“I wish there was a way to at least get a hold of him without worrying who’s reading our correspondence. Everything going on is so sketchy, I really don’t understand why the Ministry is allowing any of this.” Victoire twirled a lock of blonde hair around her finger. A nervous habit she’d had since she was a child. Louis was the only member of their immediate family who was too out of reach for them to check in with, but thinking about him also brought the Delacour-Bardons to mind. Why did this decree have to come out while they were all away in school? Her stomach was doing somersaults just thinking about the three of them. At least they have each other, and the other Weasleys and Potters… They’re going to be okay, Vic, they’re all so strong.
It had been hard, ever since the thought first came in her mind, for Victoire to imagine being without Amelie for a long while. Ever since she was born, it had been mostly them against the world. Yes she had her entire family on her side, but this was different. The selfish person in her wanted to keep her little girl beside her forever, but deep down she knew that wasn’t best. Dominique agreeing with her only solidified the truth that this was the only way to keep Amelie safe. “I think he doesn’t have a choice,” she stated somewhat bluntly, “But… I think he’ll agree. Sure, he’ll mourn his bachelor lifestyle - Amelie has told me all about the three women she’s met in the past two months worth of visitations with her father - but, I digress, he’s her father and he loves her. I’m sure once he hears all about the registration, if he hasn’t already, then he’ll almost immediately agree this is best for her.” Her gaze moved once more away from the other. “It’s not if he agrees that I’m worried about, though… it’s whether or not I actually go through with it. Nothing matters more to me than my daughter, she’s one of only things that keeps me going. Without her… If I were being honest, Dominique, I really don’t know how I’ll handle her being so far from me.”
The thickness returned to her throat and Victoire tried to swallow against it. She didn’t want to appear weak - not in front of her baby sister. She needed to be strong, strong for her. Strong for the little girl in question, who was likely to pop out of her room any second now. “It’s my job to protect her, so I need to make sure I do this.” Dabbing her eyes, she tried to smile despite the feelings choking her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to unload this on you. I just… don’t know who else I can really talk to about it. I love dad but it’s likely that he’ll have some unrealistic idea about what to do in this situation. And mom… well mom may be the expected person to turn to right now, but I couldn’t talk about sending my child away when she’s likely killing herself over not being able to reach Louis.” Victoire shook her head, “And I know you’re struggling too. You can’t hide it from me, I could tell the second you came in something was bothering you.”
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“I know. It’s so confusing but - well, we lost the people who were steering it in the right direction, didn’t we?” Dominique hated to admit it but with Uncle Harry and Kingsley Shacklebolt gone, the Ministry seemed like a totally different place. The people who were on their side could only do so much. But surely everyone would be okay. They had to be. The family would look out for each other, even those who were still at Hogwarts. Hopefully especially those who were at Hogwarts.
Resting her chin on her knees, Dominique studied her sister quietly. It was obvious that this was upsetting, and yet it seemed like the only course of action. Dominique was gutted at the thought of Amelie being so far away, so she could only imagine how hard it would be for Vic. But if it would be the best thing, if it would keep her safe . . . Her nose wrinkled at the mention of the other women - honestly who could ever measure up to Vic? He would never find anyone nearly as good. But surely even he could have some decorum if his daughter lived with him full time. “If you need me to go with you, then I will. I can make sure you go through with it.” How was unclear but Dominique would make sure it happened if that’s what Victoire needed. This counted as a family emergency so Lucinda could hardly find fault with that and while Dominique was still young and learning, she was a good player. She’d be fine skipping a day or two of practice.
She stood quickly, walking over to hug her sister. “You’ll do the right thing, no matter how hard it is. And you’re allowed to unload any time, you know that.” She returned to her spot with a grin that felt only slightly strained and busied herself with her tea cup.  “Yeah, I love both of them but I don’t know that talking to either one would have been much good. Not the way you need.” Dominique loved their parents so much and she still ran to them first when she was upset about anything, but she thought Vic had made the right decision not to confide in them just yet. “And I’m fine, just . . . worried. It’s nothing.” Vic had enough to worry about right now with Amelie; it would be selfish for Dominique to start dumping all her fears on her. She traced the rim of her cup absently and the question bubbled up before she realized it. “Do you feel - never mind.”
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WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron, London. WHEN: March 1st, 2024 @ 15:58. WHO: Open to all adults. 
He wasn’t going to cry.
