livewithyura · 2 months
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Account update ! ( Ranting about Fortnight mv and kazujun / Tiktok acc for tekken edits? )
- Account update
I receive a lot of mailbox after I logged out! Sorry I’ve been invisible for a month , I have a lot of things to do irl so please forgive me . ( I will start working on all of your request , Thank you for requesting! aaa I love u guys so much! ) .
Also I just made a tiktok account for tekken edits / @Yurasbeentekken . you can follow me , but i will not update frequently because I more drawn to writing . Bhahahaha .
Fortnight Mv and Kazujun ( Fanfic Wip ) .
Warning : I don’t follow the plot in the MV , I just used a few reference .
Note : Anyone can use this as inspiration , It’s fine . We all can expand our headcanon . Do tag me , I would love to read about it ( or praising yall arts )
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Starring Kazuya as Taylor swift . ( Yes role-reversal ) The setting took place on G-Corp lab where kazuya’s being experimented . Agree to become a lab rats for them for the sake of power . ( He’s literally a slave for power ) . I believe that he’s depressed at some point and he’s struggling with himself .
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I imagined Kazuya wearing a mourning dress/suit in metaphorically way after he found out about Jun’s death and Jin’s existence . He’s empty and confused knowing the fact that he just lost the love of his life .
“I touched you , for only a fortnight”
Fortnight , a period of two weeks . Yes , their relationship is short but it gives impactful slap on Kazuya’s soul . Once in his lifetime , he can be vulnerable and safe .
“I love you , It’s ruining my life”
Hear me out , I believe that Jun ruined his reputation as a ‘Evil-Ceo’ . She stepped on his throne and tear his career as a evil man and this is the starting point of his failure . This is the first time where he’s in position where he need to choose either his devil gene or Normal life . ( Yes . maybe angel ) . In this process , He’s struggling . It weakened him until he lost in his father’s hand ( Twice or million time if you want to count his childhood lmfao ) .
But he DID loved her . He never felt like this , He found himself/He heal his inner-child/He’s in comfort .
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I imagined he throw all of the lab reports and being absolutely insane after knowing that the love of his life just leave him alone in this world ( also the fact that he have a son too ) . He also scream ferociously , hurting the professor/doctor . asking the doctor to free himself so he can save her , even is too late .
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Then , I want to put a scene where Kazuya remember all of the short moment with Jun . Dun Dun Dun , Flashback moment .
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Also a flashback moment . Jun tried to help him . in other words….. FIX him . She’s this close 🤏🏻 to change his mind , but she failed because heihachi knocking on their ‘sweet home’ , Kazuya changed his mind and struggling again . Agree to fight Heihachi and leave Jun behind . Their relationship is not working out due to a weird circumstances .
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“Thought of calling ya , but you won’t pick up”
Jun tried to search for Kazuya’s remains body but she don’t trace any clue . So she’s just let it be and raised jin all by herself . In metaphorically way , Jun called for him 1000 times using the public phone but he will never pick that call . Forever .
— So that’s all , for today . I have a lot of kazujun dump after ttpd released . Might update , frequently and share my thoughts! See you again .
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livewithyura · 4 months
Hey there i would like to request a Jin x reader may i ask if you write for male readers aswell?
My apologies! I don't write for male readers because I don't have much skills to write bxb! Will do in future if i practice a lot! [ love u guys ]
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livewithyura · 4 months
It’s nice to see more Tekken writing on here, I’m surprised it is hard to find
Yes! All tekken writers RISE UPPPPPPP , we're exotic creatures! ( jk )
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livewithyura · 4 months
Hai, Darling 😘
Since your request is open ✨
May i've a request for Jin Kazama,Lee Chaolan,Lars Alexanderson, with sexy fem reader Who has a sassy attitude, likes to tease, fem is so elegant,cheerfull and has long wavy cherry pink hair.
Sorry, if the characters I requested are too many for you. I don't see the number of character slots for your request. I'm sorry 🙏🥺
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( Lee! , Lars! , Jin! ) | Tekken x Fem readers "We 'love' without reason"
❒ ⁀➷ Answer : Hi! Yes your idea is literally refreshing and don't worry about the characters! I will write as much as I can , Thank you for requesting! Hope you enjoy this little scribble .
❒⁀➷ Context : They don't know how they end up with you , a sassy and elegant woman . But they know having you by their side it's worth it . I also just watched 'anyone but you'! This scribble also took a lot of inspiration from that rom-com movie .
❒ ⁀➷ Request and collab is still open! ( pls do check my rules and requirements before request ) | ( slow update for now! )
Lars Alexanderson
You are a publicist, previously hired by Lee to ensure that Yggdrassil is always portrayed positively in the public eye.
Lars's the leader of the rebel army, so essentially, he's your client . You consistently offer your opinion, challenging Lars's ideas and proposing better alternatives .
He once 'awkwardly' asked you to join the rebel army but you decline . "I don't want to ruin my pink nails," you joked , that make Lars chuckle
You two grow closer as Lars's gentlemanly demeanor melts your heart, and he adores your personality. Together, you decide to take your relationship to the next level. After the defeat of G-corporation, Lars proposes to you with a bouquet of pink roses. "This flower . It remind me of you , (Y/N) . Please give me a chance to make you the happiest woman alive"
Lars decides to keep your relationship secret to the public eye, given his leadership in the rebel army and his desire to protect you. Even Lee, Alisa, or Jin are unaware of the intimacy between you two.
You're his employee in front of his work mate . He act serious and professional when he want to talk to you . But when you guy have a private moment , he take care of you like a princess . "You're my publicist in their eyes , but in private you're my princess" He said kneel down while adjusting your red heels .
LARS AND (Y/N) literally have SECRET MEETINGS , THE EYE CONTACT IN PUBLIC , SHARING HIDDEN KISSES and SUBTLY BRUSHING EACH OTHER'S HAND ( Lee was suspicious at first because Lars bought a Pink Perfume , Pink dresses and Pink roses . But Lars gave him a good excuses . )
Bonus ! ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Sweet Scenarios! ( Lars's version )
Lars leads the rebel army so his schedule is packed. He often arrives home late at night to find you on the sofa, wearing a strawberry face mask. His heart warms knowing you waited up for him.
He softly runs his fingers through your hair, whispering sweet things about you shyly. "You don't need to wait up for me. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, my love," he says, nuzzling the side of your hair and planting a gentle kiss. "Your scent is always captivating," he whispers again. Just inhaling your sweet aroma instantly melts away his stress.
You wake up with a gasp. "Lars! You scared me, and you almost ruined my beautiful night routine" you say, readjusting your face mask that nearly slipped off. "Oh my love, I can make your night routine more...entertaining," he says, a smirk playing on his lips. You playfully slap him with your satin pillow. "Uh-huh, whatever. Where's my sushi?"
He freezes, realizing he forgot to buy you sushi, the late-night snack he promised. "Love, I... we have instant ramen at home," he stutters, gently holding your shoulders. You squint at him. "I'm on a diet" you remind him.
"It's okay! I know your rebel army is waaaaayy more important , I understand!" With a sarcastic tone , you walked away from the living room.
Unable to bear the thought of seeing your distressed eyes, he rushes to Lee's house at 2 AM just to prepare sushi for you. Luckily, Lee's place is stocked with luxurious ingredients, "Lars? What's this for?" "Sorry Lee , It's for my own satisfaction"
And by 3 AM, he manages to whip up the sushi. Returning to your shared apartment, he presents you with the sushi, apologizing, "Sorry, my love. I'll make sure this doesn't happen again." He gently takes your hand, kissing your knuckles tenderly.
"I love you , captain" you said , try to tease him and all the blood in his body rush through his cheek . "Ah? Are you blushing? Did I get the total-badass-side-character , justice-muscle-man blush?" You try to tease him for a second time .
"Ah, well... How could anyone not blush when they receive compliments from such a majestic woman like you?" He scratch his head , not looking at your eyes .
"I just want you to know that you're one of my top priority [Y/N] , You're waaaaaayy more important than my life" Lars wrapped his arm around your waist while giving you a kiss on the back of your neck .
Lee Chaolan
You're a professor at the Violet System. You're aware of his playboy reputation and his frequent outings with different girls. Sometimes, you're unsure which one is his girlfriend. Of course, one day, you catch the CEO's attention with your elegant presence.
He attempts to catch your attention, but you consistently ignore him to assert your identity. You refuse to succumb to his charm, aware that he might eventually lose interest and pursue another girl. Ironically, this only fuels Lee's desire for you. "I bought this necklace for you. I think it will look perfect on you!" he offers. "Oh? Who told you to buy that?" you tease, giving him a knowing smirk. "Um , this is not 'excellent'' He mumble , because you feel bad you just accept the expensive necklace .
"You can't leave this lab without letting me take you home tonight. sweet little thing," he insists while winking at you , okay he's little bit annoying but he knows your taste . He pick a beautiful present for a woman "Yea sure" You said "YES! EXCELLENT! Let's go!"
After a few dates, you find yourself drawn to his personality. You share many things together. Whether it's skincare, makeup, or fashion, he's always there to advise you. He knows the perfect skincare routine, the ideal makeup shades for you, and he surrounds you with new outfits that suit your style. One morning, you wake up to find yourself snuggled up with him on his million-dollar couch. It dawns on you that you've already fallen for him.
Lee surprises you by publicly announcing your relationship, declaring, "Everybody! This pretty woman over here is the love of my life!" This bold move catches you off guard, as he has never been so open about his relationship before. He also make a big deal about you , he make it completely obvious you're the one he want in his entire life . [ He also like to FLEX you in front of lars , telling lars that you're the one who design the latest armor suit ]
While you're together, you both have manicures, go to the salon, and even have shopping sprees. "We're so slay, Lee," you remark, admiring your matching vintage outfits with him. "Excellent!" Then, he takes a picture of the two of you. [ MIRROR SELFIEEE ]
Bonus ! ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Sweet Scenarios! [ Lee's version ]
Lee decides to take you on a trip after his schedule is packed with war-related matters. You're relieved that he survived the war despite sustaining a slight injury. The night before your trip to Manhattan, you're patching up his injury while he looks at you with softened eyes. "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time when I was away, sweet [y/n]," he says.
"Phew! At least the world is saved," You said , Lee caressing his girlfriend's cheek. "Don't kiss me, I have a lip scrub on," she jokes. "Hm~ I know!" he replies, stopping. "Do you want to buy something before our trip, baby?" She hums, thinking about her ideas. "Let's go to the convenience store!"
Lee and you made a way to the small convenience store that was open 24/7. It was your tradition with your boyfriend, a secret adventure that you guys shared . Lee's always unserious and you adore his personality , You guys always seeking out the most ridiculous items that you guys could find.
