livehexmoments · 10 months
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livehexmoments · 10 months
OK SO I HAVE AN AU YIPPEE!! I love the hex side characters sm for some reason, im making an entire au centered around them. These are just copy and pasted from my doc i made (and still working on so it might be a little rough!)
So, basic plot summary because it's not that deep: Wizarro found a bunch of supposed “dead” characters somewhere far off into the void on his travels and took them in to travel with him. Some characters like Shrewd and Rocky are actively looking for someone, while others like Jack and Alley just follow because they have nowhere else to go. Catarina joins them later on because she feels bad and wants to at least help them in finding a safe place to stay. Chaos ensues. Adding onto this, I was thinking they would eventually find a place to live in “beneath the Surface” or somewhere like it! (for fellas who don’t know, it's a free game that was made by Carla in canon. It contains the secret ending for the Hex).
Main Cast:
Description: Very cryptic guy but friendly (Like “I don’t sleep, I dream'' cryptic)!! Always calls people his friend and isn’t afraid of much. Tends to wander from place to place, which is how he found most of them. His magic is VERY weak, even weaker than Moji’s. He’s trying to get better throughout the events of the au and does manage to learn some powerful spells to protect himself and his new found family. At least he is able to fight back and can do some hand to hand combat (he wasn’t the best fighter in combat arena x but got by). He used to work for Gameworks and was assigned to Combat Arena X but quit during the development of Secrets of Legendaria and has chosen a life of wandering in worlds/engine (which explains how he ends up in the weirdest of places). Irving didn’t really care too much, since his hands were full with SOL, so he was able to get away with just leaving. Wizarro is someone who appreciates the newfound company and is actually afraid to lose it. He’s been wandering by himself for a while and it does get pretty lonely.
Appearance: Wizarro still wears the same clothes as he did before, with the addition of a little handbag he carries around, a scarf around his neck, and maybe a patch or two on the shirt. The handbag actually works on cartoon logic, as he seemingly can fit a lot of stuff in there (yet constantly forgets to put what they actually need in there). His sunglasses are still there too and he’s never seen without them. Even when it’s cloudy, he refuses to take it off. One change he does have is with his hair as it grew a bit longer from his travels and he doesn’t want to cut it.
Description: BELOVED ROCKY ...He's so confused on this journey and just wants to go home with his pops (if he could find him that is). He doesn’t remember too much from his death, just the forest and the hat lady shooting him out of existence, which he still has nightmares from. While Rocky is confused, he is also very kindhearted and protective over his new found friends. Like Rust, he doesn’t understand the concept of being a video game character and whatnot and tends to ask a lot of questions. Well, he always did that, he’s just a very curious person. Like to crack jokes and puns to lighten the mood and hear the stories of everyone. His protective nature came naturally from his time in the wasteland, the unfortunate downside is how he usually treats himself as a meatshield and will take a lot of hits for people, which isn't good.
Appearance: Rocky’s appearance hasn't changed too much. Instead of the undies he wears in game, I gave him shorts that are a bit torn up from being in the wasteland for so long. He still wears his worn out sneakers and bandages on his arms. I also gave him a lot more scars. Not only on his arms from those implants when the mods took over, but also just from cuts and bites from when he fought raiders and rad rats. One notable thing I did give him compared to his canonical design is he wears a large brown hooded cloak. I don’t know how he got it yet (thinking either they found it or Wizarro/Mr. Shrewd made it for him) but I wanted him to wear something that was a bit similar to Rust’s hood. I also think that most of the members of this travel gang wear stuff that covers their identity a bit, since they don’t want people immediately recognizing them and causing issues (especially Gameworks).
Description: SNARKY BITCH. Has a hatred for liars and hates being here sm. The only person he tolerates at first is Wizarro as they knew each other well from Gameworks, everyone else is for him to get used to, ESPECIALLY ALLEY AND JUNIOR. They both annoy him so much. He is still a door, so he moves around with magic and floating. He is the best magic user by a long shot, but his only spells relate to ankhs and that’s it. He says his sense of smell is good…that’s a lie, it’s really bad. He misses his queen sm and he honestly misses Secrets of Legendaria, as he truly did consider it one of the better games he was assigned to.
Appearance: There’s not much I can say about his design because I didn’t change much. I will say that since coming back, he does have a couple of more cracks showing, specifically on his door body, arms, and face. I’m thinking about also just giving him a chipped ear because why not. OH and a tail on the backend that yes, will wag if happy or excited (he hates it).
Description: Uncontrollable swearing. Is the reason why Rocky now knows 10 swears including Fuck. He is a pretty strong character too (apparently from dialogue, he was put in the npc detention center for being OP), but only in short bursts. He then gets tired and can’t fight so he’ll either give up or pass out. Known for having a bad temper and short patience. Easily irritated and only calm during rare moments when nothing is going on. Despite all that, he is not one to pick fights unless he’s approached directly and feels threatened…which is a lot of the time.
Appearance: Alley is the one character who died that doesn’t have any major design changes in this au, other than maybe his clothes being scuffed up with rips and a few scratches (he’s perfect as is <3)
Mr. Shrewd:
Description: Wonderful old man and dad. The father figure of the group and someone to keep everyone calm. He’s used to dealing with impatient or jerkish people (see Weasel kid and Mr. Squarrel here), so he can handle whatever fighting is going on that day. Pretty stern yet always giving good advice and support to anyone who needs it. While is a horrible fighter, he is decently quick with getting anyone out of a sticky situation and his ability to burrow underground will be useful. He honestly wants to try and find Weasel and/or Squarrel but realizing how much time has passed, he grows more unsure of that plan since he doesn’t want to upset them and bring back old trauma. “I miss my husband and kid…I miss them a lot. I’ll be back.”. Honestly I think he is pretty protective overall. He’s so used to being like that in Super Weasel Kid 1 and I do think it does come from a genuine fear of seeing people he cares about being hurt in any way :(
Appearance: Mr Shrewd has big ass glasses because of his old ones being “missing” (with mr Squarrel). He also has an amount of gray on his sideburns and mustache as he still is considered a bit older. It applies to his fur too, as the color is much paler. The wiki says he wears a green tee, so i'm gonna change it to be a green plaid sweater vest with the white shirt and tie kept because honestly i like that better. Oh so because he was initially designed (COUGH no legs COUGH), i think that the gang manages to code him in some legs and they’re so small. He would have khakis and a small tail with these new legs.
Description: I feel so bad for Moji, he’s honestly seems so nice and just trying his best. Kind of a dumbass and too naive for his own good but he tries. Goofy little guy who’s just trying his best and desperately wanting to spend the time he missed with his kid. The resident healer of the group who makes sure everyone is in good health and spirit (Even if they don’t want it). He can get upset, but it’s very hard to genuinely make him mad or sad. If you do, what’s wrong with you, he’s been through enough. He’s more lenient as a parent, basically letting “the kids” which consists of Junior and Rocky, to do whatever as long as it isn't super dangerous. He honestly forgives Chandrelle for killing him, he isn’t the type of person to hold a grudge (Junior does that for him). He still is apprehensive towards actually seeing her again and honestly I do think that forgiveness comes from him wanting to believe the good in people, even someone like Chandrelle who killed him in cold blood.
Appearance: So many burn marks and a scar from being stabbed by a sword on his chest. It’s honestly kind of horrifying. Moji otherwise has barely any notable design changes such as that. I will mention it here (and it applies to Junior too) but I think moglees’ eyes work in the same way as Olimar’s does in Pikmin. Basically always closed but when expressing extreme shock, fear or anger, go wide open. idk i just thought it would be funny
Description: The “Wildcard” of the group. Very chaotic and a “You can’t tell me what to do kind of guy” (except when his dad tells him no). Does not regret killing Jay at all as it was per the agreement. LOVES COMMITTING WAR CRIMES (and regular crimes). He does regret one thing: Blaming his father for abandoning him when that didn't happen at all. He is so traumatized from secrets and his own death it's insane. Loves denying it though to keep up his toxic masculinity. When he finds out about Chandrelle and how Lazarus kept quiet about it, he is going to lose it. While him and Lazarus aren’t the closest or anything, he does respect Lazarus’s skills and actually looked up to him since he was a kid (he thought being a knight was cool, he was like 10). Although being a bit older than Weasel, he is very much more immature than him and doesn’t know how to take responsibility for his actions that well.
Appearance: Junior has a lot of scars from his days in Vicious Galaxy, his child self dealing with the Vallamir attack, and his untimely demise being crushed by debris. He also has some stitches on certain parts of his body that he doesn’t remember getting at all. He absolutely ditches his armor and goes for the most punk/goth clothes you can think of. I can imagine him finding a red trench coat with combat boots and ripped jeans and being like “yep, im wearing this from now on, this is badass”. He carries his shotgun on his back at all times and is not afraid to use it. He’s very much taller than Moji
Description: Oh god, this man has so many issues. He is still a meek and cowardly man, but since his death, he’s…changed. He’s honestly become a bit more jaded and bitter, actually getting over his anxiety when the time calls. He’s less afraid of getting into arguments but still is relatively quiet. I know I compare him to Lazarus a lot but they are alike in my eyes. But unlike Lazarus who became more depressed, Jay became more angry. Finally being sick of being treated like a tool and dirt (dying does change your mind lmao). He looks out for everyone as best as he can. Out of everyone, he’s the 2nd person to know most of Reggie’s plan but refuses to ever step foot in there again. His feelings about everything and his death and…them are complicated and too much for him to handle. So he’d rather avoid the pain than confront it. He does not tell the others about it though. Only him and Catarina understand the extent of his revenge and both would rather not let the others know to avoid any potential problems.
Appearance: Jay has scars from the vicious galaxy and his death. But his death scars are the biggest pain to deal with it because they fucked him up physically. I think the shotgun bullets hit his backside (need to check in game and stuff) so id like to think his head, back and maybe arms are a bit fucked. He gets frequent migraines, mood swings, and even can have serious back/arm pains during the worst of it. Jay still wears his old armor (and occasionally wears his old robe if necessary), the only real difference is with the helmet. Think of Master Chief's helmet but with the visor being in shape with the arrow and a removable mouth piece for drinking and eating. He wears it not for protection, but to keep his identity hidden if needed.
Description: Now I was debating on making her a side character or having her be a part of the gang...Ultimately, I chose the latter because 1. Cat lady and 2. I love her. Barely see anything about her so I'm gonna change that. She’s the last person to join their little traveling gang and she didn’t do it out of a big reason or wanting anything. She did it for fun. While she had nowhere else to go, she was feeling rather lonely and just wanted to be with other people. This group seemed chaotic yet welcoming when she stumbled upon them so why not join them? She gets along with everyone fine (especially shrewd who she sees as an old friend). She actually cares about them a lot. The group’s safety is important to her (she grew attached to these silly men) so if she foresees some bullshit, then she will let them know and try to get them to avoid it. She is also someone who knows everything about the plan and stuff, and agrees with Jay that going to the Six Pint Inn is a bad idea. Before the Hex, she actually knew it was going to happen, and yet felt powerless to do something. it’s one of her biggest regrets to let it happen (not because of Lionel but for the npcs that were killed and how the patrons’ lives were basically fucked).
Appearance: No change to her design at all. The only thing I will say is that she can be seen walking more rather than using her carpet everywhere. This was a personal choice by her. She wanted to be on their level and walk alongside them so she only uses the carpet for emergencies or if they need to get somewhere fast (it shockingly can hold all of them but only barely).
