littlegeniusacademy · 23 days
7 Essential Tools for Young Entrepreneurs
For parents of aspiring kid entrepreneurs, guiding your child to start their business can be a rewarding and educational journey! It teaches them valuable skills such as financial literacy, creativity and resilience. In today’s digital age, using free online platforms can provide young entrepreneurs with the tools they need to build and grow their business with minimal investment. Here are the top platforms that can help elevate their business:
Canva - Branding is crucial for any business and Canva is the best tool for it. This user-friendly graphic tool allows kids to create custom logos, brochures and social media graphics. The drag and drop feature is perfect for beginners and there are lots of free templates available to achieve the best output.  
Wix - Wix is an excellent platform for building a professional looking website without diving into the tedious process of coding. It offers a range of free templates designed for various business types. Kids can use Wix to create a portfolio, online store or blog, to showcase their products to a wider audience.    
Mailchimp - Email Marketing is a powerful tool for growing a business. Mailchimp provides a free and systematic plan perfect for young businesses. It also allows young entrepreneurs to send 10,000 emails a month. They can use it to share updates and promotions with their customers, which can help build a loyal audience. 
Google My Business - Visibility is the central driving factor for any new business. Google My Business, is a free tool, helps businesses manage their online presence across Google, including Google Maps and Search. By verifying and editing their business information, young entrepreneurs can help customers find their business.  
Trello - Organisation is essential when managing a business. Trello is a versatile tool that helps keep projects organised. It's a system of boards, lists and cards which can be used to manage tasks, set deadlines and keep everything on track.   
Survey Monkey - Understanding customers is crucial and Survey Monkey can help with that. This tool allows young entrepreneurs to create free surveys to collect feedback from customers. The insights gathered through surveys can prove helpful in improving products and services. 
Social Media Platforms - Platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc. are essential for marketing a business. They offer a direct connection to customers and help in building a community around the business. They also provide special tools for advertising and customer interaction. 
Little Genius provides a Junior CEO Program that teaches management skills for kids and nurtures their entrepreneurial spirit. Our programs help children learn the basics of entrepreneurship and financial literacy through games and educational activities. To know more about our services, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/junior-ceos.php
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littlegeniusacademy · 1 month
Importance of Networking for Kidpreneurs
In the world of business, who you know can be just as important as what you know. For aspiring kidpreneurs, building a network of supportive friends, family and community members is a crucial step towards success. Here’s a guide that explains why it is important for kidpreneurs to have a wide network. 
Why Networking Matters for Kidpreneurs:
Learning Opportunities - Networking with other entrepreneurs, even at a young age, can open the doors to learning new ideas, strategies and skills. 
By talking to others about their experiences, Kidpreneurs can gain insights and advice that can help them navigate their entrepreneurial journey. 
Support and Encouragement - Starting a business can be challenging, but having a network of supporting peers and mentors can provide encouragement and motivation. This support system can be a source of strength during tough times and cheerful support to celebrate the wins. 
Collaboration and Partnerships - Networking can lead to opportunities for collaboration that can help a business to grow. 
Increased Visibility - A strong network can help spread the word about a Kidpreneur’s business, leading to more customers and sales. Family, friends and community members can become the brand ambassadors, recommending the business to others.
Developing Soft Skills - Networking helps Kidpreneurs develop important soft skills such as communication, empathy and problem solving. 
Tips for Effective Networking:
Start with What You Know - Begin by talking to friends and family about your business. Share your goals, products and services and ask for their advice and feedback. 
Attend Local Events - Participate in community fairs and workshops. These are great opportunities to meet other entrepreneurs and potential customers. Carry your business cards and flyers. 
Be Curious and Listen - When you meet someone new, be genuinely interested in what they say. Ask questions about their experiences and listen carefully to their answers. You learn a lot from the stories and advice of others. 
Practice your Pitch - You should be able to explain the story of your business in a few sentences. This will help you quickly and effectively communicate what you do when you meet new people. 
Follow Up - After meeting someone, follow up with a thank you message or email. This helps build lasting connections and shows that you value relationships. 
Use the Social Media Way - With a parent’s guidance, kidpreneurs can use social media platforms to connect with other entrepreneurs. It's important to be positive and respectful on social media platforms.  
