linstreeiel · 4 years
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i decided to up my game for leviathan (haha, pun, hilarious)
[click on the image if text is blurry]
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linstreeiel · 4 years
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happy women’s day <3 just finished drawing this one <3 all brothers in one piece :3 
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linstreeiel · 4 years
The Obey me Boys reacting to MC sending them a nude photo!
You sent it him while you were in the same room with all the others
He takes his phone out and opens the message while you watch from across the room
A small blush on his face but still has his normal stern expression
Puts phone away and lets out a loud breath
Catches you in the hallway alone later and pins you against the wall
"I'd much rather show you the real thing than send one back my dear"
He was lay in bed when you sent it him
Dropped his phone on his face when he opened it
Stares at it in disbelief for a moment
Takes out his already hard dick and sends a you a pic
Captions it "Get your ass to my room NOW ya nasty lil thing, let Mammon give you some of this x"
Was playing games when you sent it
Nearly crushed his controller in his hand opening it with the other
Doesn't text back for around 10 minutes (think we all know what he was doing)
Messages you an awkwardly adorable "Thanks lol"
Followed up with "Maybe next time I can see you in person 🙈🙊"
You also decided to send while in the same room with the others like you did with lucifer
Opens the message, and shoots you a wicked smirk.
"MC could you come with me a moment, there's a book I think you may like and I want your opinion"
Starts instantly ripping off your clothes when you both get to his room
"You dirty little slut"
He was in his bathroom when you sent it
"Oh my *giggles*"
Sends you back about 10 glorious photo's of him in different poses
Messages you "I was just about to have a bath, why don't you come join me and let me wash that perfect body of yours love"
He was in the kitchen (obviously)
You captioned it "come eat this cherry pie"
His food literally fell out of his mouth when he opened it
Shows up at your room 2 seconds later
Knows full goddamn well what you meant by cherry pie but brings custard and questions if there actually is any which makes you laugh as you tell him "no"
Doesn't care and says "Ah well, maybe we can use this custard in other ways" before coming in and closing the door behind him
He was in bed
Rolls over half asleep, opens it, then puts his phone down and rolls over again
Eye's snap open after a moment as he rolls around trying to grab his phone to look again wondering did he really just see what he thinks he saw or was he dreaming
Sends back a teasy photo of him in bed, topless body grabbing his hardening cock in his pants with the caption "come join me in bed, Beel won't be back for a while 😈"
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linstreeiel · 4 years
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Satan stans come get your boi uwu
And with that we've done wallpapers for all the demon brothers! I'm more than happy to make more though! So if you want something else (ex. More chibi wallpapers, different sprites, other characters) feel free to drop a request in the inbox!
- Admin Belphegor 💜
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linstreeiel · 4 years
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Lucifer / Beelzebub / Satan Wallpapers requested by anonymous
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linstreeiel · 4 years
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Asmodeus Wallpapers requested by @kabih 
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linstreeiel · 4 years
Ooh I love your wallpapers!! I’m dying for my Otaku bby Leviachan pleaseeee ❤️❤️❤️
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Ask and ye shall receive dear anon uwu
- Admin Belphegor 💜
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linstreeiel · 4 years
hello !! the belphie wallpapers were so nice 🥺 can we mayhaps get sum mammon wallpapers 👉👈
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Of course! I hope you like them!
- Admin Belphegor 💜
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linstreeiel · 4 years
If you still take requests, how about Lucifer kabedon MC? (your art is amazing I love it very much ♡)
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It kinda ended up being more NSFW-ish [See more below the cut] as I didn’t want to draw clothes. I just doodled something in 10 min I hope it’s still fine tho ahh. Thank you for the request and liking my art. I am still struggeling with sitting down and actually drawing ahh. Back to playing FGO.
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linstreeiel · 5 years
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inst.: @rikkarityan
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linstreeiel · 7 years
Custom cases complete today 💕 #rezero #deco #decoden #decodencase #decodenphonecase #kawaii #socute #cute #adorable #anime #manga #sailormoon #sanriodanshi #sanrioboys #pokemon
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linstreeiel · 7 years
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had a go at making a necromancer skin for mercy.. next halloween bliz pls
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linstreeiel · 7 years
When you go Would you even turn to say "I don't love you Like I did Yesterday"
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linstreeiel · 8 years
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linstreeiel · 8 years
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Мне тут напомнили, что у меня есть дневничок и что вместо засорения лички я могу засорять то, что моё по праву. Так как я уже неделю далеко от дома, то спешу поделиться тем, что тут было интересного. Начну с Новосибирска. Остановились мы там в хостеле (где меня запутала тян насчёт наличия/отсутствия места). Поспали, проснулись, улыбнулись, собрались и пошли гулять. Сначала я гуляла только в Ауре, а потом перебралась дальше. Отельном про Ауру: Тут я накупила себе книг (в два подхода): словарик, книга для изучения японского и самая мейнстримная тамблер-книга, которая только могла быть- wreck this journal! Все вышло на 2500-3000 ₽. Почему-то потратить такую сумму на одежду/обувь мне кажется транжирством, ну а на книги готова была спустить и больше. Ещё мне дали скидочку 5% в любом книжном магазине их сети и я узнала о том, что будет (есть) продолжение бойцовского клуба. Я как бы смотрела фильм, читала книгу и не понимаю: а что там продолжать?! Конечно, обязательно ознакомлюсь и со второй частью, но будет ли это то, что нужно? Я сомневаюсь. Покончим с книгами (и вспомним то, где я ела последний раз), перейдём к макдаку. Там я взяла себе хэппи мил (только из-за игрушки), поела чизбургер, картошечку. И то сама есть не смогла и половину скормила воробьям, которые летают прям в тц и с радостью кушают все :3 После мы пошли гулять по всему городу и ловить покемонов @_@ Пока ловили, встретили парня, который тоже охотится за покемошками. Поговорили с ним, да и через полчасика он свалил (потому что я его заебала) К слову, я хотела зайти в бургеркинг и покушать там (после мака), но и денег жалко, и кушать не хотела. Отдельно стоит рассказать про иностранцев: они там на каждом углу. Идёшь и слышишь, то Китайский, то Японский, то Немецкий и т.д. З.ы.: одна японка даже сфоткала меня, не знаю, чем ей я приглянулась, но как факт.
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linstreeiel · 8 years
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Crytal Maiden cosplay Watch me live at: twitch.tv/kyoreject
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linstreeiel · 8 years
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