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livehexmoments · 10 months
here’s some Hex hcs about some of the characters in no particular order!:
Reginald doesn’t like drinking rootbeer or most sodas! he likes making it, serving it (used to kind of), but gag if he has too much of it. He only drinks it in small sips and even then, it’s only for special occasions or get togethers. He actually prefer things that are sour and i mean, this man can eat a lemon whole and be fine. He has been working on making specialized rootbeer that’s more sour but it’s a work in progress (Weasel accidently drank a sample and almost threw up)
Reggie’s first name is Rootbeer and he fucking hates being called that. Every time he introduces himself, he has to insist the person calls him “Reggie”. When the patrons found about this, you can bet Weasel and Chandrelle took turns calling him Rootbeer just to piss him off
Going off of names, “Chief Bryce” is not Bryce’s full name, it’s just Bryce. Chief is just a title. If anyone did call him Chief, he wouldn’t mind at all though
FPP’s actual name is Lionel according to the Walk, but due to...reasons, they don’t like the name at all. Honestly, I think they would change their name to “Joe”. It sounds weird, but when Rebecha called them “Faceless Joe” I can totally imagine them clinging onto the name only because it has barely any association with Lionel. They try to separate themselves from Lionel so much.
O btw in my hc, FPP uses they/them pronouns exclusively!!
FPP has a couple ways of communicating with the inn members: sign language (they learned how to do it themselves and then taught the others how to. Can be difficult for them because they can’t move their arms very well), Morse code (same story), simply drawing or writing it out, using sound effects from a soundboard they found (uses this if they want to annoy everyone), or using face masks to express how they feel about something. 
Oh yeah speaking of that, FPP can’t really move their joints very well :(. They can move their arms up and down as an example, but can only move them left or right a little bit.
Rust’s vision is super fucked. Literally, he can’t see anything that isn’t 2 feet in front of him. 
Rust does know that Rocky isn’t his biological son, just never cared to tell Rocky because 1. he didn’t want Rocky feeling any type of way and 2. It doesn’t matter to him that much, Rocky will always be his kid, regardless if they are biologically related
Lazarus has cosmic radiation, thats canon. But, because of said radiation, his immune system is incredibly weak. If he gets the flu, he’ll go from being sick to critical condition in minutes. It’s also why he does get sick often
While Catarina says their relationship is like “Master/follower” it’s really not the case. However, I will say that it can sometimes manifest and is an unhealthy flaw of their relationship. Jeremiah can be a bit too loyal to the point of putting himself in danger to get Reggie what he wants and Reggie's stubbornness can lead him to getting mad when Jerry says no (Which is rare). Still, fighting between them is rare and when it does happen, it is absolutely not something you want to stick around for. 
Thankfully, they don’t last very long because they’re both lonely and being away from each other for more than 10 minutes is painful. Longest they fought and refused to talk to each other was a month (and it was hell for everyone involved)
Chandrelle is introverted as hell!! I usually think of her and Lazarus on opposite sides of being antisocial. like “oh no people!! (Lazarus) vs. Ew people (Chandrelle)”
FPP loves giving hugs and holding hands!! They were stuck in the walk which had barely any characters they could physically interact with so sometimes they’ll go up to any of them and either ask for a hug or hold out their hand. 
FPP does love his new found family very much. For all their flaws, he does appreciate how they basically accepted them in and it shows with how nice they are to them...even if they can be a bit creepy about it, by following them around and trying to hang out or watching them do their thing intently
Lazarus doesn’t smile very often, but when he does, it’s the most awkward smile ever. Even his laugh sounds a bit off because he’s not used to doing it. Chandrelle loves it though, it’s honestly cute (He gets a bit annoyed when she says that)
JUNIOR TRANS!!! Changed his gender after SOL and went to Vicious Galaxy (Moji is a gender neutral name with Moglees and honestly look at them, they do have a little bit gnc swag). Also in the files, he goes being referred to “mojikid” or “kid” to “mojison” so,,,  trans rights. Also love the idea of Lazarus and him having a moment of understanding with each other
I imagine Wizarro constantly changes his story with the lipstick on his cheek and how he got it (“I was in a dating sim once”, “it was a secret in joke with the creators”, and “I had a secret relationship with one of the fighters ;)” as examples). Are any of them true? Probably not but he just likes to fuck with people, hes a funny little wizard man.
Ok one more because this is getting long: I hc Irving as bisexual. Not just because I am making “every dmg character is queer” a reality but also because of this meme: “get a girlfriend” “or a boyfriend! He’s bi.” “Damn nobody wants you fr 😂😂 ” “I’m saying like 😂😂” (Changed it to laughing because i love bullying him FWQEWERG, imagine any of the inn patrons @ him)
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livehexmoments · 10 months
SO...Here it is. My biggest fanfic yet and for the hex...focusing on a character that had less than 5 minutes of screentime (and died :( ) and here i am shipping him with the revenge hungry bartender and cold hearted groonda (ill come up with a good title for it later) I enjoyed writing and rewriting this fic even though it was painful to get through at times. Is it the best it can be? Probably not FWEGRWEGH Some general cws for character death, mention of nsfw (nothing explicitly shown, but it is implied/mentioned), and drinking/someone getting drunk (lemme know if i missed any!!)
Also no joke, this is 11,100 words and in google docs, it amounts to 29 pages. This is pretty long and splitting up into chapters just didnt feel right so it’s all underneath the “Keep reading”. If you are not prepared to read through the entire thing, i understand completely and hope you have a nice day wherever you are <3. If so, I do hope you enjoy it !! :)!
Rootbeer Tender. 
Personally, Jay never heard of the game until he overheard a bunch of Groondas talk about it. From what he gathered, the game itself was said to be like a janky arcade game that played like it was made by a toddler. The only reason why a bunch of Gameworks employees go there (other than for a job) is because of a quaint little tavern that serves the best root beer around. Jay, finding himself curious, decided to go to the bar himself to see if it held up to that standard. What else was he doing other than cleaning? He could use a nice root beer. The forest loomed over him as he approached the inn. Although the inn looked welcoming, the jankiness and unpolished look made him feel a bit out of place. The lights were dimmed and the moon hung in the woods, omitting an eerie glow. Jay knew it was late and they were probably closed, but this was his only time off. He had to at least try a rootbeer. But as soon as he got to the door, he felt himself getting cold feet. They probably were closed, so why bother whoever’s working there now? As he turned to walk back to the base, he heard the door open behind him. 
Jay turns around to see what looked to be the barkeep, holding the door open with a warm smile. Peering from behind his legs was this weird looking…Groonda? Jay couldn’t tell, but it was hunched over with an annoyed expression on its face. Jay looked anxious as he stuttered,
“Oh I’m terribly sorry. I-I was just- Well, I was just leaving so I’ll come back tomorrow when you’re open-”
The barkeep interrupted, “Leave? After you came all the way from the base? I don’t mind pouring one more glass.”
Jay grinned nervously. While the barkeep’s kindness was something he can appreciate, the idea of making these two work overtime for him? Well that was just rude in Jay’s opinion. 
“Oh, that’s very kind of you, but really I should get going. You both look like you need some sleep.” Jay stuttered out as he tried to walk off. Apparently, the barkeep was having none of it and took a step forward to grab Jay by the shoulders with one arm. Jay’s face flushed as the bartender started to lead him into the tavern. 
“Nonsense! Come right in, take a seat, please!” The barkeep paused his movements to look at the smaller man who Jay swore was giving him a dirty look. “Jeremiah, would you mind fetching another barrel from the basement?” The barkeep asked with a warm smile on his face.
Jeremiah nods wordlessly and he heads down into the basement.
Meanwhile, The bartender leads Jay to a stool and he sits down. Jay takes the moment to look around the inn while the bartender gets a glass ready. It was homey. The gramophone in the corner of the room was playing a song that Jay will have stuck in his head for days. The sudden voice of the bartender interrupted his musings,
“So mister, how do you take your rootbeer?” Jay looked over to him. Jeremiah was already back (Jay swore he didn’t hear him come back) and was setting up a barrel on the far side of the room. The bartender was looking at him with a patient smile. Jay quickly glanced away, not used to anyone showing him such patience or kindness.
“I never had a rootbeer before.” He nervously said, rubbing the back of his head.
The bartender looks surprised. “Never had a root beer?!” He exclaimed in shock. Jay nodded, still looking away from him. The barkeep hummed and quickly went over to the barrel. “Well, I’ll just make the First Timer’s special.” 
Before Jay can even ask what that is, he watches in awe as the barkeep makes his drink so fast that by time he slides it over for Jay to catch, Jay misses and the drink falls on the floor. The loud glass shattering makes Jay winces as he fearfully looks over to the bartender who was just staring at him. 
“I-I’m so so sorry! I’ll clean it myself or I can just leave if you want-” His apologies were interrupted by the barkeep laughing loudly. His face flushes in embarrassment as he gets up from his seat to leave. The bartender slows down his laughing to motion Jay to sit back down.
“Oh you’re fine! It was just an accident, no need to be embarrassed. It’s my fault anyway. I keep forgetting sometimes not all my customers are familiar with my game.” The barkeep said sheepishly as he made another drink. Jay sits back down hesitantly, still looking at the mess.
“Do you still want me to clean it?”
“Hm? Oh, of course not! Jeremiah will take care of it.”
Right on cue, Jeremiah is already sweeping up the glass. Jay frowns, looking at the annoyed and tired expression on his face with sympathy. He recalled those late nights where some idiots decided to make a big mess at 2 am and Irving had forced Jay to stay overtime to clean it, making the same expression as Jeremiah’s. The bartender turns around with the remade drink in hand, only to find his patron was helping Jeremiah with the mess, using a nearby mop to clean up the drink. It was a welcome surprise to see Jeremiah seemingly having a conversation with a customer, especially one so skittish and anxious as Jay. Their conversation gets interrupted by the barkeep.
“What game are you from?” The barkeep asked curiously as he put Jay’s drink down where he sat. Both of them looked at him. 
“Well…I’m just the janitor at the Gameworks base, sir. I wasn’t created from a game initially.” Jay stated, finishing up his cleaning and handing the mop to Jeremiah to put away. He sat down at his seat.
“Really? Well, I’m shocked.” The barkeep sounded genuine. He pulled up a stool from behind him to sit across from Jay. “And here I thought all characters were made for some type of game.”
“That’s kind of true? I mean, we all get used for games eventually. But in the meantime, some characters just work around the base. I-I have a friend who’s just a mechanic. She just makes sure things work right in games and anywhere else.” Jay took a sip of his drink. His eyes widened as the sweet flavor of the root beer covered his taste buds. He takes another sip, this time a bit longer, just to savor it. The barkeep chuckles at the sight of it, glad that he was able to satisfy another customer. 
“So? Was it good?”
“Better than good! This is the sweetest drink I’ve ever had in my life. Probably the best root beer I’ve ever had too, and it’s my first time drinking one.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear it!” The barkeep says with a proud grin. “You know, I just realized we never even properly introduced ourselves.”
“Oh- uh, my bad, I-”
“Friend, don’t worry about it! My name is Rootbeer Reginald, but please just call me Reggie. The little guy over there,” he pointed towards Jeremiah, who was putting away the mop and cleaning supplies. “His name is Jeremiah, that’s my janitor.” 
Jay tilted his head a bit at Reggie, who looked at him with a smile.
“...Your first name is Rootbeer?”
The smile faltered a bit as Reggie laughed nervously.
“No, not really. It’s just what I’m called. The only thing I serve in this tavern is root beer, you know?”
“Yes, but…You just said your name is “Rootbeer Reginald” so excuse me if I find it hard to believe you. Also, it sounds like something Lionel would make up for a character name.” Jay snickered watching the bartender’s face flushed in embarrassment and annoyance. 