He couldn’t cry. 
Ron had to admit it; it was a bit early to get drunk. Or well, to drink. At his age, he couldn’t very well excuse drinking just for the sake of getting drunk, could he? Not even when all he wanted to do was either lie down on the floor and never get up again OR throw glasses at the wall until he bled from the shards that rebounded back to him. 
Fuck. He hated everything so much at that moment. From the rickety table he was sitting at, to the chair he was sitting on, to the looks of pity the bartender kept on sending his way. And she wasn’t the only one. Even McLaggen’s kid, bloody McLaggen’s kid, had sent a drink his way. Not that he hadn’t done the same to her a few nights ago, after he’d heard whispers of her sister’s death. Still, it stung. Ron Weasley used to be easy to pity. He used to find himself pitiful, even, but that had changed. Ron had changed. He was a grown man now, and he didn’t need to be pitied. Fuck. What he needed was his best friend back. 
He had spent the first eleven years of his life without Harry. That was a big chunk of time, and yet, he felt like the hole inside of him would have been just have big if they had known each other from birth. He loved Harry. He hadn’t said it enough. It wasn’t the “manly” thing to do, and Ron had always tried to prove himself. As the youngest of six boys, he had wanted to show he was strong. And telling your best friend you loved him had, apparently, never been a great show of strength, and how fucking much Ron regretted it was unbelievable. He had said it from time to time, but was it enough? Did Harry ever know that Ron saw him as a brother? As even more than that? Ron loved his brothers, sure, but Harry held a special place in his heart. A place that had been turned into a hole that would never be filled again.
It was his first birthday without Harry. Well, except for his first eleven ones, but Ron didn’t count those. Hell, he could barely remember them. His sixteenth birthday had been especially interesting, and Ron couldn’t help but quietly chuckle as he remembered it whilst staring into his glass of whiskey. 
Harry was gone. Harry would never get to turn forty-four. Harry Potter was dead. 
So absorbed into his thoughts and his whiskey, Ron didn’t even notice anyone approaching him until he finally looked up and saw that someone was sitting right in front of him. 
“Oh, bloody hell,” he jumped in surprised, putting his hand against his heart for a second before raising an eyebrow. “Kind of rude to try to give a guy a heart attack on his birthday, you know?”
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Dominique spotted her uncle as soon as she stepped into the pub, but she didn’t go over immediately. Grief was a strange thing, she had learned. It had potential to be unite or divide a family - in her own, limited experience. She had felt oddly isolated ever since November and didn’t know how to talk about it to anyone, not even Victoire. So when it came to Uncle Ron, who had been one of Uncle Harry’s best friends . . . she had no idea what to say to him. She had muddled through all the family affairs in the time since then but hadn’t really gone out of her way to spend any time with Uncle Ron on his own. Aunt Hermione too - Dominique loved them both so much but she just couldn’t bring herself to face him.
But it was Uncle Ron’s birthday and the first one without Uncle Harry and he was all alone in the Leaky Cauldron. That seemed like a pretty bad combination. So she ordered a butter beer and took a deep breath and made her way to his table, sitting down without a word. And then she waited because he was apparently very deeply lost in thought and Dominique didn’t know if she should interrupt him or not. But apparently just sitting there had been the wrong choice.
“Happy birthday,” she said with a sheepish grin after he recovered from the shock. “Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt any important thoughts. I just thought I’d come . . . say hi.”
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Victoire sighed, though her smile was amused. “She really is adorable. How fortunate that those wonderful veela traits skipped a generation with me and landed fully on her. Curse you Delacour genes.” Knowing full well it had all been a joke, Victoire couldn’t help the warm smile when her sister confirmed she did in fact come to see her. “Oh I know, but it is nice to hear you say it,” she replied in earnest. “You better not mind the nagging - it just comes with the territory.” The mention of Louis caused a pang of sadness within Victoire. With the screening of owls and the banning of electronic devices there was no way to get a hold of the students at Hogwarts in a private manner, which meant that no one in the family had gotten through to Louis since the news of the registration broke. She had no idea how her brother was fairing in the aftermath. The world was cruel, but teenagers could be worse - what if he was being bullied? Ridiculed? Tormented? It was possible - kids were mean, and while she was sure he could manage… she hated the fact she couldn’t be there to protect him in some way. “I worry a lot about Louis,” she admitted in a quiet voice. “And I’m also worried about you.”
