llghtcr · 5 years
Headcanon Meme
❤ - What does your muse look forward to in their soulmate? ❥ - How often/easily does your muse get heartbroken? ❣ - What calms your muse down? ღ - Sexuality? ⌚ - Does your muse worry about time? ❅ - Favorite time of the year? ✿ - Does your muse like nature in general? ✞ - Does your muse have any kind of religion? ✍ - Can your muse write? How well? ✎ - Can your muse draw? How well? ☁ - What kind of weather does your muse consider the best? ツ - Can your muse speak any other language other than their main one? ∞ - Does your muse believe in the afterlife? ✺ - Something your muse finds pretty ✆ - What is your muse’s phone gallery filled with? ❦ - What is your muse’s favorite fruit? ❧ - What is your muse’s favorite kind of food? ‽ - Something your muse has problems understanding ☺ - Something that makes your muse happy ☹ - Something that makes your muse sad/upset ✉ - How often does your muse text? ⌨ - How often does your muse use the computer? ♫ - What is your muse’s taste in music? ♯ - Something that gets your muse angry ⋆ - Your muse’s future dream and why ☮ - How much your muse worries about appearance
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llghtcr · 5 years
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I don’t know what I can do to save you.
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llghtcr · 5 years
                        one would think that, as a werewolf, river would have the grace of her other form even when she’s walking on two legs -- that she’d be capable of walking a straight line even without looking and still manage to make little to no sound. then again, she was in a graveyard. with its uneven ground and gravestones sticking out in random places, river should be given leeway, shouldn’t she? she’s just trying to explore more of what the town has to offer. nothing more, nothing less. she wasn’t trying to awaken anything, no. she was just trying to... take it in. to witness the other side of the bright town—
                           a twig broke under her foot, the loud sound in the otherwise quiet grounds making her grimace as she looked down and realized that, not only had she stepped on a twig, she’d also accidentally stepped on a wayward gravestone. 
                            “crap,” she murmured and cleared her throat as she lifted her foot up. “sorry about that —” a shuffling sound scratched against her keen hearing, making her turn to the side, eyes wide and alert. “—who’s there?” 
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[ closed starter | @humanitics ]
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llghtcr · 5 years
                        when the night falls down, I wait for you and you come around— river shook her head with a soft groan. the bloody song was stuck in her mind since early this morning when the radio blasted it so loud inside her room, courtesy of one vampire she’d very much love to pinch. never the type to let something linger in her mind, river thought the best way to get rid of it was to let it out. literally. so, with her guitar in hand, feet apart to keep anyone from dragging her outside the studio, river strummed the first chord of the song and began singing the rest of the song. loudly. obnoxiously. as in, the person outside the sound booth was glaring at her — probably wanted to kill her right there — but river was persistent, and even if the victim inside the sound booth couldn’t exactly hear her, the scandal on everyone else’s faces was enough. 
                         “we’ll make heaven a place on earth,” she grinned, wriggling her eyebrows at the woman at the other side of the glass window. “ooh, heaven is a place on earth.”
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[ closed starter | @humanitics ]
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llghtcr · 5 years
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mathilda wasn’t used to being around people long enough to grow attached, after everything that happened before it seemed like the easier solution but river hadn’t given her much of a choice. besides — it wasn’t so bad having someone that cared. “ i — no, i don’t want to gut it. river, you’re going to gut a fish on my counter top? is it still alive ? “
                             “um, yeah,” she spared the wriggling fish a quick glance, before looking back up at mathilda. “it won’t be for long, though. don’t worry. i can gut it for you if you don’t want to.” river didn’t actually know how to gut a fish. she hadn’t done that before -- hunt in the water. she’d always gone for... well, land animals. rabbits. small animals with four legs. not... scaly ones. clearing her throat, she headed over to the sink and grabbed an acceptably deep bowl, filling it up with water before dropping the fish headfirst. right, it didn’t fit, but at least its head is submerged in water and — it’d survive. for the meantime.
                          “right, so, what else would you like for dinner? i saw some wild berries outside, but i’m not very sure if they’re the type that’s edible.
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llghtcr · 5 years
                              river made sure that she wasn’t going to charge into mathilda’s home in her birthday suit this time around. the first time was embarrassing, the second time was just purely idiotic — she wasn’t going to try for a third time. just no.  “look what i caught from the lake!” river lifted a trout held in both her hands, fingers curled tightly to avoid losing the wriggling fish. “i’m saying seven or eight kilograms. should be good enough for dinner for both of us?” she grinned as she plopped the still-alive fish on the counter. “want to gut it?”
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[ closed starter | @bloodbvrne ]
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llghtcr · 5 years
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I am human. Just enhanced.