Networking is a powerful tool for kidpreneurs, offering opportunities for learning, growth and collaboration. By building a strong network, young entrepreneurs can gain support and resources they need to turn their business dreams into reality.  Little Genius provides a Junior CEOs Program that helps polish management skills for kids. To know more in detail about the course, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 3 months
5 Steps to Instilling Financial Literacy in Kids
All responsible parents aspire to provide the best for their children. They seek to witness their children growing into successful, responsible young adults who can confidently face life’s challenges. Achieving these goals involves instilling good habits early on, with gaining financial literacy being the most crucial skill that young kids should have. 
Teaching young kids proper money management from an early age empowers them to make wise financial decisions. Begin by introducing them to basic financial concepts such as savings, budgeting, cash flow, etc. 
Here are 5 steps to instilling financial literacy in kids:
Introduce the Concept of Money - Teach your children about the concept of money at an early age, explaining how different denominations work and how money is exchanged for goods and services. Introduce short-term and long-term financial goals to help them plan their finances when the time comes. Short-term goals help in achieving objectives like short trips or buying a gadget, while long-term goals revolve around significant milestones in life like marriage or retirement. 
Teach the Concept of Savings - Enable your children to save money for their goals, encouraging them to set aside some savings.  Using a piggy bank can make saving exciting, teaching them patience and discipline. 
Budget Cash Flows - Teach your kids that cash flows are finite and need to be budgeted wisely. Help them distinguish between wants and needs and encourage them to track their expenses and budget their pocket money. 
Finance Content for Kids - Kids enjoy learning through illustrated comics or interactive video presentations. You can make them watch personal finance videos that are easily available online to develop a habit of consuming informative content and staying updated with financial news. 
Be a Role Model - Children learn by observing. Be a role model by showcasing good financial habits such as budgeting, saving, investing wisely and avoiding impulsive spending decisions. Involve your kids in the decision making process and value their opinions. 
If you are looking for a program to enhance your child’s financial knowledge and literacy, then Little Genius can be the best pick. Little Genius’s Junior CEO Program is a business management program specially designed for kids. This unique interactive program teaches the key fundamentals of business like entrepreneurship, marketing, financial literacy, advertising and promotion and leadership traits. For more information about our services, visit https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 4 months
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littlegeniusacademy · 4 months
Best Maths Movies for Kids
Math, often regarded as an intimidating subject, has been beautifully woven into the fabric of cinema to inspire, educate and entertain. Films have a unique way of making Math accessible and engaging for all, especially kids. Math movies can ignite a passion for numbers, patterns and number solving, ensuring that kids don’t see it as a tedious subject but as a magical tool that shapes the world. Here are a few movies that kids should watch to enjoy the world of Math through the lens of cinema. 
The Man who knew Infinity - When it comes to movies that narrate the real-life stories of mathematical prodigies, “The Man who knew Infinity” is the right pick. This movie chronicles the life of Srinivasa Ramanuja, a self-taught mathematician. The film depicts his inspiring journey from the streets of Madras to Cambridge University, capturing his passion for numbers, groundbreaking discoveries and the challenges he faced, reflecting the true resilience of the human spirit.
Flatland -  Flatland provides a unique cinematic experience. Based on a thought provoking novel by Edwin Abbott, this animated film introduces young viewers to a two-dimensional universe, offering a deep dive into the world of geometry and dimensions. The story unravels philosophical and mathematical concepts, making it one of the best mathematical movies. 
Hidden Figures -  Hidden Figures is a poignant and inspiring film that tells the untold story of African-American women mathematicians in NASA. These brilliant women played a significant role in breaking barriers in a male-dominated field. Their determination, intelligence and resilience highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion in  STEM fields. It’s a must-watch as it sheds light on the unsung heroes of mathematics and space science. 
LeapFrog Maths Circus - LeapFrog Maths Circus is an educational film that makes learning math concepts a fun-filled experience. It’s an excellent pick for math class, ensuring that young learners are entertained and educated, making math a captivating subject to explore. 
Stand and Deliver - Stand and Deliver showcases the true story of a dedicated math teacher, Jaime Escalante. He believes in the potential of every student and challenges the status quo by teaching advanced calculus. The movie delves into the themes of trust, determination and breaking societal barriers. It’s a testament to the idea that with passion and the right guidance, anyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve greatness. 
A Brilliant Young Mind - Nathan, a child with autism, often finds the world around him confusing. However, in the world of mathematics, he is unparalleled. Alongside the challenges of numbers and equations, Nathan also navigates the complexities of emotions, friendships and human connections. The film beautifully combines the precision of math with the unpredictability of human relationships, making it a must watch. 
