lockdownlouis · 3 months
"i would kill for you" "i would die for you" okay but would you forgive me if i forgot something important for the 51204th time in a row even though i tried my best to remember
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lockdownlouis · 3 months
the way coral said "I killed them all for nothing" just before whe was bitten by a snake hit so hard. because for the whole games you saw her as a villian, as a bad person. But, just like everyone in that arena, she wanted to see her family and friends again, she was just a kid that wanted to live. And her last thought was about the innocent souls she had to kill for that.
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lockdownlouis · 9 months
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nace + touch (1/?)
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lockdownlouis · 9 months
Nancy x Ace and the soulmate we choose ourselves in 4x13
And so, dear reader, our story is over. And what an ending we’ve reached. The writers once again bringing the pieces back together after pulling them apart. A beautiful swan song to a truly stunning piece of storytelling we’ve been gifted over the last four years.
This episode is filled with symmetry and things coming full circle. Everything is connected - we come back to the bluffs, we come back to the choices we make and the way those can ripple through everything. And we come back to love. It’s always about love.
Ace always thought he’d have more time. Time to understand his feelings for Nancy, time to choose to act on them, or not. Time to find out exactly what they mean to each other and whether it can stand the test of time. And he’s been robbed of it. Over and over and over again he’s been robbed of the time he thought he’d have. Robbed by Temperance, by Nancy, by fear and his own feelings of inadequacy. He tried so hard at the start of the season to push through it, to own his feelings, to be brave, but at the first sign of pain, of fear, of loss, he couldn’t do it. And he’s been beating himself up ever since.
Sure he’s had chance to grow, to find himself a little more, to come back to Nancy on a more equal footing. But the undercurrent to that is one of fear, of self loathing, of not knowing how to stop being afraid and take that step. Because that was the best kiss of his life, that was a kiss that confirmed everything he was too afraid to admit to himself. That Nancy is it for him, there’s no coming back from her, everyone else would pale in comparison to the bright technicolour world she’s exploded for him. He can try and tell himself it wouldn’t work, it’s not worth it, he’ll find another great love as much as he wanted, but it wasn’t ever going to ring true. 
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So he’s latched on to his ghost, to the shreds of memory woven into something else where his feelings for Nancy were muted into something closer to friendship. Latched onto the fear and the anger and the unforgivable. Always with the idea that he’d have time to unpick that, time to work his way through it. Time to maybe work himself out and start to think about breaking the curse again. Because no matter how much he told himself he could live with this half life, the grey of a life without Nancy in it, he can’t.
I’ve talked so much about how Nancy can’t keep her heart out of her eyes, and she can’t, even now. But this episode we start to see Ace return that again. He can’t keep his eyes from her. Can’t stop the bitter taste that rises in his throat everytime someone says the word “soulmates”. Because he was meant to have time. Time to forgive, time to process. And it’s barely been a day and already he can see Nancy slipping away, tied to another person and where does that leave him? He can’t compete with soulmates - he only speaks three languages, how could he possibly live up to an epic love like that?
GIF Credit @whitefluffyyeti
But slowly the cracks are beginning to form, he can’t deny it any more, the feelings he’s been burying so deep ever since their kiss and having to walk away from her. The conversation with Nick about forgiveness, the way Nancy looks to him every time someone says soulmate - every time Tristan reaches for her. He can’t help himself, can’t help the way his eyes drag to hers every time. He can’t hold onto the anger, not like that. Not in the all encompassing I won’t ever talk to you again or love you like that way he’d been trying to. No this is quieter. This is an understanding that she did something desperate in a moment of terror because of how great her love is. And that doesn’t excuse it, but it provides context for it. He doesn’t have the time to hold onto that anger, because he’s losing her with every moment of soulmate talk and he just wants to be there for her one last time, help her one last time. Be exasperated and in love with her epic Nancy-ness one last time. 