Lee giggled as she spotted a display of neon-colored sunglasses. "Babe!, look at these! We could start a new trend!" Lee's arms wrapped around her waist from behind, surprising her. You gasped and turned, only to burst into laughter at the sight of him wearing the neon-colored sunglasses.
As you guys roamed the aisles, you guys picked up items at random, creating a pile of the most absurd things ; a rubber chicken, a glow-in-the-dark frisbee, a tiny umbrella with a pineapple pattern, and a pack of glow sticks.
You help up up box of instant noodles . "Do we need this?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Lee covered your left cheek with a quick kiss "Well babe, you never know when a late-night noodle craving might strike!" He whispers .
"Lee , why are you buying that?" "What do you mean babe! It's good" "Both of us don't know how to cook dumbass and we're just going to eat at the restaurant---" He shuts you with a quick-kiss again and he run away with the trolley . "Lee!"
"They made their way to the checkout counter, their arms full of their strange purchases. The cashier, a sleepy-looking teenager, raised an eyebrow at their selection but didn't comment. As they walked out of the store, Lee slipped his hand into [Y/N]'s, their fingers intertwining. "I love our late-night adventures," she said softly.
"I'm glad you enjoy it , sweet [Y/N]," He replied, squeezing your hand.
Jin Kazama
You were one of Jin's juniors in high school. Whenever you passed each other, he felt an uncanny connection to you. Unbeknownst to him, your family was associated with a traditional exorcist in Japan. Jin had always had a 'slight' crush on you, but he never admitted it. He didn't want to dampen your spirit, so before leaving school to pursue martial arts, he gave you an anonymous love letter expressing his feelings towards you .
A few years have passed, and G-corp has been defeated. You continue your life as an entrepreneur. One day, you enter a coffee shop and order a double shot espresso, trying to resume your daily routine after the war. "Sorry, we only accept cash this morning," the cashier says, rolling her eyes at you. Surprised, you look back at the long queue behind you, waiting for you to pay. You don't notice Jin's presence, as it's been a long time since high school.
"Sorry I left my other cash in the car can you---" "ONE HOT CAPPUCINO FOR MR ISAYAMA" All the worker ignores you . "Honey,I told you already about this . We're not going to separate our bills anymore" Jin stepping in and pay the coffee for you . You looked at him , tilting your head trying to remember his face .
"I don't know you're such a good actor , Kazama" you give him a little tease , leaving the busy coffee shop together with Jin . Jin just stood silently while chugging his peppermint tea . "Thank you , that was nice by the way!" you smiles at him , "My pleasure" he replied shortly.
As you're about to leave, Jin stops you. "Well, this is my number. Can't leave my 'girlfriend' just like that," he says with a smirk. You're surprised, looking at him incredulously. "Oh, I didn't know this big, bulky, emo man had feelings? We'll keep in touch, big man," you reply, tapping his shoulder playfully.
From that , you guys keep in touch with each other . Then Jin confessed to you , he stand in front of your apartment with a big stuffed animal , he carries it until he reach your apartment . "Can I win your heart, [Y/N]? I hope it's as easy as winning this big bear at the amusement park. Just give me a chance," Jin says earnestly , How could you say no to that?
After that, you always teased him about his romantic gestures. He couldn't say anything but blush. "You're such a sweet and caring person, Kazama. If you had told me this before you left that school, we would have gotten together faster," you said teasingly. "Yeah… whatever," he replied, turning around to continue preparing your breakfast.
Even though Jin doesn't speak openly about his feelings for you, you can feel them through his actions. Jin embodies the idea of 'Everyone thinks LOVE is for show, but I'll DIE you in secret' . He's obsessed with physical closeness , PUTTING YOU ON TOP HIS CHEST HEARING HIS HEARTBEAT . HUGGING ALL THE TIME . You will sit on the couch and HE WILL STROKING YOUR HAIR AND KISS YOU EVERYWHERE . HE WILL BUY YOU YOUR FAVORITE FOOD/DRINKS . LEARNING EVERY SINGLE DETAILS ABOUT YOU .
He learns the art of makeup just for you, trying to buy you three different lipsticks and blushers, even though they might not be in your shade but this time it would suit you and your pink hair. He's a bit embarrassed confronting the cashier in the makeup store. "Ah, I never expected a guy with whole six-pack to come here. Is this for your girlfriend?" she asks, but Jin doesn't reply and leaves the store with all the makeup for you.
Bonus ! ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Sweet Scenarios! [ Jin's version! ]
Jin decided have a hiking trip at his hometown with you , he want to have a graceful moment with his girlfriend . He walked ahead, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he pointed out various plants and animals along the way, his love for nature evident in every step.
You, on the other hand, trailed behind, your expression a mix of awe and annoyance. You swatted at a pesky mosquito and wrinkled your nose at the sight of a muddy puddle. "Remind me again why we're doing this?" you grumbled, trying to avoid stepping in a particularly muddy patch.
Jin grabbed your waist "Don't worry princess , it would be fine . I'm here with you" He whisper to your ear , you just squinted your eyes while looking at his face . "Jin , answer my question" You said , Jin tucked your hair gently as he looked at you with a smile . "Because nature has a way of rejuvenating the soul," he replied, his voice filled with reverence. "It's important to connect with the earth and appreciate its beauty. And I want to experience it with you . The love of my life"
"I could appreciate it just fine from the comfort of a spa," you said. Jin chuckled softly. "You always make that face when you're tired," he said, pinching your cheek. You followed him silently, a red mark on your face. Like always, he remembered every single detail about you.
"Don't worry, we'll have your first favorite cereal, the one you used to eat when you were 5," he assures you." Hm? I wonder what flavor is that?" You teased , he smirks , Knowing the answer "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" . You lose it , this man always melt you away with demeanor .
As you guys reached a picturesque overlook, Jin taking in the breathtaking view of the valley below. "Isn't it magnificent?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe while holding your hand .
You couldn't help but be moved by the beauty of the scene before her.."It is," you admitted quietly, a hint of wonder in her voice.
You sat down on a nearby rock, the silence of the morning enveloping you and Jin. "Thank you , for showing me the beauty of nature and bugs..." You said ,
Jin widened his eyes after he noticed a little bump on your arm . "Princess, are you okay? Does it hurt? Is it bothering you? Do you want to go down right now?" "Jin asks, his concern evident though he doesn't express it too obviously. "It's fine, We can have a moment before we go down to meet your mom" You said , Jin just nods agree with you .
"[Y/N]" "Yes?" . Jin coughs , try to clear his voice . "You know what else is beautiful?" "What?" "You" . And after those words, you tease him all day.
˚˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ All right reserved , written by livewithyura , why you want to copy this crap? You can reblog!
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livewithyura · 4 months
you may have just written the perfect smut….. So you have inspired me: Dating Tekken 6/blood vangance Jin Sfw and Nsfw headcanons
Tekken 6 Jin x Fem Reader! Headcanon ! ✦( sfw/nsfw )
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Pairing : Tekken 6 Jin/Fem reader .
Warning : MINOR DNI , NSFW.
Answer : OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was embarrassed by myself while writing smut , thank you for that words! That's a hard request since Tekken 6 Jin is a TOTAL JERK! But I also think he has that 'twisted' kindness in him since he's born to be a Kazama child! Hope you enjoy anon , I'm not that expert in writing and I tried so hard to keep him in character. I hope I done your request nicely .
Information about request : Sorry! I will try to do it faster! I have a history exam in next week so just put it in my inbox I will make sure to make it. But don't worry I will try to do one or 2 in a day . I just organize my time for my writing so you guys can still request! Btw all of the request are so good! probably will make it!
Jin's love language's totally 'act of service' . He's not good at paraphrasing his own words . He also believes that actions speak louder than words . You always find yourself receiving a bouquet of flower and Your comfort food at your own table . He will also write 'it reminded me of you' on a sticky notes .
He's a frickin CEO of a big military company , he must be rich asf but he never admit it . He always hands you his black card as casually as if he were giving you a piece of paper. He also will spoil you too much . He will bring you to a lavish restaurant and shopping trip just to spoils you .
You receive a gifts almost everyday . Expensive jewelry , a big ass teddy bear , flowers .
Yes, at one point, you mentioned your love for reading books, and he went ahead and bought the book café just for you.. "You know the book café from street 191?" "Yes...wait...DON'T TELL ME YOU JUST--" "It's yours now" "EH WHY?" "Princess , I tell you It's yours now . Don't let me repeat myself"
You can order a coffee or other beverages for free and read a latest popular book in there .
He will also act like he's busy with work . But thinking the fact you will go alone is much WORSE .
"Jin...I thought you have a business call?" "the meeting wrapped up early , I kinda bored so I'm here to be with you . Please appreciate my effort as I willingly to join your stupid shopping spree" Meanwhile his inner monologue : [I hurried over as soon as possible because I care about you, damn it.
"Stupid shopping spree..? If you don't want to be here then it's okay? I don't ask you to be here , you can rest" "For you [Y/N], I would rather be bored 'here' than being alone without you"
More textual evidence that shows he's actually care for you Whenever you're leaving his side while choosing clothes, he goes into a frenzy trying to find you. "Please search for [Y/N]," he immediately instructs his bodyguard to locate you.
"I'm right here dude" "god dammit [Y/N]" after that , you will make fun of him .
Yes , you're his pet . But whenever you're mad or hurt he will switch up and be your pet . "Do you want anything princess?" "Are you sick? You don't eat the dessert that I bought for you , tell me what's wrong?" He will positioned himself below you whenever you're sick or mad at him .
This man would prefer to endure an awkward conversation with you than be separated from you.
He always invite you to his office whenever you're free . "So..Jin..what do you want?" "Just stay"
He rent a penthouse just for you two to hangout , the penthouse symbolize the sense of comfort in himself . He becomes incredibly open about himself when he's in that penthouse with you.
He will have a shower with you , sitting in the bath up and caresses your body/hair/face "Even when you're being incredibly annoying....I still love...I will always come back to you.." He said that while stroking your wet hair .
He will put you into bed , "Can we just spend the entire night..with you on top of me...princess?"
Also , he will picks you up with his motorcycle . "Hop on , princess. I will take you far away from here...if you don't mind?" He will leave a slight smirk while looking at you . "So evil" That's the words that entertain him .
He's dominant , he want to be on top of you , bullying your sweet little cunt with his huge cock . He always remind you , your place when he's in charge . "Who do you belong to , princess?" "You"
He enjoys public sex but not too much , he still want a privacy . He loves the fact that you try to not make noise while his cock bury in your tight little cunt . He loves to fuck you in his office and um his HELICOPTER . [ whenever he's alone , he ask Nina to leave him with you in his helicopter ]
He also don't care when he's on the phone , He will fuck your pussy anyways . "This is Jin" He picks up the phone while his dick's still inside of you continue to fuck while he discussing his business with Nina or Eddy .