Victoire took a moment before answering, her gaze pointed away from Dominique. “Obviously I don’t have to explain how the registration affects my life to you - you’re probably just as anxious about it as I am. Which absolutely destroys me. The fact there is so little we can do, and that we are part of the group being harmed by this law… it’s terrifying. But the worst of it? The fact that this law requires I register Amelie with them. I can’t protect my own child from this injustice, and I don’t even know where to begin to explain this all to her. So that’s why…” She trailed off, steeling herself against the sadness threatening to break her, and finally looked Dominique straight in the eye. “I think it’s best I make the arrangements to get her far away from the Ministry and it’s Creature Registration. It’s the real reason why I agreed to take this job in Paris - I need to speak with her father and see if he’s willing to take her in until I know it’s safe for her to be here with me again. Amelie deserves a safe and carefree childhood where she doesn’t have to face this kind of thing.”
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Although she wanted the lighthearted tone to continue, Dominique had a very strong feeling that it wouldn’t last. Still, she laughed lightly and rolled her eyes, determined to enjoy it as long as possible. “I should be used to the nagging by now, I know, but it somehow always surprises me.” But the laughter and smile faded, replaced by a concern that mirrored Vic’s. Dominique really tried not to think too much about how little they could do to help their brother, because it didn’t help anything and just made her feel worse. “I hate it,” she admitted, tracing a pattern on the couch. “I wish I were there with him. Or that he were here with us.” She had the strangest urge to climb onto her sister’s lap, the way she’d done when she was little and Vic had seemed like a force of nature who could take on any sort of problem.
Dominique sat very still as Vic continued; the atmosphere had turned very grim suddenly and she didn’t like it. But there wasn’t any point in trying to avoid it. She wondered if Vic had felt the same terrifying sense of being . . . inhuman. That didn’t seem likely though; nothing seemed to upset her. Although clearly that was wrong and she was more worried about the decree than Dominique would have guessed. If she was willing to send Amelie away - “If it’ll be safer for her, I don’t think anyone would argue,” she said slowly, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “What do you think the odds are that he’ll take her in?” 
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“One of these days I’m going to ‘accidentally’ leave her behind with one of you and you’ll learn to regret hyping her up with sugar,” Victoire laughed. Despite the words and the smile on her face, Victoire felt a pang of sadness and a thickness rising to her throat. She had begun thinking of what to do about the little girl in question and this registration that was bringing anxiety to people with creature blood across the wizarding community. What was becoming the best option, the best thing for her daughter, was easily the most difficult and something she tried not to think about. She rolled her eyes and swallowed against the feeling in her throat. “Really feeling the love here. Maybe I’ll just give her more chores to keep her from coming to say hello…” Despite the words coming from her sister, Victoire couldn’t help but frown as she spoke. She really must have seemed like a nagging mother whenever she spoke with her siblings or cousins, but it was just her overprotective nature talking. “I know I don’t, but I’m going to anyway.” It was just one of her endearing qualities. “It is generally, but working for the bank offered more thrilling ‘adventures’ in Egypt. Which I miss. This job is in France, actually, and courtesy of grand-mère Apolline. Some object was discovered in the catacombs and the French Ministry has hired me to see that any curses or jinxes be removed so they can move it from the catacombs. There’s a fear that muggle tourists may touch it and there’ll be a high level exposure threat on their hands.” She paused to sip her tea before continuing, “I’ll be taking Amelie this time. It’s only to Paris and I figured she could stay with her father while I work. And… I have some things to discuss with him.” Her gaze fell, the woman no longer fully able to hide what her sister would inevitably begin to notice. “I would totally take you with, it’s a real shame Lucinda won’t give you a bit of time off. Though my reasons for asking you to come with would be a bit selfish - it may help out with some… decisions I have to make.”
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“I’ll learn regret, but will that ever stop me from giving her more sugar? You shouldn’t have had such an adorable kid.” Dominique said, grinning as she took another sip of her tea. Maybe she should lay off a bit though, because she didn’t want to cause unnecessary frustration for her sister. “You know I’m teasing,” she said, reaching out with her foot to gently kick Vic’s chair. “I come to see you. And I don’t mind the nagging either. I know you’ll worry about me, like I worry about Louis.” And Vic, although Dominique tried to hide that most of the time. The job in France sounded interesting - she would never have wanted to do Vic’s job but at least it didn’t seem like too much danger for her this time around. The knowledge that she was taking Amelie was a little sad, but Dominique had been spending all her free time at the Quidditch pitch anyway. So she nodded, her expression shifting from casual interest to concern as Victoire continued talking. “I mean, I could probably talk her into it. She doesn’t like us taking much time off but you know I don’t normally. What sort of decisions do you have to make?” Something twisted unpleasantly in her stomach and she set the tea cup down. Decisions about Amelie . . . that sounded ominous.