And Nancy is fully owning her past selves, the wrongs her soul has committed. She has never been one to shy away from mistakes, always works so hard to try and rectify them as soon as she realises she was wrong, and this is no exception. The town needs saving, so their souls have to be separated, but more than that she doesn’t want another supernatural thing tying her down and dictating to her what she can be. She is her own person, mistakes and all, and she has spent so long over these four seasons coming to terms with that, with the duality of herself, with the pain and the heartbreak and the wrongs and all that she does to try and shine a light in the world. To be able to hold the pain and the joy at the same time and know that they’re both valid. So there’s no question that she’ll damage herself to fix this, she’s always thrown herself headlong into danger. Crumpled on the ground in agony, ripping her soul to pieces in the place that she was born, where her past self is buried, the duality of herself and the cyclical nature of it all coming home at last.
Only it’s not one last time. It’s not romantic soulmates. And he knows her better than anyone - could find her with his eyes closed, never mind the death curse bonding them together in the weave. And the relief of it, the beauty of that moment of Nancy talking to him.
Think back to the first season when Nancy locked it all inside, poured her thoughts out in narration to her diary, to the audience, but never to her friends, never to the people that cared about her the most. And Ace cared, even then he cared. And he’s always been the one to be there to listen when she finds the words. On their break sat outside the back of The Claw telling him about her mum and failing to get into college. About college, about staying in Horseshoe Bay. About Lucy and Ryan and Carson and her own feelings for Ace. Even when she couldn’t talk to anyone else she’s been able to talk to Ace. Until these last few episodes where they’ve been so off kilter, so at odds, so unable to find their way back to each other. And now finally they can talk about Nancy’s fears, about Ace’s forgiveness. Another step on the path back to each other after so long lost without a compass.
Ace isn’t afraid anymore. He’s been stepping into owning his feelings all episode, coming to terms with forgiveness, with the forever nature of his feelings about Nancy, about his place in the world. And so now, in this moment, with the love of his life in agony, putting herself through it once again to save Horseshoe Bay, he makes a stand. A selfless, beautiful, stand. He’s watched her stand up and tell the world about Lucy Sable even when it hurt. He’s watched her do the ritual to try and save them from the Aglaeca even when it meant admitting who her parents were and not allowing herself time to process it. He’s watched her sacrifice herself as bait to the wraith to save them all. He’s watched her over and over and over again put others before herself. And so many times he’s either been powerless or paralysed by fear and unable to do a damn thing to stop it. So he doesn’t even think about it. No, he does, he thinks and he does it anyway. He steps into that circle because he loves her, selflessly, selfishly, unconditionally. And there is no way he’s leaving her behind. Ever. No matter the cost. He’ll gladly pay it, bear it, sacrifice himself to help her. Love isn’t dying for each other, but he was wrong. It is looking at the flames and standing firm and protecting the ones you love anyway.
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GIF Credit @whitefluffyyeti
And once they’re out he can’t keep away from her. A hand on her arm, her back, sheltering her, protecting her, reassuring himself that she’s there she’s there she’s there. The gravitational pull undeniable. And he’s done denying, done lying to himself, done telling himself that he’s not worth it, that he can live without her, that he just has to move on and let her go. Because he is and she is and he can’t. And why should he? Love isn’t dying for each other but he was willing to go into the flames, to sacrifice himself, his soul, for her. He’s not afraid anymore. He’s got this one wild and precious life and he’s finally realising that it’s exactly that, and he wants to spend it with her. 
So he takes some time, because now, finally, it feels like he has a moment to breathe, to process, to snatch a handful of moments for himself to straighten it all out in his head. To put Alice to rest - Alice who got caught in the crossfire of the supernatural and he has been weighed down with a guilt that may never truly leave, but at least now he has the time to process that grief and learn how it sits within his body.
And then he goes back. Once he’s sure. Well, fifty fifty. Only Ace would never stake Nancy on a fifty fifty chance. This is more than that, a certainty deep in his bones that it’s broken, and if it isn’t, then at least he’s not letting fear dictate his life. At least he is living it again.