"Where's your panties , sweet little thing? My sweet princess really want to cum in my private helicopter hm?" He said that while circling your clits while his hand firmly grasps your chin.
He loves to see you playing with yourself , he bought a toy just for you to play with it . Watching you fucking yourself with his toy that he bought for you just send him into paradise . "Yes princess , cum for me" he said that while his eyes ogling your body .
Whenever you're not with him , he will make you wear a vibrator . You think it's hot so you just agree with it until you clit is swollen and wet because of it . Finally you face him in his office "Lift up your skirt , princess " He will remove it if you're not comfortable with it . He will apologize seeing your pussy being wet because of the vibrator . "Sorry princess , how was your day?"
He loves to place you on his lap , make you riding his lap while he bounce you on his leg . "Say the magic words princess"
Then he will make you hop on his cock .
Oh this man love spanking you but only when you're disobeying him . "Count for me princess" then he start to spank your ass while your entire body on his lap . "I don't know this spanking session can make your cunt this wet , princess"
He don't like to breed you or cum inside you .
Instead , he will cum on your face . "Ah...Such a messy princess"
★ Written by @livewithyura Why you want to copy this crap? I also take inspiration from my fav romance novel . You can reblog and share !
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livewithyura · 4 months
Kazujun Tekken 8 fanfic me and my friend wrote and posted on discord :P
hope you guys enjoy it takes place after the events of Tekken 8. Jun tends to Kazuya's wounds.
ratings are normal, nothing dirty haha
Kneeling beside him, Jun’s fingers brushed over his cold, clammy skin, searching for any signs of life. Relief washed over her when she felt the faint pulse beneath her touch. Despite their tragic past and history, there was a deep and loving love between them that even she couldn’t deny.
Gently cradling his head in her lap, Jun’s eyes softened as she looked down at Kazuya’s scarred face, marred by cuts and bruises. Despite his fierce exterior, she knew there was pain lurking behind those steely eyes.
“Kazuya,” she whispered softly, her voice barely audible above him
“You’re going to be okay. I’m here now.”
His tired eyelids gently open, revealing the depth of his pain as he struggled to focus on her face.
“Jun,” he rasped, his voice hoarse with exhaustion. “I didn’t think… you’d come. That you were Alive”
Jun’s heart ached at the vulnerability in his voice and the timing she came. If only she was here for him sooner. Despite everything, he still looked to her for solace.
“I couldn’t just leave you here,” she replied, her voice filled with sincerity and melancholy. “Not like this.”
With gentle hands, Jun began to take him to a nearby camp to tend to Kazuya’s wounds, cleaning away the blood and applying bandages where needed. His muscles tensed beneath her touch, but he made no move to stop her, silently accepting her care.
As she worked, memories flooded Jun’s mind – memories of their past encounters, their battles, and the undeniable tension that had always existed between them. Jun had always blamed herself for his turnout and not being able to save him back when she first met him at the tournament …but perhaps she could now? Or so she hoped if he let her.
After Jun finished tending to Kazuya’s wounds. Exhausted as she was, she leaned back, her breath coming in slowly. Kazuya’s eyes met hers, and for a moment, the air between them crackled with tension even though no words where spoken between them. They were always like this, there was no need for that, they both understood each other without them, and there was no other they wanted to be with and fall in love with other than each other.
“Thank you, Jun,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t deserve your kindness.”
Jun reached out, gently cupping his cheek in her hand, “You do! You idiot you do!” Jun was crying now
“You’re not alone, Kazuya,” she said softly. “Not anymore.”
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livewithyura · 5 months
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Dom Tekken 6 Jin x Sub reader ! NSFW
Answer : I accidentally clear the anonymous question in my inbox! Sorry for my clumsiness and yes I do write smut!, So this person asked for Dom jin x sub reader! Gosh , I'm such a slvt for this man , I admit it . Opinion on Dom Jin? If we want to talk about dom jin we must bring up Tekken 6/Tekken blood vengeance Jin! Thank you for your suggestion anon!
Plot : You're just a pet for him .
Warning : Minor dni ! smut! nsfw! Rough s!x , Tekken 6 Jin . [I was embarrassed by myself! but thank god I made it! cheers for Jin's slvt!]
╰┈➤ ₊❏❜ Request? Open! [ for tekken tehe ]
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 “Good girls don’t need panties…right?” He likes the way you walk towards his office room with no panties and bra . Watching your hard nipple from his chair made his cock pulse harder . 
  He knows he will fuck you dumb with his huge cock . That’s why he will do everything for you to cry in tears , begging for him . 
 Sitting on his lap while pinching your clit is enough to make you cry.
   “Answer me” He will spank you if you’re not answering or disobey him . Sometimes , he will spank the hell out of you with ‘electrics’ that go through his body . But you’re lucky , It’s just a small slap . 
  “Yes…daddy” You said .
   “You’re making a mess , princess . You should clean it up” He shoved his wet finger in your mouth while you’re on his lap. He likes when you’re choking on his wet finger , tasting yourself.
   “Such a pretty slut for me…hm? Who’s my good girl?” He said 
    “Me , daddy” You answer directly , coughing while he takes his finger out of your mouth . He draws a smirk on his face while pinching your hard nipple through your clothes .
  “Now be a good girl and take off your clothes for me” He pushes you from his lap , decides to watch you obey his order . You knelt on the floor , unbutton your shirts and yanking the short skirt from your body with agonizing slowness.
Jin’s gaze dragging from your face to your sweet pussy glistening from wetness.
Oh , you’re so precious to him .
 “Touch yourself , princess”  He ordered while resting his chin on his knukles. He clenched his fist when you put up a show for him , Pinching , squeezing your own nipple before one hand slit between your legs .
  You’re whimpering while your mouth falling open , rubbing and fingering your clit.
“Are you thinking of me?” He smirks as he pours the wine in the champagne glass.
  “You thinking of how much you want me to pin you on this table and tongue fuck you until that sweet little cunt cum all over my face?" He scoffs as he takes a sip of his wine while looking at you . “Maybe” You said with a brave tone .
  “It’s a yes or no , Answer me”  He stood up from his chair and walked towards you , grabbing your chin .
  “Who do you think of when you fuck that sweet little cunt , princess?” He said,
   “You , daddy” He smirks while hearing that answer. He released your chin, crouched down, and gazed at your face with a mocking expression.
  “What did daddy do to you , princess?” He whispered to your face , smirking .
  You moaned as you hit the right spot . He grabs your chin harshly , looking at your eyes . “What.did.daddy.do.to.his.sweet.princess?” . His sentence become harsh as you don't answer to his question.
  “Fucking me , Pulling my hair . Taking me from behind while I’m on your office desk , Filling me with your cock” 
Fuck , he never want to cum so bad in his entire life .
  “What do you want now?” He was satisfied with your answer , you’ve been a good girl today .
  “Cum” You answered , shortly .
  “That’s too soon , princess . Don’t cum until I said so” He bent you down on the cold floor . He pressed his huge thumb on your clit , bullying your pussy with his own finger . You tried so hard to hold back , He likes to hear you whimper while he finger fuck you . He circled his finger , hitting the right spot of your cunt .
  “Cum” He ordered .
You arched off the floor while tears came down on your cheek .
  “Kneel , Y/n” He unbuckled his belt while looking at you . You obeyed his order , both of your knees are on the floor while your chin is lifted up by him .
 Soon , you tried to fit Jin’s cock down your throat , he’s too big and the angle is too awkward .
“Is it too much , princess?” Jin slid the tip of his cock across your lips , you continue to lick the pre-cum of his . 
 But he nudged it back to your mouth .
   “Take every inch down your throat , like a good girl” He continue to fuck your mouth like he’s fucking your pussy , he was surprised that your throat bulging around his cock . You want to squeeze your own nipple , but Jin grab the hand of yours .
  “Don’t touch yourself , you little slut” He pulls your hair while fucking your mouth . 
   “You’re so perfect , Princess” He tucks your hair back to your ear , he rubs your head gently as if you're a kitten. He was a total jerk during sex , but after that he treat you like a princess . Sure , he will do an aftercare after he bullying the hell out of your cunt.
  His orgasm slammed the entire face of yours , stuffing your mouth with his cum .  Covering your chest with thick rope of his cum , your vermilion face while your tongue hanging out from your mouth.
"Do you want something , princess? You've been a good girl today . A hot tea will make you better" He said while carrying you to his chair , he plays with your hair . Looking at you with full of love . He can’t help it , he wants you to be mine . Forever .
★ Written by @livewithyura Why you want to copy this crap? I also take inspiration from my fav romance novel . You can reblog and share !
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livewithyura · 5 months
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-For video games I only do Tekken since I am so obsessed with it it . Don't worry I will open more slots for video games! You also can convince me to write about other video games in my inbox . I will let you know if you I can't write it .
- Slots characters for tekken is unlimited! I wrote ships too! Don't worry about it! I will try to write as much as I can!
-For anime . I do HXH/ONE PIECE/JJBA Just like Tekken , I will open more slots in the future .
- Other info? I don't mind if your character is problematic . They're just a character . And they're not real . So it's fine if your character is walking 'the most evil man in the world' . But keep in mind , even though I accept Dark Themes I don't accept r!pe or force s!x .
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livewithyura · 5 months
okay so I have this really dumb idea: Jin Kazama x pregnant wife reader (post tekken 8) who is like super clingy always wanting Cuddles/kisses/massages and make it super fluffy
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✧ Jin x Reader [ Tekken headcanon!]
❒ ⁀➷ Request open [ tekken only tehe ]
❒ ⁀➷ Answer : Gosh How I love this big guy . Your idea is heartwarming 😔! Jin would be a good husband but I believe he has a little 'clingy' part of him because bro he's literally a mama's boy . This is not a fully one-shot , gotta write some explanation on bullet points!
❒ ⁀➷ Notes : This is my first time taking tekken request , so believe me I'm not that expert!
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Morning routine with Jin
You're waking up to do something But Jin Holding your wrist and drags your back to bed. This man refuses to let you go. Your freedom of movement becomes more restricted after he learns about your pregnancy. It's not about control or dominance in the relationship for him . he simply wants to protect you. It can be a bit frustrating when you can't even lift a teacup, as he becomes quite anxious and protective.
"No . 5 minutes" "5 minutes what?" "Stay in bed" And he will rest his head on your chest .
