know how much she had inevitably gained. she stepped on the scale and held back a moan at the number she read back. 196.7.
fuck it, she thought, walking to the kitchen to grab one (or three) of the donuts her boyfriend had brought home for them, why not start the diet at 200?
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lilah5262 ¡ 6 days
What’s the quickest way to gain those “Freshman 15” lbs as I begin university? I need to make a good impression on my new classmates, after all ;)
use the dining hall, take advantage of all that free food. sure, it might not be the best tasting thing you’ve ever had, but it’s there, and it’s open, every. single. day. go there before class, study and do your homework there, so you always have something to be stuffing your face with. stay there till the doors close, and make sure to grab you something to take back to your dorm room with you. eat there until every worker there knows your name, and makes sure to load you up with extras when they see you.
get dashpass or uber eats+, so all that food you’ll inevitably order while you’re craving a late night, filthy stuffing will be a little cheaper. every dasher in town will know it’s you when they see your name pop up on their screen, and they’ll be baffled by how much you’ve grown each time they come to deliver to your building.
take the campus bus to class, don’t bother walking, you don’t need those extra steps. better yet, make sure you bring a snack so you don’t get hungry on your ride there.
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lilah5262 ¡ 6 days
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lilah5262 ¡ 10 days
“It’s okay to gain a little weight sometimes” you say, assuring your partner, who has gained considerably more than “a little weight” over the course of your sweet relationship.
when they start to feel down about it, looking at their reflection with a melancholic expression as they pinch and grab at their new rolls, you distract them with a sweet treat pushed between their soft, sugar-coated lips.
“i think i need to lose weight” they text you a few hours after trying on a shirt that used to fit them when your relationship first started, only to find out the buttons could barely reach the holes and strained against all their newfound weight. “don’t be silly, i’m coming home with dinner. mcdonald’s and donuts, hope you have room.”
“my parents said i need to lay off the junk food before i need a waist trainer.” they say after coming home from family dinner, belly pulling the cotton of their shirt tight across their stuffed belly. “that’s ridiculous, it’s just water weight. want to finish my leftovers? i bought cheesecake.”
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lilah5262 ¡ 11 days
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lilah5262 ¡ 14 days
Yes, you.
I know what you want..
You want your mind played with..
You want your thoughts erased..
Mindless and blank..
You want to be molded into an obedient toy, don't you?
You want to serve, turn your brain off, and drool..
You want to be dumbed down..
You want to be left in a state or complete mindlessness..
You want your mind fucked
Don't you?
I know you do..
It's so obvious..
all you have to do is press reblog, and I'll take care of the rest..
So be a good girl for me, won't you?
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lilah5262 ¡ 16 days
long time no see!! sorry for the lack of posting lately,life's been a bit hectic 😅 how's everyone doing? ❤️
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lilah5262 ¡ 17 days
And so she will fatten
My last post happened a few days back but today’s takes the cake.
This morning I was hanging out with her since we both worked an evening shift and we decided to get a box of donuts because nothing sounded good for breakfast. We go to crispy cream and I’m thinking maybe I should test the waters a bit. So I jokingly say that we should get a dozen because she’s gonna be hungry at work later and we can have the rest of what we don’t eat then.
She smiles and giggles a little before saying something along the lines of “Ok but don’t give me shit later if I look bloated haha”
I’m like ok this is good this is good we get a dozen and she eats 3 for breakfast which mind you I almost couldn’t help myself and started kissing her before remembering we were in a car.
So the day goes by she gets a sandwich for lunch and we both go to work. We bring the donuts and don’t think anything of it. By the time our shift finished at 8 I walk back to grab a donut to find there’s only TWO LEFT. She ate 4 over the course of our shift which was so hot I can’t even tell you. We walk down to the car and don’t bring the donuts with me because I wanted to see if I could try something.
So I say “ what’s your plans for dinner. Because if you want we go go back to my place and I can cook you up something.”