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llghtcr · 5 years
                           the scent of fear and blood hadn’t been a pleasant combination for river’s keen sense of smell. stay away from trouble, her alpha once told her — always told her — and this was trouble. river knew that much, but what if... what if there was someone out there who was in the same situation as her nine years ago? what if someone needed her help?  she would check — just check — make sure nothing’s amiss. maybe someone just tripped and cut themselves. maybe it’s nothing too bad -- maybe the ambulance could take care of it. maybe river’s not needed at all — maybe.
                           what she saw at the end of the trail brought goosebumps licking up her arms and down her back. she tensed, warning bells deafening her ears --- or was it her heart? 
                          “who are you?” she asked, legs parted, ready to attack if she was to become the next victim. her eyes flickered down to the limp body on the floor, sending shivers down her spown, before a growl grumbled within her chest when she realized that not only was it limp — it was lifeless. she snarled and sped over to the woman, pinning her to the nearest wall, her form nothing but a blur to the human eyes. “what have you done?”
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          her eyes were  bloodshot  ,  the veins lining her cheekbones were prominent  ;  a lifeless body  drained  beneath her  .  she was coming  back  to reality now  ,  eyebrows furrowing as guilt  flooded  her mind  .  her self control was  nonexistent  when she was hungry and her victim was incontestable proof  .  she didn’t  want  to be this way and times like this made her wish that she had  died  instead  .  what was once a  brave  ,  courageous woman was now vulnerable to her  fate  .  “  i’m so sorry .  ”  she whispered  ,  her head shaking as she glanced into the alley where it all  started  ,  wiping the blood from her lips with the back of her hand  .  it was poetic  ,  in a way  ,  how she ended up right  here  .  the place where she  died  .  brows furrow as a sound  echoes  off the buildings  ,  her stance stiffening  .  you’d think that this newfound version of herself would be  stronger  ,  but that was  far  from the truth  .
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llghtcr · 5 years
                                it was a regular visit to the hospital. a general check-up and then she’s gone to go on her happy way — that was until a little boy practically rammed into her and brought her down to her ass, if not for her exceptional strength and sense of balance. jesus, the little guy was virtually naked. why was he in this state? river didn’t have much time to ponder over it and possibly ask him because the little boy was already back on his feet, speeding away like his ass was on fire. and truly, river had all the intentions of ignoring the wee lad, but a panicked stranger was just enough to change her mind, and not long after, she was running towards the direction where she last saw the kid. “i’ve got him!” she exclaimed when she finally caught up to the little boy, lifting him effortlessly in the air. “he has-- yeah, his um, genital, yep.”
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      𝐄𝐗𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐄,  𝐀𝐍𝐘  𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌  𝐎𝐅  𝐈𝐓,  wasn’t  the  best  on  her  body.  often  times,  just  going  up  and  down  the  many  flights  of  stairs  in  the  hospital  gets  her  winded.  yet  here  she  is,  chasing  after  a  patient:  a  kid  patient.  running  outside  the  hospital  to  the  ER  entrance,  she’s  a  panting  mess,  hands  gripping  her  knee  caps  in  order  to  catch  her  breath.  before  she  turns  to  the  nearest  person,  brows  furrowing  in  conflict.     ❛  have  you  seen  a  kid  around  here  ?  about  ye  high,  brown  hair.  blue  shirt  ?  ❜     lennon  pauses  before  continuing  on  with  her  brief  description  of  him.     ❛  has  a  yo-yo  stuck  to  his  penis  ?  ❜
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llghtcr · 5 years
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I guess I’m ready. For what? For the rest of it.
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llghtcr · 5 years
                                  “no,” river replied, her voice no more than a whisper --- just an answer to someone’s question for her own sake. she would have dropped it after that, but when the stranger spoke again, river found herself looking up, eyes blinking languidly as her mouth parted just slightly. “true,” was all she could say, before a smirk curled at the corner of her lips. river mostly lived a mundane life. go to work, go back home, go to her favorite cafe and drink water, then go back home then go back to work. it was a mundane cycle. if she knew anything about love — it was nothing but her immense loyalty for her alpha. nothing else. “they do,” she said whilst nodding towards the direction of crowd, from which a couple of pairs could be found milling around. “they must know how much it hurts, too, right?” her smirk was a bit subdued this time before her lips curled inwards. “i mean, in the movies, that’s how it is.”