Queen of Katwe - Queen of Katwe is an uplifting tale set in the slums of Uganda. It portrays the life of a young girl with a challenging life but an indomitable spirit. When she stumbles upon a game of chess, it becomes a turning point in her life. With her brilliant moves on the chessboard, she strategizes her way out of poverty. Guided by her coach, Phiona pursues her dream of becoming an international chess champion. 
Enjoyed reading? Follow Little Genius, the best math classes in Ahmedabad to inspire your kids with more such interesting stuff. To read more such blogs, visit https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/blog.php
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littlegeniusacademy · 4 months
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littlegeniusacademy · 5 months
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littlegeniusacademy · 5 months
Business Terms for Kidpreneurs
Kidpreneurs have big dreams of running successful companies. But to start any business they need to learn a whole new language. By mastering the business lingo, they can confidently engage with experts and investors. Here’s the ABC of Business that they should acquaint themselves with. 
A for Assets - In accounting, assets encompass everything of value that a company owns, including cash, equipment such as computers and tools and products ready for sale.
B for Budget - A budget is a plan illustrating anticipated income and expenditure over a specific period. 
C for Capital - Capital denotes financial resources allocated to commence and expand a business. Kidpreneurs require capital to transform ideas into reality. 
D for Demand - Demand signifies consumer desire for product or service. Understanding consumer demand helps in planning and setting goals. 
E for Entrepreneur - An entrepreneur is someone who initiates and launches a new business, introducing change through innovative ideas. 
F for Fixed Cost - Fixed costs are consistent monthly business expenses that are predictable and easy to budget for. 
G for Goods - Goods are physical goods that customers purchase, such as toys, food items, household tools, crafts etc. 
H for Human Resources - Human Resources encompasses the people employed in the business, handling hiring, policy setting, payroll management, conflict resolution and performance management.
I for Income Statement - An income statement illustrates a company’s earnings and expenditure over a specified period. It shows the net profit or loss. 
J for Joint Venture - A joint venture is when two or more businesses collaborate for mutual benefit. 
K for KPIs - Key Performance Indicators are benchmarks used to define and measure business success. It helps to identify issues before they occur. 
L for Liabilities - Liabilities represent obligations that the company must repay on time. 
M for Market Share - Market Share indicates the portion of industry sales handled by a company. An increase in market share shows the company's growth. 
N for Niche - A niche is a specialised segment within a broader market. Startups can cater to the market by finding a specific niche. 
O for Overhead Costs - Overhead costs are ongoing business expenses that are not related to producing goods or services. Reducing overheads can enhance profitability. 
P for Profit Margin - Profit Margin indicates a company’s profit as a percentage of revenue. The higher the profit margin, the better. 
Q for Quality Control - Quality Control ensures products and services meet standards and delivers value. 
R for Returns - Product returns involve customer purchases sent back for return or exchange. Low return rates indicate satisfied customers. 
S for Sales - Sales refer to the money earned by selling goods. Kidpreneurs should track daily, weekly and monthly sales. 
T for Target Market - A target market is a specific customer segment that a company plans to pursue or serve, guiding your decisions on product, pricing, distribution etc. 
U for Unique Selling Proposition - A unique selling proposition sets a company apart from its competition, representing its distinctive value.
V for Variable Cost -  Variable costs fluctuate based on production value and rises with increased sales. 
W for Working Capital - Working capital equals current assets minus current liabilities, used for daily operations. 
X for (e)xpense - Business expenses are day-to-day costs incurred to run operations. Keeping a track of all expenses can help in aligning the budget.   
Y for Y-O-Y - Y-O-Y stands for year over year, offering a means of comparing results to the prior year and showcasing progress over time.  
Z for Zero-based Budgeting - Zero-based Budgeting enables Kidpreneurs to start fresh everyday, ensuring every penny and activity matters.  If you want your kids to learn the A to Z of business at an early age, Little Genius provides a Junior CEO Program, enhancing and refining business skills for kids. For more information, please visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 6 months
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littlegeniusacademy · 6 months
Mastering the Art of Email Writing for Kids
Email writing is a valuable skill for kids to learn. It helps them to stay organised, communicate effectively and gives them a leg up when they enter the workforce in future. Here are a few benefits of Email Writing:
Teaches Professional Communication -  In today’s workplace, email is the primary form of communication. By teaching them how to write emails, you prepare them for the future. 