She declined because she has to be up at 5 am tomorrow which is fine because we’re gonna be together all weekend anyways. But then I say so what are you gonna have at your place.
“ Oh I’ve got like 2 boxes of Mac and cheese in the pantry I’ll just make that. I might need to grab some heavy whipping cream on the way home tho because it’s not as good with regular milk”
Keep in mind at this point my 155lb girlfriend has had a ham sandwich and 7 donuts today and she’s still hungry enough to have 2 boxes of Mac and cheese with heavy cream.
I’m convinced she gains 30+ lbs by her birthday in October.
Also feel free to message me because I would love to talk about this more
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lilah5262 ¡ 17 days
This is gonna be two parts but my gf (19) I think is unintentionally fattening herself up
Lemme paint the scene for you.
So for a little bit of background I’ve been dating this for the past 4 months and in that time we haven’t had sex. She’s had some terrible experiences in the past and I’m not the type to push things before the time is right so I’ve just been kind of playing along.
But about a week ago when we were hanging out at my apartment both drunk and having just had pizza I was taking her shirt off and she made a comment that she doesn’t feel comfortable with it off until she works out some more. Now mind you she’s about 5’8 and 155 so she’s now stick thin but she’s also not all that big either and I while establishing that hey I like you as you are there’s no need to try to impress me by going to the gym all the time all most slipped up and started encouraging her size but I know she’s new to fetishes in general and won’t know how to react.
That brings us to today now usually I have to pester her to make sure she’s remembered to eat that day but I also know she can put down food if she tries. So her and a friend meet up today for sushi while I’m at work. She sends me a photo of her plate and I’m like looks great. I don’t think anything of it till she sends me a video about an hour after that with the message “ I’m still hungry hehe we’re gonna get more food.” She proceeds to send me a picture of her with a large shake, a Costco large pepperoni pizza, and a box full of crumble cookies.
Now I’m not sure if im supposed to be in shock but I went and picked her up from the beach and I’d never seen her in a bikini before so I was shocked to see a sizable beginner belly jiggling.
Not sure how to continue but I’m not mad about it.
I guess I’m just shocked by how she went from barely eating to letting loose and totally pigging out on thousands of calories.
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lilah5262 ¡ 18 days
hi guyss sorry soooo
We sometimes look at each other, sometimes we pass smile, sometimes only a look
But I still haven't talked to her, but good she's just so....
fat, I can't belive how fat she is. All her bikinis are way too small for her, her boobs (even tho compared to the rest of her are kinda small) can be barely contained and the only sign that she's wearing bottom part are strings that dug into her love handles.
(the best thing about how tight her bikinis are (exept that I can see her belly) is that the implication of tight swimwear means she must have gained to this size)
And it's so cute how her belly almost overflow the recliner, how her thighs push her legs apart, how her arms looks so heavy.
And the best thing? She always eats, like she literally always snacks while she layers next to the pool. And when she's in the buffet? I haven't seen more unhealthy combination of foods
I feel like I'm in love with her haha ill try and update you guys later
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lilah5262 ¡ 19 days
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lilah5262 ¡ 19 days
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Caption challenge with @sofiascaptions!
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lilah5262 ¡ 19 days
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Nothing better @sissymissyxo
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lilah5262 ¡ 19 days
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Are you really surprised that you got so fat?
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lilah5262 ¡ 20 days
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Fill Me Up!
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lilah5262 ¡ 20 days
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Can’t just stare! Need to act on your desires!
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lilah5262 ¡ 21 days
Corruption kink but its the dom getting corrupted.
"I know its a little weird but can you be rougher?"
"Can you call me names?"
"Omg did that make you hard? (Excited)"
"Maybe you are a freak after all"
"I mean look at me! Wouldnt i be prettier with more marks?"
Constantly teasing them to hope they get frustrated enough to snap and give you what you want.
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