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“One step ahead of you.” And she was. Victoire brought out a sugar bowl and placed it before Dominique. “So long as my five year old doesn’t witness exactly how much an ‘obscene amount of sugar’ is and try to adopt it. She doesn’t have cavities - yet, I say because I’m pretty sure you all are sneaking her sweets when I’m not looking.” As her sister spoke, Victoire looked at her - really looked at her, searching for some kind of tell as to what she was really feeling. “Oh so you never stop by to see me, your dear sister? Fair enough, I get it. She’s a lot more fun than I am. I’ve told her she can’t come out to hang until she’s cleaned all her toys up. So sorry, you’re stuck with me until then.” Worry flashed over her features when her sister mentioned practice. “You’re getting enough rest, right? I know you’re more than capable of handling yourself on the pitch, but it can’t be good if they overwork you guys.” She shook her head. “Fine, I’ve been taking smaller, local jobs and they’ve been kind of boring. Easy curses to reverse. I’ll be heading out of the country this weekend for a more substantial job. Kind of the perfect distraction from everything.”
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Dominique’s grin was not even the least bit repentant, about the sugar or slipping sweets to Amelie on the sly. “She’s just so cute! How can we resist that face? And anyway, she goes home with you so it’s not really a big deal, right?” The tea kept her busy enough that she thought she could get her expression under control and be a little more convincing when she looked back up at her sister. “I’ve had twenty-one years with you, so of course I only stop by to see Amelie. She’s new and shiny. But I guess you’ll do until she’s finished in there.” Pulling her feet up on the couch, Dominique heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Yes, mother, I’m getting enough rest. And I make sure to eat my vegetables.You don’t have to worry about me.” Not that she thought her words would stop Vic from worrying, as she herself certainly worried about Vic any time she was out. But for now, Dominique was managing to keep things under control. “Well I should think boring is fine in your line of work. What sort of job is it this weekend? Are you taking Amelie? Can you take me?” She let out a nervous laugh and took a sip of her tea. “Kidding. Lucinda would do awful things to me if I went gallivanting off somewhere. It would be nice though - I’ve been wanting to go to Paris, actually. Or anywhere, I guess.”
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The thing Bill disliked about living in Shell Cottage was how quiet it could be; after he and Fleur got married and before they had Victoire, he could find himself alone for hours with nothing but the rush of nearby waves for company. The same thing started happening as his children left home for Hogwarts and later, for their adult lives – and frankly, the stillness could drive him a bit mad. Bill was not the type of man who found peace easily. 
At the sound of his middle child’s voice, Bill thundered down the short flight of stairs faster than a man his age tended to move, spirited by the need to see his children, touch them, be assured that they were safe. The news of the registry had chilled his very core, and he’d spent the better part of that morning dreaming up ways to spirit his wife, children, and grandchild out of the UK without them protesting. 
“Hi, Dom,” he drew his daughter in for a tight hug, kissing her temple quick before pulling back to look at her face. “You alright?” 
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There was nothing quite as safe as being at home, with her dad. Even before she saw him, just hearing his footsteps helped ease some of her fears - not all of them, and really not even a lot. But it was better. As soon as she could, she all but threw herself into his arms, hugging him as tightly as she could. Surely there was something they could do to help, surely Dad would know what to do. The decree had done a lot more to shake her confidence than she would have thought it would. 
“I’m - yeah.” Her voice wobbled and she didn’t quite meet his eyes when she said it though. “It’s - it’s just - Louis. What - what are we gonna do - he’s at Hogwarts.” It was easier to focus on anyone else than admit how scared she was, even if she knew that it was perfectly clear to her dad. She was a Gryffindor. She wasn’t supposed to get scared. “And - and Amelie. She’s so little.”