Helps Kids Practice Writing Concisely - In the world of email, conciseness is the key. Teaching kids to write clear, concise emails helps them hone writing skills and get their point across effectively.
Shows Kids the importance of Proofreading - Once an email is sent, it can’t be taken back. Therefore, it's important to teach kids the importance of proofreading, so they can avoid potential embarrassment and ensure that their message is clear and concise. 
But, who can they write emails to? There are a lot of people that kids can email:
Grandparents or their relatives
Tips for Email Writing for Kids
Email writing can be a great way to keep in touch with friends and family and is also beneficial in improving their writing skills. Here are some tips for email writing for kids:
Start with an appropriate subject line - They should think about their intentions when creating a subject. Their subject line should stand out and not end up in the recipient's trash.   
Start with proper greeting - Kids should begin their letter with an appropriate greeting. Just like interacting in person, formality should be involved when a child communicates with his/her teacher. 
Eg: Good Morning, Mrs. Pandya or Dear Miss Agarwal
Get to the Point - An email is not a friendly letter, tell kids to jump at the main point. Describe their confusion and reveal the point. 
Be Specific - They should provide very specific details about their comment or question. 
Eg: Instead of - I need help with science, they can write, I am confused about the due date of the Social Science Project given on Tuesday.
In order to help them understand what is meant by specific details, consider questions like these to illustrate the point:
What subject or class are you referring to?
What aspect of the assignment you don’t understand?
Is there a specific page number or problem number that you are struggling with?
End with proper sign-off - They should have a proper and respectful sign off at the end of the email. 
Eg: Thanks for the help, Have a great day, I appreciate your support or See you tomorrow. 
Review and Edit - Before hitting the send button, it’s important to review what they have written and do a thorough spelling and grammar check. They should ask the following questions:
Does it make sense?
Did you spell the words correctly?
Are proper nouns capitalised?
Are there words we can remove to make it concise?
Did you find these tips useful? To know more such tips, follow Little Genius, the best English and Grammar classes for kids. To get more information about our services, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 7 months
How to Start Teaching your Kids Financial Literacy
Kids are fast learners, sharp, tech-savvy and observant. They can pick up habits even faster than the adults. They develop a sense of needs, wants and lifestyle at a young age. What they need to be taught is to save and invest money for a safe and secure future. Some of them do realise the importance of money but are not aware where to invest them. So it is important to expose them to Financial Knowledge.
Financial Literacy is not only about having knowledge of basic financial terms but also about having the skills required to develop a financial acumen. As a parent, it is your responsibility to nurture strong financial competence in your children. 
Our simple yet effective tips can help them understand the basics of finance. Financial literacy in kids could go a long way in helping them throughout their lives:
Giving them Monthly Allowance - Calculate and set up monthly allowance for children. It will be their personal money to spend, so let them decide what to buy and how much to spend. Increase their allowance from time to time and remember to give them extra in terms of rewards and recognition, also give them a Diwali bonus and help them understand that this is how the corporates work as well. 
Having Review Sessions - Ask your children to write down everything that they have spent. Discuss and review the expenses that they have made. Help your children understand that one high expenditure can impact their monthly budget. If your kids are too young, then remember to inspire them to consciously keep a track of their finances. 
Set Goals and Save - Most importantly, discuss the wants with your children and teach them that they need to save to buy expensive stuff. Teach them to save money right now for the things that they desire in future. Parents play an important part and are the biggest source of inspiration for them. 
Get your Kids Involved - For true financial understanding you need to get your kids involved. Tell them how you set the monthly budget and keep savings aside to run the household. 
The Real World - You need to tell children about how money works in the world. Take your kids out to the market and discuss various occupations. Tell them about various wage rates and how pay is attached to various occupations. The more active the learning experience is, the greater the learning gains and retention.  
Grocery Shopping Turns Classroom - Make taking your children to grocery shopping a habit. This practice will not only be fun but also a beneficial practice in the long run. Ask your children to make a grocery list. At the market, introduce them to various items. During this practice, introduce them to various measuring scales and units. 
Lessons at the Mall - Make them remember the grocery store lessons at the shopping mall. Teach them to wait for sales, search for discounts and pay with cash instead of credit cards. Ask them to read the various price labels and look at the price and size. 