This man tries earnestly to cook for his wife. There was even a time when he accidentally left the stove on fire , Burn the toast , He's so clumsy in kitchen but you're there to help him . At first , he won't let your feet cross the kitchen until he almost set the house on fire .
He will hugs your from the back while kissing the back of your neck . "I will not let that happen again , princess . I swear I will be better in cooking" He will have determination in cooking . Pullin up a hero quotes like "I won't burn the toast anymore , that's my promise" while clenching his fist . [ don't bother him when he's in his main character mode ]
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Jin's habits!
He will ALWAYS kiss you while you're doing something . You're reading book? Watching movies? Paint your nails? BRO HE DON'T CARE , He will kiss you anyways. He even will make you both do soft kisses under a blanket in evening . "y/n..." "what?" "How about a kiss?" "Again?" "um--yes?"
Cuddles? Oh he loves that , He will prepare a movie night for his wife just to cuddles with his wife . "we're watching a horror movie , if you're scared you can sit on my lap" the monotone voice of his make his speech more funnier and he's not even blinking when he said that. "SHUT UP AND WATCH THE MOVIE MANN"
He also will do the house chores "Um you know how to use that washing machine RIGHT?" "I'm aware . I mimicked everything my mother did."
After that he demanded a massages , you can't refuse as he always do the ENTIRE house chores . "Y/n..." "What?" "Can I say something.. inappropriate?" "go on" "I'm obsessed with your touch"
He will take care of you . He will clean up your vomit with his expressionless face . He will also steadying your body as you start to stand up or walk . He will make sure to fulfill your request . You want a weird food? He will buy it . You want a relaxing bath? He will prepare it for you . You want a soft pillow? He will buy it. Just called his name , he will be there right in front of you . "Ok , what now Princess?" . He would said that while looking at you.
He will also lend you his baggy hoodie when the temperature is cold.
He will not let you go out alone , he will be there no matter what . "I'll shield you from anything that could harm you, princess. Just give me a call if you want to go buy groceries." he said that while he's resting his head on your lap . "Alright , big guy"
And also , if he want to go somewhere he will drag you . He will never leave you alone . "You.Me.Training.Let's go"
If you refused , he will carry you himself.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Night routine with Jin
You guys will spend the night together . Sometimes , watching movie. Sometimes you guys will have a coffee together or your fav beverages while staring into a starry sky . Talk about philosophy and future plans . Until you fell asleep , he will carry you to bed . Pull the blanket for you and looking at your face until he fell asleep .
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Bonus!
He's clingy since he's a mama's boy . BUT He will NEVER admit it . He will act tough and firm in front of you with his words , but all he need is your love .
"Jin , I just want to go pick up flowers in front of our house" "Okay"
10 minutes later....
"You're little bit clingy , you know that?" "No? I'm not " He said that while his arms around your waist .
I also believe he's so protective because that's what he is , he don't want the tragic moment happen in his life again .
↺Written by yura why you event want to copy and steal this crap? /you can reblog!
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livewithyura · 5 months
Apparently, the japanese subtitles of Jun's narration of her character episode described Kazuya as her husband.
How and when the fck did they have time to have a wedding and get married? What?
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livewithyura · 5 months
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₊❏❜ Kazujun Final One-Shot masterlist ? My thoughts about Kazuya's character in tekken 8? Bad writing?
( Kazujunweek24! )
̗̀➛ Request Open! (For tekken)
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Hello this is the masterlist where I put all of kazujunweek projects in one place for 'easy read' . I found tumblr's format is morr easier to read!
My feeling towards Kazujun?
They're my favorite ship in tekken aaa ! I rooting for them since I was 9 year old 😭 I was so curious about their 'mystery' connection , loving their dynamic and now in 2024 all of my question just been answer! ( not quite ? ) but I love their relationship so much , I would write a romance novel just for them! 😭
My thoughts about Kazujun in Tekken 8
Hear me out , I love the characters ending! The way kazuya talks about jun in his interview! They way they smile at each other . GAHHHH They're so cute!
However , I was dissapointed about the story mode a litttle bit eventhough I was screaming and Crying when 'walkthrough' the story mode .
I am a literature student so the story foundation and tekken lore are important to me .
But here's my opinion , I hate the way they only show Jin's struggle where we ALL know that Kazuya also trapped in his trauma eventhough he's like 50 year old man . That man still trapped in Heihachi shadow , He only see 'power' as his saviour and he's totally a slave for power because of his past trauma .
I want to see Kazuya's thoughts , Like bamco deep dive into his mind! Show his past , show his past with jun! This is where you can bring the element of contrats of the relationship between the 3 of them .
Don't get me wrong . I love Jin ! He's my top husbando in tekken but bro litsen , Kazuya also has his own struggle . Tekken 8 should show both of their struggles , They potray Kazuya as "HAHAHA EVIL , KILL ALL OF THEM" Yes I love when he act goofy but I also want to bamco shows his thoughts about his own struggle . That's all! So let's deep dive into my Kazujun masterlist!
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Kazujunweek24 masterlist!
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livewithyura · 5 months
Day 7 - Free! ( Kazujun One-shot Fanfic )
Prompts : Baking together! Tekken 8 Aftermath? After Kazuya's injury been healed? I got this ideas from kazujun fan art that I found in twitter . Enjoy 😭🤍
 The sunrise bathed Kazuya's exposed body as Jun pulled the blanket away while he slept on their shared bed.
  “You know what else is pretty? Sleep” Taking the blanket to shield his body, Jun recognizes that Kazuya is becoming more ‘grumpy’ than usual following his altercation with Jin.
 “Kazuya….”  Jun softly whines his name, a tone that he now considers his weakness.  
 “What?” Kazuya grunts with frustration .
   “You promised me that you ” That word really wakes Kazuya up. How can he forget the promise that he made yesterday? 
Kazuya finally shifted his position in bed, transitioning from a reclined to a sitting posture.
“Kazama! Why the fuck there is bird on my bed!?” Kazuya freaks out , finding a small bird resting beside him . There are 3 birds in total . Birds flew towards Jun, perching on her shoulder as they found a resting spot.
 “Why are you so mad?” Jun raised her eyebrow while still keeping a smile on her face.
  “Who wouldn’t be mad if you treat my penthouse like a zoo and fake your death for 20 years!” Said Kazuya while pointing his finger at Jun.
  “I’m just sleeping…I’m not faking my death” Jun stated as she let all the 3 birds fly away .
  “For 20 Years!?” He said 
   “Well! I thought my prince would come and kiss me and I would wake up!” Jun walks towards the door, crossing her arms with a sulking demeanour.Kazuya can’t believe she just put ‘Sleeping Beauty’ reference in her words.
  “Urgh…Jun! Okay let’s go to the mall and buy some groceries!” Kazuya reached out Jun’s hand, expressing concern that Jun might avoid him throughout the day.Jun's expression changed when Kazuya expressed willingness to accompany her to the grocery store.
    It felt strange to Kazuya. He couldn't comprehend why Jun chose to stay with him when she could be with Jin, spending time with their son. Surprising him, she seemed to grasp his inner turmoil—his reluctance to meet Jin. Additionally, he observed Jun's absence from his house whenever he was at work, leading him to the realisation that she must have met Jin during those times.
    He’s still wavering about Jun’s intention , after every one his ‘friend’ became his ‘enemy’ . His heart was glass and everyone dropped it like it was nothing .  Now, he grapples with Jun's kindness, finding it strange and struggling to respond appropriately. The concept of someone showing sustained kindness is unfamiliar to him, as he hasn't experienced it for a significant period of his life.
 “I’m not going to leave you , that’s my vow to you Kazuya”
  “No! I don’t want to make the same mistake again..”
That’s what Jun said when he ask Jun to leave his side , Angels like her can’t fly down with him .But how mistaken is he? Secretly , she will . She will fall from grace just for him .
  They’re done with groceries , Because of the guilt that lay on Kazuya’s heart . He decided to carry all of the groceries .
  “....ice cream?” Jun turned around to face Kazuya, who was hugging the bag of groceries. 
   “Hell yeah…” He smirks while gazing at the ice cream truck, as if harbouring a playful intention to shoot the truck with a laser.
  No , he’s just kidding . He’s not going to do that .
The kitchen was filled with the warmth of afternoon sunlight, casting a golden hue on the mismatched aprons that Jun and Kazuya wore.
  “Do you have an apron that doesn't look like a vomiting rainbow!?”  Kazuya holds the hem of apron with frustration .
  “Come on! It’s not that bad! You look cute wearing that!” Jun hums while she put all of the ingredients on the table.Kazuya grunts in frustration as he was embarrassed by appreance.
   Jun hummed a cheerful tune as they sifted flour into a large mixing bowl, the rhythmic sound accompanied by the clatter of measuring cups.While Kazuya scowled at the recipe , muttering all of the complicated instructions.
  “Don’t take it too seriously , We’re just baking chocolate cake!” Jun grinned , Kazuya rolled his eyes .
  “I’d rather do the stupid paperwork instead of this”' Kazuya mumbles as he puts the recipe down on the table .
Jun reaches for the vanilla extract, the sweet aroma filling the air. 
  "This is the secret ingredient that makes everything better" She declared, holding it up like a triumph
 "If you say so. Just don't expect me to start baking every day" Kazuya smirked .
The mixing bowl was passed between them, each taking turns stirring the batter. Despite Kazuya's initial resistance, a sense of camaraderie began to blossom. Jun's infectious energy started to melt away Kazuya's gruff exterior, and soon they found themselves working in harmony.
  But does Kazuya know? Jun gave her everything to make Kazuya feel like a human again . This is only part of her plan to make Kazuya feel all human’s resentment as he lost it due to solitude.
  Meanwhile, a part of Kazuya wants to walk away from her. He hates the way he looks at her knowing that both of them are feeling different this time. However , a part of him wants her for the rest of his life , but he knows that it would not be easy . At least , for him . He cut all the ties but Jun’s never really leaving , She’s still here.
That really screwed him up , knowing that everyone in this world wanted him dead .
   As the cake batter went into the oven, Jun wiped a streak of flour off Kazuya's cheek, her smile unwavering. 
  "See, baking is therapeutic. Even for grumps like you." Jun chuckles , Kazuya just stood there silently .
  “This is the last time where you found me baking in the kitchen” He said , looking away with a feeling of annoyance.
Kazuya’s phone sends him a notification , with no hesitation he reaches his phone that is laid on the table .
  “Sorry Jun , I have an interview today . I need to leave you hanging , I don’t want to be coat with flour while the journalist is here” He said , Jun circling her eyes with amusement.
  “Say that again..!?” Jun put both of her hands on Kazuya’s broad shoulder .
