littlebardling · 2 years
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‘No matter what, I still want to be here with you. I will always, ALWAYS, want to be here with you.’
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littlebardling · 2 years
well, you know what? i'm gonna be gentle to myself. whether or not i accomplish things. whether i'm at my one hundred or at my ten percent. whether i'm angry, happy, stressed, anxious or insecure. even when i don't have all the answers or all the hope. even when the world demands more and more of what i can no longer give. even when i disappoint people. even, even, even.
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littlebardling · 2 years
don’t let this world’s obsession with youth rob you of the big and small joys of adulthood. i spent most of my teenage years and early twenties struggling with my mental health. but there’s no timeline for happiness. for many people, getting older and growing up means having more chances to redefine their values, find their path and stability in life. some people go to college in their forties. some people marry in their sixties. some people recover better after their thirties. there’s no timeline for this kind of stuff. your childhood and teenage years won’t be the only chance you have at experiencing freedom and joy.
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littlebardling · 3 years
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Theo van den Boogaard - What a Beauty!, 1985
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littlebardling · 3 years
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littlebardling · 3 years
How do you feel about honeypot ants 🐜🍯
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im absolutely desperate to eat one honestly
honeypot ants are an example of solving a problem using extreme body specialization - in this case, what happens when youre an ant colony in an area with extreme temperatures or unreliable food sources? the answer sometimes is that your friends turn you into a living jar of juice
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theres a variety of ant species that do something similar found all over the globe, but the basics are about the same - honeypot ants cluster together, dangling from the top of the tunnels, waiting to be tended to and drunk from by other thirsty ants. theyre basically a living pantry
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other ants receive the nectar within by exchanging it via mouth, and the same goes for feeding the honeypot ants! theyre more or less completely immobile their entire adult lives, existing only to feed and be fed
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as for eating, theyve been a source of sugar for local indigenous groups in the areas theyre found in for ages.....heres david attenborough biting one
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littlebardling · 3 years
If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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littlebardling · 3 years
I need all the good vibes I can get for the apartment my mom and I are hopefully moving into 🤞♾
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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littlebardling · 3 years
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I thought so much this, and.  You know what? They must have talked. The whole chemo stuff didn’t happen without them talking about being very serious about their relationship, especially with Jaskier feeling like the time might be running out. So they finally tell each other, but anything added is just too much. They’re at their limit. Jaskier is scared and tired and out of his mind and Geralt is overworked and scared as fuck too, and they can’t just deal with ANY change because what they desperately need is THEIR BEST FRIEND. Everything else has time. So they start with this very strange limbo and… it’s kinda sweet. And later… I think Jaskier keeps waiting for something that might not be happening and Geralt will never, ever push. Like, Jaskier waits and wants to be ‘good’ again, he wants to be like he was, like he needs to be healthy to earn this relationship (which is not what Geralt meant AT ALL) and he seems fine and looks fine but they both know that there are still things that are different (and maybe will stay so. He’s so tired, and there’s still the nerve damage, and all the medication and. He still can’t play the guitar. And while I think he can make it work (for work) his libido isn’t what it was.) So he’s kind of struggling with recovery and finding his feet again and processing all that happened. But they’re also, very quietly, just for themselves (without making it obvious for anyone else that they know) very much in love. [masterpost]
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littlebardling · 3 years
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hehe more positive jellycats!!!! im SO happy that people like these!
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littlebardling · 3 years
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I’ve been seeing Moldavite all over tiktok, so I wanted to make a little informational graphic about it.
My Grimoire Pages | My Instagram
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littlebardling · 3 years
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Cover art by Jack Gaughan for Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, March 1978.
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littlebardling · 3 years
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Second Chances
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littlebardling · 3 years
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Dito Setiasa.
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littlebardling · 3 years
As The Poets Say
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One of my lovely mutuals @littlebardling wrote a dreamy, emotional Geraskier fic inspired by The Song of Achilles.
I loved it and offered to do a moodboard for it. And here it is! Check out As the Poets Say (Mature, 2251 words WIP) on AO3.
I also wrote a TSOA inspired fic The Song of Geralt (explicit, 5513 words complete) after I finished the book. I think it's our therapy after having our hearts crushed.
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littlebardling · 3 years
Two Protection Spells for your Stuffies/Blankies
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Stuffie Satchet
you will need;
stuffie of your choice
a small drawstring bag
sewing needle
any of the following herbs:
protection- bay leaves, basil, cotton, dill, eucalyptus, lavender
sleep and dreams- lavender, peppermint, poppy seeds
any of the following thread:
blue (peace, protection while sleeping, astral projection)
purple (spiritual protection)
black (banishes negative energy)
fill the small drawstring bag with what herbs you want, tie it tightly. cut a small hole in your stuffie and push in the bag. now choose your thread and as you sew up your little friend say the following;
“As I pull this thread through I am lacing you with the power to protect me, awake or asleep, and the power to protect yourself. I love you and you love me.”
when you finish sewing up, kiss your stuffie on the head and hug them!
Protection Spray
you will need;
a clean empty spray bottle
sun charged water (leave water in sun for however long you want, best at sunrise however, its good for healing and protection)
salt (banishes)
any of the following essential oils (or herbs but oils will help create more of a smell! any of the ones from the previous spell could work as well!):
rosemary(protection), lavender, wintergreen(protection and healing), chamomile(sleep), tea tree(purification and also good if you have pets as it kills fleas)
add your ingredients to the bottle and shake well, be careful with adding essentials oils because too much can be overpowering. spray your blankie or stuffie, or anything you want! as you spray, say the following;
“As the mist comes down, you are given the powers of protection and healing. You will keep away negative energy and keep me safe.”
then you can wrap up in your new protective blanket or cuddle up w your stuffies!
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littlebardling · 3 years
Everyone always makes me feel bad for being polyamorous so reblog this if you support polyamorous people
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