“Well! It doesn’t matter because I insist you just call me Reggie. Enough about my name, what’s yours?”
“Jay…that’s a nice name.” The barkeep holds his hand towards Jay, who shakes it. 
“It’s better than having RootBeer as a first name.” Jay says in a jokey tone, feeling the little root beer in his system. He expects Reggie to get furious, but is a bit shocked to see him look annoyed but still smiling. 
“Oh knock it off! At least I have a last name.”
“Which is also a first name..”
Reginald and Jay laugh together at the absurdity of it. As the night goes on, Jay finds himself becoming more comfortable. Reginald was a great conversationalist, listening to Jay with a warm smile. Jeremiah wasn’t too bad either. The little guy was sitting with them, quietly listening along and only talking unless spoken to. Jay made a mental note to maybe get to know him better when he came to the tavern again.
As Jay finished his drink, he felt a bit sad that he had to leave. If he wasn’t there by sunrise, Irving would kill him. 
“Again, I’m sorry I came here so late. I hope I didn’t screw up your sleep schedule or anything.” Jay watched as Reggie waved him off, finishing his cleaning and putting the stool back.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I forgot how nice it is just to have some company. Not to say you’re not good company, Jeremiah!” Reggie laughs as Jeremiah rolls his eyes. Jay laughs along, a warm smile on his usually depressed face. As he waved goodbye to them and bid them good night, Jay was sure this wouldn’t be the last he would see of them.
“I hate Irving so much. Oh ‘mir, I wish I can just get reassigned to your game so I wouldn’t have to deal with his fucking BULLSHIT!!” Jay yelled as he gulped down his fifth drink. Reggie sighed as he cleaned a dirty glass and watched Jay, feeling sorry for the guy.
“Language, Jay.” Jeremiah said in a monotone voice, taking a seat on the bar next to Jay. 
Jay was clearly shitfaced, having drank about 5 root beers in one go. His face was flushed red with his hair looking messed up. When he finished, he slammed the glass on the bar, almost breaking it. 
“Sorry, sorry, I-I’m just so tired. I don’t understand how you two can stand the asshole. Bossing us around, treating us like garbage, he doesn’t care. He never did.” Jay hiccuped, tears running down his face as he choked back drunken sobs. Jeremiah rubbed his back to comfort him. Reggie took the glass away from Jay, cleaning it already.
“Can-Can I have another?”
“No. I’m cutting you off, Jay. As a friend, I will not allow you to die of root beer poisoning.” Reggie puts the now cleaned glass away and walks over to the other side of the bar, sitting next to Jay on the other side. “And I think Irving…I think he’s just stressed. He has a lot on his plate and I’m sure he cares. I don’t think it’s right he’s taking it out on you though, but I can talk to him about it. He visits sometimes.”
Reggie’s smile fades as Jay turns to look straight at him. 
“You don’t- You just don’t- What the hell is wrong with you?! Can’t you comprehend that Irving doesn’t like us?” Jay laughs a bit manically as Reggie frowns. Jeremiah behind him growls a bit, becoming defensive. 
“Reginald just sees the good in people, Jay. Nothing wrong with that.”
“But you of all people should know! I…”
Jay looks at both of them, and suddenly grabs their hands. 
“I just want what’s best for you two. You’re the only friends I have and I’m terrified of ending up alone.” As Jay is saying this, he is glancing back and forth at Reggie and Jeremiah, gripping their hands tighter. While Jeremiah looks confused with his face red, Reggie smiles gently and rubs Jay’s knuckles. 
“Your concern is appreciated, Jay. I assure you that I’m not mad, you’re drunk and stressed and sometimes you gotta let it out! I know I do that sometimes.” Reggie laughs softly. Jay can feel Jeremiah squeeze his hand a bit. “But Jeremiah and I aren’t going anywhere. You’re our friend, Jay. You’ll always have a place here at the inn. Anytime. Maybe I’ll convince Irving to let you work here. I could always use more help around here. Certainly would lessen the load, right Jeremiah?”
Jeremiah spoke up, “Yes. It would be nice to have a second pair of hands around.” 
Jay sniffled as he stood up from his chair, a shaky and bittersweet smile on his face.
“Thank you. I mean it, truely, thank you. I have- I have to leave. See you tomorrow?” 
Reggie noticed how much he wobbled as he stood and looked at him concerned.
“Are you sure you can even make it back? I’m happy to let you sleep in the cabin for the night.”
“I’m fineee, better than fine. I feel great. You two always make me feel better. With your kindness and…no nonsense attitude.” Jay giggles at that for some reason. He notices how he was still holding their hands, clearly not letting go. But instead of just letting go and apologizing like he normally would, his drunken mind decided to embrace the homoerotic nature of it all and kiss their cheeks instead. Letting go of their hands, he walks out of the tavern, yelling good night to them and saying he loves them while laughing. What Jay didn’t see was their flushed faces and sudden realization that maybe their friendship wasn’t so platonic afterall. 
Several years have passed since that night.
Jay sighed as he cleaned the floor of the temple, staring at the reflection of the shiny clean floor.
He didn’t know why his mind decided to drift back to his memories of the inn. Hearing the songs on the gramophone, the smell of rootbeer, and the laughter of the barkeep after Jay told him a joke.
He really did miss Reggie. His warm smile. How he always knew what to say and what advice to give. How he would so gently put his hand on Jay’s shoulder after crying and complaining about a long day of work.
Even Jeremiah, for as creepy and cold the little guy could be, there was something in there. They both could relate to the horrid treatment they faced at the hands of Gamefuna (especially in regards to Irving). There were moments, Jay recalled, where Jeremiah would let down his cold exterior to reveal a much softer side of him. One that would grab your hand and never let go. One who concerns himself over every little thing, worries over your safety and well being and-
Jay’s eyes widened at his sudden realization. He was in love with them, wasn’t he? Was he that repressed he couldn’t acknowledge it? Why did he hesitate for so long? If he had just confessed sooner, if he just wasn't a coward, would things be different? Would he not feel so alone anymore?
The truth is, Jay thought as his hands began to tremble a bit, that it wouldn’t have mattered. They vanished long before Jay could even rationalize his true feelings towards them. Apparently moved to a different game but he didn’t believe that. Not after Irving told him with an almost relieved and cruel face. And what difference would it make if he told? It wouldn’t have lasted, in fact it would have made everything worse. Imagine confessing the two people who made him the happiest in the world and they accepted him, or rejected him in a soft way. Jay knows for a fact Reggie is far too kind to reject someone coldly. It’s not like him to be cruel. Jeremiah would go along with whatever Reggie would say, so maybe he had a shot. Who knows but the point is it would always be the same fate. Happiness then nothing. 
There was no stopping Rootbeer Tender’s shut down, complete erasure from Lionel’s portfolio. Why? Because he was the first, the less polished game? What a sick joke. All of Lionel’s games were unpolished travesties, Rootbeer Tender was no different. The game…no, not just the game. Reggie and Jeremiah did not deserve whatever Irving did to them. Jay should have been there. He could have tried to prevent it. Even if he couldn’t, he could have given one more goodbye, he could have-
Jay’s thoughts halted when he saw droplets of water on the floor. He shakily touched his face to feel some wetness on his cheeks. He was crying. He quickly started to wipe his eyes and sniff up his snot when he heard the door opening. Thankfully it wasn’t Chandrelle, but the great sage doing his routine checks. The sage stopped in front of Jay.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Just allergies.”
“Ah, I see.”
The sage quickly looked around to make sure everything was in order and walked away to the door. All the while, Jay’s memories of the inn and the two owners he adored kept haunting him. All he can do is mop the same spot, over and over, lost in the images of happier days and the regrets he had. A voice suddenly spoke up, it was the sage.
“...You missed a spot near the altar.”
And with that the Sage left and closed the door. Jay threw his mop on the floor and softly sobbed in his hands, standing alone in the temple.
It was almost ironic how much Lazarus reminded Jay of himself that day. Crying alone in the temple where no one would hear him, wishing to go back to the days of old. Yet never realizing how the past was not much better than the present. Jay watched Lazarus from the slightly opened door of his room, softly sobbing in his hands and trembling as every sob choked out of his throat. He didn’t mean to stumble upon such a private moment. He was just trying to get away from Junior, who had been arguing with him all day about wanting to handle the explosives (which Jay knows from experience, will only end in disaster). 
As he was heading to his own room, he heard the sobs and had to peek in. As much as Jay would want to comfort him, he knew better. Lazarus was a very private person. Rarely expressing any emotion other than a depressed frown and emotionless eyes. He never let anyone in his room nor did he talk about how he felt about things, just went along with whatever Jay or Junior said. It concerned Jay how loyal and unquestioning Lazarus could be, but supposed it was because of his days as a knight. It was hard to recode an entire character after all, or at least he heard Irving complain about it one time. Still, Jay decided to softly sigh and attempt to leave him alone. 
Unfortunately, the door creaked just loud enough and opened only enough for Lazarus to stop and look up at Jay. Jay could see his horrified face staring at him, silently pleading with him not to tell and leave. At this moment, Jay could have walked up to him and comforted him, telling him that it’s all going to be okay, they’ll get out eventually. But what good would lying do? He wasn’t even sure Lazarus’s plan of going to that “Six Pint Inn'' would even work. However, as much as Jay’s instincts told him to walk away and avoid an awkward confrontation, staring at the poor ex-knight with sickly pale green skin and red eyes made him realize that taking the coward’s path was a horrible option. So he opted to compromise. 
Slowly entering the room, he pulled out a clean rag from his armor (he always carried one or two around to clean the blood from his suit) and handed it to Lazarus. He softly sighed as Lazarus took the rag with an unreadable expression. 
“If you ever need to talk, uh, about anything, I’ll listen. I won’t tell Junior anything, it’s none of his business.” There was an awkward pause. Lazarus simply stared at him and Jay had to look away, turning around to head out the room. Before Jay can leave, he heard Lazarus speak up softly.
“Thank you. You’re a good man, Jay.” 
Jay glanced at Lazarus, who he noticed was giving a small smile as he wiped his eyes. Jay smiled back at him and nodded, leaving the room. It was a small gesture, but it was enough. Mir’, Jay hoped it was enough. 
Walking through the forest path felt familiar to Jay. Following behind Lazarus, he couldn’t help but to look around, desperately trying to remember if he had ever walked down this path. The storm raging on didn’t help with this process. As the thunder boomed and lightning cracked down from the sky, his thought process stopped and he jumped a little. Junior, who was walking beside him, laughed.
“Aw, what’s the matter? You’re scared of a little storm?”
“No! I was just startled, that’s all.”
“Uh-huh.” Junior said with a smug smirk.
Lazarus barely turned around to engage in their shenanigans. He gave a small glance before motioning them to pick up the pace. Jay frowned at this. He always worried about Lazarus. Poor guy was never the same after what happened in Secrets of Legendaria. 
After a bit of walking, Lazarus stopped in front of the inn.
“..We’re here.”
While Junior was complaining about how small the inn actually was and Lazarus was knocking on the door, Jay’s eyes widened in realization. 
This was Rootbeer Tender. It had to be. He turned to his right to see the cabin, a few paces away. There was no mistaking it. That was Reggie’s cabin, clearly seeing better days, but still intact. Could this mean that he’s…alive? Was he truly replaced by someone else?
Lazarus’s voice cut through his thoughts.
“Jay!” He turned to look at him.
“Come on, the door’s open.” “...Right.”
Jay took a deep breath and adjusted his helmet. He entered the inn.
