linalina-universe · 3 days
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linalina-universe · 3 days
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Ehehheh i just want to make Samarie happy 💗
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linalina-universe · 4 days
I've met him in person btw and he's a fucking sweetheart
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[ID: Text-intensive Twitter thread from the Shapeshifters chest binders Twitter account in reply to a post by artist and author Ursula Vernon. Vernon says, A non-zero number of you apparently did not know that The Last Unicorn was a book before it was a movie. It is by Peter S. Beagle. It is made of spun glass and fairytales and iron knives and there are individual lines that I would give my lungs to have written. Shapechangers replies, I saw him every year at NYCC for several years straight, bought something at his table, asked him to sign it, and we spoke. He remembered me from year to year, no small feat at that con. He remembered which stories he'd told me. One year I came back with a different gender on. He squinted at me a bit and said thoughtfully, "I've seen you before in this place." All I had to say was, "last year you told me the story about the inoshishi." And his face cleared, and he leaned in with a grin and told me about a German guitarist who he traveled with, twice. Who transitioned between the first and second time, so he'd gotten to meet this person all over again on the second round. It was a wonderfully kind way to let me know that everything was fine. I was fresh out of the closet and I needed that, and maybe he could see it. The Last Unicorn is the best book in the world and I will defend it and its author til I die. the end. /end ID]
I don't usually talk about celebrities; artists, when I do, and I'm keenly aware that one needn't be a good person to be a hell of a heartwrenching artist. But Peter S. Beagle has written a few of my favorite things in the world, he's an excellent singer and filker, and this Twitter thread was dreadfully important to me. I don't want it going away as Twitter becomes Shitter, because it's so often bad news, isn't it? It's important to me to share trans joy.
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linalina-universe · 5 days
This movie is wonderful, awful, and a time capsule. Trans women from 1969
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Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) dir. Toshio Matsumoto
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linalina-universe · 5 days
Queer Christian "mini" ramble :P
I'm a nonbinary lesbian and a practicing Catholic Christian, and ik that Christianity has been and continues to be used as a justification for queerphobia (by people who have clearly never read a Bible smh), but that hasn't stopped me from thinking ab how even just the themes of faith and queerness collide and intersect and come together and shit in such,,,,, just,,,,, beautiful ways imo???
Even going beyond the whole "Love thy neighbor as thyself" and Jesus just being a Swell Guy—The Swell Guy—it can get really fucking interesting, especially considering the context of modern times (I'm a little coo-coo for literary analysis, so just allow me to get my energy out here lol)
Like, Isaiah 49:15 says, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" (wording varies based on the version of Bible, but you get the picture)
God is literally saying, "I love you even if your own mother doesn't," and somehow, in the context of so many queer kids getting kicked out/disowned by their parents—to the point where 28% of queer youth have experienced homelessness at some point in their lives as of 2021—too many fucking Christians think God hates gays??? Pick up the damn Book, bitches???
God is an ally, you fake motherfuckers. Leave Their kids alone, goddamn.
(As an aside, I don't want to make anyone feel like I'm pushing my faith onto them, especially when it comes from a religion and institution that has done a lot of fucking harm. I'm not trying to convert anyone—that would be a bitch move. I just get really excited about these two parts of my identity that are very important to me lol)
I feel like this adds up to the bigger point that God is all ab the OutcastsTM, those who mainstream society has marginalized and all that. Several examples from the Gospel to support this come to mind immediately, but listing them all would take a Hot Minute.
But this line from Isaiah is one I think ab a lot. In a text that relies heavily on parable—to the point where you'd think more Christians would understand what metaphors are by now—this line hits especially hard in the context of today bc it's something that literally happens frequently to a specific group of people.
It's eery, at the very least, how on-point it is.
To anyone that's read this far—not to be that cheesy Christian, but I'm gonna be that cheesy Christian—God loves you. Even if you're not religious or have a rocky relationship with religion, I want you to know that God loves you. I have textual evidence and everything. Take it or leave it, doesn't matter <3
At the very least, I, some okay-ish poet on Tumblr (who rarely posts any actual poetry lol), am in your corner. Should you ever need it <3
Ok, ramble over, go drink some water. Hydrate or die straight, you sexy bitches
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linalina-universe · 5 days
Every time I have ever found God it has been from a group of outsiders.
Every picture of God that has ever looks like him has been made by people who never saw a Jesus that looked like themselves
I have never felt more at home than when listening to a gay person talk about God. I have never understood someone better than the lesbian Catholics who love to veil, or the transgender episcoples who see their transition as an opportunity to share in God's creation, or anyone who found God and then carved their own way to him.
When I sit in chapel, and the worship music feels like noise, I know there is a hymn being sung with a shaking voice that sounds just like Christ calling out for his father. When I see lessons written in script, I know there are sheets of construction paper printed in stock fonts on a family's kitchen table sent home from Sunday school teaching the same. When I get a hand out with Bible verses bought from Amazon, I know that someone has written the same verse in craft glue and collage and their blood.
I think God is present the most when the process of finding him is distinctly human; because I think he knows us, and makes the way he finds us human.
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linalina-universe · 5 days
"love every trans woman you meet" means EVERY trans woman not just the cool and funny and hot ones
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linalina-universe · 5 days
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The brain does not magically mature at 25. Actual neuroscientists note some 8-year-olds even have a greater "maturation index" than 25-year-olds. The myth misunderstands basic neuroscience but is still used for anti-trans policymaking like the Cass Report. https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html
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linalina-universe · 5 days
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This is a rare icon in the Orthodox Church: it is called “The first steps of Jesus”. It’s amazing! <3
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linalina-universe · 5 days
Everyone! I made a Discord server for trans Catholics! Everyone is welcome as long as they want to interact with trans people and Catholicism :D
@carry-on-wayward-catholic @cath-lic I know you two were looking for one!
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linalina-universe · 5 days
Gosh as a queer christian trans woman its hard. People Scoff at me. Or they are shocked or I can tell disgusted. I should confront this.
You’re never going to convince me that the terrible way the wider queer community treats religious queers isn’t just another form of queerphobia that too many queer folks consider acceptable.
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linalina-universe · 5 days
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linalina-universe · 10 days
And the orthodox Christians will say God blessed Georgia. I'm convinced that this type of tyranny is not holy, or good.
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When the anti "LGBT propaganda" law passed in Russia, all of you were going insane and cared. Give Georgia the same energy. If you can have sympathy for our oppressors on the basis of them being queer, you should keep the same energy for us, if not more.
If this law passes, every Georgian queer person I know is so severely fucked, myself included. If you make jokes about "being illegal in several countries" you better fucking care about the countries you're apparently illegal in, or going to be illegal in.
Make sure to spread this around. This is important.
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linalina-universe · 11 days
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NOT enough discussion about the 1950s-metropolis-post apocalyptic-rainbow explosion stage production of the wizard of oz. so i drew them. theyre friends :)
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linalina-universe · 11 days
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Daria and Jane and being gay in the 90s
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linalina-universe · 23 days
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This chapter includes a musical number called "The Yellow Brick Ramble" because after all, where would Oz be without musical numbers?
Many people believe that because comics is an entirely visual medium, musical numbers don't belong in comics. Then there's me, who wrote a comic which not only had musical numbers, but a recurring theme song.
ANYWAY! The title illustration is, of course, an homage to one of the versions of the cover of The Emerald City of Oz. I don't like doing homage covers too often as they're a little overdone, but it's still fun to indulge once in a while.
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If you like my comics, don't forget to subscribe to my Patreon! (link in bio)
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linalina-universe · 24 days
This is wild
here's one from the backlog for you about my time in boy scouts
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