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“ you ever been in love ? “ kali muses quite loudly, not aiming her question towards any subject in particular — it wasn’t headed anywhere she was simply curious. if there were few things she knew absolutely nothing about romance and all the mushy shit you saw in movies would edge out the top of the list. with a brutal and violent life it had never been on her mind until late — what it was like, if it was even real. love was for children is all she recalls on the subject years ago, the mindset she carried into adulthood and wanted to rid. “ kind of seems like bullshit but who knows, right. “
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llghtcr · 5 years
                          river’s senses tingled — and definitely not in a good way. breathing out slowly to keep her calm, she straightened up and slid her hands into her pockets, fingers loose and stretched out for ease -- just in case she needed to defend herself. her father had warned her about sticking her nose where she shouldn’t do so, but much like her father’s comparison, she was like a young wolf, eager to help even when she wasn’t at her peak capabilities just yet. and now it showed. she’d gotten the wrong car, and something about the man made her want to seek shelter. “i did,” she replied as her fingers twitched just slightly. “i was looking for something. i was told it’d be the only car parked along this street with clear windows. i’m sorry.” finally, she pulled out her hands and brought them up to further prove she was sort of innocent. “i don’t mean any harm.”
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Car trouble · OPEN
It was late. But never too late for some grub, at least when it came to Daniel’s opinion on the matter. In fact, he had been ready to head out back to the motel and call it a day, not having had much luck otherwise, until well.. until he stumbled upon the scene. A fellow townsfolk, leaning in too close to his car, taking a long peek inside. The hunter couldn’t have been sure what they were doing, but whatever it was..it was definitely not a good idea. Lowering his food a bit, Daniel stopped dead in his tracks, rolling his shoulders a bit. “Now, if I didn’t know any better..I’d say you got the wrong car.” he retorted, not flinching at the other’s obvious surprise..
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llghtcr · 5 years
                        river’s mouth gaped when the other woman made it known that she hadn’t been as clueless as river thought she was. she hadn’t been looking with rude intentions. it was mostly because she found her facial features unique — eyes just round enough to give her a soft impression, yet sharp around the edges to give her that ... well, edgy vibe. river scrunched her nose and shook her head, momentarily clueless as to what she should do with her long limbs. “no, no!” she reached out for her iced coffee, taking two, mouthfuls of it with a little wince. it wasn’t that cold anymore after all that staring she did. “it’s just -- you look --” river pursed her lips, eyebrows furrowed at the woman as though she was to be blamed for river’s current incapability to speak. “normal.”
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O P E N   :  )
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“IF YOU TAKE A POLAROID,  IT’LL LAST LONGER.”  jia quipped at the person staring at her,  though gods forbid they really did snap a polaroid  —  it was extremely doubtful they’d like what they’d see in the picture.  “why are you looking,  anyway?”  she demanded with an amused expression.  “is there dirt on my face?”
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llghtcr · 5 years
                                 there were perks to being a creature of the night — or one of them, anyway. one of which was being able to navigate through the dark alleys and streets of downtown. it’s as if the local government didn’t have enough money to buy streetlights, at least, but oh well. it’s because of this situation that the downsides would come rushing into the situation. she wasn’t sneaking up on anybody. truly, she wasn’t. the moon was starting to let its entire presence known, and because of which, creatures like river were starting to become restless, longing for a hunt. and perhaps the lone creature walking down the street had triggered that instinct within her. no, she had no intentions of biting, that much she knew, but she found herself stalking, prowling at a sure distance, just indulging herself the feeling if a hunt — until it was made obvious that she hadn’t been as discrete as she thought she was.
                                “i wasn’t,” she began as she exposed herself to get her message across, to make herself as unthreatening as possible -- she wasn’t there to hurt anybody. “i was just...” river’s jaw clenched. “... making sure that you’re safe.”
                                river winced. because that excuse would work to a stranger.
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          to just anyone  ,  she would look like a  helpless  teenage girl walking the streets at  night  ;  alone  ,  unsafe  ,  delicate  .  but she was only  one  of those things and  alone  she had been for quire  awhile  .  a brow arched as a noise  emerged  from the darkness behind her  ,  her walk coming to a brief  halt  ,  eyes surveying the surroundings she had found herself in  .  “  i wouldn’t sneak up on me if i were you .  ”  she warns ,  her soft voice contrasting  harshly  against the chilled air beneath the moonlight .
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llghtcr · 5 years
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llghtcr · 5 years
       lia sighed, sensing she wasn’t about to get any help here. not that she should really have expected that much from someone who just happened to be nearby. ‘ this is the herb and spice section. where else would i be looking? ‘ she said, head shaking. she can probably find it elsewhere, but that would require finding someone with a herb garden or something - highly inconvenient. ‘ whatever. i’ll figure something out, i guess. ‘
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                                “there are other places that sell herb and spice, i’m sure.” and river was, because her keen sense of smell was used to picking up things that should smell like herb and spice. there’s one just outside of the supermarket, a discrete store — probably specifically catering to people like this woman standing before her. “i can lead you there if you like. it’s not very far from here. gives a discount, too, if i heard correctly from other patrons.”
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llghtcr · 5 years
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