The place was far different to what he remembered of it. The rows of bars were gone, replaced with only one in the center of the room. The most striking change was the giant mirror behind the bar. But it was disgusting, the dust made it impossible to see a clear reflection. He noticed even more little details, like the vending machine on the far right of the room, and even a door that leads to what looked to be a kitchen. A kitchen was the strangest thing to Jay. He remembered how bad Reggie’s cooking was, even if the man himself would never admit it was. Speaking of Reggie, he did notice the portrait of him and Jeremiah. Jay would never say it outloud but he couldn’t help it, the portrait just reminded him of how handsome Reggie was (and Jeremiah, but he couldn’t get a good look at him. He almost laughed to see how the photo cut him off due to his height).
Lazarus and Junior were already making themselves known. Junior walks over to Weasel Kid, interrupting an one sided conversation between him and the weird old man in survivor gear. Jay watched as Junior said something so funny apparently it made the kid laugh. Out of all people, he did not expect to see Weasel Kid end up here. Lazarus was sitting on the stool, talking to someone he couldn’t see from where he was standing. So he glanced around to see if anyone else was here.
He saw what looked like a fighting character. Jay had to think for a moment to remember the fighter’s name. Bryce, Jay remembered, that was his name. He remembered his one fight with Steambot Willy. He never got the chance to really talk to him during that fight or when he saw Bryce walking around base. But from the memories of Bryce waving to him every time they acknowledged each other’s existence, he always seemed nice enough. He looked to be talking quietly to Chandrelle. So that’s what happened to them, Jay thought to himself. He can see why Lazarus was so adamant on going here. Chandrelle looked about the same as Jay remembered. He’s almost grateful that she hasn't recognized him or Junior yet. Junior especially, remembering that talk with Lazarus and him confessing what she did to Moji. Jay never understood why Lazarus would still see any good in her, but Jay supposes that being her swordsman has something to do with it. 
Jay finally decides to stop standing in the entrance, as his feet were starting to hurt and he didn’t want to draw any attention to himself. He took a seat next to where Bryce and Chandrelle were standing, keeping his back turned to them to watch Lazarus talk to the bartender. The bartender was-
. . .
Jay’s eyes widened as he recognized him. Rootbeer Regianld himself. For Mir’s sake, what happened to him? He looked much older than Jay could ever have imagined, with wrinkles on his face and dark shadows under his eyes. He was supposed to be a year or two younger than Jay. They joked about that a lot. His hair was receding a bit and he noticed the wheelchair Reggie was sitting in. Jay looked at the portrait on the wall and back at the barkeep, wondering why the years were seemingly so cruel to him. Jay hoped to whatever creator was behind the screen that Jeremiah didn’t look much worse. Jay’s thoughts were interrupted by Junior’s impatient yelling.
“JAY! Man, what the hell is wrong with you?!”
Jay realized that all eyes were on him. The confused stares of patrons, Lazarus’s concerned stare, Junior’s frustrated look, and Reggie’s emotionless face made Jay more and more uncomfortable. Jay shook his head and stood straighter.
“S-Sorry, what were you saying?”
Reginald spoke up and Jay noticed how much rougher his voice sounded.
“I was saying that you three are needed in the attic. Take the elevator. Weasel Kid will be there to guide you, isn’t that right?”
Jay followed the three onto the elevator. There was a moment before the elevator moved where he and Reggie locked eyes. Neither one broke it as the elevator slowly moved up. It was clear that Reginald recognized him yet Jay can sense a disbelief in his face as well. The thoughts stuck with Jay, long after the elevator reached the 2nd floor and the group followed Weasel to the attic.
Jay never recalled the old inn even having an attic, let alone a second floor. His way up to the attic was filled with him looking around the decor and rooms the place had. Reginald and Jeremiah never had good taste in decoration, let alone ones that fit, but for what it was, it was decent. Though, Jay probably would have done a better job. He was grateful that the way up was an awkward silence, although Junior and Weasel would mutter amongst themselves, discussing whatever that didn’t concern Jay. It was when they reached the attic that Jay came across another familiar face. Although he was in robes and his face was hidden, Jay had no doubts that it was Jeremiah. There weren’t a lot of small, hunched over people with a robe such as his that Jay knew. As Jeremiah turned around to face them, he noticed a small patch on the robe. Did something happen to him..? Those thoughts would have to wait as Jeremiah spoke,
“Ah…So you finally arrived. Early, I might add. I thought we agreed to debrief tomorrow, Lazarus?”
“The sooner, the better. I want to get this over with.” There was a small pause as Jeremiah let out a pleased hum.
“I understand. I think you made a good call. Now, let us go over the plan.”
Jeremiah unceremoniously took off the robe. He looked pretty much the same as he used to, only with a similar patch on his suit. Jay breathed a small sigh of relief. He didn’t know how he would react if Jeremiah looked as bad as Reggie did. As everyone gathered around the table, Jay noticed how he stared at him for a brief second only to start discussing the plan like nothing happened.
It seemed like a good plan. Everyone does their part, they steal the artifact, get out, then bomb the base and everyone inside. Irving would die (maybe? He didn’t sound so sure about it) and they would be back at the inn safely. Weasel would find his own way and sneak into the sewers, carrying the bomb and blowing up column A when the time was right. Junior would clear out any soldiers to prevent a flank, Lazarus would help when necessary, and Jay was in charge of disarming the security system. Due to Lazarus’s insistence on doing the debriefing early, it only made sense to enact the plan that early morning. While the plan seemed self explanatory, Jay couldn’t help but to have a bad feeling about it. Those feelings only worsened when Jeremiah started to discuss the disclaimers. 
For one, there was no backing out. It was either you’re in or not, and if anyone makes an attempt to leave, they would die. By Jeremiah’s hands or any other brave soul willing to do it. He also made clear that this plan was not flawless. There was a likelihood that any of them could die during the operation. Jay wasn’t surprised to see Lazarus agree to all of this so quickly. No hesitation as he nods and shakes Jeremiah’s hand. Jay admits that Lazarus was someone who would rather be dead than to be sent on another mission again. Jay couldn’t help but to agree, even if he was absolutely terrified of dying. Junior was on board with this whole plan as well. Of course, he probably ignored the warnings and just wanted to cause as much damage to Gameworks as possible. Jay heard Junior loudly tease Weasel Kid to “not fuck this up and kill everyone” as the two were leaving for the elevator. Jay was about to follow them and Lazarus out, but heard Jeremiah call out for him.
“Hang on. You, Jay, I need to discuss something with you.”
Lazarus glanced back at Jay who shrugged and motioned to go on without him.
Jay returned to the table, sitting across from Jeremiah who was staring at him intently. There was an awkward silence. 
“So, it’s been a while.” Jay broke the silence while wringing his hands together. Jeremiah took a deep breath, his age was becoming apparent as Jay saw how tired the man really looked.
“Yes. It has. What are you doing here?”
Jay shrugged and responded, “I was resigned to this game.” He paused for a second, realizing it wasn’t 100% true, so he rephased it. “Well, it was more of me wanting to be in it for the excitement.” Jay let out a bitter laugh.
Jeremiah looked surprised. “Out of all games, you chose this one? You’re a janitor, Jay. Not a soldier.”
“I’m beginning to realize that.”
There is another pause. Jay looked away from Jeremiah, content with staring at the ground. He didn’t want him to see how he was almost crying. 
“I thought you both died. I mourned for you two.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“What happened to you and Reggie?”
Jeremiah started to tap his clawed finger on the table, a bit of a pained look on his face.
“I..I wish not to discuss it without Reginald’s consent.”
“I see. Well, it’s good to see you’re both alive and well. I should get going.”
As Jay was about to get up and leave this awkward situation, Jeremiah stopped him, this time grabbing his arm quickly.
“I did not say that this discussion was over, Jay.”
“What is it you want to discuss?”
“The plan. I want you to make sure you’re in.”
That made Jay look back at Jeremiah. He laughed awkwardly, becoming nervous under Jeremiah’s stern stare.
“I…I don’t think I should be a part of it. There’s no room for cowards and well, I haven’t changed in that regard.”
“Jay. You were never a coward.”
“I find that very hard to believe.” Jeremiah looked a bit frustrated. He climbed on top of the table to gently grab Jay’s shoulders.
“Listen to me. You are not a coward. In fact, we-...I need you for this plan. You’re the only other person with only knowledge of the base and its systems. I promise you will be safe so long as you follow everything to a tee, I’ll make sure of it.”
A sudden static noise from Jeremiah’s pocket interrupts the conversation. As he excuses himself and answers, Jay reflects on what Jeremiah told him. While it was nice to hear Jeremiah be so confident about him, his self doubt was already asking why that was. He was a coward, plenty of times he ran away from a fight when his comrades were doing all the fighting. Even back then, he was too afraid of rejection to even- 
No, Jay grimaced and shaked his head as he shook the thought out of his head. He stopped his thoughts from wandering any further when he saw Jeremiah put the device back in his pocket and looked at Jay.
“That was Reginald. He requests that you spend the night with us in the cabin.”
Jay furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Why?”
“It’s far too dangerous to fly in this weather. The others already have their rooms, but we have a miscalculation in how many people we would have to room. Besides, Reggie insists you come to the cabin. He would like to speak with you as well.” All of a sudden, Jeremiah grabbed his hand, which flustered Jay. His hand was freezing, it felt like he was holding a corpse’s hand more than a living person’s. “It’s nothing bad. It would be better than sleeping outside and it will be just us. Like old times.” Jeremiah said in a soft tone, softly smiling at Jay. Jay had seen Jerry smile genuinely before yet this one felt a bit forced. But Jay didn’t seem to care. In the moment, seeing Jeremiah’s smile only flustered him more as old feelings started to come back.
“...Alright.” Jay reluctantly said after glancing back and forth at the ground and Jeremiah’s face.
With that, Jeremiah leads him to the secret elevator and they head down to the lobby, which was completely empty. Jay noticed as they exited the inn that Jeremiah never let go of his hand, content with leading him to the cabin. The warm lights of its inside softly shining in the distance contrasted with the dread Jay felt in his stomach. 
When Jay entered the cabin, it looked pretty much the same as it used to. Although there were some little details that looked new to Jay, it all felt familiar to him which was comforting. Yet, the presence of Reggie staring at the blank computer screen made the atmosphere more ominous. When Jeremiah came in and shut the door behind them, he turned to look at the two, wheeling his chair around to face them fully. The squeaking of the wheels made Jay cringe. Reggie stared for a moment, specifically at Jay, before giving him a small smile.
“Well I’ll be. It really is you. How have you been?”
Reggie’s smile and tone just felt wrong to Jay. It just didn’t feel…genuine. That’s what Reggie always was: Genuine. “I’ve been worse…What about you? Have you been doing alright?”
“Not at all!” Reggie gave a sharp and bitter laugh. Jay frowned at his response, realizing with seeing him in the wheelchair how dumb the question really sounded. Reginald continued, “Oh, I haven’t been alright in a long, long time. Neither of us have been. Isn’t that right Jeremiah?”
Jay almost forgot Jeremiah was there for how silent he was. Jeremiah climbed onto the arm of the wheelchair and clung onto it like a hawk with a trainer. 
“Yes. It has been a difficult time for us.”
Jay looked at both of them with sympathy. There was an awkward silence between the three of them. 