Get Your Kids to Open a Bank Account - Many banks offer an option to open a child-friendly, zero minimum balance account. Enrol your kids in one and help them see their money grow over time. Teach them how a bank works, how interest grows over time and how the bank pays back for saving money.  
Play Games that Involve Strategy - Try to make learning fun. Introduce them to concepts like financial literacy and help them to learn through board games. Board games like Monopoly, Game of Life, Business Day, Payday etc. can impart tips on Money Management, Financial Planning, Negotiation and Career Planning. 
Little Genius imparts Management Skills in Kids. Our Junior CEO Program is a business management program designed to teach entrepreneurial skills to kids which includes marketing, financial literacy, advertising and promotion etc. For more information about our services, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 8 months
6 Ways to improve Reading Comprehension Skills
Comprehension skills are important for language development, enabling your child to understand, interpret and engage with written text more effectively. The more they practise, the better they become at comprehending what they read. The following are 6 ways to improve reading comprehension skills. 
Improve Vocabulary - Encourage your child to grasp the meaning of the words they encounter while reading, which can enhance their text comprehension. To achieve this, they can:
Take an online quiz to assess their current understanding 
Make a conscious effort to use new words in their verbal and written communication 
Encourage them to create a list of unfamiliar words and look them up in the dictionary
Generate Questions about  the Text - Encouraging your child to ask questions about what they are reading can make them more engaged in the text and deepen their understanding. They can consider  questions such as:
Why did the author choose that location in the story?
What challenges is the main character facing?
Are there recurring themes throughout the story?
Identify the Main Idea - Recognising the main idea in a text is crucial for understanding its overall importance. While reading, they should pause after each paragraph to grasp the main idea better. Then, they can try to express it in their own words for a better understanding. 
Writing a summary - A great way to reinforce their knowledge of what they have read is to write a summary. Summarising necessitates that they determine what’s in the text and then express it in their own words. Summarising also helps them assess if they have fully comprehended the material, which they can retain in the long term. 
Break Down the Reading - When reading lengthy and challenging tasks, they should consider breaking them into small sections. This approach can help them feel less overwhelmed and increase their comprehension of the material. 
Set a Pace - Setting a pace is an effective method for honing their reading comprehension skills. It allows them to set realistic reading goals. For example: They can aim to read three chapters every night instead of attempting to finish the entire book in one go. This approach not only helps them to achieve their goals but also provides them ample time to process what they have read after each session. 
Little Genius is one of the best English Classes in Vastrapur that provides English and Grammar Classes in Ahmedabad. To know more about our services, visit our website. https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 8 months
5 Secrets to increase your child’s interest in Maths
Mathematics plays a crucial role in our daily lives, so teachers and parents want their kids to excel in the subject to secure a promising career in the future. However, the pressure to perform well in Mathematics can often discourage students from developing a connection with Maths. 
Instilling an interest in Maths through a friendly approach is crucial. So here are five secrets that will help your child to love Maths. 
Improvise - It is essential to understand all the basic concepts clearly. Different children have different ways of understanding the concepts. The playful approach that involves familiar objects can make the subject more approachable and lessons lighter and more straightforward. 
Game play - You can turn Maths lessons into a game to keep the interest alive in every class. You can buy Math-based board games to help them improvise. The biggest challenge for children in understanding Maths is to conquer their fear of Maths. The learning that is based on games will help them break down their anxiety, and they will look forward to learning Maths every day. 
Make Maths a part of their everyday life - Telling your child stories can help them understand Maths better. Ask them to count the number of birds in the park, ask them to count the number of apples in a kilo while you are out shopping, and introduce them to the concepts of measurement while measuring their height. These concepts should be taught to them in a fun way. 
Practice - Once understanding the concepts begins, they need to be implemented. There are many Maths-based toys and activity sets available; use them to help your child get better at Maths. Little Genius is one of the leading Maths Classes in Vadodara. Our mentally stimulating sessions help kids to understand and grasp the basic concepts of Maths better. 
Demystifying Maths Problems - Understanding Maths problems can be problematic and confusing for your child. Simplify them by using sketches or real-life objects. For example, if Tina has 6 apples and gives 2 apples to Payal. How many apples remain with Tina? Here, you can use sketches and objects to explain and make it simple for the child to figure out the answer through such simple techniques. 