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WHERE: victoire’s flat in london WHEN: somewhere between february 25th and march 6th, 2024 WHO: sorry kids but this is for the adults/not attending hogwarts crew
The kettle whistled from the stove top, signaling Victoire to rush back into the kitchen to collect the warm water for tea. She carefully prepared two cups, setting them upon a tray and carrying them into the parlor. Sure she could have used magic, but there were some things she preferred to do by hand - and sometimes it was these little things that kept her distracted from her thoughts. The news about the Creature Registration Act in particular had weighed heavy on the part-veela’s mind. She was opting to not dwell on it. “Here’s that cup of tea for you, love,” Victoire smiled warmly at the other, placing the tray down on the coffee table between them. “You look a little worn out, like maybe you’ve had a bad week. Was there something in particular you wanted to talk about?” It wasn’t a surprise to see a variety of faces coming in and out of her flat - she was always there with her arms wide open, eagerly inviting all to come in and lean into her whenever they needed a crutch. And with how things have been progressing lately… It seemed like her door was more often than not open to whoever needed to stop by. “How have you been?”
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Dominique had flopped onto the couch with Vic left the room, covering her face with her hands. She really needed to pull herself together, because while she could fool most everyone else into believing she was okay, it wouldn’t work on her sister. So she put on her best smile when Vic came back and reached for the tea. “Do you have enough sugar though, that’s the real question. I’m feeling in need of an obscene amount of sugar.” To avoid the question, she busied herself with finishing up her tea and taking a cautious sip. “No, nothing to talk about. You know I only come by to see Amelie anyway. And if I look tired it’s just because we’ve been putting in a lot of extra time in practice - Lucinda’s been around and she’s never satisfied, you know. How’s cursebreaking going?”
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WHERE: Anywhere that isn’t Hogwarts. WHEN: Anytime between February 25th, 2024, and March 6th, 2024. WHO: Open to every adult.
“Can you believe it? I just… I’m in shock. I’m sorry for being this way right now, but I just can’t deal with it. It’s so… Dehumanizing. No, that’s not the right word. Humans are not inherently better than anyone else. It’s just fucking awful. Oh, shit. Oh for- Please excuse my language. I’m just a tiny bit angry right now.”
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“Yeah. Dehumanizing.” Dominique looked away, because the law had hit her . . . a lot harder than she would have expected and she still hadn’t processed all her emotions. But she had never been very good about that - she liked getting out on the Quidditch pitch with a beater’s bat and bludger to let everything out and so far she hadn’t had a chance to do that.
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After taking a sip of her coffee and setting it down on the counter, Mina reached for the bread box to grab said bread, and then grabbed a knife to cut a slice of it off. Smiling at Dominique, she shook her head as she put the slice of bread into the muggle toaster; one of the rare muggle oddities her mother had once taken a liking to. Not that she seemed to care about those any more…
“It’s totally fine,” she stated, turning so her back was to the counter and she was facing Dominique. She honestly didn’t how how she had managed to keep such a good friend in her life. Lately, Mina’s social skills had been far from adequate. Sure, she was fun to be around, but people only seemed to find her useful for that. Friends she had once had deep conversations with suddenly started avoiding her, and she honestly couldn’t blame them. Mina’s life was a complete mess at the moment, and she seemed to be constantly regretting everything she did, though she made sure to hide that sentiment. 
“It’s oranges that make me feel the worst when I’m, you know,” she added with a small frown. She felt hot and cold at the same time, and her nausea hadn’t calmed down yet. Still, Mina almost never threw up, and though the feeling sucked, she wasn’t worried about humiliating herself in front of Dominique. She already had only a few friends left; it wouldn’t do to scare one of them away.
“I think I sent you an owl yesterday, yeah? I don’t remember what I wrote, but I doubt it was easy to read. Sorry.”
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Dominique nodded thoughtfully; it made sense that oranges made Mina feel bad. They were very strong, in scent and taste. She’d never liked oranges anyway, or orange juice. Or pumpkin juice. “Yeah that sounds about right. Oranges aren’t the greatest anyways, are they? Or maybe that’s just me.” Shrugging, she took a few steps into the kitchen, eyeing the Muggle contraptions curiously. “Are you all right now?” She turned back to eye Mina now, frowning slightly - maybe she shouldn’t have come after all. 
“Oh yeah, I got it.” Chuckling, she waved a hand in Mina’s direction. “It wasn’t bad, so no need to worry about it.” Whether Mina was worried about the contents or the actual writing itself, Dominique had been able to read it well enough. “If you’re feeling up to it, we could get out of the house later. Some fresh air might do you good.” There was a fine balance between sounding concerned and being a nag, and Dominique tried very hard not to cross the line but she was a firm believer in being outside. It was better near the beach, of course, but any fresh air was better than none.