“But enough of this pity talk. It’s far too depressing for this reunion. Afterall, it’s been so long since the three of us got to be together like this! Would you mind grabbing those drinks behind you for us? And pull up a chair! Relax for a while! It’ll be just like old times.” Reggie broke the silence with a cheery tone and grin, gesturing towards the lone chair and table with glasses filled behind Jay. Jay took the chair and placed it in front of Reggie and Jeremiah. When he did sit down in front of them, passing the drinks along and taking his own, there was still an uncomfortable tension between them all. This didn’t feel like “old times”. Old times would be them laughing at jokes they made and complaining about their jobs. The old times would have Jay listening to Reggie and Jeremiah talk to each other, engrossed in their own conversation. Jay never minded. He knew how dedicated the two were to each other. He always felt grateful that they chose him to be a witness to their closer and more intimate moments. But the attention was all on him now and he wasn’t sure what to do with it. Jay took small sips of his drink as he watched the other two across from him looked as uncomfortable as he was. 
“So… How come you’re in a wheelchair?” The moment Jay asked that question, Reggie frowned and he clenched the wheelchair’s arm.
“I’d rather not discuss it.” 
“Reggie. I know it sounds like a sensitive topic-”
“If you know, then why are we discussing it?” Reggie forced a smile when saying that. For some reason, that forced smile was Jay’s final straw. Jay huffed in frustration.
“Because I thought, for all these years, that you two died. The least you can do is tell me what happened.”
“Again, I’d rather not. I’m sorry that our disappearance concerned you so much, however-” Jay suddenly interrupted Reggie in a fit of anger, shouting at them.  
“Concerned?! I was more than concerned about you. I mourned for you. I cared so much about you two. Honestly, you two were the only friends I had. I just want to know what’s going on. This whole plan and…everything, it’s not like you two.”
Jay grabbed Reggie’s hand. Reggie flinched, which was concerning to Jay. But his attention was on him and not Jeremiah.
“No matter what you tell me, it will never leave this cabin. I promise you.” Jay grabs Jeremiah’s hand as well. Cold and small as it always was, yet his grip was tight. He can feel Jeremiah’s sharp nails dig into his skin. He ignored the pain and continued to push, “So can you two please tell me what happened to the old Reggie and Jeremiah? What changed?”
Reginald took a deep breath, glancing over to Jeremiah who was matching his tired expression. He stared into Jay’s concerned eyes, gripping his hand tightly.
“...Lionel did this to me.” Reggie confessed with a serious tone, not breaking eye contact with Jay. Jay couldn’t help but look confused. Lionel was a jerk, sure, but to this degree?
“Lionel? But-”
“He wanted this, Jay. He wanted me gone, but didn’t want any blood on his hands. So he sent Irving to do the dirty work of getting rid of me. I couldn’t believe it myself. Why would he want to get rid of me? He loved rootbeer and most importantly, he loved me. Or so I thought.” Jay noticed how Reginald was slightly shaking as he spoke. His hand was on his face, looking like he was desperately trying to keep composure. Jeremiah was already by his side, using his other arm to wrap around Reggie’s shoulders (or at least as far as his short arms can reach). Jay kept quiet, intently listening as he continued to hold their hands. Reggie continued,
“I refused to leave and well… I suppose Irving “respected” that decision.” He gestured towards his legs, letting out a bitter laugh. Jay’s eyes widen in horror as he puts the pieces together. It wasn’t out of character for Irving to be cruel, but this? This was on a whole other level. Reggie treated Irving with nothing but kindness and this is what he gets? It made Jay’s stomach turn. 
“Have you ever felt betrayal, Jay?” Reginald asked Jay who snapped out of his angered thoughts.
“I-I don’t think so.” 
“It’s the most painful feeling you will ever experience. Far worse than any physical torment, especially when your legs get broken into tiny bits of bones that stick out like knives. You lay on the floor, writhing in pain, thinking “Why would they do this to me? Was I not good enough? Was it my fault?”. And it is their fault, not mine! Never mine! I loved him! It’s all their fault. IT’S ALL HIS FAULT-” 
As Reggie begins to yell in anger, he stops when he feels Jeremiah squeeze his shoulder, looking upset. He takes a deep breath as Jeremiah continues for him. “Lionel wanted to look like a game dev prodigy in the eyes of the unsuspecting public. Super Weasel Kid being his first game looks better than Rootbeer Tender. Such mediocrity being praised, it sickens me. How can a game like that excuse the denial of our existence? For our suffering? Can you even fathom such a thing?” Jeremiah said all of that with such venom, Jay almost wondered why Weasel Kid was even allowed in the inn. He continued, “Irving. For what he did to Reginald, he must suffer.”
“Ah, Jeremiah,” Reginald interrupted gently, “We are getting a bit ahead of ourselves.” “Wh-What does that mean? Is that what this whole plan is about? To get revenge on Irving?” Jay asked, slowly putting together the pieces. Reginald only gave Jay a dry smile. 
“Ah. Well, you are about half right. I want Irving and Lionel dead.”
Jay let go of both of their hands, his face morphing into shock and horror. He stared at both of them in disbelief.
“Dead? You want them dead? That’s-” Jay laughs at how absurd it sounded. “Reggie, that’s nearly impossible. Lionel is on the other side of the screen! And Irving well-”
“Jay, I know this. That’s what this whole plan is for! Do you take me as a fool?” Reggie accused Jay with a bitter tone. Jay couldn’t help but to think if this really was Rootbeer Reggie and Jeremiah, his janitor. They certainly weren’t acting like them. The Jeremiah he knew was cold, but not malicious and hateful like the one in front of him. And the Reggie he knew was kind. Someone who would forgive too easily and always had a bright smile on his face. The man in front of him was not him, he was just someone with a similar face worn on like a distorted mask. His eyes filled with grief and darkness and the forced smiles he gave only made Jay more and more uncomfortable. 
“I-I don’t- of course not, Reggie, but, this- I mean-” Jay kept stuttering as he fell under the pressure of their intense stares. He was almost grateful that Reggie interrupted him.
“There will be a ritual performed using the Artifact. It will be performed once all the necessary participants have been retrieved.”
“I have been collecting those who have been wronged by Lionel and Irving,” Jeremiah answered. “For the ritual to work, it requires six player characters, the blessing of a human player, and the Artifact.”
“The Hex…” Reggie said with a manic grin. “The Hex will allow us access to the real world. Once then, I will kill Lionel myself and this will all be over. I can finally be at peace.” 
“And…And what about Irving? How do you plan on going about that?”
Jeremiah, who was silent throughout Reggie’s explanation, spoke up, “The explosion from the bomb should be enough to kill him.” 
“And if it doesn’t?”
There was an awkward silence between them as Jeremiah and Reggie glanced at each other.
“We did not account for that.” Jeremiah awkwardly confessed, clearing his throat.
“But!” Reggie said loudly before Jay can panickally question how they could possibly miss accounting for a failed murder attempt on the guy who can order their deletion in seconds. “I’m sure that will not be an issue. The plan has made it this far, there is no way it will fail now. Things have fallen into place far too much for it to fail now.”
“Ah, but of course, there is just one thing that is a bit of a concern to this operation.”
“And what’s that?”
“You. It’s you.”
“How am I a concern? I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone about this. And Jeremiah must have told you that I want nothing to do with the breaking in.” Jeremiah and Reggie glanced at each other. It looked like they knew something that Jay didn’t, which made Jay squirm in his seat.
“Ah, well, that’s the issue. You’re the only person I trust with handling security.”
“Reggie, you can’t be serious. I can’t do it. I’m not going to do it. I’m sorry Reginald, and-and Jeremiah, but no! I’m too scared to do it.”
As Jay got up from his seat, Reggie grabbed his arm tightly, hurting Jay a little. 
“Jay. Please. I need you to do this. I…I know there’s a chance you won’t make it out alive, I won’t lie. But I swear to you, it’s a small chance. I wouldn’t be here begging you if I knew you wouldn’t survive.” 
Jay refused to look at them. Every instinct in Jay was telling him to run. They were going to send on a dangerous mission with a guarantee that he could very well die. Was it really worth it to escape Vicious Galaxy? Even more so, was it worth it for…them? 
Images of better days flashed in Jay’s head as did the old feelings he desperately avoided. As much as he didn’t want to die and would rather be a coward, he found that he just didn’t have it in him. He found himself glancing at the untouched drinks, still by their chairs. 
He remembered when Reginald told him that he didn’t even like drinking rootbeer. 
“Really?! You’re telling me that whole job, which is just making and serving rootbeer, the establishment you work at, hell! Even your name!! And you don’t even like to drink it?” The voice of a younger Jay played in his mind. He heard Reginald laugh as did Jeremiah’s soft chuckle.
“Nope!” The younger and cheerier voice of Reginald admitted. “I was never a fan of anything sweet. That’s Jeremiah. I have more of a sour tooth. In fact, I can eat a whole lemon and not pucker once.”
“You’re just screwing with me, Reggie.”
“I swear, I’m not! Give me a lemon, I’ll prove it right now.”
Jay chuckled at the serious tone Reggie had.
“But seriously, I have to ask: If you don’t like drinking it, why do you make it? Is it because you’re forced to?”
“Forced? Oh, I’m not forced to do it.” He remembered how Reggie paused for a second. “Well, maybe a little,” He said with a light laugh. “But I don’t mind. You know why, Jay? Because it makes Lionel happy. It makes my patrons happy. And it makes you happy. That’s all that matters to me.”
Before Jay can even process it, his mind shifted to another scene. It was a small moment with just him and Jeremiah. Reginald wasn’t there when Jay arrived late that night, apparently having gone through a busy day and retiring for the night. Jeremiah stayed behind, having cleaned everything and was patiently waiting for Jay’s arrival. In retrospect, Jay always appreciated the moments when it was just them alone. Jay always felt like he never knew Jeremiah as well as he did with Reginald. The little guy was just someone who didn’t share much about himself and always seemed cold and distant. So as the two had some rootbeer Reggie left behind for them to share, they talked quietly amongst themselves. But this stood out to Jay because of one simple question:
“Why do you listen to Reginald?”
Jeremiah looked at Jay oddly.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, and I’m not saying he’s like Irving or a bad boss, but…Jeremiah, if Reginald told you to jump off a bridge, would you?”
“Of course.” Jeremiah answered with no hesitation. 
“See! Exactly what I mean! You take every word that man says like it’s a commandment. Why?” 
“I love him.”
There was an awkward silence between them. Jay remembered how a bit crushed he was hearing that. He was just gaining some attraction towards them and hearing that just felt like any chance he had was thrown out the window. It never made him want to leave, strangely enough, but only increased his want of becoming closer. He heard Jeremiah continue, “Your example of the bridge was misleading. Reginald would never ask that of me. He would never make me do anything that would lead me to unavoidable pain or death. I would volunteer that on my own volition if it is needed. Wouldn’t you do the same for someone you care about?”
The two memories lingered as he snapped back into the present. Reggie’s hand was still gripping his arm and he could hear Jeremiah talking in the background. Jay shakily sighs, finally making up his mind and already regretting it. However, he wasn’t doing it for him. 
It was for them.
“...I’ll do it.” Jay felt his voice quiver as Reggie’s tight grip disappeared and he sat back down on the chair. He looked at Reggie and Jeremiah, both of which looked a bit surprised.
“You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you.” Reggie’s gentle tone and soft voice made Jay’s heart skip a beat. It didn’t help that Jeremiah had reached out to hold his hand tenderly. Jay knew for a fact going on this mission would be one of his biggest regrets, he might not even make it out alive for mir’s sake. Still, he justified his decision by the relief and joy it brought to the two people he loved.