And the circle comes back again. Back to 4x01. Only he’s not run, not out of breath this time, not filled with a panic and a need to know. He knows. He knows how he feels, he knows how Nancy feels. He doesn’t press her for answers the moment he walks in, he takes a beat just to look at her, drink in the sight of her after time away.
But he’s certain still, in his walk, in the confident way he moves towards her, head held high. Takes his time, pauses, lets her come to him a little, talks to her, communicates at last. Tells her what he wants from life, what he’s going to do with his life, his last life. This is Ace, who has been so lost and adrift, so uncertain. We met him when he was washing dishes at The Claw, directionless, unsure. And he’s talked about finding a place with Nancy, with all of them, about feeling like he’s doing something with his life. And now finally, finally he’s getting to take that forward, secure in the knowledge that he still has them, all of them, his family, supporting and loving him in whatever he chooses to do. It’s only with that support and unconditional love that he’s been able to find his next steps, something that was missing from his parents, from his life pre-Drew Crew. 
That’s what love does, it compromises our judgement, it also gives you a reason to forgive each other again and again. 
Finally he’s learning, love isn’t just life and death and the be all and end all. It’s everything in between, it’s so many shades of grey. It’s the way Nancy and Ace are so entwined and couldn’t ever just be friends, stumbling over the same things again and again and again because they hadn’t yet worked out that love is more than just the two extremes. It’s a symphony of emotion, of compromise, and bad choices and forgiveness and trying, trying, trying.
Their conversation in 4x01 was hurried, shrouded in darkness and cloaked feelings, desperate and uncertain and marred by a lack of communication. And here they are talking. He’s taken his time to be sure, to make sure he’s coming to her with all the facts, laying them out one by one at her feet. Coming to her cautiously but sure of himself, leaving her to make the choice. He knows himself better now, knows her too. And it always had to be him coming back, him to follow up on the curse. Because when he walked out and walked away he broke Nancy’s heart so thoroughly she was never going to go against him and keep looking. Was never going to throw herself over and over at him for fear of the rejection she thought would be waiting for her. Ace had to be the one to come back, to say I want this, I want you. And he is, finally. Eye contact and slowly stepping into her space giving her so many options to say no, to refuse him, offering himself and this choice to her, and whilst it’s not an apology it’s a clear promise to not be led by fear again. He’s let himself be led by fear all season, shying away from any possibility of happiness, at life because he or those around him might get hurt. But he’s finally seen that life isn’t guaranteed, the promise of happiness might get snatched at any moment, and this is his one last life and by god he wants to spend it living it to its fullest.
We’ve never seen Ace this centred, this sure of himself and his choices, and it is the culmination of everything he’s been through this season. He knows his fears, and he knows Nancy’s - her fear of abandonment, of losing the ones she loves. Bess has spoken openly about her fear of abandonment, but Nancy’s fear is just as strong, and Ace knows that. And he knows what to say, how to soothe her. 
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GIF Credit @userneos
The mystery of who you are will never end, and I know that the next clues will have to take you on the road, but so do mine. But will you solve this part of the mystery with me?
This isn’t the end, not if they don’t want it to be. They are tied by more than just a death curse, and he is in it for the long haul. His language coded precisely for her, a love letter, a promise, a declaration of intent. 
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GIF Credit @thatonekimgirl 
He offers her his hand, and everything about this is so counter to all we saw at the start of the episode with Tristan who pushed his way into Nancy’s space and presumed intimacies she wasn’t comfortable with. Everything with Ace is a choice. He always asks how she’s feeling, offers her space to talk, to explore her feelings, offers his hand, offers his strength. There is always space to say no, never an expectation that she will be there. And she chooses him, of course she does, it’s always Ace, she always chooses him, even when she goes about it in the wrong way, even when it doesn’t translate.
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GIF Credit @thatonekimgirl 
The expectation would be that they would kiss. But this is about reforging the intimacy, the bonds between them, and they have denied themselves physical touch so much of this season for fear of triggering something, for fear of repercussions, for fear of not being able to hold themselves back, tripping over some unknown line. Fear, always fear. And the simple relief of just being able to hold each other close again, tip herself up on her toes so that she slots into place against him in the space that fits her body as though it were made for it. 