Make Maths more approachable by helping your child fight his fear for Maths. Practicing patience and compassion can help your child to fight fears bravely. Set realistic goals, go step-by-step and let the child discover at his own pace instead of pressuring them to keep up with their peers. Remember every child learns at his own pace! If you want your child to get tutored in the best Maths Classes, then consider enrolling them in Little Genius. In addition to regular math classes, we also offer Math Olympiad practice classes. For more information, please visit our website. https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 9 months
Business Ideas for Kids | Little Genius
Kids have the potential to become amazing entrepreneurs, so why not encourage them by giving them good business ideas. Here are some cool ideas that your kids can try. 
Lemonade Stand - With the help of parents and trusted members, a lemonade stand can be a fun way to introduce young minds to entrepreneurship and earn decent money. 
Party Planning Business - Parties and special events are fun but a lot of people are unaware that a lot of effort and planning is required to get it perfect. It's a great opportunity for young ones to learn some work ethic and make money. 
Pet Sitting Business - People love pets and need a trusted person to take care of them when they are out. Pet sitting is a great business opportunity and who wouldn’t love to play or snuggle with a kitten and spend some quality time with pets. 
Tutoring Services - Many school children who need help in their studies. Your child can tutor them for a small fee. 
Car Washing Service - Running a car wash in your neighbourhood is a great business opportunity to make extra cash. 
Babysitting Services - Parents are looking for trustworthy people who can take care of their little ones. Babysitting is a perfect way for middle school children to make their own money.
Painting Faces - Whether it is a carnival, street fair or other local events, face painting delights children everywhere. It is a wonderful way to get artistry. 
Musical Performer - Does your child play a musical instrument or love to sing? Offering their services for a special event can do wonders. They can even offer music lessons for free. 
Create a Blog - Creating a blog is an online business that kids can enjoy at any time. 
Design T-shirts - Fashion is always changing with time but t-shirts are evergreen. They can be sold online or even in a local store. 
Sweets and Treats - If your child has a knack for baking and making candles, they can offer their services at birthday parties or events. 
Write a Book - Does your child have a vivid imagination? He or she can write a children’s book and have it published on an online platform. 
Create a YouTube Channel - If your child has a gift of gab then creating a YouTube Channel is a great business idea. Not only can they share what they are good at but also earn a bit of money online. 
Want your kids to get assistance in entrepreneurship? Little Genius provides the best mini MBA for kids. Get the best training from us and help your child achieve his/her dreams. For more details, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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littlegeniusacademy · 10 months
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Benefits of Abacus Learning for Kids
Abacus is a wonderful tool for teaching mathematics to children. They are taught the fundamentals like Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division. It helps kids to perform calculations involving fractions and operations to find square and cube roots of numbers. It helps to improve their mathematical and analytical competence. 
Here are the benefits of teaching Mathematics with Abacus to kids: 
Enhances Memory and Recall - The kids who undergo regular Abacus learning develop a sharp and photographic memory. They are trained to not only visualise and move the beads on the imaginary Abacus but also trained to remember the position of the beads. This training helps them to exhibit excellent and great memory recall. 
Makes Kids Highly Focused - Kids who are highly focused are great at learning and executing what is expected. They rarely make mistakes and are sincere. A child who is learning abacus training imbibes all these qualities while undergoing abacus training.
The training involves listening to the numbers and answering them in one chance, which in turn expands their concentration levels. 
They use the abacus meticulously and therefore rarely make any mistakes. 
They are trained to answer every question at a great speed.   
Ability to Visualise to Perfection - Every Abacus trainee learns the art of visualisation. This training can help kids to perform well in other subjects like Geography, Drawing etc. The kids learn to visualise the beads of the Abacus, they develop an excellent number sense and can carry out mathematical problems of bigger digits. 
Accelerates Brain Development - In Abacus the child is made to move beads with both hands. This activity of using both hands stimulates the left and the right brain and therefore, helps in overall brain development.  
Develops Analytical Skills - Solving problems using an abacus includes solving with multiple formulas. The child analyses on the spot for the usage of the correct formula and then uses the same to solve the problem. Through this, the child learns to use these analytical skills in life as well. It helps in analysing the situation from multiple angles and helps in correct decision making. 
Builds Confidence - A child who learns abacus overcomes the fear of Maths. Abacus learning boosts a child’s confidence and helps to answer at lightning speed. This can make them confident amongst their peers and teachers. 
Little Genius Academy trains students through its Maths World Program that seamlessly integrates mathematics, analytical reasoning and logical thinking. We also offer Maths Olympiad Practice classes to help kids excel in Maths. To get more information about our services, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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