Reginald reached down for his neglected drink as did Jeremiah, both of them raising the drinks for a toast. Jay quickly grabbed his, realizing what was going on. Reggie cleared his throat, “A toast for us and for the plan. My revenge will finally be brought to fruition. And it’s thanks to you two.” Jay clinked his glass with them and took a drink. It was as sweet as he remembered. He almost laughed at seeing Reggie trying to hide his disgust at the sweet taste, only taking a small drink. It seemed time had flown by so quickly as the three were talking and laughing like they used to. Jay had even challenged Reggie to an arm wrestle, bragging a bit about how he certainly got stronger from being in Vicious Galaxy. Even though Jay lost, to see the two look happy and chatting amongst themselves like old times made it all worth it. But the panic soon kicked in as he recalled that he would be leaving in the morning. Most likely not returning at all. Reggie and Jeremiah sensed Jay’s dread radiating off of him, stopping their conversation to look concerned at him. 
“Jay? Are you alright?” Reggie asked with a worried tone. Jay looked at them frightfully, his mind becoming frenzied. Yet, there was one thing he knew he had to do.
“I-Look. I know you keep telling me that it’s going to go fine tomorrow and I’ll come back safe, but I just can’t believe that. And so if this is my last night alive, then I can’t take this to my grave.”
“What are you talking about, Jay?” Jeremiah asked in a cautious tone, becoming a bit apprehensive at Jay’s panicked state. Jay took a shaky breath, kneeling in front of the wheelchair on the floor. He barely made eye contact with either of them. He put his hand on Reggie’s knee.
“I love you. Oh ‘Mir, I love you both so much.” Jay felt wetness on his cheeks and his throat tightening but he kept going. “I have for years. If I only knew how little time we had together, I would have gotten over this sooner. I’m such a coward.
And if you don’t love me back, if either of you don’t, that’s fine. I can accept that. Hate me if you want even. I only wish for this to not be my last regret. And-..Also-, I mean-”
“Jay.” Reggie’s voice suddenly interrupts Jay's confession. He hesitantly looks up at them, expecting rejection from both. What Jay did not expect was to feel the gentle touch of two very different hands on both of his cheeks. A gloved one that was warm and a small cold one with his nails slightly poking him. Both staring at him lovingly. Jay’s face turned as red as his nose. 
“We would never hate you. In fact, I speak for Jeremiah and myself that we felt the same way towards for as long as you have.” Reginald whispered while caressing his face. As much as Jay felt his heart soar and he wanted so badly to burst in joy, Jay couldn’t help but to question that last part.
“I..Wait. Did-Did you two know? This whole time?!”
“Weeellll…” Reginald laughed awkwardly while Jeremiah looked away, clearly a bit embarrassed. “Jeremiah suspected. He did mention it to me a couple times but I wasn’t sure if it was the right call to bring it up. You can be, uh, a little skittish, like a cat.”
“So. You’re calling me a “skittish cat”?” Jay asked.
“Don’t be embarrassed, we’re not taunting you, just stating the truth. You’re our skittish cat, afterall.” Jeremiah teased with a grin, lightly pinching Jay’s cheek. Jay, on the other hand, looked unimpressed and sighed loudly as the other two chuckled.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Jay looked annoyed as the other two calmed their laughter down.
Reginald glanced at the clock hanging by his bed. “Well, I see that it’s rather late. You both have to leave very early so I suggest we start heading to bed.” Reginald paused, glancing at Jeremiah who nodded. “Unless, you have other ideas?” 
Jay looked at him, a bit puzzled on what he meant. “Um, excuse me?”
“Oh you know.”
“I…I don’t know. What other ideas?”
Jeremiah sighs loudly, looking impatient as Reginald couldn’t help but to snicker a little.
“Intercourse, Jay. We are subtly asking if you would like to have sexual intercourse with us.”
“Oh..OH!” Jay’s face became hot and red as a tomato and he looked down, refusing to make eye contact. “I-I-I don’t- Are you sure? It just feels so sudden, not to say I don’t want to! I do, but-”
“Jay, Jay! We wouldn’t have asked if we weren’t sure. As much as I don’t want to say it or entertain the idea,” Reggie sighed. “If this is truly your last night alive, wouldn’t you want to make the most of it?” 
“I agree with Reginald.” Jeremiah piped in. “We want you. I want you.” 
Jay mulled over this for a moment. And perhaps it was some of the rootbeer in his system or the acceptance that death was already waiting on his doorstep, but for once in his entire existence, he ignored his inner voice telling him to run. Oh no, he was not running from this.
He instead picked up Reginald and Jeremiah, holding them in his arms. He may have lost an arm wrestling match, he most certainly was much stronger than he was in the past. But as soon as he did that, his adrenaline wore off for a second as he realized what he was doing.
“Oh, uh, sorry. I should have-”
“No, no, no! You’re fine.” Reginald said, looking flustered for once. Jeremiah was silent, but moved so suddenly to grab Jay’s face and kiss him passionately. He winced a sharp tooth and managed to knick his lip but as Jeremiah pulled away, Reginald immediately pulled Jay in to kiss him, leaving him breathless. His helmet clattered to the floor as he started to walk towards the bed, his two lovers never letting up on their constant affection towards him. 
It was the only good memory that flashed to his head as the world slowed around him. He had his back turned from his comrades. He couldn’t bear to see Lazarus’s or Jeremiah’s face as he heard Junior pump his shotgun. He wasn’t mad at Junior, far from it. Jay knew the kid was only doing what they agreed to. It was Jay who let his cowardice control him, putting Lazarus’s life at risk while he did the easy work of just sitting and waiting. Why did he even agree to this? For love? What kind of love was this? Was he really risking everything for the vengeance of the shadow of a man he once knew? Why didn’t Jeremiah stop this?
. . .
Why didn’t he stop this? He knew it was part of the agreement, but surely Jeremiah could have prevented it? Bended the rules a little? Jay didn’t want his final thoughts to be this, to be blaming his now lovers for his mistakes. Yet, it felt right doing so. If he had just said no and backed out, he would have been fine. Maybe stuck in Vicious Galaxy or even died at another person’s hands, but oh mir’, anything was better than dying from cowardice, by your own teammate’s hands. Jay shut his eyes. 
“Oh ‘Mir… I should have stayed as a janitor.” He could feel his voice tremble as he spoke his final words. “It was safe. It was-”
The last thing Jay heard was a loud bang and everything went to black.
The remaining three watched as Jay’s body hit the ground facedown with a thud. A small puddle of blood forming underneath. Jeremiah was at least thankful he didn’t have to see his face. Junior reloaded his gun, seemingly not that phased on the murder he just committed.
“No time for cowards, right boss?” He asked Jeremiah, who had snapped out of staring at the body to look at Junior. He cleared his throat,
“Unfortunately,” He made the mistake of glancing back at Jay’s corpse, grimacing a bit. “It had to be done.” 
Jeremiah turned his attention towards Lazarus who was looking at him with utter grief in his face. He heard about how Jay and him got along. Jeremiah couldn’t help but sympathize with the poor man, who he heard quietly whisper to Jay.
“Goodbye, Jay…”
As much as Jeremiah would like to stay a little longer, to at least say his own goodbye or bury a grave, they had no time to waste. They already wasted enough.
“The Artifact awaits. Let’s go.” Jeremiah pressed on, already walking in the base with Junior following right behind him. He didn’t turn back. Grief was merely a setback. Reginald would get his revenge, Jeremiah would make sure of it.
Reginald woke up to the sound of floorboards breaking, panicked shouts from his patrons, and a loud bang from the basement. He sighed tiredly, a little upset he had been rudely awakened from his impromptu nap. He didn’t sleep last night, how could he? Well, not only because of…what they did last night (he still felt a bit sore) but also from a persistent feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time.
He stared at Jay’s sleeping face for the entire night. When morning came, Reggie pretended to be asleep, not wanting to say goodbye for what could be the very last time he sees him. He heard his wheelchair being pushed to his bedside. He felt a cold chill on head, as he usually did in the mornings. Then, he felt warm lips gently kiss the same spot, feeling the hot air from his mouth linger only for a little bit and disappearing. He didn’t get up until an hour later, when the sun was about to rise and he could smell the pancakes Bryce was making from the inn. 
He shook off the memory, rubbing his eyes out of tiredness. What was he doing?
Ah, yes, he was making sure the props were set and ready. He was just about to start putting the photos into their frames for Jeremiah to hang up. 
Speaking of Jeremiah, he heard the door unlock from inside the secret room. He paused when he saw Reggie.
“...You look exhausted.”
“Hm, yes, I didn’t get much sleep last night. Did everything go as planned?” Reggie asked while sorting through the photos.
“Yes…” Jeremiah paused. He sighed tiredly as he explained. “Mostly. Irving did not die in the explosion. But everything else went exactly as planned. We even freed her. She’s waiting in the basement.”
“Irving won’t be a problem. I already have an idea of how we can get rid of him. Did Lazarus and Weasel make it out?”
Jeremiah nods, taking off his armor. “Yep. They made it out fine. Lazarus and Weasel Kid are already en route with the Artifact as we speak.”
Reggie couldn’t help but to grin excitedly. “Excellent. All we need is one more player character and the finishing touches to our game, and it will all come together.” He turned to look at Jeremiah with a smile. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Jeremiah walked over to Reggie. He simply grabbed his arm and kissed his hand, slowly intertwining his own with Reggie’s.
“Anything for you. I want to see them both suffer.”
Reggie smiled softly, patting Jeremiah’s head. His smile faded as he remembered about them.
“...And the other two. What happened to them?”
Jeremiah stopped and Reggie could see the remorse in his eyes as he gripped onto his hand.
“Junior died in the explosion, crushed by the debris. Poor child was simply unlucky.”
“And Jay?”
“...” Jeremiah went silent. Reggie’s mood and tone darkened. “Jeremiah. What happened to Jay?”
Jeremiah shakily sighed. Reggie was almost surprised at how sorrowful Jeremiah looked.
“Jay…He did his part well. But apparently, Lazarus did all the killing for him. He only managed to get the security down. By the time we were at the main gate, he got cold feet. He knew what we had agreed to. He died by Junior’s hands. One shotgun blast was all it took.”
Silence. Reginald’s face became unreadable as he processed the news. Jeremiah only held on tighter, leaning against his arm.
“I…I can’t say I did not expect it to happen. We both knew neither one was gonna make it, but I did expect a bit of a more…grander death.” 
“Reggie, I mean no offense or disrespect, but that would be asking too much of him. But he admitted to being…”a coward”. That’s brave enough for him.”
“Hm, I suppose.” Reggie looked back down at the photos and frames blankly. He pulled the photo of Jay and put it in the frame. He handed it and the rest of the photos and frames to Jeremiah.
“If you wouldn’t mind, I need these in frames and hanged. I would like you to put Jay’s by the kitchen door instead of our original spot.”
Jeremiah nodded, taking what Reggie had given him. “Of course. Anything else?”
“No, no. I would like to just be alone for a moment.”
“Very well, then.” 
Before Jeremiah could walk out the door, Reggie stopped him.
“Oh, and one more thing: I urge you to take some time for yourself when you’re done. Please. You look like you need it.”
Jeremiah was silent as he listened. He didn’t even respond, just left the room after Reggie was done talking. 
Reginald sat back in his wheelchair, staring at one of the static screens of the monitors. He felt tears come to his eyes as he let them fall, scowling at the reflection of himself. This was not his fault. Jay’s death was not his fault. He kept telling himself that as more tears came down. This was the fault of Irving and Lionel. They started this, they did this to them, and they were going to pay. Lionel wanted this, Irving’s words taunted in his head, fueling his anger and hatred further. Lionel wants this. Lionel-
He suddenly was snapped out of his thoughts by Lazarus’s voice crackling through the speakers. He looked at the lobby’s monitor, seeing Lazarus stare at the recently hanged portrait of Jay. His shocked face shifted into one of mourning.
“He was a good man…” He whispered to himself, believing no one else was listening. “Maybe even the best of us.” 