  “Look! I’m sorry! I—”
Jun cut his words with a genuine hug , she rested her head on his chest . She can’t believe the word ‘sorry’ came from Kazuya’s mouth . She’s glad there’s a kindness inside him .
  “You’re still a weird woman , Jun…” Kazuya hesitated , he was unsure about returning the hug.As he wanted to touch Jun’s back , Jun freed herself from the hug .
  “You need to get ready! Don’t worry I will handle the rest” Jun untied Kazuya's apron and gently pushed him out of the kitchen.
  The rest of his life was black and white , until Jun Kazama’s here .
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livewithyura · 5 months
Day 6 - Future ( Kazujun One-Shot fanfic )
Prompts : Kazuya's aftermath / Secret ending?
Notes : This is little bit short because I'm still don't get a clear view where kazuya and jun's relationship will go? Like there's no flashback of them? And boom bamco give me the secret ending scene where jun is not dead all along . BUT is she 'Really' there? Sorry if my interpretation about the story made this fanfic wrongly potrayed!
  “Why are you still here?”  
 Kazuya gazes at the woman, uncertain about his emotions toward her. With his head resting on her lap, she gently places her hands on his chest.
  “You know , you can leave now right?” 
Uttering words , he received no response from her. The woman merely smiled, tenderly patting his head with affection. Immobile due to injury, he exerted all his strength to overcome the fear of defeat, only to face failure. Overwhelmed with misery and self-disgust, he witnessed the collapse of the castle he had built. Though defeated, he acknowledged that a man resembling a monster perhaps deserved such an outcome.
   “I’m not going to leave you , That’s my vow to you . Kazuya”  She whispered to him , He can't respond to those words .
   “You were alive..all along…?”  He asked 
    “I promise I will save you , didn’t I?” She said , he can’t believe it . He can’t trust anyone who truly loves him unconditionally , he doesn't deserve to be loved or being in love with someone else . His dead-mother also wants him dead , the devil within him is the only person who has his back . Now he faces Jun Kazama , A strong woman who has pure intentions . 
   He closed his eyes , wishing that this dream would be over .
   "Ma'am, is everything okay back there?" A G Corporation soldier entered the tent, ensuring their well-being.
  "Yes! He's in a deep sleep now. You guys don't have to be worried," Jun reassured with a genuine smile , she was glad there’s a person who cares about Kazuya’s condition . 
   “Call us when you need something Ma’am we will try to serve you as soon as possible”Jun simply nods, her gaze returning to Kazuya's face.
   Meanwhile, Kazuya remained oblivious to the unfolding reality.
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livewithyura · 5 months
Day 5 - Past NSFW ( Kazujun one-shot fanfic )
Prompts : They had an argument and Kazuya decide to Shut Jun up with make out session.
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Jun's Pov
I’m not sure why I’m still here ,
    Water drips from my face as I rinse it, hoping the act will clear my mind. I'm certain we had a massive argument just moments ago, yet here I am, deciding to spend the night with him.Being dragged into his hotel room, I had a feeling that he wouldn't sabotage our relationship, even though he had mentioned wanting to do so.
Emerging from the bathroom, I found him barefoot in the kitchen, clad in a black apron. He was quietly preparing something, seemingly unperturbed by my presence.
  I'm unsure whether he's angry or harboring guilt from our argument.First , He actually treats me like a stranger in front of everyone . I’m not really mad about that , knowing that our relationship should be a secret to the public eye . But , How irritating that thing is . Second , Even though he’s in a weak condition he still has an urge to kill his father . He made me feel like a stupid when I tried to give him advice .
   I walk towards the kitchen , reach the glass rag with my shattered heart .
  “Why are you acting so pissed off?” Kazuya remarked as he allowed the meat to sizzle in the pan. He still avoided making eye contact with me. 
  “Can you just stop this? I don’t want to argue with you anymore” I stated , pouring water in the champagne glass.
  “Then , Talk to me You've been giving me the silent treatment ever since we got into the car” He flipped the meat harshly , then he reached two plates placing it beside him .
   “It’s fair , You don’t look at me once at your stupid Mishima Zaibatsu party” I relocated to the living room and took a seat, attempting to create some distance between us. 
  “My fault? You’ve been quiet the entire time . What do you want me to do?” He grabbed two plates and placed them on the kitchen table. Finally, he turned to look at me.
 “Seriously Kaz? You literally ask me that? At least look at me! Feel my presence! What’s so hard about that?” I positioned the champagne glass on my side and raised my voice in his direction.
  “I’m catching up with people? Why are you attacking me about something that I don’t even aware of?” He attempted to make an excuse as he walked towards me, standing up.
  “So it’s my fault? Is it my fault for craving my lover’s attention” I tried to hold back my tears, crossing my arms while maintaining eye contact with him.
  “That’s not what I mean , Kazama!” He still calls me by my family’s name . 
  “You make me feel stupid you know that? We’re going back and forth every single day . You dropped my fucking hand in front of people , You treated me differently and the worst thing is you never say that you love me back” My throat started to ache as I raised my voice toward him.
  “What are you even talking ab–”
  “You treat me like a stranger! What are we? Who am I to you?”
He scratched his own head as he looked at his feet , he didn't express any words .
  “Say something!” I broke down in tears as I walked towards him, my eyes looking like a shattering glass . 
Facing each other, there was a stillness between us, devoid of any movement.
   He grabbed the back of my neck , pulled me closer and he kissed me . I can taste the wine as soon as we kiss , this is where I realised he’s half drunk . He stroked his tongue against the steam of my lips , tasting me . He parted his lips , as we took a breath looking at each other . He gave me a grin and I know where this will go.
“You really want that answer , hm?” He caresses my cloth nipple with his thumb .
 “I will tell you…and when I am finished . You will remember it” His other hand caresses my thighs as he reaches down to pinch my swollen clit.
  I gasped , as he lifted me up while his hand palmed my ass .
“Wait , I—”
 “No one will save you , Little bunny . Now be a good girl and let my fingers , cock and tongue inside your sweet little cunt” He whispered to me .
The moment he placed me on his bed ,I knew this would be the end of me .
And I swear to myself I will not regret this moment .
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livewithyura · 5 months
Prompts : Cindrella Reverse AU! Cmon yall think about it . Kazuya with his glass sneakers , Lee and Lars are the step sisters and Jun is literally the princess charming!
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  Each dawn I will find a new hope , someday my dream of happiness would come true . If that happens , I will torture this world with my hatred.
“Disgusting piece of sh–urgh”
   I bent down, holding a basket of water, observing my brother’s best work with disgust. I had never witnessed someone so foolish as to vomit on their own bed.As I set the basket down, I heard a bustling of footsteps and distant laughing emanating from the hallway.I accompany my step brothers with grunt , They are my worst enemy and I wished they were dead by now.I holding a grudge to not murder them , everyday.
  “No! The princess will choose me! I contoured my abs using chocolate powder” Lee spinning around elegantly as he thought about being a prince , he can’t wait to live in royalty.
   “I bought a necklace for the princess! She must be impressed with my kindness!” Lars threw himself onto the bed, casting mocking eyes my way as I cleaned the dirty floor.
   “That means I can go to” My words brought their conversation to a halt, and they looked at me as if I were a joke.
  “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” They both laugh maniacally while pointing at me , I just sit silently as I continue to brush all their sickness away.
  “You , Kazuya? Dancing with a princess?” Lee wheezes as he continues to laugh at me . Is it worth considering tossing this basket at his foolish head? I know I’m not good at dancing , but for the kingdom I shall rule . I will master it in a few seconds . 
   “Lee! The conversation would be like this! , ‘Oh! Your highness! I’d be honoured to dance with you! Will you mind holding my dusty broom?” Lars handed Lee a broom as they laughed together, dancing in a circle while intertwining their arms.
  “Why not? After all, I'm still a member of this family , and it says by royal command , every eligible man must attend the ball!” I said while looking at them with full disrespect.
  “Still daydreaming about your happily ever after? Stupid Kid?” I heard an applause coming from the door as we all turned around and saw our father , Heihachi Mishima grinning at me.
   This Man , If I were ever to acquire a kingdom of my own, he would be the first person I'd eliminate, banishing him from this country.
  “Well , We all know who’s not coming tonight dad ! That weasel down there cleaning up my ‘sick’ from Last night!” Lee looking down on me , I will have a chance to go to that stupid ball and seduce that princess .
  “He will clean the dishes tonight , It’s obvious he will have no time to attend the stupid ball! Dad!” Lars stated as he looked at my dad for agreement.
   “I will finish all of my work and attend the ball. After I seduce that princess and got my own kingdom , I will poison all of you guys in a day” uttered, my anger palpable as I vigorously brushed the floor
 “Shut up wench! Nobody cares” Lars yell at me 
  “You smell! Booo!” Lee followed the Lead as he tried to crush my spirit with words.Those words are nothing but a motivational speech for me , Trust me I heard those words almost everyday . This is just a conversation at tea time for me .
  “Shut your pretty mouth and clean!” My father took a packet of cookies from his pocket and proceeded to sprinkle the crumbs on the floor.I looked at the  crumbs in annoyance , I tried to hold the urge to kill all of them . Patience is the key.
  “Listen Boys…! Don’t worry! If he had a chance to go..which he’s not..The princess would not be interested with him , look at him! Just a loser who cleans all of our mess everyday! The princess must be tired of him” 
  Lars and Lee laughed at my dad’s opinion about me , I lifted my chin and looked at my dad’s face . “Thank you for saying that…” I said with unbothered manners.
   “You’re welcome…” He said with a genuine smile .
   “If you become a king ,  you will be exiled easily…don’t you think that? You will not go anywhere…especially the ball…Understand?” Heihachi said with a mocking tone . I don’t want to argue anymore , I just want them to vanish from my sight . 
  “GOOD! Now boys! Let’s go to the ball!” Lars and Lee cheered as they prepared to design themselves with fancy shit .
  “Bye snakeee!!!” Lee patted my back .
  “Bye stinky!!” Lars mocks as he walks away from the room .
  They finally disappear from my point of view. I'm right here feeling like a failure as I thought that I was being exiled from this world . 
     The flickering candle cast dancing shadows on the cold stone walls of my secret room. The room echoed with the hollow sounds of my footsteps as I paced back and forth, contemplating the fate of my life. The plans, meticulously crafted in the recesses of my mind, now demanded action.Will I have a chance to go to that stupid ball?
  Lee wants to live in royalty , Lars wants a romantic companion , I want a kingdom so I can rule the world . Don’t get me wrong , everybody wants to rule this world . Isn’t it fantastic where all people’s futures will be in your palm?
