livrc · 7 years
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    SHAKY HANDS were gripping her coffee cup, eyes reading through her most recent rough draft in her notebook. She loved writing down on paper, though she knew most publishers would only take a professional copy typed out and printed. She’ll get there eventually. But trying to fix any mistakes with one hand, holding the coffee mug in her others, is quite a bad idea. The ceramic mug slips from her grasp, and Charlie watches the scene unfold almost in slow motion as her iced coffee splashes over her work. “ FILS DE PUTE ! “
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livrc · 7 years
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what do you mean that’s charlie lebeau? i totally thought that was dodie clark walking through the city! so you’re telling me she is twenty-one and pansexual? that’s really cool, tell me more about them! they’re creative & generous but also detached & quiet, well the bad has to even out the good, so that’s understandable. they’re working as an author around rosegold and can be seen listening to hunting happiness by w. darling. 
hey there !! i’m trico and i’m ur admin here at rsegold, and this is the sweet loml charlie, and you and you can read abt her under the cut !!
charlie came from a v big family in france, and is the youngest out of five children. three brothers and one sister, and plus herself of course ( if anybody wants to play one of her siblings hmu plEASE)
the house was always crowded, but luckily for charlie, she actually got the entire basement to herself all her life
that was her space, and where the creation of her first book ever happened
charlie grew up with a mom and dad, and she was mostly spoiled due to being the youngest child. hence her own room. her siblings were not happy about that, but they also didn’t mind cause the basement was creepy. luckily, charlie made it into a dream room, and her siblings were jealous once again
her parents divorced when she was eleven, and her mom moved away and left her dad to deal with five kids after cheating on him w her boss. though they were all p mature, their dad could trust leaving them on their own while he worked tirelessly to provide for them
when charlie was fourteen, her dad remarried to a rlly lovely women named annie who loved his kids just as much as he did. to this day, charlie loves her even more than she did her real mom. doesn’t even keep in contact with her real mom anymore
all through high school, charlie was an incredible student in english. taking academic english through every year of high school and passing top of her class
when charlie was eighteen, she wrote her very first book that absolutely kick-started her career as an author. it was v similar to rainbow rowell’s novel ‘fangirl’
a few months after her book, she actually went on a little tour for it so that was super duper awesome !! she loved los angeles the most, which is why she considered moving there. but the she found rosegold and she was in LOVE
don’t call her charlotte . just don’t . sh h8s it sm. she goes by charlie or cj, whichever u prefer, friend !
a lil sad and detached at times but honestly who isn’t these days. she’s super friendly and giving
she’s got rlly rlly bad osteoarthritis in her shoulder and because of it she’s gotten addicted to the painkillers she’s been prescribed. like she’s rlly dependent on them.
anyways . charlie is v lovely and soft, mostly keeps to herself and is v quiet, but she’s super friendly. a little guarded at first, but once u get to know her. she’ll love u tirelessly
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊athena.
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     ––– “ can you please… ” she trailed off, hand moving in circles, motioning to whatever the other was doing, “ stop ? ” there was a moment where she had wondered if she sounded rude or upset. athena wasn’t; she was just simply distracted. her fingers were covered in graphite, trying her best to shade in whatever piece she was working on next. “ it’s very, VERY distracting. ”
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     NOAH pauses then, gaze casting down to her notebook she was writing in. Tucking the pen back behind her ear and giving the stranger a sheepish smile as she closes her notebook up then. “ S-Sorry.. I didn’t realize it was that noticeable. “ Maybe curiosity got the best of her, but even when the stranger had told her what she was doing was distracting, she was getting more curious by the second. “ What’re you working on ? “
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊alexander.
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a giggle escapes the blonde and they nod , dropping their gaze briefly to the grass before looking back up at noah “ well , i see – “ they raise their face heavenwards , cocking head to the side “ have you ever seen the show gravity falls ? “ they ask curiously , turning light eyes back to the girl. “ i think i see something from that , it’s kinda’ a dolphin. “
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     “ I HAVE not seen Gravity Falls, though I’ve been meaning too ! I’ve been so caught up with watching Rick and Morty, and then taking care of my new puppy on top of that, I haven't really had the chance to get back into watching TV.  “ She offers a wide smile to the blonde, looking back up to the clouds and pointing out another. “ What about that one ? I’m pretty sure it’s a cowboy boot. “
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊alexander.
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alexander watches their friend as she contemplates the cloud they’d pointed out. “ a dog riding a dolphin ?! “ they scoot in closer to her as if being where she was would make a difference. “ uh – “ they wrinkle their nose up “ i’m not good at this. “ they confess softly.
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     “ YEAH, a dog riding a dolphin ! “ She grins up at the cloud they had initially pointed out to her, moving to sit cross-legged in a more comfortable position. When they admit they’re not very good at this, her smile still remains on her lips, a shrug of her shoulders following after. “ Oh, that’s alright ! You don’t have to be good at it. So do you see the dog riding a dolphin or something else ? “
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊ophelia.
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The girl had been giving Bandit some TLC, when she came across a smooth part of his back, it took her a few moments before she even realised the missing fur on the puppy’s back. As soon as Noah came in, Ophie could tell something was up. “Baby, what’s up with Bandit’s back?” she asked curiously, “I genuinely don’t think he should be missing any fur, he’s only a few months old..” She looked up at her wife whilst simultaneously moving over so that Noah could sit down with her and the pup.
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     HER HEART jolts a bit in her chest, beginning to chew on the bottom of her lip when Ophelia asks what’s up with the bald spot, swallowing thickly before giving a shrug of her shoulders. “ He got into a little fight with a German Shepherd on our walk while you were still sleeping. Nothing too serious. “ A quick nod of her head then, hoping that would quell Ophie’s question and she’d drop it. Though Ophelia scoots over in the couch, Noah decides to keep her current spot curled up in Ophelia’s lap, eyes fluttering shut as her arms come up to wrap around her wife’s neck. 
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊alexander.
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alexander was lying on their back in the grass , gazing up at the sky. a happy grin plays on their lips as they point out a large cloud “ what do you think that one looks like ? “ they ask , turning their head to look at the other joining them on their weekly trip to the park to watch the clouds and paint wild flowers.
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     HER HEAD tilts to the side a small bit as she looks at the cloud in question, lips pursed together as she tries to make a shape out of it. “ Well, in my opinion... It looks like a dog riding a dolphin. What do you see ? “ She turns to attention to them then, offering a wide grin to her cloud-gazing buddy.
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊ophelia.
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Ophelia had been at home with Bandit, she’d had the day off for the next few days because of an accident she attended yesterday, which resulted in a pretty brutal fatality, so the department gave her the rest of the week off. The girl was cuddled up on the couch, as much as she hated to admit it, she did need these days off for herself sometimes, she felt like she was never at home. “Babe!” She called out lazily, not bothered to get up.
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     IF NOAH was lucky, Ophelia wouldn’t find out she lost Bandit earlier that day. It took  it of fibbing, telling Ophie that the missing spot of fur on his back ( which she had no idea where it ACTUALLY came from ) was when he got in a tussle with another dog on their walk. Probably not as believable as she had hoped, Bandit was one of the most docile and friendly dogs she’d ever had the pleasure of knowing, let alone mother. But so far so good ! Knock on wood not to jinx it. But Ophelia’s voice comes from the living room,and Noah brushes her hands off on her apron and unties it in the back, tossing the now discarded apron onto the kitchen table before making her way into the living room. A smile takes the younger girls lips then, reaching up to wipe any flour from her cheekbones before she rushes to jump on top of the older girl. “ What can I do for you, beautiful wife of mine ? “
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊misty.
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“ okay thank god you’re here, “ misty hadn’t even bothered to look up from her phone as she took a seat next to the other, “ i’m in desperate need of new music for my next show. i’m tired of dancing to despacito. like i get it. it’s the hot song of the summer but i feel like it isn’t me anymore? “ shrugging, the girl started to scroll through the top 50 chart on spotify, “ what are your thoughts of feels by calvin harris? is that even possible to strip to…” looking up with a smile on her face, a small bubble of laughter escaped, “ c’mon. i need your help! “
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    “ OH, YOU are talking to the wrong gal, I’m not up to date at all. I’m still stuck in 2007 and listening to the Hairspray soundtrack, so unless you wanna strip to ‘I Can Hear The Bells’ I got NOTHIN’ for you. “ She laughs a bit, a quick shake of her head as she pushes her bangs out of her face. “ Maybe go back to 2008 and dance to Love Lockdown ? I don’t know what you can and can’t strip too. “ She covers her face with her hands, laughter tumbling from her lips as she shakes her head. “ I don’t know, man ! I’m useless to you. “
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊harlyn.
“Look- I might have or might have not been drunk. And when I’m drunk animals look lonely and they end up getting brought home with me,” Harlyn said with the slightest of shrugs as she stapled the flyer to the wooden post beam. She’d been surprised that there were any even still left around. “See, he’s happy in the picture because he wasn’t abandoned. But I feel bad because I stole a puppy and his owner is probably freaking.”
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     SHE’S BEEN looking for Bandit all night, and the fact that somebody had found him before something bad could’ve happened made it feel like the WORLD had been lifted off her shoulders. Surely Ophelia would k i l l her if she lost Reign just a little while after they adopted him. “ That’s my dog ! Oh thank the lords above, my wife would kill me if I couldn’t find him. “ The husky on the photo makes her breathe a sigh of relief, placing a hand over her heart to calm it’s rapid beats. “ His names Bandit and he ran off when I took him outside to pee last night. But you’re right, I’ve been flipping the FUCK out since. “
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livrc · 7 years
( ✖┊andy.
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Luck didn’t seem to be on Andy’s side today; her latest shoot happened to end exactly 2 hours later than planned, someone spilt coffee on her jacket and to top it all off— it was pouring. Drenched wasn’t even enough to describe her appearance. With her bag clutched to her stomach she was speedwalking through the grey neighbourhood, muttering to herself about a hot bath and some tea she was desperately yearning for right now, and of course how stupid it was to not bring an umbrella. But in her defence, she had expected to see taxis. But of course, it wasn’t her lucky day and she had no other choice than to simply walk all the way home. She turned a block and it was as if she just spotted her guardian angel— someone who didn’t forget to bring an umbrella. Her legs quickly took a run for the stranger, tapping them on the shoulder and hoping they would accept her under their umbrella. “I- excuse me, but would you mind sharing your umbrella with me? I’m kind of.. well, you can see it clearly.”
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     HAD IT not have been for Ophelia nagging at her to leave the apartment with an umbrella, Noah would’ve been in the same position of this poor girl. Which is why Noah was happy to share her umbrella, it was big enough for two, and Noah wasn’t a savage. She was raised right. A smile takes her lips then, a nod of her head as she hums out “ Of course ! I don’t mind at all, it’s a two person umbrella. “ She adjusts it more comfortably on her shoulder so it covers them both from the downpour, looking the other over briefly. “ You’ve certainly had a shitty day, huh ? I see a coffee stain and a LOT of rain water mixing in with that. Where are you headed ? “
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livrc · 7 years
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livrc · 7 years
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what do you mean that’s noah peralta? i totally thought that was ariana grande walking through the city! so you’re telling me she is twenty-one and homosexual? that’s really cool, tell me more about them! they’re friendly & creative but also naive & impulsive, well the bad has to even out the good, so that’s understandable. they’re working as a waitress around rosegold and can be seen listening to back to you by louis tomlinson.  
hello my lovelies !! tis i, ur lovely and awkward admin, bunny ! i know some people can be intimidated by admins, but please, come drop by my im’s, come be friends with me ! i love people a lot. so this is noelle, but she goes by noah !! i’mma tell u a lil bit about her down here
her maiden name is lockhart, but because she got her self a beautiful wiFE ! her last name is peralta now !!
she ran away from home w her wife, at the time her fiance, cause they didn’t approve of her gf and so . they eloped and came here to rosegold in hopes of getting away and being happy
she grew up w a mom and a dad, both very homophobic, so when she finally came out to them it was . bad . not good . they basically kicked her to to curb and then she met ophelia .
though ophelia was incredible, noah didn’t wanna be a burden to her. so she came back to her parents and claimed “it was just a phase, i’m sorry. please let me come home” and they did
when ophelia proposed to her, of course noah said yes. but she knew her parents wouldn’t like this, not one bit. so they eloped here, and now they’re v v V happy ! 
noah currently works as a waitress at chelsea’s diner, while ophelia is an officer for the city !!
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