Reggie watched as he went to his usual spot with Rust, talking to him like nothing happened. Reginald wiped his eyes, letting a quiet laugh to himself. While Jay did die like a coward as he always was, at the very least he was liked…even loved. As Reggie left the room and went out the kitchen, wheeling himself behind the bar, he couldn’t help but to glance at the portrait, staring at it for a few moments.
Lazarus was right. He was the best among them all. As much as a scaredy cat he could be, panicking over the littlest of things and straying away from fights or confrontations, he had a good heart. More heart than Reginald or Jeremiah could ever have. Maybe that’s why letting him go, while feeling awful, wasn’t so hard to do.
Jay had hope. Far too much in Reggie’s eyes. It reminded him of his younger self, so desperate to believe that there was good in people. So easy to control and break.
It had killed them both.  
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livehexmoments · 10 months
Hi sorry i havent been posting as much on here FEWFERHR
I swear im still fixated on DMG stuff (especially hex, again), ive just been busy writing stuff for it and general stuff not related to it. I am working on a fic so i’ll probably be posting it soon!
but anyway as apologies for not posting, here’s some fun facts/cheat codes from The Hex that some people might not know:
In the Hex, it is very possible to accidently get softlocked or corrupt your save data. I know that the game has had many patches but i still managed to get softlocked by complete accident. So if you ever lose your save data for whatever reason, shift + A + S unlocks the chapter select so you’re free to continue where ever you left off or just want to play a certain section
Also this game has an in-game speedrun timer. Not kidding. Doing shift + R has the timer show up and start counting. I don’t know much of the mechanics of it like how to pause it or whatnot but if you ever wanted to see how fast you can beat a section, here you go. 
So i ripped the game using asset studio and found some interesting stuff, like did you know there’s actually a clean version of the inn theme in the files? Literally the official ost does not have it nor have i ever found a yt video with it and honestly im a little upset about it cause it’s really good 
In the scene where Irving is talking to Lionel, I think there is audio of Lionel talking to him backwards but i haven’t been able to figure out how to isolate the audio and reverse it to get what exactly he’s saying. One of these days ill figure it out
ok this isnt really a fun fact more as it is a genuine question but to any Hex experts out there: Does Jeremiah wear a tophat in game? I found a sprite of it several times in the files but I can literally never recall him wearing it in game. It might just be leftover sprite from the beta (There might be more sprites like that that I’m not aware of yet) and probably was cut?? But again, I’m not 100% sure.
Update on that last point: He does wear it in the main menu if you wait for the lightning to strike and look at the attic window (thats him btw if anyone didnt know) and in the settings! It’s usually obscured in shadows and in the files, it’s completely colored in and detailed, which is super neat. Shoutouts to @theblacksheepcz for telling me in the replies!! <3
Like with Inscryption, there are some default sprites and stuff from unity leftover but it’s not as cool as the strip club being found in ACT 3. Just default emojis and the logo of Unity. 
Ok last one and its another genuine question too: When looking up the characters’ “voices”, it’s actually just one little sound and that’s it. It’s pretty funny if you listen to it for the first time. In the dialogue text files, I did see that there’s code that basically makes it so that it pitches or sounds a certain way during cutscenes and interreacting with characters/objects. If anyone who sees this and gets this far knows how that works, I would love to hear it! 
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livehexmoments · 11 months
SO...first time posting a fic in a LONG time!! It’s basically a possible first chapter for a longer fic that will probably never be finished FEWFRGH. It’s also a rough draft because i hate proofreading, sorry if there’s any mistakes :( To explain some context, this is an AU where Lionel is the player and lives through his attempted murder. Now he’s stuck with video game characters in real life (O and Irving is there too but dont worry about it, barely mentioned here i think). I just think Lionel is super fun to write and i love making him pathetic <3
“Hey, I know you guys are still pissed and want me dead and that’s fine. But I feel bad not feeding you at least. So can you promise you won’t immediately try to murder me when I come in?”
Lionel Snill was met with silence from the other side of the door. He sighed. It’s been about two days since….The Hex incident. It has been nothing but hell ever since. Playing through the game and realizing that it was about how miserable his creations were was bad enough, but the whole murder plot? The realization as the hex opened that the whole “murder mystery” was a trick to get him invested and for them to kill him? It still gave Lionel chills. The plan didn’t work, obviously. He was still standing after all. Lionel couldn’t remember the exact details of what happened, but he got up and moved away right when his hand was coming in to strangle him. The Hex sucked them in and they freaked out. Reggie yelling on the floor, trying to grab him and kill him, bullets flying, and the little guy (Jeremiah was his name, Lionel remembers) even bit his leg to keep him from running. He was lucky that he had a door with a lock and immediately ran out and locked it. He started grabbing chairs and his couch, blocking it and trying to escape the bullets flying out of it. It’s a miracle the door was still standing. 
Eventually they ran out of bullets, mana, and energy, which gave Lionel enough time to reinforce the door the best he can and keep them there. He hasn’t really opened it since…Until Irving showed up. Apparently, killing a literal AI is a lot harder than thought of and Lionel had to open the door and drag a bloody Irving out before they tore him apart. Now Lionel was stuck with his murder hungry creations who most of them wanted his head on a stake and an injured AI who has been extremely unhelpful and quiet for most of the time. 
He tried calling Carla but she blocked him on any type of social media app ever existed. So that’s wonderful. Thank god he was able to take their weapons/magic away or else he doubt he would have lasted as long as he’s been now. 
Going back to now, Lionel spoke up again, “Look. I know I screwed up bad. What happened to all of you and..what Irving did was awful. I’m sorry. I am trying to do better, and I can’t do that if you are still attempting to kill me. So just let me creak the door a bit open so I can pass the food over and I’ll leave you alone.” 
Lionel was met with more silence. He sighed in frustration and shakily creaked the door opened regardless. He couldn’t let them starve in there. What he was met with the faceless one staring at him, which he visibly jumped at. The room was dark, so Lionel couldn’t see the others but the faceless one had his arms out, motioning his hands to the plate Lionel carried. Lionel realized what they were trying to do and passed the food to them while making sure the door wasn’t opened enough for them to escape. Once the transaction was complete, Lionel quickly shut the door. He let out a relieved sigh at how well it went. 
“Alright. Great. That went well. See, I’m trying to be nice here. Feeding you with good food and-”
A feminine voice suddenly disrupted him behind the door, “Taste like shit.”
“...Well, I’m feeding you some food-”
An older voice spoke up, “Ehm…I never had food like this. Doesn’t look like food..”
Lionel looked frustrated and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine! I’m feeding you. At very least, I’m doing that! I may not make the best ramen but-”
Another voice appears, “This is ramen? There’s no flavor at all!”
“LOOK! I’m trying my best, okay?! Either eat the damn food or don’t, I don’t care!” Lionel jumped at the sound of a dish being thrown and smashed against the door.
“JESUS- Who did that?!”
He was met with silence once more and his patience snapped.
“Okay. Fine. Don’t answer. I’ll leave you alone.”
As Lionel was walking away from the door, he heard loud knocking from it.
“What now?!”
A young voice spoke, “I have to use the bathroom.”
Lionel stared at the door, in disbelief.
“...Bathroom? You’re video game characters.”
“And we use the bathroom! Cmon man, I have to go!”
“Does anyone else in there need to use the bathroom?” There wasn’t a clear response, but Lionel could tell with hearing the murmurs of agreement between them.
“Fine, okay. Here’s how this is going to work. I’ll let you use the bathroom, one at a time.”
Lionel continued to speak as the others stayed quiet. He honestly sounded a bit unsure as he spoke, “And if you try anything, I will not hesitate to…hurt you. Got it?”
The young voice quickly responded, “Yeah sure, can I just go, please?!” “Alright fine! I’m opening the door.”
He opened the door slightly to let the character come out and closed it quick to prevent the others from trying to run out with him. Speaking of which, turned out the voice was Weasel kid. Lionel had to stare at Weasel for a second, still can’t believing that his creations were alive this entire time. Weasel in turn, stared at him with an impatient look. His tail was flicking back and forth with his foot tapping impatiently. 
“Well? Where’s the bathroom?”
Lionel snapped out of it, “Oh, uh, it’s down this hall, second door.”
There was a pause as both of them stood there.
“...Aren’t you going to-”
“No. You’re going first. I don’t trust you behind my back.”
“Jeeze, whatever.”
As they both walked to the bathroom, Weasel leading first while Lionel was following behind, Lionel snapped. 
“Don’t ‘whatever’ me! You all tried to murder me! I don’t trust any of you. And secondly, I’m your creator! Is that how-”
“Yeah. It is.” Weasel turned to look at him with anger. His sunglasses were pushed down a bit, allowing Lionel to see the true fury behind his eyes. “How many times are you going to use that stupid argument anyway? It’s getting old.”
There was an uncomfortable tension. Lionel had to look away, looking almost guilty for setting the weasel off. Weasel simply pushed his glasses up with a snarl and kept walking forward, stopping at the first door in the hallway. 
“Is this the bathroom?”
“...Second door.”
“Oh. Right.”
As weasel went through the correct door, Lionel stood in front of it. He silently wondered if his creations shared any traits with him. Weasel did seem like he forgets things if he already forgot the directions talk they had 1 minute ago. Before Weasel could close the door, he looked at Lionel standing in front, confused. Lionel explained, “Like I said, I don’t trust you. I’m standing right here. Do your business and when you’re done, you’re going back in the room and I’m taking someone else. Got it?”
Weasel huffed and slammed the door. Lionel jumped in surprise of how loud it was and sighed. Thank god Irving was a heavy sleeper or else hell could have broken loose. He 
slid against the wall and sat on the floor, contemplating on how his life got to this point. Was he really that bad of a person? This was his karma wasn’t it? He sat there, hands in his face and trying not to cry in feeling overwhelmed. Lionel felt himself speaking before he could stop himself, his guilt taking over.
“..I’m sorry about Mr. Shrewd. It wasn’t your fault. I should have taken better care of him, not you. God, I knew I shouldn't have sold you off. The hell was I thinking?”
“. . . Did you regret it?”
Lionel snapped his head up to see Weasel standing over him with an unreadable face. He didn’t even hear the bathroom door open. Lionel sighed and locked eyes with him. 
“Yes. Well..kind of. I hated what they did to you, but when I was younger, I was stupid and couldn’t see anything but chasing after the next big thing to get me famous. I should have kept hold of your rights, told those bad reviews to screw off and kept going…I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to say anything, just…please, believe me when I say I want to do better by you guys. I will.”
Weasel’s face was cold. “I don’t believe you.”
“I know, I-I know you don’t. Sorry.”
Lionel stood up as Weasel was already walking towards the room, with a much quicker pace. By time he got there, Weasel was waiting by the door, his head looking down to the floor. Before Lionel could open the door, Weasel spoke up, “If..If you did keep my rights and wanted to make another game, would-..would you keep Mr Shrewd alive?”
Lionel had to pause for a second. He could tell Weasel that yes, he would have absolutely kept him alive. He was a memorable character so it made sense he would be in all the games but…It felt like a lie.
Lionel was sick of lying.
“...I don’t know. Honestly? I don’t think I would have. I didn’t care about my own Mr. Shrewd when I should have, I can’t see my younger self caring about yours the same way you cared.”
There was an awkward silence that lingered as Weasel stared right at him. Lionel wanted so badly to look away but he wasn’t going to do that. He wanted to be genuine. Weasel took a deep breath and clenched his fist.
“So he would have been dead? Regardless of anything?!”
“Yes. I’m sorry.”