   The bird was chirping on my window as I looked at them full of annoyance. I closed the window with anger .
  “Stupid bird…” I whispered , I crouched down on the side of my bed as I threw my head into the bed.I’m thinking about my life deeply , What’s my desire?
  The kingdom, a facade of prosperity and order, would crumble like a house of cards. I could almost taste the sweet bitterness of revenge on my tongue.That’s desire that laid upon me..
  I don't want tears to well up in my eyes , I detest being perceived as a weak person by others.
  “It’s no use…It’s nothing to believe in..” Then, tears streamed down my cheeks, and now the pillow bore witness to the acid rain that originated from my eyes.
 “Nothing? You don’t mean that! Take that back!” I raised my head upon hearing a sound emanating from the corner of my room. A tinge of fear gripped me as I spotted a brunette woman with feather wings , crossing its arms, staring directly at me.
  “Who the fuck….are you?” That’s the only question I can ask that creature , I stood up looking at her while grabbing my broom to attack her.
  “Oh! I’m your angel god-mother! If you lost all of your faith , I couldn’t be here” She ruffles my hair with a smile .
 “That thing exist?” I questioned her , She rolled her eyes as she walked towards me .
  “Dry those tears! You can’t seduce the princess looking like that , honey” She said , I froze like a stone as I looked at my dirty clothes that I wore almost every day.
   “I’m not going to that stupid ball,” I confessed .
   “You need to believe in miracles , my child” She snapped her fingers, and the wand appeared in her hand. I glinted the wand with confusion.
   She pointed the wand at me, and sparkling lights shot towards my body. For a moment, I thought I would meet my end. However, to my surprise, the sparkling lights enveloped my body, transforming my dirty clothes into a purple tuxedo.
  Oh my fucking god—
   “SEE! You’re ready to go to the ball! But you need to hurry up! The meet and greet with the princess will end! Come on!” she takes my hand as we get out of the room.
  Outside of the house , I just observe the god-mother doing her job . She turned the pumpkin into the horse carriage . All the birds that bother me everyday , she turned into a horse . The mice also turned into a person that will ride the horse carriage for me.
  “Incredible..muahaahahhahaahaha…” I let out an evil laugh, anticipating the moment when I would reveal my true self to my foolish step brothers.
   “Angel….” I looked at the angelic figures 
   “You don’t have to thank me , My child!” She said , Proudly.
    "OH! I wasn't! I want... something... can you grant it?" She looked at me with confusion, tilting her head to assess my appearance. "You look just fine! What is it that you want?" she said, walking in a circle around my body.
  “I want a pair of glass sneakers…” I confessed
Angel laughed in disbelief, looking at me with a genuine smile. She pointed the wand at my feet, and sparkles surrounded them in a graceful manner. Now, I had a pair of glass sneakers, bringing tears of joy to my eyes.
  "Thank you, my fairy godmother! Thank you so much!" This was the best day of my life. I had always dreamed of having a pair of glittering sneakers in my closet.
  “Now! Now! Don’t be too happy! The spell will not last longer! You will have only till midnight!” She muttered while circling the wand , leaving a sparkle in the air .
  “Midnight? That’s enough” I said 
   “No , you must understand...on the stroke of 12! All the spells will be broken and everything will be normal . You with your dirty apron , living with your broom and many more…” She explained , I just nodded .
   “Your magic sucks….” I said with a disinterested tone .
   “HEY! Enough! It’s getting late! Hurry up and seduce the princess!” Angel pushed me into the horse carriage, and I glanced at her face as the carriage carried me away from my father's entourage.
   The grand ballroom, adorned in opulence, unfolded like a scene from a bygone era. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the polished marble floor below. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of fresh flowers, their vibrant colours harmonising with the rich tapestries that draped the walls.
  Yeah , It’s magnificent place . The kazamas must be lucky to live in such an amazing place.It’s giving me a new problem , I was lost in this big castle . I don’t have any idea where the auction will be held . Following my calculation , I’m on the second floor . There’s no one here , except for me . Perhaps , I must keep looking .
 “Are you looking for something?” As soon as I heard that delicate voice lingering in my ears, I turned and found a woman standing in front of me, adorned in a satin silky gown.
  “No..Yes!” I stuttered, captivated by her raven hair and rosy cheeks. I don’t have time for this,  I'm here to pursue that princess.
  “The center of the ball room is over there , care to join us?” She pointed to the center of the ballroom in a graceful manner, bowing with her arm opening up to welcome me.
   We both moved into the center of the dance floor, surrounded by the soft sway of other couples lost in the music . I looked around , trying to find the presence of the princess . I noticed Lee and Lard dancing in such a weird way. No, I can’t leave myself hanging around in this ballroom.I need to have a partner to show my power . It’s obvious that I am just a loser if I don’t have any partner on my side.
  “Thank you for helping me , Care for a dance?” I said , I have no choice . She’s the only one who’s in front of me right now.
   “Sure!” I was shocked. She agreed with my offer without hestitation .
  My hand found its place at the small of her back, and she rested hers delicately on my shoulder. The first notes of the piano echoed through the air, a melancholic yet beautiful tune that seemed to stir emotions hidden in the recesses of our hearts.
  She’s smiling towards me gracefully , Oh how I thought that heaven will not help me right now , I can’t turn around right now . My eyes just glued into her angelic face . She’s a stranger to me , I can’t explain this feeling.
  As we began to dance, I felt like the world around us melted away, leaving only the two of us in a shared realm of grace and harmony. I guided her with a quiet strength, my movements a seamless dance of understanding and connection. The subtlety of her touch sent shivers down my spine, a delicate electricity that seemed to bridge the distance between us.
    I spinned her around gently , our steps wove a narrative of unspoken emotions, a story told through the gentle rise and fall of the music. I could feel the sincerity in her  gaze, a vulnerability that mirrored her own. With each turn and sway, the dance became our conversation that transcended words, laying bare the vulnerabilities and aspirations of my soul seeking solace in the embrace of the other.
  “Dad! He is supposed to clean the dishes!” I saw Lee pointed at me , I just drew a smirk as my winning smile.
  “NO , HE DID NOT!” . Lars also stopped his weird dance movement as he looked at me with shock.
  She stopped her movements , I can feel her soft gloves as she grabs my hand gently.
  “Do you want to see my garden?” She said , I looked at her in confusion . I don’t know why I nodded in agreement even though I’m not sure what I’m doing right now.
  The garden, bathed in the soft glow of twilight, became a sanctuary for us. As they strolled along the winding paths, the scent of blooming roses and the gentle rustle of leaves created a serene backdrop to our conversation. Lanterns hung from the branches, casting a warm, golden hue that danced in the evening breeze.
  Well , I assume that her father’s a talented gardener.
   The air was filled with the melodic chirping of crickets, punctuated by the distant serenade of a nightingale. Her laughter, like a delicate melody, echoed through the garden as I just listened to her story about the stupid ball.I couldn’t help but be captivated by the way her eyes sparkled in the ambient light, reflecting the genuine joy she found in the simple pleasures of the evening.
   I need to find the princess , But I don’t mind being stuck with her for a few seconds.She also reminds me of my dead mother , a smart delicate woman . 
    We found a secluded bench beneath a flowering trellis, its petals casting a fragrant cascade of delicate blossoms. As we sat side by side, the air became charged with a subtle electricity, an unspoken understanding that there was more to our connection.
  “Oh , Pardon me . I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Jun kaza–”
 I looked at the clock tower not far away from us, shock evident on my face. Standing up, I glanced at her with frustration. The clock's hands were dangerously close to striking 12, and I realized I couldn't stay much longer. Midnight would be upon me in a matter of minutes.
  “BRO I NEED TO GO IT'S ALREADY MIDNIGHT , BYE” I explained. She also stood up while looking at me in confusion.
   “Of course , It’s midnight! What’s wrong….”
   “Goodbye!” I didn’t let her finish , I just wanted to run away from her . Trying to find the exit . She pulled my arm , fearlessly . 
   “Why must you go?” She asked , It’s useless . Even if I explained , She would not understand my situation . It’s quite a long story to tell .
  “I haven’t met the princess!” I stated , That’s such a stupid excuse . 
  “The princess? Didn’t you know..”
 As the clock struck 12, I roughly pushed her hand away and turned around, determined to escape from that place.Thankfully , I succeeded to distance myself from her .
  “No wait, come back! At Least give me your name! How can I find you!?” She said as she tried to keep up with my speed . I drew myself back to the ballroom hall , I don’t care if Lee and Lars watched this messy part of mine . 
   The woman’s step was cut down by a group of gentlemen trying to impress her.Meanwhile , The echo of my footsteps resonated through the grand halls, and the once magical atmosphere now carried a sense of urgency. As the woman reached out, I slipped my glass sneakers . 
  No , Not my lovely shining sneakers!
 I was in a hurry , leaving a single glass of sneakers vanishing into the night, leaving behind only the memory of a mysterious and 
 Then again , I found myself in a haunted place again . Sitting at my bed alone ,Well this is a price I need to pay , I didn’t meet the princess but I met such a graceful woman that put my mind into ease. 
  “God! My lovely sneaker!” I whine in frustration , everything disappears except for the glittery sparkling glass sneaker! The worst thing is , I will never find another pair of sneakers . I try to sleep , Just pretend all of these are dreams.
  The next morning, I found myself back at my mundane duties, preparing tea for my insufferable step-brother. But, oh, just wait. If that princess decides to host another ball, I might attend. And when she inevitably falls in love with me, I'll seize the opportunity to build my own kingdom, ensuring the exile of my entire family from this country.
   I entered their rooms and observed both of my step-brothers in a deep sleep. My father attempted to wake them up, but this time, he did so harshly.
  Now , Now what’s the tea?
  “She will be here in another minute! Get up and go get a shower! Prepare yourself!” Heihachi pulls Lee’s blanket and smacks Lars’s butt as he’s in a rush , Lars is yawning while looking at Heihachi.
  “What..for..?” Lars’s words are covered with yawns as he doesn't have any spirit to leave his bed. Meanwhile, I just stood there with a fancy tray looking at their behaviour.
  “Don’t you know!? The Grand duke! He’s been hunting for one dumb guy that left his glass sneaker at the ball last night!” Spit Heihachi out , I try to hold my cough as he is implying that whoever leaves that sneaker is dumb . 
  “She says She’s madly in love with that guy!”  Heihachi opens the curtains to let the sunlight go through their room .
  “The duke…?” Lee said , obviously .
   “NO! The princess!” Heihachi yells in frustration over Lee’s idiotic manner.
Wait , The princess?
   I accidentally let the tray slip from my hand, and the teacup it held clattered loudly against the floor, creating an unsettling noise. My father turned around to look at me.