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GIF Credit @thatonekimgirl 
She’s learned from him though, to ask, to check in, to communicate. Finally. To ask him if he’s scared, to hear him speak, to hear what he’s thinking, run her fingers through his hair and against the curve of his cheek and step in close. Because she knows that if he’s come to her with this he’s more than fifty fifty sure, and they’re neither of them letting fear stop them now. Certain in the knowledge of how the other feels and that this is it, they’re free. Free to look the other in the eye with love and conviction. Free to step in close, and know the other won’t step away. Free to say kiss me and pull Ace in with both hands. 
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GIF Credit @thatonekimgirl 
Ace led everything about their first kiss, and Nancy leads their second. Hands in his air, filled with joy and a deep rooted knowledge that this is right, he is her person, and this is exactly where she belongs. There’s so much joy in this kiss. Their first was epic, sure, cinematic and beautiful. But this is two souls who have finally found their way back to each other, unfettered by tragedy and heartache, allowed to find joy in this moment. 
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GIF Credit @thatonekimgirl 
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GIF Credit @thatonekimgirl 
In the lightness of Ace teasing her that he feels fine, in barely being able to kiss around the smile breaking across Nancy’s face. In the assuredness in his fingers as they reach to map her jaw, find the pulse point at her throat, tangle in her hair. Paths he’s followed a thousand times in his dreams - since their first kiss, their first touch, their first moment of connection, a reference point to find each other by. The exhilaration of holding each other close and nothing shattering, the light of her torch remaining unbroken. 
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GIF Credit @thatonekimgirl 
The ease with which they slip into being them again. They were so close to it before, so tangled in a way that was impossible to break - that made them miserable even trying. 
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GIF Credit @yellenabelova 
Caught in each other’s orbit, always caught in their space, so it’s nothing to reach down and twine their fingers, lean their weight a little harder, curve fingers around bicep, waist, the curve of a neck as they capture lips in a kiss. To choose each other as soulmates over and over and over again.
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GIF Credit @nancydrewcentral
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lockdownlouis · 9 months
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Are you scared?
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lockdownlouis · 11 months
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JJ in his entrepreneur era in OBX4 🥹❤️‍🩹
via rudethaccess on ig
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lockdownlouis · 11 months
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the perfect night with the wrong person || the perfect person on the worst night
Requested by @jojameswinter đź’›
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lockdownlouis · 11 months
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#welcome to painful parallels I didn't needed
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295 notes · View notes
lockdownlouis · 11 months
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haunted ⇾ taylor swift
351 notes · View notes
lockdownlouis · 11 months
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2.18 || 3.13 requested by @ohthathayley
524 notes · View notes
lockdownlouis · 11 months
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Nancy Drew | 4x04 - “The Return of the Killer’s Hook”
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lockdownlouis · 11 months
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#She’s so possessive of Ace when she’s cursed
850 notes · View notes
lockdownlouis · 11 months
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this slope is treacherous this path is reckless
114 notes · View notes
lockdownlouis · 11 months
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I know what it's like to kiss you now.
438 notes · View notes
lockdownlouis · 1 year
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they’re back together the world is healing :’)
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lockdownlouis · 1 year
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“When you have a really, really great friend- it’s kind of like, I don’t even consider you my friend, really. No, it’s deeper than that It really is. When we’re in the same room, when I see you, yeah, twin souls. It’s like, when I see her I feel better. And I value her, and as she said, for her totality, for exactly how she is. And I admire so much about her that I am not. And there’s just a level of trust and care that we have, we can be ourselves fully and we can tell each other everything, no judgement. And, you know, we know each other’s families now, so yeah. We’re really fortunate in that way.” - Calahan Skogman at Empire Conventions
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lockdownlouis · 1 year
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sutherkin + height difference
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