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Who: Dominique & Bill ( @billiams ) Where: Shell Cottage When: Tuesday, February 27, late afternoon
Dominique had really not been paying attention to the news until she heard some of her teammates muttering about the new regulation. And then when she went searching for information for herself, she ended up just wishing she hadn’t because it was awful. Dominique Weasley wasn’t made for shit like this; she was made to play Quidditch and run down the beach and be carefree and instead she had to try to fight in a war that terrified her and put her entire family at risk. It was no wonder that she worked herself into a frenzy and before she quite realized what she was doing, Apparated home.
Shell Cottage had always been her very favorite place in the world. She never felt quite as comfortable anywhere else, and it had always made her feel safe. That didn’t happen this time though - the people in the Ministry wanted a registry and Dominique didn’t think she’d feel safe anywhere ever again. “Mum? Dad?” Her voice didn’t quite sound as frantic as she felt but it was definitely wavering more than usual.
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you don't have what it takes to save anyone.
“I do.”
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artemis smiles. “i always wondered what it would’ve been like to have a big family. i had cousins - but just two, way younger than me.” she shrugs - it’s strange, to talk about her family at all. it took her a long while to grow used to speaking about them in the past tense - they may not yet be dead, but to her they may as well be. that is enough to make her wish for the all-encompassing pain of running again. she takes another bite of her breakfast. “must be nice - knowing everyone, like that. having so many people around, all the time.”
artemis nods, raising her mug. “yeah, i’d drink to that. bloody nightmare, fitting anything in around our jobs. hard to have any other commitments.” dominique seems nice enough, trustworthy enough. it would be nice, to have a friend. “timing’s always weird - a nine-to-five job would be easier, but here we are.”
That was such a foreign concept to Dominique. She couldn’t imagine life without more cousins than she could count running around at all times - or her siblings. She’d be so lost without the two of them. “I really liked it,” she said with a nod. “It was comforting, and there were so many aunts and uncles too - it was really great.” Truthfully, she’d give just about anything to have the whole family together again like that, where she could see them all and be sure that they were safe. “It can be a little much sometimes, not often, but sometimes. And I know some of the rest of them feel different from me about it.” 
Grinning, she raised her own mug to Artemis’s. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything, of course, but it makes a lot of things really difficult, that’s very true.” She took a drink before setting it down and turning her attention to her food, pushing it around briefly and then eating a bit. “Easier but a lot less fun. My sister writes for the Daily Prophet and her schedule is pretty hectic too but in a different way - but I don’t think I’d like it. I like being outside. I was thinking of studying dragons actually, if flying didn’t work out. Or magizoology.”
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DAISY: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
CARNATION: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?
JASMINE: What color looks best on you?
FOXGLOVE: Name three facts about your family?
ALLIUM: What’s the best thing you can cook?
ORANGE BLOSSOM: If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you?
CALLA LILY: If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral?
POINSETTIA: Favorite holiday dish?
OXLIP: Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
PRIMROSE: Favorite kind of soup?
DAFFODIL: What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?
ROSE: Are you currently in love with someone?
AMSONIA: Would you ever become a vegan?
PEONY: What’s your favorite hot beverage?
TULIP: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?
MYRTLE: Do you like going on airplanes?
HIBISCUS: Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?
ZINNIA: Who was your best friend when you were six years old?
POPPY: What color was your childhood home?
HYDRANGEA: Starbucks order?
VIOLET: Do you like where you’re from?
LOCUST: What was your favorite book as a child?
RHODODENDRON: What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
QUEEN ANNE’S LACE: Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?
MAGNOLIA: Favorite kind of candy?
ASTER: Would you rather be cold or hot?
MARIGOLD: Do you listen to what’s on the radio?
HELICONIA: Do you like when it rains?
AZALEA: What’s a movie you cried while watching?
DANDELION: Do you think you’re important?