As he opened the door to let Weasel in, he swore he saw the kid wipe his eyes under his glasses. Lionel felt his chest hurt a bit and the guilt overwhelming at the sight. Good lord, he really was that cruel. Before he can even speak, the survivor stood up. 
“..I see you all decided the order already.”
While the others stayed silent (Reggie giving him the coldest and meanest glare that burned through his soul), Chandrelle spoke up,
“Yeah. Video game characters need hygiene as well, for your information. He smells the worst.”
“Okay. That’s fine. Just…stay put, I guess.”
Lionel did a quick glance around to check on Weasel. He was already at his old spot, with the faceless one rubbing his back to comfort him. Lionel took a deep breath and let the survivor out of the room. He closed the door behind them.
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livehexmoments · 11 months
hi besties its me with another hc list <3  Anyway here’s Mr. Chef (OP) Bryce himself DSAFEG
To me, he’s basically the most positive and optimistic one. Realistically speaking, of course, but still tries to keep everyone in good spirits.
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Cooking Granny and him were biologically related? Either way, he always admired her and looked up to her. 
So he feels extremely guilty about it and does not like talking about it (or even hearing news about how she’s doing now. It would make him pretty depressed)
One of the few people who likes both Reggie and Jeremiah. He has no ill will towards both of them. 
They did provide a cooking job and shelter for him. Even if it was for the plan, the fact that they did it made him really appreciate it. 
Him and Reggie tend to not take their “Boss/worker dynamic” seriously and even joke about it (“What do I pay you for?” “Hah! You’re not paying me!”)
He honestly sees Reggie as a semi grandpa figure but the kind that tends to be stubborn, a bit old fashioned yet still has a good sense of humor
Jeremiah, while distant and cold, still treats Bryce with respect and offers help when he can (mostly cleaning up the kitchen, even when Bryce insists he can do it by himself)
I am a chandrelle and Bryce bestie supporter. These two understand each other pretty well and honestly? Bryce is one of the few people she would trust with anything (other than Lazarus)
He likes to teach her baking and stuff to ease her clear anger issues and to get to know her better
To repeat from Weasel’s list: Him and Bryce get along fine! I think Byrce feels bad for the kid and wants to help him out. At the very least, he wants to try and set a good example for him. Unfortunately, this is Super goddamn Weasel Kid and he can be just as stubborn as Lionel.
And again, Weasel is banned from the kitchen. Byrce kept noticing certain stuff being stolen and it all lead back to him
Oh to talk briefly about this: Bryce absolutely has the authority to ban people from the kitchen. Since everything, it is his kitchen and his rules there. Unless you want to face the wrath of an annoyed chief, then you will be banned from entering (unless emergencies of course)
Fucking he even banned Reginald from his own kitchen for a week because the old guy is stubborn and not that great of a cook but constantly denies it (just imagining him wheeling a very pissed off Reggie out of his own kitchen after Reggie kept fucking with Bryce’s stuff)
Since he’s besties with Chandrelle, he tries his best to get along with Lazarus too. It’s a bit uncomfortable because Lazarus is not good with getting along with new people, but they manage. 
Bryce was very distrustful of him (and Rust too) due to how he looks and apparent war stories, but honestly? He realized he’s a sweetheart. 
Although he still hates fighting, he does like to train with Lazarus from time to time. It gives a good workout and Lazarus is a decent conversationalist.
While he enjoys Lazarus’s company, He does not trust him with any type of cooking because good lord it’s awful (i’ll explain more when we get to Lazarus)
He is so worried about Rust. Rust is someone who is awful at taking care of himself, so Bryce makes it his duty to remind Rust to eat every once in a while
Bryce used to think he’s a freak and weird old guy who probably killed people (that part is true). But when Rust finally told people about what happened to him, Bryce instantly felt awful.
He even apologized to Rust for being kind of mean to him during the whole murder thing was going on 
FPP and Bryce are also besties!! I think Bryce would teach FPP some cooking and baking skills while FPP would teach Bryce about some new art techniques they found (I wont get into it too much but I hc FPP getting into making art and stuff)
Bryce does have a bit of a temper. Not too bad and he has found ways to manage it very well, but on bad days, it can be hard to contain it. He had one even before his fighting days, but being a fighter did make it worse
It especially comes out when he’s arguing with someone, sometimes he’ll be composed, but sometimes he’ll yell back. One time he punched someone and felt super guilty about it. 
He’s actually pretty protective of his new found family. He already lost a family member when he punched granny and the possible friends he could have made during Combat Arena X. These guys are the closest he’ll ever get to having people who get it. He does not want to lose that.
Overall, he’s pretty much the optimistic and ‘normal’ one in this weird family. Although he has a small temper and can be distrustful of people, he is always there for them and will throw hands if necessary to ensure everyone is safe. 
AY I GOT ONE MORE: Bryce is a very hugs type of a guy and yet forgets that he’s pretty strong. So sometimes if hes really happy or excited, he’ll hug one of them and almost break their back by accident HWHSBW
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livehexmoments · 11 months
I am going to write entire hc lists for the main hex characters and none of you can stop me >:)
I’m thinking about doing most of the characters as individual posts just to keep it separate and not to make anyone read 20 pages. 
Starting with Weasel Kid!! My boy <3 (it’s under keep reading cause its a very long list DWADWEG)
ADHD AF!! Constantly has to be doing something or he will be miserable. Which is why he constantly pesters his fellow game characters
ESPECIALLY FPP. Because FPP can’t talk back or tell Weasel to shut up, they’re the perfect person to just sit down and talk at. Although, it’s not like FPP minds too much (at least Weasel lets them talk back).
I am in full support of the FPP and Weasel friendship. Literally these two probably get into some type of situation at least twice a week.
When it comes to the other characters, well… He gets along with Lazarus pretty well. Weasel does come to him asking about stories of Vicious Galaxy and maybe advice but the poor guy looks constantly stressed out, Weasel tends to back off when Lazarus finally tells him to leave him alone.
Chandrelle and Weasel have this “bitchy older sister/annoying younger brother” vibes that I just keep thinking about. He LOVES to mess with her and call her out on stuff for fun. She constantly gets annoyed at him and one of these days she’s gonna cast a curse on him.
But she also manipulates him into dumb shit because he is very insecure and has a fragile ego like any young teen would so it’s kind of balanced.
Weasel likes Bryce just fine! Really enjoy his cooking/baking very much. So much so that he’s banned from the kitchen because he keeps stealing the food and hoarding it (Also he can’t cook and no one trusts him around the knives).
I remember seeing someone else made this hc but I love the idea of Rust being a father figure for Weasel. Both of them had experienced a great loss to their son/father so bonding and being like “You’ll never be him but I don’t need you to be, I just want to experience something similar again” means so much to me.
Weasel’s relationship with Reginald is a bit complicated due to how his game is technically part of the reason why Rootbeer Tender was hidden away and Reggie was…well y'know
Weasel blames himself a bit for the whole incident even though Reggie has reassured him that it had nothing to do with him
I do think that their relationship does in some way mirror a younger Lionel’s relationship with his grandpa, meaning it’s pretty wholesome even with some complicated aspects involved
I mean c'mon, Reggie literally told Weasel “You’re the only one I trust here”. I know it could just be part of the script but really?? I think he meant it a little.
I honestly think that Weasel does help Reggie out at times because of how old he looks and due to him being crippled. The line “You should take better care of Mr. Shrewd. He’s getting older.” really did stick with him and is one of his biggest regrets. 
For that reason, he’s not the biggest fan of Jeremiah. Sure, Jeremiah ultimately did warn him about what’s to come but the fact that he knew and didn’t do anything to stop it pisses him off (not realizing there was nothing Jeremiah could have done)
Also Jeremiah did antagonize and stalked him a lot so it does make Weasel uncomfortable knowing that he has to share a living space with the “freak” who supposedly does not like him very much
Weasel Kid is a dumbass angsty teen who looks like he’s super cocky and only cares about looking good, is actually someone who cares too much about people’s opinions and is very insecure
He constantly looks for validation and attention from everyone because he can’t handle being left alone again
Even moreso, he really does care for everyone at the inn. Even if he can be an ass to them or pretend not to care, he does and if anything were to happen, he will defend them (or cry, depending on the scenario)
Constantly hides his emotions under his sunglasses btw
He’s the classic case study of child star syndrome and how it can fuck up even a video game character’s life 
Moving away from the fucked up hcs, Weasel is a skater kid!! He does know how to skate with a skateboard and is pretty good at it!! Unfortunately, this kid thinks he’s Tony Hawk a lot and will try to pull off impossible tricks that result in him breaking an arm or leg
Weasel doesn’t have a room in the inn (lmao), instead he sleeps in the alcove in the hallway that they made into a little home for him (shoutouts to one fanfic Scoverva wrote for inspiring that idea). 
He’s a little prankster. Because his “room” is the alcove, he found a way to get into everyone’s rooms and sometimes steals their stuff for fun (ESPECIALLY Chandrelle’s). Sometimes he’ll set up a prank for them, but avoids doing so with Rust and Lazarus. Those two are apparently fucking terrifying when they’re angry.
Even when he was a young kid, he was a bit mischievous but was still generally naive and outgoing. He used to follow Mr. Shrewd a lot when he wasn’t active in the game and loved to run around in the fields and be a kid with a lot of energy (it didn't last ofc :pensiveemoji:) 
One of the few characters that actually held no grudge against Irving. It wasn’t that he didn’t know Irving, he actually knew him pretty well. All of his interactions were actually nice and Irving did treat him with some respect and decency. Irving gave him the sunglasses actually.
Not to say he feels super bad for him, he definitely got what was coming. Still, Weasel sometimes feels bad for Irving but ultimately doesn’t think about too hard and thinks Lazarus was justified in killing him (especially hearing about what he did to Reggie and stuff)
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livehexmoments · 11 months
I gotta post some more stuff i made up for the hex so here’s a neat hc:
Chandrelle and Lazarus are trans af and its all Lionel’s and Carla’s doing.
During the development of Combat Arena X, Chandrelle was originally created as another male fighter but due to Carla’s insistence of having more female characters, Lionel figured he already had a character in the concept stages so just redesign the character to be more feminine. Thus, Chandrelle Stormblaze was made.
Lazarus was a similar case but the roles were reverse. Carla actually came up with the concept of a female knight but Lionel said no and changed Lazarus to be male and redesign his model to look more masculine.
On a sidenote, it relates back to another hc i have/just made up in which I think Lazarus refuses to shave his mustache and keeps his hair short due to gender dysphoria. He cuts it pretty much every month and if he even misses one month, he’ll be in a bad mood until its cut. Also they both have top scars because i say so and trans rights <3
T4T couple win!!!
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livehexmoments · 11 months
Thinking about The Hex and how all of Lionel’s main characters are reflections of his life or himself (even Irving maybe).
Like how fucked up is that. Imagine you murdered your creator because he screwed your life over (or you blame him to) and yet no matter how hard you try to escape it, there’s always going to be a part of him that still survives in you.
Whether that be from appearance (looking like his grandfather) or attitude (being a literal representation of his younger or present self).
Lionel always seemed like someone who put himself in a lot of his games. Anyone who can be as egotistical as him would.
I do think all of his characters have some complicated feelings towards him and I love exploring that, especially in an au where he lives (i actually made some type of au where he survives lmao).
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livehexmoments · 11 months
Hello!! This is my Daniel Mullins Games sideblog! I’ll primarily be posting about The Hex and Inscryption but I might mention Pony Island every now and again. It will just be random thoughts/interpretations, headcanons, and maybe some fanfics. Spoiler warning for all 3 games!! I’ll try to tag them (no guarantees) but still be warned if you haven’t played them. Main: @sillyjayz
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