  “You clumsy little fool! Clean that up!” He said, anger evident in his expression as he looked at my face. I simply crouched down, calmly picking up the pieces of glass slowly. Unbothered by the situation, I couldn't help but think about the fact that the girl who danced with me was the princess of this kingdom.
  How foolish am I?
 “Get up now!” He demanded . 
  “Why would we even bother if she is madly in love with that guy?” Lee pulled his blanket to continue his deep sleep , Lars just followed his brother’s action and agreed with Lee’s statement.Heihachi pulled their blankets with grunt.
 “Now you listen to me! There’s still a chance for you to get with that princess!” He said , Lee and Lars lookin at him with confusion . 
  “How?....” Lars scratched his head .
  “Now listen , No one..Not even the princess knows the identity of the owner of that glass sneaker! The glass sneaker is the only clue , Now the duke has been ordered to try it on every guy in the kingdom . And if one can be found whom the slipper fits! Then…by the king’s command..that guy shall be the princess’s groom” Heihachi explained.
 “His groom…” I whispered , So I do have a chance to rule this kingdom .
 “HIS GROOM!?” Lars and Lee quickly jumped out of their beds and rushed into the room, eager to find the perfect clothes for themselves.
  Lee threw his dirty clothes on me , But I was unbothered . I’m only thinking about my faith. My dream will come true as I will definitely be her groom.
  “Why do you smile like that!? That’s so creepy!” Lars’s voice woke me up from dreaming , I just gave them a smile and picked up all of their dirty clothes.
  “Yes…We must dress up to impress that princess…Now excuse me..Muahahahah” I exited the  room with my evil laugh , They looked at me with confusion.
   I went to my room with happiness , “I will rule this kingdom~I will rule this kingdom~” I sang as I reached for a brush that placed on my table. With ease, I brushed my hair, harmonizing with the melody of my song.
 I will spread chaos into this kingdom.
 “EHEM!” Heihachi looked at me , standing in front of my door . 
 “What…?” I said .
  He slammed the door , I ran towards the door and I just realized he just locked the door.
 Fuck that old man , I will poison him if I became the prince of this kingdom.
 As I walked toward my study table, I grabbed the piggy bank sitting on it and threw it across the room, shattering it. The broken piggy bank revealed not only money but also an extra key to all the doors in this house.
 I looked at the key with a smirk , No one can stop my dream.
   “Well your feet are too small , pardon me” The princess gave a genuine smile while rejecting Lee’s feet. I just stood at the stair trying to observe them from afar.
 “Wait! My sweet Lady! It must have been a mista–” Lars pushed Lee away from the chair as he took a seat to try on a glass sneaker.
  Oh my lovely sneakers! You must be sad for being apart from me .
 “Your feet are also small for this sneaker” The princess said with manners , Oh she is really a princess? That’s why she has manners in our conversation .
  “NO!!!” Lars whines in sadness , The princess just chuckles as she takes a step to leave our house . 
 “Are you sure there’s only two guys in this house?” She said while looking around , Heihachi just sighs in frustration . “Yes your highness! You can leave now”
Damn you, you old man .
 “WAIT! Your Highness!” I shouted from the stairs while descending, and she looked up at me with a smile. It seemed like she now remembered my face, and I, too, recalled hers.
 “Pay no attention to that boy! He’s not my son!” Stated Heihachi.
  “He’s just from the kitchen!” Lee tries to convince that princess .
  “He’s ridiculous! Look at his dirty clothes? There’s no way that he's the guy that you’re in love with . Your Highness!” Lars also joined the operation of convincing the Princess.
  Oh how they got no ideas between me and you.
It was my turn to push Lars away from the chair, and as I took a seat, the princess handed me my glass sneaker.
I hugged my sneaker with a heart full of love ignoring the princess in front of me, Lee and Lars looked at me with disbelief.
  “In front of the princess!?” Lee questioned.
  “NO HE DID NOT!” Lars replied .
 “You really love that sneaker…” She said, looking at me with a calm demeanor ,  I freed the sneaker from my hug.
   In the soft glow of the moonlit courtyard, the princess delicately placed the glass sneaker on my dainty foot, the crystal shoe embracing me like a perfect match, sealing our destinies in the enchanting dance of love.
  “You came?” I whispered to her face
  “You called,” She smiled .
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livewithyura · 5 months
Prompts : Jin Just Got A for his mathematics test and now he's provoking kazuya to buy his silly little aeroplane
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“Honey , I’m home!” Kazuya, holding a bouquet of flowers, opens the door in an attempt to charm his wife. He consistently discovered himself surrounded by a cozy ambiance, his presence always complemented by elegant items adorning the dinner table.Aware of his wife Jun's continuous effort, he always felt welcomed in their home, especially after facing challenges at the office.
   The calmness just got ruined after he realised that he has a son , a petty one . It’s not like he didn’t love his own son , but he's a little bit irritated by that kid . He often picks up an argument with his 5 year old son because he finds that enjoyable . At times, he feels the urge choke his son, and at other moments, he tenderly strokes his back, singing lullabies as he peacefully sleeps.
  Hm, every parent feels that..right?
    “Jin!” With an affectionate expression, she conveyed her words, embracing and hugging him with love.Meanwhile Jin’s small arm hugged his mom’s knee tightly. 
   “Welcome home , honey . I’m proud of you” She said , I looked at her cluelessly.
   “Proud for what?” I handed her the bouquet of flowers , and she accepted it with a warm smile.
  “You didn’t forget to bring Jin home! You always forget to pick him up!” She caresses Jin's fluffy hair , is that supposed to be a sarcastic compliment? Kazuya just scratches his hair with awkwardness. He breaks into a slight sweat when his wife speaks sarcastically, it's accurate that he consistently forgets to pick up Jin from kindergarten.He got a call from Jin's teacher often and after that he received a devilish stare from his son.
  “I know right….? I admit it! I was busy with paperwork while i’m in my office. I will make sure my mistakes will not happen again” He said , Jin regarded him with eyes full of distrust.
   They enjoy a delightful dinner, the three of them in a cozy little house. A simple meal and small talk suffice for their contentment.For Jun , it was a graceful moment . For an oblivious kid like Jin , It’s just a normal day in his life.For Kazuya , It was everything . He finally finds the daylight in his life , he tries to convince himself that this moment is real . The day he decided to settle down on everything after he defeated his father , that’s the day he finally came back from home.He promised to himself that he will never go back to his haunted life , he just wanted to continue his life in a small cabin with jun and his son .
   “What do you want to do this weekend jin?” Jun tries to create another conversation since the lovely day off will happen the next day . Jin placed a bite of rice into his mouth using chopsticks, and he glanced at his dad with a puffy cheek.
  “Nuh uh Jin.. finish that food in your mouth if you want to talk , I don’t want you to be a rude kid” Speaking in a calm tone, Jun runs her fingers through Jin's hair while playfully poking his swollen cheek with her slender finger.
  “I don’t have any idea yet…” Jin hums in question after he swallows the whole rice .
   “Good , I have an idea! How about you doing my laundry?” Kazuya raises his eyebrow with sarcastic demand.Jun waving her hand , a signal of ‘no’ to Kazuya . 
   “No” Jin promptly declined, shooting a displeased glare at Kazuya.
   “Why not? You and I ... we will go to the laundry service in the mall , there’s a playground there , go and play until you feel nauseous! Isn’t that fun?” Teas Kazuya, he gives a smirk in the direction of his son.
  "No! You left me alone on that playground while you went to the stadium with Uncle Paul to watch a football match!" Jin said , Jun and Kazuya left in silence, their expressions filled with shock as they looked at Jin.
  “You did that….?” Jun glared kazuya with anger , the anger that coated with calmness . There’s like fire in the water when Kazuya looked at his wife's expression.
  “No! He makes up stories honey! I swear to god!” Kazuya tried to hide the fact that he just left his own son in the playground until the mall closed . 
  “Hey! How about you rub my feet this weekend!” Kazuya try to change the topic 
  “Your feet stink….” Jin crossed his arm with disinterested eyes . The look on Jin’s face tickles Kazuya's heart.He simply wants to laugh, having successfully managed to irritate his own son.
  “I want to buy an airplane drone…” Jin confessed , Kazuya just scoffed at Jin’s demand . He continues to swallow the rice as he wants to explain something to his own son .
  “How much–
  “Didn’t I tell you Jin? You need to get an A for mathematics” Kazuya interrupted Jun with a firm tone.
  “I did get an A” . Jin pushes the tiny chair so his feet touch the floor , he runs to get his bagpack.
  Kazuya and Jun find themselves experiencing a range of emotions . Kazuya , shocked by the statement, is left with his mouth agape . Meanwhile , Jun attempts to conceal her tears of joy , feeling proud of Jin for achieving an A in mathematics at last.
  Jin approaches Kazuya and hands him his exam paper , Kazuya holds his breath and take it roughly . 
  “93!?” Kazuya’s in disbelief when he observes Jin's marks that are written on the top of the paper . 
  “Jin! I’m so proud of you!” Jun gave her son an applause with joy.
Jin’s winning smile start to looks like a smirk , Subtly indicating that he’s in the lead.The dynamics have shifted , now it’s kazuya who feels irritated.His intention was to agitate jin , but the tables have turned.And now he finds himself reflecting in his own mirror as Jin revels in the enjoyment of the moment.
  “Buy me an aeroplane drone dad!” Jin throws himself on Kazuya’s lap , Kazuya starts to sweat thinking about the price of the drone . He knows it will be over priced , He needs to save his money for the whole month after buying that stupid drone . Hence , He need to force himself to buy an americano instead of an almond latte with 50% of sugar.
   “Fine….” Unable to come up with an excuse , Kazuya just agrees with Jin’s demand.Deep down in his heart , He’s proud of his son’s achievement.He wants to give him a big hug as a present but Jin really wants that drone.
  “YEAH!!! JIN WILL GET A DRONE~ JIN WILL GET A DRONE~” Jin hums a song and dances around in the living room with joy.Kazuya continues to eat with frustration, well aware that his money will be gone tomorrow.
  Long story short , Jin wakes kazuya up at 8 in the morning to buy the drone . Kazuya almost forgot the important task he needed to fulfil.Kazuya is hurried through his morning routine by Jin, from eating breakfast to getting into the car and driving swiftly. The experience proves to be quite annoying for Kazuya.
  “I can’t do that! You want me to be in jail!?” Kazuya handles the car wheel with frustration.Jun just holds Jin’s wrist as she just chuckles at their behaviour.
   “Jin…we will arrive safe and sound , so please be patient” Jun just caresses her son’s hair .