@gentlexsimone​ @ambitiousxanthea​ @icyxcamilla​
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WHERE: Mina’s mother’s house. WHEN: Monday, February 19th, 2024 @ 11:27AM.  WHO: Dominique Weasley. ( @lionheartedxdominique )
Mina wished she had been having a good dream when the knocking woke her up, but truth was that she hadn’t had any dreams, bad or good, ever since what happened with Elise. It was like all her creativity and imagination had left her, and it showed even when she was sleeping. Still, one thing was for sure, and that was that the knocking on the door did not help with Mina’s pounding headache. The problem was that she had ended up pretty much passing out on the couch right beside the front door, and so the knocking was far too close to her for her liking. She guessed her mother had already gone for her walk that morning, too; she had been going on hours long walks ever since what happened to Elise, and Mina didn’t even bother trying to get through to her anymore. Therefore, the house was empty but for herself, and she groaned as she got up from the couch. Bringing a hand up to her head, she coughed once and walked over to the door. 
Looking throughout one of the windows on the side of the door, she saw who was standing on the porch, and couldn’t help the small smile that graced her features. She was about to unlock the door when she noticed that her mother hadn’t even bothered locking it behind her when she left, and she tried to ignore the way that seemed to squeeze her heart in the most uncomfortable of ways as she reached for the doorknob and opened the door. 
“This is why you’re my favourite,” Mina stated as she grabbed one of the cups of coffee that Dominique was holding, and opened the door wildly to let the other young woman in. Walking back to the kitchen, she looked behind her to see if the redhead was following her. 
“I’d rather die than eat right now, but if you’re hungry, I can make you something. As thanks for the coffee. And like, as long as it’s something that doesn’t smell too much. Thanks, by the way.”
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Dominique had always been pretty good at making friends; she was friendly and outgoing and her last name had - until recently - held enough appeal to make a certain segment of her peers eager to befriend her. Now her surname wasn’t quite as good for making new friends but she still had a decent amount of old friends, and she was doing her best to maintain those friendships. Mina had been a school friend and that relationship continued on after school, despite everything that had happened. Maybe it was her grandmother’s influence, but Dominique felt an odd sense of responsibility when it came to Mina, the need to check on her and make sure she was taking care of herself, at least to a small degree. It wasn’t unusual to find her at Mina’s with coffee for a hangover, and she flashed a grin as the door opened and she trailed inside behind her friend. 
“I know. I should be everybody’s favorite really but you’ll have to do for now. And I wouldn’t say no to some toast or something? I had breakfast already but I’m hungry again. That shouldn’t be too much trouble or smell, right? And you’re welcome.” She glanced around to see if Mina’s mum was around but didn’t see anyone else. “I’m assuming I’m not interrupting anything?”
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“i guess it must be. but it’s probably true - for the dedicated, i guess.” she wonders if it’s a routine she’s going to be able to continue. there’s a target on artemis’ back. there has been since she was born, since she first found out she was a witch… there are too many targets. running might become a luxury. “but there are definitely worse ones. besides - gives you some time to yourself, doesn’t it? lets you get out of everything that’s going on in your head?” she figures it probably does - that’s half the reason she does it herself.
“yeah, i’ve heard the diagon alley trips were quite the social event.” artemis wouldn’t know. her parents paid the school in no-maj money to have her books and equipment supplied straight to ilvermorny for her. a pang of jealousy runs through her, quick and hot. “i think i’ve got it mostly figured out - but that would be nice.” a friendly face, outside of the training grounds. artemis hasn’t allowed herself to think how much that would make her life more enjoyable. “thank you.”
“Yeah, that all sounds about right.” Especially the last bit, about getting out of your head. Dominique was all for that lately; everything seemed to just suck and she didn’t like it. Much more enjoyable to just forget it all - which she knew was a bad life choice but it was what she had at the moment. Which was why she threw herself into the rest of the conversation, because thinking about Diagon Alley was much better. “Oh, it really was. Meeting up with your friends - family for us too. There’s enough of us that we probably kept some of the shops in business just from the extended Weasley-Potter cousins.”
The offer of company had been made earnestly but Dominique didn’t really know if she should expect it to be accepted or not. She didn’t have a good read on Artemis yet, and it could very easily go either way. But she was glad that Artemis seemed agreeable to the idea. “It would be nice for me too, actually. Socializing can be a bit tricky with the training schedule, and I’m at loose ends sometimes.”
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👀 what are you planning to do when it's time to retire from quidditch?
“I’m planning to never retire from Quidditch and just play forever, how’s that? I really haven’t thought that far ahead - I mean, playing professionally just sort of happened and I just … I’m not sure it really matters, what I’ll do in the future. There’s a war on.”
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