   “Who cares if dad goes to jail? I want to fly my aeroplane!” Jin starts to imitate aeroplane sound as he imagines himself being a pilot , Kazuya gives jin a deadly glare as he thinks that the aeroplane is more important than his own father.
   “You little shit…” Kazuya whispers to himself .
  “Your total with tax comes to ....190 dollars and 99 cents” The words uttered by the drone seller send Kazuya into a state of shock , causing him to clutch his stomach while coughing.
    “EHEM! EHEM! WHAT!?” Kazuya is in disbelief as he attempts to verify whether his hearing is playing tricks on him.Jin just stood there , smiling as he can’t wait for that aeroplane to be his.
    “190 DOLLAR!?” It’s not just Kazuya , Jun also freaks out by the price.
    “FOR AN AEROPLANE!?” Kazuya interrupts by pointing at the drone with frustration.
    “It’s a limited edition drone , what do you expect?” The seller said , Kazuya looks at Jin’s face . He can’t be a dishonest person right now , he needs to fulfil his promise . He got an A for mathematics. It's not an easy job as a 5 year old kid.
  “Fine…” And again , Kazuya can’t make up an excuse .
  “Cash or Card sir?” The seller raised his eyebrow as he looked at Kazuya’s brown wallet.
  “CAAAAARDDD” Kazuya expressed his words with annoyance while Jin’s full of joy as the seller gave him the drone.
  “Wait….Where’s the controller and other accessories?” Jin tilted that box with confusion , Jun’s hand placed on his shoulder . 
  “Yea? I thought it was designed with the controller?” Questioned Jun as she looks at the seller , Kazuya smells something bad .
  “Oh , you need to pay for it” 
Those words send kazuya into despair as he knows that his money will be torn apart once again. Kazuya held his breath as he tried not to let his devil appear in front of that seller.
 “How much for all of that…?”
 “It would be 250 dollar and 34 cents” 
Once again , Kazuya grunts in frustration as he puts his debit card on the scanner.
  Time fast forward and Now Jin’s playing the aeroplane outside their house , Kazuya observes him from afar with frustration.He’s trying to accept the fact that he needs to drink a cheap americano in the morning . The worst part is he can’t go to the casino with Paul.
  “Hey bro! Let’s hang out!” He hears Paul’s voice on the phone.
  “No , I’ll pass…Jin has a football match…” Kazuya mumbles with frustration as he forces himself to lie to his rival.
Jin ran towards Kazuya as he controlled the aeroplane from the ground. He gave kazuya a small hug.
  “Look dad! The aeroplane can go above the tree!” Jin said while pointing towards the drone that flew above the tree.
  “Yea yea , I hope you can get a job and pay me 250 dollars” Kazuya said , Jun hears that sentence and she clears her throat with anger.
  “Uh I mean…That’s a nice aeroplane son!” He ruffles Jin’s hair gently . 
  “Jin, where's your allergy medicine that I gave to you?” Jun asked while putting a cup of tea on Kazuya’s table.
 “It’s in my backpack!” Jin said while turning around to face his mother.Jun just nodded with a smile as she entered the house to get her son’s backpack. 
  As Kazuya sips the tea , He is relieved that he is nothing like his father. He can express his love towards Jin, acknowledging that his heart is liberated from his father's control. He embraces his true self and aspires to be a better father for his son.
  “Jin what’s this…?” Jun approached both of them with a paper in hand, abruptly placing the backpack on Kazuya's lap. He was taken aback by the unexpected and somewhat unsettling demeanour of his usually sweet and delicate wife.Kazuya grabbed the paper from Jun’s hand.
  “This is your maths test! And it said 62!” Kazuya shoves the paper right in front of Jin’s face.
 “But I remember he gave us that paper and it said ‘93’!” Jun placed both hands on her waist as she looked at Jin with confusion.
  “Jin Mishima ....Explain this” Kazuya said with anger , Jin approached both of his parents delicately.
  “That’s my real test…I ask the teacher for extra paper and I redo the test..Then I ask my friend to mark it…And I showed you both the fake test ” Jin confessed while looking at his tiny feet.
  “Is there a cliff nearby?” Kazuya looked around 
  The silence is filled with dissapointment . They couldn't say any words towards their own son , they just looked at him with sorrowful eyes.
“I am really disappointed in you Jin…” Said Kazuya .
“Sorry dad…” Jin sobs .
“When you pulled a scam! You always destroyed the original evidence so you don’t get caught! How many times do I need to tell you!” Kazuya hit Jin’s head with disappointment.
  “Kazuya no….” Jun face-palm while listening to Kazuya’s lesson . 
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livewithyura · 5 months
Day 2 - Angel x Devil [ Kazujun One-shot fanfic ]
Prompts : Just Kazuya being concerned over Jun's injury
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Once again, I found myself in a rare situation.I crouched and observed my pale hand that was covered with blood, The blood on my hands does not belong to me. I have a severe injury in my left wing. The wound on my back, where my wings are held, starts to bleed. It really makes me feel nauseous, I shifted my gaze towards the lifeless angel lying in front of me.
   Am I lucky? I was attacked by an angel in this graveyard. There are no angels who will hang out in this unhappy place. I just break the rules, I can’t harm my own species. It’s a huge sin in their eyes. I may be sent straight to hell or, worse, the devil's world.
I spun around with a sense of hopelessness. And again, My body was sent into a state of shock accompanied by the devil.
   “Don’t come closer, Kazuya” I lifted my hand to indicate to him, "He is not paying attention to my words as he's running towards me. He grabbed my arms gently, how can a devil give me an ease after all of this happens?
   “Who did this to you? Tell me, I’m here with you. I will believe every word that comes out of your mouth. Trust me” He draws me close to his chest. The smell of poison from Kazuya’s body lingers in my nose, However, it provides me with a feeling of nonchalance. I am completely aware that he’s my enemy, Our battles were witnessed by the land of purgatory. We’re not for each other, I know that. He is a merciless combatant from the underworld, while I am the protector of harmony. However, I have now witnessed his various facets.
   “It’s not my fault…I’m telling the truth, even though I just killed him..I–” That’s the only word that I can come up with, The rough surface of Kazuya's hand holds my bloody hand.
    “Oh god..Don’t cry! Your tears are causing me pain.. Don't give me that look...” He said, He gently pushed me away from his chest as he stood up from the ground. I was happy when he said that, the fact that he is still Kazuya, only concerned about his pain.
   “What are you doing—” His action made me lose my voice.
   Kazuya splattered his own purplish blood on the lifeless angel. His action shocked me. Despite my efforts to stand up, the weight of my wings makes my entire body feel heavy. From afar, Kazuya stared at me with his empty eyes.
    “How stupid you can be!? Do you even realise what you were doing? That’s one of top angels! You completely know him by looking at his wings! The holy knights will hunt you down!” . I try to cut the distance between us by walking towards him. Although my feet were stuck in the mud, Kazuya held onto me as my body was about to drop.
    “Your left wing is bleeding, you’re aware that you can’t fly right? The clever angel made a strategic decision by hurting your wing , if you continue to wander here, you'll be caught”. Due to his behaviour, I remained silent.
   “You don’t have to worry, people will think he got killed by the devil . No one will turn you down, If people begin to isolate you, I will be there for you.I'm not sure what nonsense I'm saying, but I don't want you to get hurt” . Kazuya lifted my chin up , I was confused .
   “There’s no reason for you to help me, I am an angel. Your worst enemy, One day, I will kill you, and you will kill me too.” I pushed his hand away from my chin as I gazed into his crimson eyes with frustration.
   “I owe you. When you decide to save me in a previous mission… You just eliminate all the darkness within me” He said, those words shatter my hearts in two. Although it doesn't cause me physical pain, it deeply saddens me.I saved him out of empathy that I felt in my heart.
    “And about the enemy… Enemy is a little strong. We just disagree on everything and fight a lot and try to ruin each other’s plans…I like that” After glancing at my face, he gives me a grin.
    “Will you run away with me, angel?” He completely ruined me forever with his words.
     Time passed too quickly while I was hiding in this wooden cabin with a devil. I can’t believe he willingly flew me away from that graveyard. If this is a long hall, How do we get here so soon? While contemplating, I observed my soiled toe while sitting in front of the fire illuminated by Kazuya.I continue to endure the pain in my left wing while waiting for Kazuya to come back.
     “So, why did you kill that dumbass??” His voice lingers in the depths of my ear.
      “He attacked me, I just defended myself” I explained. As he walked closer to me, following his scoff, Kazuya took a seat behind me and set the bowl of water on the wooden floor. He touched my bleeding wings, my heart began to race, I attempted to glance behind me in order to observe him.
     “Don’t give me that look,I'm not here to take away your wing from you” He took a bandage from the small bag.
   “Look, It’s a magical bandage. Your wing will heal in 3 days, you can stay here if you want” While I drew a smile on my face, he immersed the bandage in the bowl of water. I remember when he was a helpless creature, trying to run away from danger. He is the embodiment of wickedness, but why does he behave like this? The way he tenderly bandages my wounded wing makes me feel warm. That feeling doesn't affect me because he washes it away with his presence. However, he did manage to touch my fragile heart. I know this will not last forever, We’re completely in different worlds.
   “Now you can attempt to flap your delicate wings” He said, I chuckled.
   “Hey, I understand that your wings are rough and hard on the surface, but there's no need to criticise mine.” I said, but I'm not saying he’s wrong. The white feathers make my wings more fragile compared to Kazuya's.
    “If I had your wings, all the feathers would be plucked away” He said while crossing his arms like a child. While silently gazing at his face with a smile, he continued to blabber about my safety. I enjoy it when he mockingly refers to me as 'stupid', 'oblivious', 'too kind', 'too fragile', even though he's the one who runs to me with deep concern.
   “Kazuya… how about the holy knights? I feel the same way about you when it comes to not wanting you to get hurt. I finally turned around and faced him . He was silent as he tried to look away from my eyes .
    “Jun, you owe me. I will wait for you to come save me. But let’s not talk about this , they need time to find the culprit” As he stood up to grab the broom. Slowly, he carefully swept up all the feathers on the floor.
    “You don’t have to worry about me, If you were to ask me what I am going to do, I would simply say that I killed all of them” He said confidently as he continued to sweep the feather on the floor.
    “Isn't it funny? I want the whole world to be on fire , But you….” He lifted his face up and looked at me.
    “I don’t want the fire to touch you” . He said with frustration in his voice .
    “I don’t want to feel the same , but…look at this mess…Look at this idiotic fool that you made me . I started to feel the comfort between you and me” . I said with a little crack in my voice , we know we’re not made for each other . But can we just run away from all this mess and create our own happily ever after? 
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